Vol 40 (2005)
9-16 135
A short analysis of zootechny and the development of its branches: breeding, selection, reproduction, feeding is given. Its influence on the animal breeding, as well as new programmes on saving the problem of product food supplying are proposed.
17-20 109
Our investigation showed that sheep of close and moderate relations had better inherent coefficients of wool productivity than outbred ones. Inbreeding had no influence on changing genetic correlation indices and frequency of productive performance of sheep.
A. I. Budevitch,
E. I. Sheyko,
E. I. Linkevitch,
T. V. Zubova,
D. M. Bogdanovitch,
T. N. Brovko,
I. N. Shevtsov
21-24 121
To improve the quality of sperm production anolyte was used to sanate diluted semen of breeding boars.
25-31 112
A technique of cattle folicular oocytes fertilization in vitro has been developed in order to receive the number of splitting cells by 61,6 % and morul blastocysts by 16,7-41,8 %.
31-35 75
It was established that first progeny of Byelorussian Light Draft mares and Tory Lithuania and Russian Draught Stallions were larger than average ones, but they had weakly defined maternal breed type.
36-43 102
Selection studs of cows of 1420 herds with productive performances: milk yield - 7804 kg, fat content - 4,0 % and protein - 3,23 % was created. It was established that Holstein cows had the best milk productive performances.
43-47 72
Reproductive qualities of Byelorussian and Russian Draught mares of different duration of embryogenes and of different age were studied. It was established that mares reproductive performances and their age had an influence on the duration of their embryogenesis.
47-50 679
The growth rate of Byelorussian Draught foals with different periods of embryogenesis, as well as the results of researches on correlation of embryogenesis duration and their body features conformation were studied.
T. I. Epishko,
O. P. Kurak,
R. I. Sheyko,
N. V. Podskriobkin,
L. F. Fedorenkova,
N. V. Zhurina,
M. A. Kovaltchuk,
E. A. Yanovitch,
M. I. Bykova
51-56 96
DNA-diagnostics of “Zadneprovsky” type of pigs was held. Genetic polymorphism of RYR1-gene was studied. Changing of frequency level was defined. The scheme of selection work with DNA-diagnostics results by RYR1-gene were found.
56-59 78
Mating purebred Pietrain boars and hybrids Duroс x Pietrain and Landrace x Duroс to sows of first crossing LWxBM had no negative influence on meat quality of final hybrids. The average rate of organoleptic estimation was 4.38-4.73 bales.
59-63 98
When studied polymorphism of estrogenous gene-receptor of sows of Large White, Byelorussian Meaty and Duroс breeds the allele ESP was found at LW and BM breeds. Frequency of alleles and genotypes were count. Geneous balance in populations were analyzed.
63-67 63
Marketing organization had a great influence on the selecting process and provided an opportunity of getting profit of selection products.
67-70 66
The use of Emcare culture medium, Henks culture medium supplemented with antibiotics, BSA and B1 and B6 vitamins; Henks culture medium supplemented with antibiotics and BSA at the rate of 4 mg/ml led to the improvement of regeneration capacity of demi-embryos by 20,7 (p≤0,05); 15,0 and 8,3 % when compared to controls.
70-73 84
The use of early blastocytes of perfect quality provided regeneration capacity of demi-embryos after short period of cultivation at the level of 96 %, which was on 12,0; 0,3 and 23,3 % higher than blastocytes of good quality or moruls of perfect and good qualities.
74-77 81
The genealogic structure of the stud on linear breeding of daily cattle was made. The frequency of appearance, the level of genetic similation and homozygosis of main alleles of EAB-system and their connection with milk productivity was determined.
78-81 81
Polymorphism of cappa-casein gene of breeding bulls was studied. Factic and theoretic distribution of allele and genotype frequencies of cappa-casein gene (CSN3) was defined.
81-86 78
Productive performances of crossbred Charollais x Black-and-White steers of different weight had the same level as purebreds. Rearing of young cattle to the heavy live weight did not increase meat fat depot.
86-92 71
The results of the breeding work with Large White pigs in the Republic of Belarus during 2004 were analyzed. As a result, herds with a number of 1900 sows of Large White breed were created having productive performances: litter size - 11,94, piglets age by reaching of 100 kg of live weight - in 190,5 days, average daily gain - 727 g, feed expenses - 3,59 FU, back fat thickness - 27,7 mm.
