Vol 41 (2006)
127-132 65
Mixed feed supplemented of dry sapropel being fed to farrowed sows led to improvement of nutrient digestibility by 1.7-4.7% and nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus retention.
132-138 98
Dry sapropel being fed to brood and milking sows in the optimal dose of 3% had a positive effect on forming elements of animals blood.
138-145 71
The results of the investigation showed that rape oil cake and seeds should be used in the diets of broilers as a protein and energy source. The use of rape oilcake and rape flour provided a decrease of feed costs per gain unit and improved productive profit of broilers meat.
145-153 73
Replacement steers being fed with increased level of microelements and vitamins had better physiology and improved energy transformation into production by 31-71 g and lower feed expenses by 3.6-6.2%.
153-159 73
The optimal dosage of Provit was found to be of 3% by mass. It had no negative influence on health status and physiology of young fattening pigs.
159-164 68
It was established that moister and temperature treated forage grain can be used in producing of calfmilk replacer. The appliance of moister and temperature treatment had no negative effect on nutrients, while sugar content and aminoacids had increased. The temperature conditions of treatment must not exceed 90°C and 15-20 min to prevent the lost of vitamins.
165-170 67
It was established that supplementation of premixes with 30 mg/kg of Selenium had economic profit as self cost decrease of sperm dose by 9.6% , decrease of self cost of insemination by 12.8% and additional profit was 553.5 thous. of rubl. (257.4 c.u.) per boar when compared to standard premix.
171-175 58
New basic technological parameters of biologically modified grains (BMG) has been created. As a result, lysine content in barley has increased from 5.8 to 11 g/kg of absolutely DM; in rye - from 4.14 to 7.38 g/kg, in wheat - from 5.04 to 10.22 g/kg, triticale - from 5.11 to 10.6 g/kg of absolutely DM.
176-182 80
There was a reduction of ammonia in rumen of steers by 17-25%, blood urea by 12-23% (P<0.05), an improvement of nutrient digestibility by 6-10% when potassium bromide and potassium iodide in the complex with dietary salt being added to steers ration.
183-188 87
The results of the researching showed that Gitin preparations based on lake sapropel in the dose of 20 mg/herd in the ration of fattening pigs had improved nutrient digestibility by 2.5% nitrogen storage by 8.7% and blood indices at the physiological range.
188-195 72
Local lake sapropels are good sources of biologically active substances. When being add to weaned piglets rations there was an improvement of nutrient digestibility by 1.2-3.2%, nitrogen storage by 5.5-9.0%, daily gain by 4.7-7.1%, lower feed expenses by 3.9-6.5% and lower self cost of 1 kg of gain by 8.8-12.6%.
195-201 135
It was established that heifers being fed with 150 ml of propylene glycol before calving and first lactation heifers being fed with 220 ml provided an improvement of morphological and biochemical blood indices blood glucose content by 12%, urea by 12.5%.
201-208 77
The effect of mineral-vitamin and mineral additives based on local raw materials and active antioxidants on milk yield, physiology of cows and toxicants in milk has been studied. It was established that feeding lactation cows with special feed additives resulted in economic profit of 8.3-23.9 thous. rubl. per cow.
208-213 87
It was established that rape oilcake being denaturated with acetic acid in the rations of dairy cows stimulated milk yield. The economic efficiency was higher by 5.3% when compared to controls.
214-220 72
It was established that feeding dairy cows of millet-pea silage led to improvement of net profit per herd by 8.2%, economic efficiency by 5.9%, when compared to pea-oat silage.
221-227 79
The most efficient dose of Mb of 1.0 mg/kg of DM led to improvement growth and development of breeding steers. The highest daily gain during the treatment period was 966.0 g. Breeding steers of treated group 2 had increased doses of ejaculates by 4.3% and sperm concentrations by 16.7%, which provided lower feed costs by 3.8% when being fed with optimal doses of Mb.
