
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Vol 51, No 2 (2016)


3-11 92
Results of studies of indicators of rumen digestion in young cattle of 12 months of age at different ratio of degradable and non-degradable protein in diets are presented. It was determined that perfect ratio between degradable and non-degradable protein is 70-60: 30-40 in diets for steers. Feeding with diets with protein degradability over 70% reduces the enzymatic activity of rumen microflora, proportion of protein nitrogen and increase of amount of ammonia that are not significant.
12-17 66
It is established that aromatization and sweetening of compound feed with different technological methods is a cost-effective method of intensive rearing of pigs at fattening. Use of dry and liquid flavoring Caramel-Vanilla in the dose of 1g/kg DM starch syrup at a dose of 30g/234 ml of water per 1 kg DM is a favorable technique since it provides an increase in slaughter weight of pigs of II and IV experimental groups by 7.1 % and 6.6 % compared to their coevals and increases net profit of pigs in II and IV groups by 102.97 ruble and 60.27 ruble, and also increases the profitability of fattening respectively by 0.6 % and 0.3 % compared to the same indicators of their coevals of I and III groups.
17-24 74
The article proves efficiency of new perfect structure of diet for cows during the 1st third part of lactation in winter feeding with ratio of concentrated and voluminous feeds in per cents by nutritional value respectively 36:65 for expression of milk performance, milk composition and properties suitable for a enzymatic cheese production with a good general evaluation of its organoleptic properties at the level of 90 points, cows body metabolism and feed recoupment by products.
24-30 97
The article proves efficiency of new perfect structure of diet for cows during the 2nd third part of lactation in summer feeding with ratio of concentrated and voluminous feeds in per cents by nutritional value respectively 27:73 for expression of milk performance, milk composition and properties suitable for a enzymatic cheese production with a good general evaluation of its organoleptic properties (at the level of 89 points), cows body metabolism and feed recoupment by products.
30-39 111
Metabolism and productivity of heifers aged 6-12 months was studied when fed with rape and lupine grain. Inclusion of BVMD in diets of heifers with local protein and mineral raw materials (age 6-12 months) allows to reduce the prime cost of compound feed by 14 %, and prime cost of 1 c of weight gain by 6-14 % in winter period, in summer period - by 7-15 %. The profit after reduction of prime cost of 1 c of weight gain increased by 7-9 % in the winter period, in the summer period - by 6-9 %.
39-48 75
The use of wood processing waste products and urea as an enriching preservative when ensilaging maize in dough stage of ripeness and the inclusion of obtained silage in diet for replacement young animals (50 % by nutrition value) increases content of crude protein in diet by 52 g, digestible - by 75 g, sugar - by 8 g, that increases the average daily weight gain of animals and reduces feed cost per 1 kg of growth and increases profitability of rearing replacement young animals.
49-60 73
Feeding heifers during 1-6-month period of pregnancy with developed by us compound feed and diets increases concentration of crude protein by 17.2 % in diet, non-degradable in rumen protein - by 44 %, sugar - by 28 %, which ensures increase of average daily weight gains by 7.8 %, reduction in feed costs of live weight gain by 6.3 %. Consumption of developed diet has a positive impact on heifers’ blood parameters: the blood of heifers was 6.7 % saturated with hemoglobin, 11.3 % with red blood cells, white blood cells level decreased by 20 %. Compliance of winter and summer diets with physiological requirements was confirmed by assessment of rumen contents, which has resulted in raising of pH level of rumen fluid medium by 8.9 %, reduction of the level of acetic and butyric acids in the amount of volatile fatty acids respectively by 0.8-1.3 and 1- 2.7 molar percentage points and increase of propionic acid level by 1.8-4.0 molar percentage points.
61-70 72
Feeding calves with sodium humate per rate of 0.4-0.5 ml / kg of body weight (body weight of 50-104 kg) activates redox processes in the body, which leads to increase of average daily weight gains by 6.0-8.0 % and decrease of feed costs by 4.5-5.6 %, weight gain prime cost - by 5-8.6 % and obtaining additional profit of 40-118 thousand rubles.