97-101 75
Pietrain boars used on the final period of three-way crossings with LW x BM sows provided receiving of 69 % of carcass yield. The use of Duroc boars on the final period of three-way crossing provided an increase of fat content in meat by 0,58-1,96 %.
101-105 89
Manual technique of sperm collection influenced on improvement of artificial insemination in piggery, as sperm quality and sows reproductive performances had improved.
105-107 77
The use of progesterone in the schemes of treatment of donor cows led to increasing the embryos yield of best quality.
108-113 66
The influence of combined cultivation of oocytes and sperm cells duration, the culture medium volume and type and oocytes density on the fertilization rate of oocytes and the yield of fissile embryos has been shown.
119-123 69
The experiment showed the superiority of (LWxBM)xP and (LWxBM)xD crosses which provided high quality pork production from 100 till 130 kg of live weight.
124-128 99
The effect of heterosis on the age at 100 kg live weight and average daily gain of 34-67 g in crossbreds (50 % Pl) reduced by 1.0-1.5 mm and loin eye area had increased by 0.2-1.1 cm3, meat yield by 0.8-1.5%
128-132 93
Mating crossbred sows LWxBM to purebred (Pietrain) and hybrid boars DxP and LxD resulted in their hybrid progeny, which had high meat content (67.7-70.5 %) and low fat content (12.6-13.9 %) when compared to controls.
132-134 85
It was established that crossing of Large White sows of “Zadneprovsky” type with boars of specialized meaty breeds (Byelorussian Black-and-White, Landras, Duroc) provided a high level of reproductive capacities of crossed sows. The most optimal variants were LWxBM, LWxL.
135-140 85
Progeny of semifine-wool sheep of prolific type and Texel and Il-de-France rams had better indices of growth rate, wool thickness, wool yield and wool length.
141-146 105
New selection stud of Duroс pigs had been created with the number of herds of 25 boars and 43 sows. It was established that Duroс pigs had rather good reproductive performances, coefficients of prolificacy, milking,litter size and litter weight. Duroс sows had litter size of 9.2 piglets, litter weight of 43.9 kg and 8.4 piglets and 61.8 kg, respectively.
147-152 88
The parameters of keeping and removing of137Cs in muscular tissues of horses being grazing on radioactive zones. Some methods of receiving meat products on radioactive zones were offered.
153-157 117
The results of our experiment showed that «RonozymeTM WX» is the most efficient mean of improvement of nutrient digestibility in finishing pigs rations. The indices of organic substances digestibility increased by 1,7%, protein - by 2,2 %, fiber - by 3,1 % (P<0,05), as well as metabolized energy by 3,9 %, when compared to control ones.
157-161 94
Mixed feed supplemented with 3 and 5 % of sapropel in the rations of high productive cows in winter and 2-3 % in the stable period provided increasing of milk yield by 3,61-4,13 % and 2,33-3,16 %, milk fat by 3,83-5,24 % and 3,83-4,59 % respectively. Milk of cows being fed with sapropel additives had no differences with control milk.
162-169 85
It was established that feeding steers of rations with corn-amaranth or corn-lupine silage with mineral supplements led to increase of their average daily gain by 13-15 %, lower feed expenses by 9-15 %, self-cost of production by 9-12%, while economic efficiency has reached 15,2-16,9 16,9 thousand rubles to 1 head.
169-174 81
Feeding of cows with mineral supplements in winter increased nutrient digestibility by 1,2-7,2 %, minerals of the ration - by 0,8-10,5 %. The dose of molybdenum of 1,2 mg in 1 kg of DM resulted in increasing of cows productivity by 5,3 % and in lower feed expenses by 5,4 % per 1 kg of milk.
174-178 112
In order to increase milk productivity of cows new liquid feed additive based on salt solutions, melasse, carbamid and mineral-vitamin mixture has been created. As a result, milk productivity increased by 16,8 % and feed expenses decreased by 0,19 FU or 16,7 %.
178-183 112
Piglets being fed of rations supplemented with “Gitin” biopreparation, based on sapropel, showed increasing of growth energy by 6,0-7,3%, bactericide activity of blood serum by 15,4-16,8 %, lysozyne activity by 13,9-16,6 % and gamma-globuline content by 16,8-20,5. Survival rate of animals had increased by 20 %.
184-188 81
It was established that using of two components ryegrass-clover mixtures increased the content of FU by 4,4 %, metabolized energy by 3,8 % and dry protein by 6,6 %.
