
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Vol 50, No 2 (2015)


3-11 109
Results of comparative study of the nutritional value of grains of nut and peas widely spread in the area of the Southern Urals are presented in the article. The experiments revealed that it is necessary to sow them closer to May 15th. Pea variety «Madonna» by yield is superior to nut «Krasnokutsky-123» in conditions of the Southern Urals zone. It is determined that nut retains moisture better than peas in bound form in its development cycle, that in turn indicates a high degree of drought resistance of this crop.
12-19 77
The results of researches on indicators of rumen digestion of young cattle aged 12-18 months at various levels of nonstructural carbohydrates in diet are presented. It was determined that increase in the level of non-structural carbohydrates in a diet helps to reduce pH level from 6,6 to 6,87, increase concentration of VFA by 2,2-21,1 % and number of ciliates by 3,8-4,5 %. Ammonia level is also reduced by 3,1-5,4 %.
20-28 91
The aim of the work was to study the occurrence of enzymatic processes in the rumen of highly productive cows during dry period. It was determined that in the winter period reduction of protein degradability by 74,71 and 73,6 % in both phases of the dry period contributed to increase in digestibility of nutrients by 3,4-5,3 and 3,0-6,6 %.
28-35 72
Three-year experiment helped to determine that most effective rates of mineral fertilizers applied when grassing hayfields with perennial grasses on lowland peat-bog soils low in phosphorus and potassium and contaminated with radionuclides. According to the study results, the most effective is application of 60 kg/ha of nitrogen fertilizers, 60-90 kg/ha of phosphorus fertilizers, 180-240 kg of potash and 200 g/ha of copper. These rates have proved to give the highest yields of perennial grasses, the lowest levels of radionuclide transfer from soil to plants and the best zootechnical quality of forages.
36-43 96
The article dwells on feeding of different standards of defecate in composition of compound animal feed KR-1 for calves instead of chalk. This allows decreasing the cost of compound feed and the prime cost of weight gain, as well as maintaining performance of animals with no adverse impact on their physiological state.
43-52 82
The use of KR-1, KR-2 and KR-3 organic microelement complex in compound feeds increases deposit energy by steers per 100 kg of live weight by 11-13,3 %, ratio of productive use of metabolizable energy - from 0,30-0,71 to 0,35-0,75, which allows increasing average daily weight gains by 9,5-12,3 %.
53-58 105
The results of analysis of effect of feeding steers with feed KR-3 with rapeseed oil such as«canole» on performance of animals are presented. It is determined that adding rapeseed oil in feed KR-3 in amount of 8 % contributes to obtaining the average daily weight gain of steers on the level of 1112 g, or 5,1 % higher than the control value, with 3,7 % decrease of the feed cost per unit of produce.
58-69 147
Using feed defecate in an amount of 2-3 % by weight in compound feed for dairy cattle allows increasing the total protein level in blood by 4,5-4,8 %, glucose - by 10,5-13,2 %, and reduce the amount of urea by 15,0-18,0 %.
69-77 113
It was determined that feeding steers with sodium humate in a diet in an amount of 0,3 ml,and 0.5 ml per 1 kg of body weight has a positive effect on meat production. Cooking and qualitative properties of meet correspond to requirement of «meat of good and very good quality». Veterinary and toxicological assessment of beef indicates purity, bioavailability and safety of meat.
77-86 96
Reduction of crude protein level (at balance of essential amino acids) in compound feeds for young pigs at fattening by 5 g per 1 kg of feed contributed to increase of organic matter diestibility by 1,5 %, protein - by 1,5 % and fiber - 1,7 %. Reduction of concentration of crude protein by 10 g in 1 kg of feed increased the efficiency of feed protein use by 3,1 %, compared with the control. The uptake of nitrogen per day per 1 kg of metabolic live weight in experimental groups made about 2,20 g, which is 3,7 % more than in the control. By observing the«ideal ratio» of essential amino acids in a diet it is possible to reduce the amount of crude protein in 1 kg of feed for pigs at fattening without reducing their productivity by 5-10 g.
