
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Vol 46, No 2 (2011)


3-9 62
The article highlights the impact of phytocomposition based on drug plants “Vitastimul” on the physiological status of broiler chickens at different periods of their growth. It was determined that feeding chickens with dietary supplement of phytocomposition “Vitastimul” allows to activate hematopoiesis. When giving broilers water in the amount of 0.5 and 0.8 ml / kg of live weight of phytocomposition higher-level of total protein, hemoglobin, erythrocytes, leukocytes was noticed, as well as increased dynamics of aminotransferase activity, productivity and safety.
10-14 68
It is determined that the best indicators of economic efficiency of the use of native and extruded soybean and soybean meal in feeding of high yielding cows with rations of fodder beet in the first 100 days of lactation in cows is obtained by using soy seasoned with water. Replacement of sunflower oil cake meal extruded soybeans and soy increases the level of soluble fractions of crude protein and lysine and fat.
14-21 67
Balancing of mixed feeds for gestating and lactating sows are given the levels of metabolizable energy and the available essential amino acid increases: the amount received from them at birth of pigs - at 0,69 heads, or 6,8 %, the average live weight of a piglet at birth - at 0,13 kg, or 8,8 % (P <0,001); weight of the litter at birth - at 2,46 kg, or 16,6 %, number of piglets per sow to weaning - at 0,46 heads, or 5,2 %, litter weight to weaning - at 4,47 kg, or 6,4 %, and allows to obtain additional $6,96 per one sow at farrowing and $3.15 to the weaning of piglets.
22-31 62
Basic technological parameters of biochemical modified forage grain production are developed. They include: requirements to initial grain, water-salt solutions contents with macro- and microelements for grain soak, moisture-temperature regimes of grain soak and sprouting, perfect drying regimes, that let us save amino-acids and vitamins synthesized in the process of biochemical transformations. Lysine contents in biochemical modified forage grain growth from 5,1 up to 12,9 g/kg. Quantity of arginine, threonine, leucine, isoleucine, methionine, histidine and valine growth at 1,7-3,5 times, and vitamins of B group - at 1,5-4,5 times.
32-40 66
Usage of selenium in mixed feeds counted as 0.2 mg per 1 kg of Dry Matter of diet increases energy conversion into produce at 2,6 % and calves average daily weight gains at 10,9 %.
40-47 60
The studies helped to determine that the organic part in the raw corn feed made 341.4 g, it is represented by BES (189.4 g), crude fat (70.0 g), crude protein (46.0 g). Contents of crude ash is 26.6, the inclusion of this feed in the diet of dairy cows contributed to increase of average daily milk yield at 6.1%. During the 60 days of the experiment the gross yield per cow in the experimental group was 1140 kg, that is 66.0 kg higher than in the control group. Use of raw corn feed has reduced the cost of rations in the experimental group at 16.9%. This had a positive impact on the cost of milk. Reducing of milk production prime cost is beneficial to increase of profits from the cows of the experimental group, which was calculated per 1 head in the amount of 345.8 thousand for the period of experience.
47-54 89
It was determined that the formulation of diets with a given ratio of degradable and non-degradable protein for calves at the age of 8 months as the most optimal should be considered as the ratio of 67:33 and 61:39, which contributes to the high level processes of rumen digestion and digestibility of nutrients.
55-63 96
In studies on highly productive cows during lactation period it was determined that the introduction of domestic Tripoli mineral adsorbent instead of imported one in the amount of 0,6% by weight of feed contributed to the positive homeostatic restructuring of the animal to anew phase of lactation, which increases milk production and quality of cows milk.
64-72 58
Coefficients of digestibility of protein, fat, fiber and nitrogen-free extra active substances of rape and its products were, respectively, 82%, 97, 27 and 48% - on rape grain, 82%, 85, 42and 81% - on cake and 86 % 75, 83 and 77% - on meal.Studies on the digestibility of rapeseed and its products show that at their increased introduction in the diet of the second cycle the biochemical indicators of cows’ blood were within physiological norms.