227-234 74
It was established that feeding young cattle with premixes supplied with 1.0 mg/kg of Mb had a positive effect on blood morphologic composition and increased hemoglobin levels, red cells, reserving alkanity, carotene and vitamin A by 3.7-19.5%. Feeding of Mb in doses of 0.5; 1.0 and 1.5 mg/kg of DM had no negative effect on feed consumption and led to improve of nutrient digestibility by 3.9-12.9 %, nitrogen, Ca, Ph storage by 4.7-19.3 %.
234-241 71
The ranging of sugar-protein ratio in the diets of steers by 30 % led to increase of daily gain by 1148 g, lower feed expenses by 8 % and it was an improvement of feed conversion by 9.2 %.
242-248 75
Creation of mixed pastures of timothy, red and meadow fescue, meadow grass of foreign and domestic selection provided nutritioussness of 1 kg of DM of 0.88-0.83 FU, 9.96-9.63 ME and 133-125 g of DP.
249-255 79
When young pig rations being supplemented with 5 and 10% of dry distillers grain there was an improvement of crude fat, protein, fiber, volume of keeping nitrogen.
255-260 57
Growing pigs rations being supplemented with 50g per 1 t of carnitine had a positive effect on the growth, development and blood biochemical indices of piglets at the age of 2-4 months. The highest daily gain has been found at II group - 713 g, which was 2-3.2% higher than at others.
261-266 68
Young cattle being fed to rations supplemented with 7% of new peat additive had improved digestibility of DM by 2.2%, fiber by 2.6% and NNEAS by 1.9%.
267-271 67
Steers rations being supplemented with mineral-vitamin additive resulted in growth rate improvement. The highest daily gain was 920 g, which was 7.9% higher than controls. The lowest feed expenses where in the second group - 4.56 FU/kg of gain. The second treated group had the highest blood indices.
272-277 62
Keeping parameters of Zn, Cu, Mn, Pb in basic feeds and milk of cows in different rearing and soil conditions were established.
277-283 66
Calves being fed to soya milk had lower gains of live weight by 5 and 8% respectively. When mineral additive was included into calves ration there was an increase of gain by 2%; «okara» being added to basic ration led to increase of gain by 7% and ration supplementation with mineral additive led to its increasing by 14.4%.
284-288 82
It was established that biopreparations Oxigumat and Gitin had growth stimulating effect and provided a natural resistance improvement on farm animals. When used the preparation growth energy of weaned piglets increased by 5.3-10.4%, bactericide activity of blood serum increased by 15.9-19.1%, lysocime one - by 7.3-24.4%, β-lysine -by 7.0-12.3%. Supplementation of rations with biopreparations led to improve of animal surviving by 20%. The best dose of Gitin preparation was 20 mg/kg of live weight.
288-296 67
It was established that rape oilcake and rape oil containing of 1.4-1.9% of glucozynolates and 27-30mkMol per 1 kg of DM of eruk acid can be used in KR-2 mixed feed in the dose of 15-20% of total value. As a result, daily gains of calves became to 876-906 g while feed expenses were 4.66-5.17 FU per 1 kg of gain.
296-302 62
Supplementation of young cattle rations with moisture rolled triticale preserved by AIV3+ and HB-2 preparations had a positive effect on fattening performances and slaughter products quality. Organoleptical, physical and chemical, sanitary performances of meat were the same with controls.
302-310 83
When used in vivo method it was established that soaking of grains in 1% of urea solution and 1% of peat oxidate solution resulted in better digestible processes of steers. There was an improvement of all hematological indices when used sprouted grains in calves rations, as well as there was an increase of daily gains by 10% when used whole grain, sprouted barley - 2%. Feed expenses had lowed by 8.54 and 1.8%, respectively.
310-317 66
New methods of lactation cows ration modelling by “singularity” of feed resources has been created. Theoretical aspects can be basic principals of modellating of typical rations.
317-320 88
The comparative analysis of back methods of estimation of silages of corn green mass has been hold.