87-95 76
Optimization of diets for replacement steers by implementation of feed beet, hay silage and corn silage allows raising humidity of diet from 19 to 54 %, reducing fiber level from 26,4 to 22,6 %. Feeding with these diets helps to activate microbial processes in the rumen: the amount of VFA increases in rumen fluid from 102 to 120 mmol/l. nitrogen - from 0,209 to 0,222, ammonia level is reduced from 24,1 to 22,0 mg%, digestibility of all nutrients is increased by 2,81-4,56 percentage points.
96-103 81
Assessment of toxicity of preparation on mice allows taking it to the 4th class of danger according to GOST 12.1.007-76 (1999) «Occupational Safety Standards. Harmful substances. Classification and general safety requirements». During study of hematological and blood biochemical parameters in rats no signs of toxic effects of the feed additive «Ipan» and compound feed with additive in a chronic experiment was determined. Evaluation of steers’ meat fed with the feed additive «Ipan» for physical and chemical and bacteriological indicators corresponded to a good-quality product.
103-112 126
The article presents results of two research and production experiments conducted on broiler chickens grown in production area with high technological background in feeds of heavy metals and at the risk of aflatoxicosis.During the II research and production experiment it was determined for broilers of cross«Smena-7» that with the joint supplements in compound feeds with high background of heavy metals and aflatoxin B1 of preparations beet pectin and toxynil having absorption properties, there is an increase in slaughter and meat traits values.
112-119 91
Results of researches of effect of preparation «Baikal EM 1 U» on metabolism and productivity of pigs are presented. It is determined that feeding pigs with feeds which were fermentedby preparation «Baikal EM 1 U» promotes acceleration of processes of free radical peroxide oxidation of lipids and protein metabolism, positively modifies blood hematological profile, raises cellular immunity and increases daily average weight gain.
119-132 105
Feeding calves with prebiotic supplement CryptoLife from the first days of life for three months as part of colostrum and milk in the amount of 3 ml per animal per day promoted increase of palatability of concentrated and voluminous feeds, stimulating metabolism, increases hemoglobin content in blood by 5,6 %, globulin - by 4,5, glucose - by 11,2, triglycerides - by 22.0, calcium - by 7,8, phosphorus - by 11,7 %, BASK - 1,39 p.p., body weight gain - by 14,2, reduces feed costs by 5,2 %, and allows obtaining 6,77 rubles of profit per 1 ruble of cost.
232-243 118
Peculiarities of growth and development of purebred and crossbred young animals of Aberdeen-Angus breed indicate the advantage of young Aberdeen-Angus and Aberdeen × Black-motley hybrids over their coevals of Black-motley breed. High-energy feeding of young Aberdeen-Angus animals in the period from on eyear to 18 months compared to the midlevel revealed the advantages of productive qualities of purebred animals in order to obtain product competitive produce for climatic and economic conditions of floodplain agriculture Pripyat Polesie.The greatest live weight had Aberdeen × Black-motley calves - 29 kg against 25 kg (16 %) of the Black-motley and 20,9 and 21,9 kg (38,8 %) - of Aberdeen Angus. At the age of six months a higher body weight (183,0 kg and 178,1 kg) had a purebred Aberdeen-Angus steers, which are superior to their coevals of Black-motley breed by 27,6 kg, or 17,8 %, 22,7 kg or 14,6 %, and by 19,8 kg (12,3 %) and 14,9 kg (9,2 %) - of crossbred steers. Crossbred young animals obtained by mating Black-motley cows with bulls of Aberdeen-Angus breed by weaning at the age of 6 months reached the live weight of 163 kg, exceeding the figure of their coevals in the control group kept on manual watering by 7,8 kg, that made 5,0 %. The highest growth energy and average daily weight gain in milk period (from birth to 6 months) on the level of 889 g and 853 g was shown by Aberdeen-Angus steers. They exceeded in this indicator their Black-motley coevals by 24,8 %, or 177 g, 19,8 % or 141 g, and the crossbred steers - by 20,8 %, or 153 g, 15,9 % or 117g. During the period from 12 to 18 months at a high level for feeding this group animals showed the highest daily weight gain among all groups, it made 1011 g, which was higher by 124-362 grams, or 13,9-55,8 %. Over the entire growing period (0-18 months) the highest growth rate was in purebred Aberdeen-Angus animals and amounted to 181,2, and 182,6 %, which is 5,0 and 6,4 %, 6,9 and 8,3 % higher than that of Black-motley and crossbred animals.