72-78 66
It was determined that the optimal dose of yeast preparation “Biotal-Platinum” for administration in the diet of dry cows of Ayrshire breed was 20 grams per head per day.
79-86 68
The experiments helped to determine that the blood of calves fed with forage with enzymepreparation Ladozim “Proxy” and Ladozim “Respect” increased hemoglobin content at 6,64 and 6,55 %, total protein - at 5,62 and 4,68 % , albumin - at 10,1 and 7,55 %, globulins - at 2,67 and 2,61 %. Feeding with fodder with multienzyme composition Ladozim “Proxy” has stimulated the growth rate of calves at 10,02 % and Ladozim “Respects” - at 7,3 %. Cost of processing prestarter feed KR-1 and KR-2 with muiltienzyme composition Ladozim “Respect” are paid off by an additional increase of live weight of calves 12,4 and with feed enzyme additive Ladozim “Proxy” - 25,6 times.
87-95 58
Inclusion in a diet of firstcalf heifers extruding an energy-protein-mineral additive promotes increase of dairy efficiency on 12,1 %, increases the maintenance of quantity of fat andprotein in milk by 0,7 and 0,4 items of the item, accordingly. Level of urea at them in blood on 45 % that testifies to normalization of a nitrogenous exchange in a hem, increase of efficiencyof use of nitrogen of a forage and creation of the best conditions for milk synthesis in an organism of animals thus decreases. The additional expenses connected with carrying out extruding of an additive, sufficiently pay off production: on 1 ruble of expenses 3,7 rubles of profit are received.
96-104 88
The experiment revealed that the inclusion of rapeseed meal to feed for calves enriched with vitamins E and F in the amount up to 15 % by weight allows to increase the average daily weight gain up to 7,2 % and reduce the cost of feed to produce 1 kg of growth up to 9,0 %. Additional costs associated with enrichment of rapeseed meal by concentrate of vitamins pay off the resulting additional production 2,6 times while reducing the cost of 1 kg of weight gain up to 13,4 %.
104-113 65
Researches on efficiency of new supplement when feeding young cattle grown for meat in the amount 9,8, 13,6 and 16,6 ml/kg of feed or 0,15, 0,20 and 0,25 ml counted per 1 kg of live weight, its positive effect on calves efficiency was determined as well allowing to increase it at 3.1-12.9%, decrease of feed spends at 3,0-9,2 % and weight gain prime cost at 2,7-10,4 %. On the basis of results of physiological researches it was determined that implementation of feed supplement in diets for calves increases dry matter digestibility at 2,3-4,2 %, organic one - at 2,1-3,7, protein - at 2,5-2,7, fat - 1,1-6,6, fiber - 3,2-7,9 and BES - at 2,4-2,7 %.
113-117 61
Results of researches of gas exchange, nutrients digestibility of feeds and energy balance of young pigs when feeding with different grain cereal feeds are presented in the article. It is determined that with little deviation in chemical composition of concentrated feeds they are used unevenly by organism of pigs. As a result of nutrients intake the energy stored in live weight gain was the gratest at the moment of feeding animals with granary and triticale - 7.1 MJ taking into account that wheat Vesta ensured 17.4% lower weight gain energy compared to Gallon kind, and barley Scarlet and Bodriy - at 16.5 and 26.6%, correspondingly, lower com- pared with Kind SN-28. Among the barley kinds the most efficient by intake was SN-28, in the second experiment the best one was triticale of Ukro kind, in the third one - granary of Ro- zovskaya 7 kind.
118-124 80
Net energy content of products in feeds depends on concentration of metabolizable energy in dry matter of feeds. The more metabolizable energy in the feed the more effective it is spent in animal’s organism.On average within silages the metabolizable energy content in 1 kg of dry matter makes9.1 MJ, net energy of products - 2,35-35,6 MJ or 27-36 %. Metabolizable energy concentration on average within silages makes 9.26 MJ in 1 kg of dry matter. For products synthesis 2,91 MJ or 31,3 % is spent on average. The best one with this index is rye silage - 34,6 %.