188-192 86
Feeding diets supplemented with special feed additives provided minerals balanciation of rations and lower of blood toxicants: Cadmium by 9-16%, lead - by 2,3-2,7 %.
193-197 89
Feeding of finishing cattle with rolled preserved triticale resulted in increasing of daily gain by 5,5-6.3 % and in lower feed expenses by 4,5%.
197-201 82
Young cattle ration based on premixes supplemented with Mb in a dose of 1,0 mg/kg of DM provided a positive effect on steers development. During the experiment the highest daily gain has reached 970,9 g, which was 3,3-5,1% higher than others.
202-206 86
Feeding mixed feed involving sodium selenite and β-carotine preparation to growing cattle aged 1-1,5 months led to increase of growth energy of treated animals by 11,3-12,1 % and lower feed expenses by 7,1%.
206-208 118
Feeding lactating cows of silage enriched with phosphogypsun led to improving of milk productivity by 6,2 % and had a positive effect on chemical and mineral composition of milk.
208-213 111
The results of the investigation showed that feeding high producing lactating cows with different selenium levels (0,1; 0,2 and 0,3 mg/kg of PM) had a great influence on calcium, phosphorus and mineral metabolism. Selenium being added to the diets at the rate of 0,2 mg/kg increased calcium and phosphorus metabolism by 7,7 % and 5,5 %, respectively.
213-217 87
Feeding diets supplemented with 7 % of peat additive led to improving of DM digestibility by 1,8, organic - by 1,6, protein - by 1,4, fiber - by 2,6. The use of peat additive resulted in decreasing of DM digestibility by 2,5-4,6 %, organic - by 3,2-5,5, protein - by 2,9-6,0, fiber - by 5,1-7,8 % when compared to control one.
217-222 80
The influence of seasonable dynamics of herbage structure on the level of137Cs keeping in the rations and milk of cattle being grazing on radioactive zones was shown.
222-229 125
Feeding young cattle of mixed peed supplemented of “Oxigumat”, “Gidrogumat”, “Oxidat” BAPs resulted in improving of rumen fermentation, metabolism and nutrient digestibility, and in lower feed expenses in production.
229-231 95
Feeding ration involving 25-30 % of vegetable and protein feed by total protein was found to be as efficient as bone-meat flour one. The growth rate of growing pigs has reached was the same performances, as using while economical efficiency was by 2,8 units.
232-237 100
As a result of our investigation a new complex mineral additive (CMA) with the optimal level of Molybdenum was found to supplement cows rations in minerals and vitamins in the full volume. At the same time the productivity of 4 % milk increased by 6,6 % and feed expenses decreased by 6,5 % per unit of production.
237-242 160
Mixed feed supplemented with 13 and 20 % of peat had no negative influence on feed consumption, indices of rumen fermentation and blood. Feeding young cattle with peat additive resulted in increasing of daily gain by 894-900 g, in lower feed expenses per 1 c of gain by 7,8-7,9 c FU.
242-246 81
Mixed feed based on barley, preserved by HB-2 in the ration of steers provided an improvement of rumen fermentation by 0,1-5,2 %.
246-250 76
Using a preservative in a corn silage storage increased a content of feed units by 0,03, CP - by 46,8, Ca - by 25,6, P - by 44,6, Cu - by 44,5, Zn - by 52,8, Mn - by 31,6 % when compared to controls. Feeding lactating cows of corn silage with a preservative resulted in increasing of milk yield by 12 % per cow. Feed expenses were by 7,5 % lower than of controls.
251-256 83
Mixed feed supplemented with mineral-vitamin additives Kostovit Forte and Oligovit Extra being fed to finishing steers of 50-140 kg of live weight led to increase daily gain by 870-885 g at feed expenses of 4,25-4,29 FU or at the PRP-1 and PRP-2 premixes level.
256-262 82
Mixed feed supplements with 10-15 % of monoammonium phosphate provided an improvement of digestibility by 0,7-3,1 %, phosphorus absorption by 3,07 and 1,9 %.
262-268 86
Microbiologic processes in the digestion traсt of steers were improved by the influence of mineral phosphorous supplements being added to the diet, as well as daily gains increased by 5-8 %, economical efficiency - by 13,5-19,8 %.
268-274 90
Made experimental batches of mineral-vitamin supplements for cows on the winter-stall period and mineral supplements for cattle on pasture period with the maximum use of local mineral raw materials and active antioxidant agents. The effect of supplementation on milk yield and milk quality indicators. It was found that feeding mineral and vitamin supplement in the winter-stall period, and in the pasture - mineral supplements has a positive effect on milk production and contributes to the reduction of the content of toxic elements in cows milk.