71-77 69
The article covers issues related to use of bee breeding byproducts for feeding quail, in particular, dead bees, which contains proteins, essential amino acids, minerals, fat, the whole complex of vitamins, dietary fiber, heparin, flavonoids, melanin etc. The aim of the work was to study the efficiency of dead bees as a raw material for production of biologically active feed supplements of natural origin and their effect on the quality of quail eggs. As a result of scientific and economic experiments the author has studied the efficiency of dead bees use as native and extracted supplements for feeding quail. It was determined that use of feed supplements based on dead bees for feeding quails of Pharaoh breed promoted increase of egg mass by 3.0-3.2 % and increase in the components of the eggs of: protein content in the egg yolk by 0.71-1.77 %, in protein - by 0.6-0.9 %, calcium - by 9.7-16.1 %.
77-86 78
Comparative estimation of diets formulated on the basis of content of metabolizable energy in feeds. The energy is calculated by different methods used at production, and the structure of diets varied significantly due to this fact. The main parameter having effect on the result was chosen to be Metabolizable Energy Coefficient. Quantitative change of volume of expensive concentrated feeds in calculation by different methods was determined. The difference in the structure of diets can be up to 20% by energy indicator, which, of course, has effect on feed consumption and performance.
87-95 75
The article considers impact of enzymatic processes in rumen of highly productive cows during winter milking period. It was determined that increase of nutrients digestibility by 0.5-4.3 % contributed to activation of enzymatic processes in rumen of highly productive cows.
96-104 70
It is determined that inclusion of vitamin and mineral supplements in winter period in diet of dairy cows in amount of 260 g per head per day increases 3.6% fat milk yield by 7.0% milk, improves biochemical and haematological blood parameters of experimental animals, thereby reduces the risk of diseases of limbs and, thus, allows to extend productive longevity of animals.
104-112 86
It was determined that the improved standards of cows requirements for nutrient taking into account easily digestible carbohydrates according to the stages of physiological cycle, providing milk yield of 8-12 thousand kg per lactation with feed costs of 0.75-0.85 feed units, promotes increase of milk performance, improvement of milk quality, decrease of feed costs, and improve in vivo nutrients digestibility.
113-120 67
Evaluation of 1 kg of dry matter of concentrated feed grain forage crops by fodder units metabolizable energy, crude protein and starch with sugar at different levels of daily milk yield. The results showed that 1 kg of oats grain dry matter contained 10.8 MJ of metabolizable energy and 12.7 % of crude protein. Such energy and protein content is close to the same evaluation of these indicators for voluminous fodder but productive action of oats is 1.5 times higher. Hence the conclusion: the metabolizable energy of voluminous feeds in terms of productive activities do not correspond to the exchange energy of concentrated feeds. Therefore, assessment of productive activities of concentrated and voluminous feed must be differentiated into milk product by crude protein and lightly fermented carbohydrates.
120-131 90
Using diet developed with a new forage for heifers during the last period of pregnancy contributes to crude protein content increase by 12.5 % and decrease of protein degradability in the rumen by 2 percentage points. Positive effect of diet on heifers of the last period of pregnancy on performance was determined, which was higher than that of the control by 7.1 % at decrease of feed costs by 6.1 %, metabolizable energy - by 4.8 %. Production experiments of feeding heifers for the entire period of pregnancy confirmed data obtained in the scientific experiment. As a result performance of heifers increased by 11.7 %, feed costs decreased by 10.4 %, metabolizable energy - by 9.2 %, crude protein - by 3.9 %, and additional income for 270 days obtained - 115 million rubles.


132-138 137
Method for automated milking of cows at stall management at milking installation of ADM-8 type was improved, comprising in milking with two operators with two combined groups of cows (100 animals) with milking machines. It was determined that full preparation of cows for milking stimulated fast and full milk flow, contributed to intensification of processes of milk secretion, whereas the lack of preparation caused defective milk ejection reflex, slow and incomplete milking and decrease in milk performance. The improved method of automated milking helps to reduce irritation and subclinical mastitis in cows, and increase the daily milk yield and fat content in milk.
138-144 73
Material describing use of dark infrared heaters for rearing piglets in conditions of industrial pork production is presented in the article. Positive effect of the infrared equipment was determined for creation of comfort rearing conditions, increase of growth energy and safety of young pigs.