321-326 67
The use of Laksil preparation in silaging of clover-and-timothy mixtures provided nutrients saving. Lactating cows being fed with silage had improved their milk productivity by 12.1-8.5%, as well as economic profit was 8637 rubl./t of silage (in 2002).
326-330 98
It was established that the dose of 150 ml of propylene glycol to heifers and 200 ml to lactating cows stimulated the metabolism and the composition of minerals in blood.
331-334 73
High-productive cows being fed with diets with dry sapropel supplementation in the rate of 3% in winter and 2% in summer showed an improvement in milk yield by 4.3 and 3.4%. As a result, there was a lower of dosage of monocalcium phosphate, bone flour with a full exception of phosphorus and a full exception of phosgipsum in winter and a full exception of bone flour in summer.
334-339 69
Feeding cows of complex mineral additive stimulated nutrient digestibility by 7.1-13%, nutrient absorption of all minerals, provided optimal dosage of 1.5 mg of Mb/kg of DM, improved productivity by 7.2%, and lower feed expenses by 8.5%.
340-344 77
It was established that gestation cows being fed with complex mineral additive with molybdenum in the dose of 0.9 mg/kg of DM provided an increase of average daily gain by 7.5%, calves live weight at birth by 7.4%, daily gain in a month by 7.9%, as well as there was an improvement of nutrient digestibility by 1.5-7.3%, mineral intake by 2-12.2% and stimulated milk yield.
344-350 64
It was established that corn silage with urea supplementation in steer diets improved meat quality and economic efficiency of fattening. Sanitary, toxically and biological estimation of beef showed that it was meat of good quality and did not differ from controls.
350-355 97
Mixed feeds supplemented with 40mg of vitamin E, 0.15 mg of selenium and 125g/kg of Oxy nil dry antioxidant provided growth of daily gain by 7.3% in the period of rearing, by 6.6% in the beginning of fattening, by 4.3% in the second period of fattening and lower feed expenditures by 3.45%, 5.4% 2.47%, respectively, when compared to controls.
355-363 135
The investigation showed that Fekord U2004 preparation in KR-1 and KR-2 young cattle rations provided an improvement of feed consumption, productivity and hematological indices; increasing of daily gain by 841-870 g of live weight, which was 8.6-12.4% higher than that of controls; while feed costs lowered by 8.1-10.2%. KR-3 rations being supplemented with Fekord U2004 had no negative influence on feed consumption, productivity and hematological indices.
364-371 84
It was established that feeding replacement young cattle with corn silage resulted in additional profit of 33 g of gain per head, what was 4.6% higher than that of controls; while feed expenses lowed by 7.9%. appliance of polymeric hose led to improvement of nutrient digestibility by 2.6-6.5% and had a positive effect on biochemical indices of blood.
371-376 82
The results of the investigation showed that feeding young horses with supplementation of complex mineral additive provided lower keeping parameters of137Cs in their organisms by 25%, and improved daily gains of live weight by 13.7%.
377-385 97
The supplementation of replacement steers rations with Timothy- and -clover green masses of 45% with 30% of DM content while reducing bean-and grain hay from 20 to 10% provided improvement of biological value of ration in protein, carbonates, minerals and vitamins. As a result, there was an increase of daily gains by 2.4-3.6%
10-15 124
Productivity of Byelorussian Black-and-White cows of different breeding types of ABC “Oktiabr-Grodno” was studied. The lines of Bell-Mayak, Starbuk-Kliaytus and Valeriane-Blekster and crosses of these lines were used in reseachings.
16-22 73
It was established that decreasing of endocrinous function of ovaries in first post-calving days was the reason for post-natal anoestrus. Low progesterone concentration in blood or its decreasing, as well as its short-timed increasing on the 3-4th wek after calving were the signals of endocrinous disbalance. Low concentrations of insulin in the estrus recovering period or fast decrease of its level indicated disfunction in metabolism and folliclegenesis.
22-28 104
It was established that during the first part of reproductive cycle the changes in hormonal profile in different cows had no similarities, so when applying gonadotrophin there was the differences in the endocrine status and as a result, there was an instability in ovulation number and qualities. Few doses of FSH in the beginning of the estrus cycle stimulated endocrine function of ovaries and other glands and led to improvement of ovulation frequency.