275-279 68
The consumption of high productive cows of clover and ryegrass-clover herbage increased daily milk yield by 8,7 % and had no influence on chemical composition of milk.
279-286 89
Using a preservative in a corn silage content increased feed units by 0,03, сrude protein - by 46,8, Ca - by 25,6, P - by 44,5, Zn - 52,8, Mn - by 31,6 when compared to control ones. The results of feeding young cattle of corn silage supplemented with a preservative led to an improvement of daily gain by 82 kg/h in 91 days and lower feed expenses for 1 kg of gain by 4,6 % when compared to controls.
286-291 114
Corn-silage being laying-in with a biological preservative based on lactic bacteria strains improved milk quality. Silage with a preservative had the highest content of lactic acid (67 %) in the sum of acids. Content of FU in DM was 6 % higher than in control silage. The level of metabolized energy in DM was 9,94 MJ, which was 3,4 % higher than in control silage.
291-296 74
Feeding lactating cows with silage of different grinding had no negative influence on cows productivity. Daily milk yield was 24,45 kg in control cows (grinding degree was 10 mm “New Holland”), 25,3 - experimental I (grinding degree - 6 mm “Poles’e 250-A” with a grater). The optimal degree of grinding of corn silage for lactating cows was 6-10 mm, which provided milk yield of 24,45-25,3 kg of milk.
296-301 106
Feeding of rolled savage being kept in polymeric package led to increasing of daily gain of live weight of young remount cattle by 7,4 % and lower feed expenses by 7,1 %. The economic efficiency of sanage was 0,43 c of live weight from 1 ha of grasses.
301-306 81
The results of feeding of biologically active substances to replacement steers showed a positive effect on growth rate, natural resistance, quality and quantity of sperm production, as well as live weight increased by 9,4-9,8 % and lower feed expenses of 1 kg of gain by 7,5-8,7 %.
307-317 92
Feeding mixed feed invoking 6-8 % of sapropel instead of grain had no negative influence on feed consuming, nutrient digestibility, growth and meat productivity.
318-322 68
The optimal period of the positive influence on the productive and physiologic capacities of mammal glands is the period of 420-464 working hours. In the case of exceeding this period the result was high benefit effect on the mammary gland health, appearance of cases of subclinical mastitus and decreasing of productivity and lower effect of machine milking.
323-330 69
It was established that using the method provided an extending of the period of exploitation of teating rubber DD 00.041 A for 1 month (120 hours), led to increasing the milk yield by 0,9 kg (3,4 %) decreasing of the mastitis by 2 % and economic efficiency for 100 cows by 11543 thousand of rubles.
330-337 66
It was established that low intensity radiation of laser stimulation of immunocompetent qualities of colostrums provided decreasing of illnesses of treated calves by 4 times when compared to controls. Gamma-globulines level had increased by 3,8, 0,3 and 18,7%.
338-343 87
The productivity and reproduction rates of first crossing of LW x BB&W replacement gilts and LW x L crossings at production units “Borisovsky” of Minsk region were studied. It was established that reproductive capacities of mentioned lines were almost the same. Percentage of gilts farrowing was higher than that of moderate growth of LW x BB&W crossing by 12,2 %, LW x L - 16,1 %.
343-348 74
The results of the experiment showed that 24 hours was the optimal period of calves keeping together with cows. It provided decreasing of calves illnesses, increasing of daily gain and natural resistance performances.
348-353 71
3-days calves being recieved combined colostrums had lower level of illnesses, as well as natural resistance and daily gain by 8,3 %
353-357 65
It was established that reconstruction buildings using of new mechanics and equipment, economy of energy resources, feeding young cattle to 450-500 kg of live weight, while during the period of rearing daily gains were 800-850 g provided beef producing with 12-18 % of profitability.
358-362 68
Some recommendations on using Envistim in deep litter were given to ensure better welfare conditions for pigs
362-366 71
It was established that loose cows keeping had no influence on normal physiologic conditions of animals depending on a season.
366-374 83
Some features of natural resistance forming of steers being reared by industrial technique, its correction by “Mastim” immunostimulator at the rate of 6 ml/h 3 times at the age of 2, 2,5, 3,5 and 4 months with 4 days interval were defined.
ISSN 0134-9732 (Print)