243-249 100
The presented study results of some physical and chemical properties of muscle tissue and chemical composition of blubber guinea in experimental pigs fattened with diets using the product of deep hydrothermal treatment of soy with expanding soybean meal and cake in conditions of breeding factory of state enterprise “Experimental enterprise named after Dekabristov” of Institute of Pig Breeding and Agro-Industrial Production of the National Academy of Agrarian Science of Ukraine in Mirgorod district, Poltava region. It was determined that meat and backfat of experimental pigs of all groups were at the level of regulatory indexes and met the requirements of category of good quality. Based on the analysis of data from the melting point it may be observed that backfat of the pork studied is uptaken by the human organism quite well and it is suitable for long-term storage.
250-263 107
The block program for calculation of thermal and biological conditions of pigs comfort management was developed. The levels of animals’ stress are determined depending on ambient temperature and humidity, as well as gradation of thermal stress of the pigs’ body. Using of the block program makes allows simulating the level of productivity of animals depending on zoohygienic conditions comfort management.
264-279 124
A self-developing type-related technology (ST-technology) for pork production was developed for commodity pig production enterprises. Practical development and implementation of ST-technology is contributed by biological, zootechnical, sanitary, veterinary, environmental and economic conditions.
279-286 119
The dependence of performance of daily milk yields was determined during milking period, milk flow rate and content of somatic cells from introduction of different variants of organizational schemes for the main production processes at dairy farms of industrial type. Calculated share of the impact of various organizational schemes by analysis of variance method for control of milk yield, milk flow rate and somatic cell content ranged from 0.12 for milk yield to 0.27 for content of somatic cells. The economic effect at introduction of the perfect variant of organizational management schemes amounted to 2174800 Belarusian rubles per cow during milking period compared with the existing effect.
287-293 70
It is determined that the concentration of total lipoprotein and cholesterol content in the serum of young pigs is 777,78 mg% and 1,95 g/l, respectively.Samples of muscle tissue and subcutaneous fat of young pigs that had 95-125 kg of live weight before slaughter (I and II experimental groups) belong to high and normal quality with regard to water-holding capacity, tenderness, intensity of color and fat content.Reliable correlation ratios between phosphorus content in the muscle tissue and cholesterol content in serum - +0,654±0,2392, loss during heat treatment and cholesterol content in the serum - -0,723±0,2185, pH and concentration of total lipoprotein in serum - +0,619±0,2484.
293-297 85
The article presents materials on production of cooked smoked sausages using plant ingredients. The advantages of using extruded seeds of germinated chickpea and pumpkin powder for production of cooked and smoked sausages are described
298-304 77
It was determined that the level of milk performance of fresh heifers has been affected significantly by the technology of rearing during milk period. Under conditions of Separated Subdivision of NUBIP of Ukraine «Agronomic Research Station» heifers grown using milk replacer during milk period were characterized by higher milk yield when compared to the control group of the same age for the same composition of milk ensuring milk production profitability on the level of 47,1 against 26,1 % in animals reared using whole milk during milk period. Fresh heifers grown under conditions of Separated Subdivisions of NUBIP of Ukraine«Agronomic Research Station» under higher energy level and adequate feeding conditions of PJSC «Agrofort» showed milk yields of 95.4 centners of milk in 305 days of lactation, ensuring income in the amount of 14,4 thousand UAH at profitability level of 67,6 %.
304-313 86
It is determined that feeding sows with Glutam 1M in dose of 20 ml for three days after farrowing or germanium akvahelate for 4-9 days before farrowing and 10 days after in dose of 11,16 mg/kg, as well as their complex application increases body weight of suckling piglets on the 11th day of suckling period by 3,87 %, 11,97 % (P<0,001) and 6,34 % (P> 0,05), respectively. The preparations separately have no prolonged action due to the fact that on the 21st day of suckling period body weight of pigs has been at the level of the control animals. Complex application of Glutam 1M in the first three days of suckling period in dose of 20 ml and germanium akvahelate for 1-9 days before farrowing and 10 days after has a prolonged effect on increase of weight gain rate which leads to significantly greater body weight of piglets at weaning by 6.69%.In the group of sows fed with germanium akvahelate during the milk-suckling period the intensity of live weight gain of piglets increased by 14,38 %, but survival is decreased by 6,4%.