29-33 84
The estimation of progeny qualities of 43 Byelorussian Draft stallions, 9 Russian Draught stallions has been made to further improvement of breeds there had been selected Byelorussian Draft stallions and 3 Russian Draught stallions. Mares with prolonged embryogenesis period had better reproductive qualities.
34-42 62
The analysis showed that high-producing cows of 15/16 of Holstein breed had better milk yield indices, development and reproductive traits. The blood level of Holstein breed had low effect on calving rates.
42-48 80
It was established that mutation in RYR 1 gene was not a single reason of PSE and DFD meat defects. This fact was the possibility of technological factors of pre-slaughter housing, method of slaughter and polygene level of determination of meat quality performances.
48-54 85
The frequencies of H and d alleles of H-FABP - gene at interbred interpopulative level have been established in dependence of sex and age of animals. Meaty breeds accepted advantages in frequencies of H-FABPHH H-FABPdd genotypes and high concentration of H and d alleles.
55-60 74
The intensive housing of heifers at the range of 700-800 g stimulated their maturing rate and lower the age of productive insemination to 12-14 months and 320- 340 kg of live weight. Milk production during first three months of lactation had no dependence of insemination age of heifers at the range of 12-31 months. The tendency of superiority by milk yield and milk fat with the age of fist insemination of 14-19 months and live weight of 330-400 kg has been established.
61-68 129
New method of breeding value estimation of high-producing cows by their productive traits and selection traits has been established. It was recommended to use animals with complex index for bulls mothers of 110-125% and for embryo donor cows of 125%.
68-77 72
It was established that FSH-P, follitropine, folliculartropine appliance in superovulation induction provided creation of 70.7%, 62,7% and 77.5% of embryos, ready to be transplantated; and provided meiosis in 78-80% of oocytes in in vitro medium, oocytes in yield by 45-55% and reception of 34.4-44.4% of embryos in pre-implantation stages. Putting of FSH-P of donor-cows in culture medium of blood serum provided maturation of 25-38% of oocytes. Comparative analysis of different hormonal preparations in vivo and in vitro medium showed a necessity of test development on preliminary estimation of follicle stimulation activity of hormonal preparations and perfection of culture mediums.
77-84 59
Major results of selection works in the period of 2001-2005 on creation of breeding stocks of Byelorussian Large White pigs with a number of sows of 2018 with productivity traits: prolificacy- 11.79 piglets, age of reaching of 100 kg of live weight-3 days, average daily gain-751 g ,feed expences-3.43 FU, back-fat thickness-26.3 mm and ham weight- 10.84 kg were shown.
84-88 64
The results of the investigation showed that the largest number of viable embryos was in the case if sperm cells had 0.5-0.7% of acrosomes, which provided an embryo survival by 14%.
89-92 52
The analysis of performances of economic efficiency of pigs of different types in rearing and in the first year of their breeding use has been hold. In the last selection after mating conditions it is necessary to count body conditions cutting gilts of the second type to meat and gilts of the first and third type to further herd reproduction.
92-95 60
The analysis has shown that the optimal breeding level for boars self replacing was 1 of 62 esteemed, and gilts of 1 of 12 esteemed, which provided positive changes in low heredious performances.
95-102 59
Data analysis has shown that Landrace breed being crossed to Byelorussian Meaty breed resulted in high-productive progeny.
103-109 66
The polymorphism of ESR-gene genotype of Large White, Byelorussian Meaty and Durok sows of “Zadneprovsky” farm has been studied. ESRb allele was difined in Large White and Byelorussian Meaty sows, while Durok sows had no ESRb allele. Allele frequencies and genotypes were counted; genetic equilibrium and popularization, as well as positive effect of ESRb -allele on total number born piglets, born alive and weight born alive was analyzed.