125-133 67
It was determined in the research with calves of black-motley breed that implementation of complex mineral phosphorus containing feed supplement in their diets containing 15 % of ammophos promoted positive effect on processes of rumen digestibility and activates metabolic processes in organism of animals that gives us increase of average daily weight gains at4,2-5,2 % and forage spends for live weight gain decrease at 3 %.
133-141 74
Feed supplements with local sources of energy and protein allow to decrease prime cost of mixed feed at 12-14 %, prime cost of calves weight gain - at 12-13 %.
142-148 79
Feeding calves with new WMR in the mixed feed in the amount of 15% on weight ensuresincrease of average daily weight gains at 8.8%.
149-157 96
The studies helped to determine that the maximum profitability of milk production may be achieved with 20-31 milk yields, and the maximum net income - with 34-36 kg of milk per day. The mechanism of forecasting major economic indicators, which can be used in the farms specialized in milk production was developed.
157-165 80
The major biological peculiarity of separate breeds of pigs and their crosses in a differentlevel of nutrients usage for meat production. The most effective nutrients are those nutrients of mixed feeds used (metabolizable energy, crude protein and lysine) for synthesis of muscle tissues by two- and three-breed crosses - correspondingly, 86.1 MJ, 1229 g, 64.9 g and 85.9 MJ, 1226 g, 64.7 g. Among the purebred animals the greatest nutrients transformation into product was noticed with in gilts of Belarusian meat breed - 88.3 MJ of metabolizable energy, 1262 g of crude protein, 66.6 g of lysine counted per 1 kg of muscle tissue gain. Pigs of different genotypes (Belarusian black-motley, Landrace and Large white breeds) on nutrients intake of feeds took middle position among the above mentioned genotypes.So efficiency of feeds usage in the frameworks of one separate genetic population is greatly variable that should be taken into account when managing selection work with this group of animals.
165-171 96
Increase of macro- and microelements levels, vitamins A and D in diets of highly productive cows has a positive effect on hematological blood values, promotes increase of milk performance at 4,6 % and decrease of feed spends per unit of produce at 4,2 %.
172-179 80
Transport and storage of extended feed for sows due to separation of components reduces their balance on the elements of nutrition. In fodder for single and pregnant sows concentration of crude protein varies from 12,0 to 13,8 %, crude fiber - from 6,3 to 8,4 %, calcium - from 0,62 to 0,87 %, sodium chloride - from 0,38 to 0,72 %. In fodder for lactating sows concentration of crude protein ranged from 17,3 to 19,4%, crude fiber - from 5,6 to 6,3 %, calcium - from 0,65 to 0,86 %, sodium chloride - 0,26 to 0,42 %.
179-187 81
Feeding young cattle with enzyme preparation “Kormomiks” in the amount of 0,1 % in the fodder KR-2 and KR-3 improves the intermediate metabolism, resulting in increased digestibility of nutrients at 1-7 %, increasing use of nitrogen by 10 % of accepted one.Application of enzyme preparation in the diets of young cattle can increase gross live weightgain by 5,3 %, reduce the cost of growth by 3,3 % and obtain additional profit per animal for the experiment of 24,7 thousand rubles.
188-194 77
The metabolism and use of energy in animals according to modern concepts was analyzed,since different schools have different interpretations and define different types of energy metabolism when studying metabolism in animals’ bodies. Results of research of the world's scientists on the feeding of farm animals and own 16-year study are substantiated, own system was proposed as a result. The advantage of the presented system consists in the fact that it avoids the use of not always valid objective ratios of digestibility of nutrients, but uses only one ratio of digestibility of energy defined on the basis of the actual chemical composition of forages. At the same time without complicated balance tests we can determine the digestibilityand metabolizable energy in feeds and diets.
194-202 60
It was determined that increased levels of calcium and phosphorus in the diets for pedigree calves in dairy period at 10 and 20 % relative to the norms of Agricultural Sciences (2003) can increase the average daily growth at 2,1 and 4,2 %, increase the phagocytic activity of leukocytes at 4,3 and 6,9 %, the total protein content in blood serum - at 7,9 and 10,6 %, γ-globulin fraction - at 2,4 and 3,3 %, the amount of hemoglobin - at 9,1 and 11,1 % and red blood cells - at 3,4 and 4,7 % compared with the control animals.