314-320 77
It was determined that feeding sows with biologically active preparation Glutam 1M immediately after weaning of piglets in three days contributes to a significant increase in fertility of animals by 21,6 %, results in reduction of idle period by 0,7 days, increases multiple pregnancy by 1 piglet and reduces the number of stillborn piglets by 3,6 times. With significant increase of duration of idle period by 2 days the sows fertility rate is reduced significantly by 28,6 %.
321-327 97
The work was conducted under conditions of agricultural enterprises located in areas of radioactive contamination at a density of 5-15 Ci/km2 (185-555 kBq/m2) with 137Cs. The data of the specific activity of 137Cs in muscle tissue of specialized meat breeds of Charolais and Limousine is presented. Ethological features, dynamics of body weight and average daily weight gain of steers is studied.


133-140 76
Correlation between live weight of heifers, milk yield and milk composition of first calvedcows of black-motley breed has been studied. It has been proved that heifers that reached 381-400 kg live weight at the age of 15 months have showed higher milk, milk fat and protein yields. Live weight of heifers of different ages is positively correlated with milk yield of heifers and negatively - with the fat and protein content in milk. Resulting from research ranges of optimal bodyweight should be used in compiling of plans for growing heifers of Ukrainian Black-motley dairy breed, and as a criterion for their selection, which will help to obtain cows with high milk yield.
140-146 76
It was determined that there are specific peculiarities of distribution of tissues in different parts of pigs’ carcasses depending on the breed and feeding conditions on a concrete floor or on deep constant straw litter. The force of an influence of factors of the floor type and genotype on the weight of fat in pigs’ carcasses is much higher than on the weight of the meat.
147-153 78
Filter element for milk purification from mechanical admixtures is developed. It was determined that purification of filter elements of bag type of 90 g/m2 density had no negative effect on chemical composition and physical and chemical properties of milk. The content of fat, protein and lactose were respectively at the level of: prior to purification - 3,73 %, 3,03 % and 4,91-4,92, after purification - 3,71-3,72 %, 3,02 and 4,89-4,90 %. The density and acidity of the treated milk was respectively within 1,029-1,031 g/cm3 and 17-18 °T. Milk corresponded to the first group of purity. Optimal purification capacity of the filter element is 200-250 kg.
154-161 76
It was determined that presence of a stranger as emotional load when feeding hungry foals of Trakehner breed allows revealing polymorphism of ethological reactions of individuals, due to rate of nutritional and defensive motivation of their behavior.Stress resistant young animals appeared to be larger compared to their coevals, reacting to external stimuli actively.Stress resistant young animals were superior to young coevals by absolute and relativeheight at the shoulder and chest girth gain.
162-170 145
Herbal ingredients contain proteins and dietary fibers, which have water-binding and retention capacities that increase the output of the goat cheese. The ingredients like these are topinambur fiber and flour from extruded chickpeas of new selective breeding enriched with bioavailable forms of selenium and iodine. The studies have been conducted in the Volga FederalScientific Research Institute of meat-and-milk manufacture and processing (Volgograd) and Volgograd State Technical University, the Department of Food Technology. It has been established that plant components provide a cheese product with nutty flavor, change the product color from white to cream. The combination of gram flour and topinambur in the amount of 5 and 1.5%, respectively, forms an optimal organoleptic characteristics of the new cheese product with the highest content of macro- and microelements. The new cheese product meets the daily requirement of selenium 22%, iodine - 38.7%, calcium - 16.2%, phosphorus - 7.5%. According to research results, the mass fraction of moisture in the cheese product is reduced when the amount of plant components increases. This can be explained that plant proteins and polysaccharides have hydrophilic properties and convert water in a bound state. When they swell, their mass and volume increase that enhances product yield by 7-8%. The experiment revealed the following relationship: the syneresis intensity is inversely proportional to the mass fraction of gram flour and topinambur fibers. New cheese product "BioKozochka" is a diet, allergy-free complete protein product, which combines functional properties of goat milk, proteins of chickpea of new selection, topinambur dietary fiber and probiotic microflora ferment.