109-114 84
DNI-testing of populations of breeding bulls of Byelorussian Black-and-White breed on CSN3 gene and BLAD mutation presence by method PCR-PDRF has been shown. Genetic structure of population by locuses has been analyzed. Genetic equilibrium of CSN3 gene has been counted.
115-121 68
The estimation of genetic potential of breeding herds of Durok pigs has been hold. The indices of prolificacy rate, milk yield, number of piglets and litter weight at weanling in 35 days in Durok sows were 9.6 piglets, 46.6 kg, 8.7 piglets, 70.2 kg, respectively. The most productive pigs are in “Zadneprovsky” farm, where pigs have analogical indices: 9.7 piglets, 46.1 kg, 8.6 piglets, 67.3 kg.
121-126 60
In the conditions of full-valued feeding Landrace boars had a positive effect on reproductive performances of Byelorussian Meaty sows.
386-392 68
New improved machine milking technology including such techniques, as postmilking disinfection of long-milk pipeline apparatus, postmilking disinfection of mammary glands; a cooperated technique of milking of coupled groupes of cows at ADM and ADC milking apparatus; and technique extended an exploitation period of teating rubber DD 00.041 A in milking apparatus, has been created. It was established that applying of new improved machine milking technology led to an increase of daily milk yield by 0.9 kg, lower feed exploitation expenditures by 55 rubles per animal, and economic efficiency increased by 5364 thous of rubl. per 100 cows in 150 days. Annual economic efficiency was 13052 thous of rubl. per 100 cows.
393-399 70
The investigation showed that maturing and super maturing gilts with average daily gain exciding 464-500 g had higher reproductive indices in 243 days and live weight of 114-115 kg. Farrowing percentage in 243 days was higher by 8.7% than of sows of moderate rate.
404-408 115
Some characteristics of growth rate and development, as well as wool productivity of F1 and F2 crosses by Textel and Il-de-France breeds in comparison with semifine-wool type of sheep has been made.
409-417 69
It was established that the best time to calves weanling off milk feeds was the time of DM consumption in 1 kg.
417-422 68
Immunocorrection of just born calves in early postnatal ontogenesis can be improved by low intensity laser radiation combined with a constant magnetic area (8.5 mVt, rate of exposition-180 sek.), which reduced the calves illness by 32%.
422-428 64
It was established that Black-and-White calves being suckling during 5 months had slaughter weight by 20.6%, slaughter yield by 16.8%, carcass yield by 15.8% higher than those under traditional rearing conditions.
429-435 84
It was established that steers of 456 kg of pre-slaughter weight had slaughter yield of 60.3%, carcass yield of 59.3%; steers of 456 kg of pre-slaughter weight - 65.3 and 64.5%, respectively. Meat yield and meat ratio of semi-carcass of young cattle of high pre-slaughter weight were 85.6% and 5.91% vs 84,5% and 5.46%, respectively.
435-440 65
The investigation showed that Limuzin steers being fed with increased level of feeding (3310 FU per herd) from birth to 18 months had 540 kg of live weight and were heavier than their mates by 82 kg. During the periods of 8-18 and 0-18 months treated steers had the rate of average daily gain of 1082 and 925 g, which was 29.4 and 18.6% higher than of controls.
440-445 55
It was established that water quality in milk farms and different points of plumbing had different organoleptic qualities and chemical composition. Water consumption to animal drinking was 17.5-33.2% of total number, while working operations needed in 66-70.1% in dry gestation period and 52.9-69.5% in pasture period.
445-451 58
Parlor milking of cows after long-timed machine-milking resulted in stress syndromes in cows. Cows of 4-5 lactations had reduction of milk yield by 6-15%. The investigation showed that in the conditions of farms with high-intensificated technology it is sensible to house cows with 2 lactations.
451-456 65
It was established that reconstruction of buildings, modernization of technological equipment, economy of energy recourses, fattening of young cattle to 460-525 kg of live weight in high-leveled feeding and daily gains of 820-1013 g led to beef producing with profitability of 35.6-37,3%.
ISSN 0134-9732 (Print)