203-211 67
At the dairy complex "Gniezno" of Volkovysk district in Grodno region, located in the area of OJSC “Bellakt” and being one of suppliers of raw materials for the production of child foods, studies on the chemical composition and technological properties of cows milk of control herd, depending on health status, age and stage of lactation were carried out. The results of the research were the development of evidence-based principles to the formation of types of dairy cattle herds, aimed at getting milk good for production child food.
211-218 60
The technology of machine milking is improved at loose housing the maintenance of the cows, different from base by that right after calving within 7 days milk cows in the separate milking machine directly in machine tools of installation "Fur-tree" at level of vacuum 45 kP a with application of premilking preparation of an udder by "shuttle" way. Application of advanced technology of machine milking of cows provided more active deducing of milk first minutes of milking. So, at cows of skilled group the quantity of the milk which has been milked dry in the first, second and third minutes, has exceeded a similar indicator of cows of control group on 0,8 kg, 0,5 and 0,6 kg, accordingly, degree relative Milked dry was above on 9,2 %, 5,4 and 5,7 %. Average speed milk deducing has raised on 0,4 kg/mines (Р <0,05), and a single yield of milk - on 0,4 kg. Positive influence of advanced technology of machine milking of cows on a physiological condition of a mammary gland of cows is established. At animals of skilled group, in comparison with control, level of disease of an udder a mastitis has decreased on 6,0 %
218-225 86
Results of the researches are given. These results show that usage of biological preparation “Viposan” allows to decrease air pollution in sections for pig breeding at 37-58 % for general bacterial pollution, staphylococcus and streptococcus pollution - at 23-51 %, colon bacillus group bacteria - at 63-89 % correspondingly. Its usage also has a positive effect on safety and performance.
225-231 51
The experiments revealed that the reconstruction to change the coefficient of thermal of frame structures with walls from 1,27 m2·0С/ W to 3,23 m2·0С/ W, floors - from 2,27 m2·0С/ W to 3,71 m2·0С/ W, as well as upgrading the ventilation system had a positive impact on the for- mation of microclimate in the sections for pigs on growing.
238-243 59
The research shows that using the stage sequenced milking method on the milking installations of a linear type significantly improves physiological condition of the udder. The number of the trial animals with higher liminal electrical conduction of milk decreased for 66 %. The number of somatic cells decreased for 11,8 %. The number of cows which reacted on the application of 5% solution of Dimastin did not changed significantly.
244-254 103
For the first time in the country a theoretical model of low-cost growing of young horseswas developed based on the rational use of pastures and concentrated feeds. The structure of concentrated feeding scheme and its use was developed, which allows to reduce the cost of rearing at 11,3 %.
254-261 158
In research and production tests an increase of meat quality of broiler chickens of cross “Ross-308” was determined due to its higher yield of carcasses chest part at separate by sex growing chickens and the stable level of amino acids in the muscles of males in the 49-day and females at 42 days of age was determined.
261-266 52
Using the feed additives "Pekozim fitaza 5000G" and " Pekozim fitaza 5000S" (in recommended dose of 0,1 g/kg) in diets for hens-layers renders the positive influence upon their productive traits; reduces forage spends per unit of the product for experimental period at 6,7-10,3% , raises egg production from 9,3 to 19,2 %.
266-271 61
Introduction of programs of development of meat cattle breeding in the polluted areas allows to increase as the general, and its uterine livestock in the Gomel area, to create industrial base for reproduction of a livestock and a wide circulation of a specialized meat livestock in other economy of the polluted region.
271-278 74
By reducing the dry cow percentage, calf losses from the forced slaughter and mortality, improve of feed utilization in the branch there is a possibility to decrease costs of livestockproduction on farms of Khoiniki, Narovlyansk and Bragin districts, respectively, at 23,5 %,19,4 and 19,3 %. Cost of losses for the year 2008 in those areas of the region amounted to 13,8 billion rubles.