170-179 82
It was determined that the use of wheat, fortified with iodine and selenium in the production technology of cooked smoked sausage allows obtaining a quality product of functional orientation. The systematic use of this product will reduce the risk of iodine and selenium deficiency. Optimal introduction of plant component is 10% by weight of raw meat. Increasing the proportion of the vegetable ingredient in the product leads to a deterioration of the organoleptic characteristics of the final product, produce stiff consistency.
180-186 88
The character of changes in qualitative composition of cow milk depending on physiological state of body was studied. It was determined that during the period of obvious clinical signs of gynecological diseases associated with an increase in number of somatic cells in milk to the level of 1275,1 thousand/cm³ (experimental group), the mass fraction of lactose by 4,8 g/kg, or 9,2 %, significantly (P≤ 0,05) was less than this indicator of milk for healthy animals of control group (at the level of 183,4 thousand of somatic cells in 1 cm³ of milk); by 2,6 g/kg, or 6,9 % fat content was reduced; by 4,5 times bacterial content in milk was increased. In case of no difference in content of total protein in cow milk groups, protein fraction redistribution took place in direction of increasing the serum to the detriment of casein, that decreased in cow milk of experimental group by 3,0 g/kg and made 23 g/kg vs. 26,0 g/kg of the control group.
187-192 84
The article presents a modified method of determining the histidine-containing dipeptides (HCD) for a small amount of biological material (1 gram of fresh muscle tissue). The approximate calculation matrix of HCD content in muscle tissue is shown. The proposed method is based on the extraction of histidine-containing dipeptide with an aqueous solution of perchloric acid, its precipitation as an insoluble salt, with following centrifugation and obtaining with help of diazoreagent in supernatant of a compound whith intensity directly dependent on the content of HCD in the test solution. This technique can be useful for students, graduate students and researchers dealing with issues of biological value and falsification of muscle tissue.
192-210 108
When studying age-related changes of slaughter indicators of Charolais breed of bulls some patterns and trends slaughter indicators were determined. With age no only the pre-slaughter live weight of animals increased, but also carcass weight, slaughter weight, yield of carcasses and slaughter yield, weight of internal organs, tongue, meat and bone of the tail, other offal and intracavitary fat. Stomach fat with the highest intensity was postponed till 18 months of age, renal and intestinal - at the age of 2.5 years. Weight of rumen, peck and agitator with age tends to increase, and the weight of abomasum after 12 months of age was almost unchanged. Weight of rumen, peck and agitator relative to the pre-slaughter live weight tends to decrease, which is confirmed by the coefficients of variation of all sections of the stomach in the subsequent age periods relative to the initial (12 months).
211-216 105
Slaughter performance of steers of Ukrainian meat breed is studied depending on their age. It is determined that the highest carcass yield, slaughter and pulp of premium and first grade were obtained from steers slaughtered at the age of 22 months. Tendency for increase of internal fat, chorda and fiber band, pulp of premium and first grade was determined with increase of age. Net average daily weight gain of steers with increase of slaughter weight was decreasing.
216-224 74
Studies were carried out on implementation parameters for reflex of milk flow and physiological state of mammary gland of fresh cows at different milking modes.Experimental milking mode for fresh cows had no negative effect on fat content in milk ofexperimental animals. The experimental variant showed positive results: more favorable milking mode had a positive impact on the amount of milk produced in the milking machine during the main milking time. Intergroup difference on this index was 0,34 kg, or 3,6 %.It was determined that during the period of scientific and economic experiment animals of experimental group had no mammary gland irritation and no mastitis, while three cows (37,5%) in the control group had irritation of the udder, and one cow (12,5 %) was diagnosed mastitis, indicating secretory disorders in the mammary gland of cows.
224-232 86
It was determined that feeding dry, inseminated of pregnant sows during «weaning - insemination» period with increased amount of complete compound feed SK-1, taking into account their nutritional status, in the first three weeks after insemination - with limited amount, helped to reduce the dry period by days, increase the level of fertility by 4,8 p. p. Maximizing feed intake starting from the second week of suckling period (8 kg /head /days) and increase of feeding multiplicity (by 3-4 times) contributed to increase of piglets outcome by 7,4 %, safety of young animals during suckling period - by 3,1 p. p., condition of sows to weaning - by 0,27 points, reduction of body weight loss during lactation by 26,6 % in comparison with indicators of sows that were fed according to usual process scheme.

ISSN 0134-9732 (Print)