278-283 61
The article shows results of researches on natural resistance and performance of calves when using new complex feed supplement based on feed chalk with rape phospholipids. It was determined that supplement increases bactericidal and lysozyme activity of blood serum of experimental animals. Results of feed supplement effect tests on young animals’ performance show increase of average daily weight gains, decrease of sickness rate and mortality absence.
284-292 86
Perfect floor and feeding area norms for free management of replacement heifers aredetermined. They promote creation of more comfortable conditions management of animals, increase of daily average weight gain at 9,1 % compared to RNTP-1-2004, hemoglobin content - at 4,8 %, erythrocytes quantity - at 6,3 %. Division of the area at zone for rest and zone forfeeding and fixing the feeding norms and straw bedding change for heifers of 6-12 months of age of 2 kg per one animal daily, 13-16 months of age - 3 kg and 17-25 months of age - 4 kg promotes increase of average daily weight gain at 6,4 % compared to RNTP-1-2004, hemoglobin content - at 3,7 %, erythrocytes quantity - at 5,6 %.
293-300 85
Based on years of studied of acclimatization abilities, growth and development, meat performance of animals it was determined that Sharolez, Aberdin-Anguss and Hereford breeds are acclimatized and adapted to climatic conditions of different areas of Belarus, have highperformance indices, give high-quality beef.
301-307 90
As a result of researches on quality traits of meat obtained from young animals of Black-motley breed and Aberdin-Anguss x Black-motley crosses in the age of 18 months it was determined that all meat samples met requirements on safety of SanPiN 11-63 RB 98. So meat of young animals of these genotypes reared at SPK “Zhukovshina” of Diatlovo area can be used as a raw material for child nutrition products and dietary nutrition products.
308-314 53
Application in pig breeding of probiotic “KloSTATтм dry” reduces number of cryptosporidiosis infection, increases the concentration of lacto- and bifidоbacilli within the intestinaltracts of young pigs as well as natural resistance. This testifies to normalization of metabolic processes taking place in pigs organisms with the introduction into their ration of the “KloSTATтм dry”.
315-327 72
The computer program allowing zooveterinary workers of the pig-breeding enterprises to automate calculation of received total and daily average additional weights, quantity definition fodder days is developed. The program of express calculation of definition of dynamics of change of profit depending on fluctuation of the cost price and production volumes of output, and also the price of its realization is developed.The question on expediency of manufacture of high-quality fat at the commodity pig-breeding enterprises of Belarus and necessity of definition of requirement of the population of our country for pork and fat is considered.
327-338 90
The package of the computer programs is developed, allowing to predict manufacture of pork for the concrete pig-breeding enterprise, and is differentiated, taking into account lethal indicators of animals, including quantities of received meat, fat, bones, an offal, etc. Use of computer programs allows to define the monetary gain, the got profit and profitability of manufacture on the basis of calculation of volumes of received semifinished products, modeling of the price of their realization, and also cost price accounting.
338-346 54
The experiments helped to determine that an alternative technology for pigs management on the basis of thermal rehabilitation of fences allowed to maximize the use of biological heat of animals, reducing electricity consumption by 15,9%, increase of young animals safety during the suckling period by 4.9%, during the growing period - by 14,1%.
346-350 55
The results of the influence of immune stimulant on productive and resistant traits of calves are presented in the article. The results of the dynamic changes in body weight, average daily weight gain, total protein and its fractions are also presented.
351-357 55
Work of different installations for feeding WMS to calves on a complex on beef production in СПК “Dembrovo” of Shchuchinsky area of the Grodno area is analysed. Preparation ЗЦМ on automated installation УАВТ-60 and giving by its animal through mamillar drinking bowls has allowed to provide daily average productive at level 872,3 г, to lower power inputs on 67 % and work expenses in 2 times.Economic efficiency from application of new system feeding WMS to bull-calves of adairy phase has made 10,5 s. u. on a head.

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