144-150 69
The favorable indoor air temperature is an important indicator of animals’ welfare. In this study a hypothesis is presented: microclimate control in livestock premises should be based on direct indicators of animals’ welfare according to zoology engineering requirements, which are behavior and performance of animals.
150-155 77
The article presents data on content of trace elements in cow milk depending on year season and type of farming. An experimental proof of the downward trend in the level of heavy metals in milk produced in conditions of organic farming is given.
156-164 97
This article presents research results on production performance of legume-grass mixtures depending to the type of mineral fertilizes & mixture composition. The mixtures are based on perennial grasses. Dry matter, digestible energy & crude protein content were calculated per arable land unit. In the conditions of the Forest step zone of Ukraine the most productive and competitive grass mixtures are revealed on the basis of alfalfa and sainfoin.
164-172 115
The way of labor organization at «Rotary» milking plant (40 animals capacity) of WestfaliaSurge make was studied while exploiting it under conditions of dairy complex «Rassoshnoe» of RSUE «ZhodinoAgroPlemElita», Smolevichi district, Minsk region. It was determined that at defined separation of functions between the three operators of machine milking and consistent interaction of operator and lactating animal, a sustained and uninterrupted rhythm of cows milking process was ensured. It was determined that the average turnover of the «Rotary» ring platform was equal to 17 minutes 20 seconds. Overhead of working time due to the forced entrance and exit of individual animals to the ring platform, retentive position of the milking apparatus, replaced section, etc., amounted to 1 minute 13 seconds, overhead of working time calculated per one operator of cows machine milking - about 24 seconds.
172-184 72
The basic regularities for connections that affect the bee colonies performance are presented. Dynamics of the main amino acid parameters pollen changes depending on the period of collection is determined. The regularities of the effect of amino acid composition of pollen on the development of bee colonies are studied.
185-192 72
Comparative study of different methods for determining meat pH level, water-holding capacity and color were conducted. It is stated that determination of meat pH level with electrode using a portable pH meter is more acceptable, since it is less time consuming and assures similar results with precision as by measuring pH of water extract by domestic millivoltmeter pH-121. To determine the water-holding capacity a method of cooling the meat samples is acceptable. At comprehensive meat quality assessment for a more reliable detection of PSE and DFD-diseases, along with determination of pH and water-holding capacity it is proposed to determine color of meat by intensity of color of its water extract.
193-200 84
The method for mammary gland stimulation during cows machine milking was developed and scientifically substantiated, with difference of using improved jetters having effect on the teat receptors and ensuring stimulation effect on the mammary gland of cows. Application of the method has a positive effect on the lactation parameters of cows - reduces latency reflex period of milk yield, and increases the intensity of lactation.
200-207 76
The aim of the research was to study indicators of development and meat performance of Limousin breed young cattle. Scientific and economic experiments were conducted at JSC «Poultry plant «Druzhba» of Baranovichi district on steers and heifers of Limousin breed. Experiments have shown that young animals of Limousin breed differed with high growth energy in different age periods, exterior and constitutional body conformation corresponded to the standards for beef type animals. At the control slaughter the slaughter yield made 65.3 %, carcass yield - 64.4 %, with low levels of internal fat (0.87 %). High quality carcasses were obtained with meatiness ratio of 6.14 kg.
208-216 95
Comparative analysis of physical and chemical parameters of milk obtained from goats producing human lactoferrin and non-transgenic animals showed no differences in milk performance, fat mass fraction and number of somatic cells between the groups. At the same time there was a significant increase of protein mass fraction in milk of animals producing rhLF, as well as lactose and nonfat milk solids. It was determined that the indicator of the number of somatic cells (CSC) in milk of goats producing rhLF was not constant, and its average value for this group was lower than in the control group.
217-222 117
According to the research was determined that the investigational use of probiotics in quail feed positively effects on the chemical and mineral content of the pectoral and femoral muscles of quail. Feeding with probiotic supplements enables to improve the protein content of pectoral muscles by 4.4 and 1.0 % MAR and femoral muscle increases the amount of dry matter by 1.22 %, protein by 2.1 % and fat by 7.8 %. It was reported that due to additional consumption of probiotic supplements phosphorus concentration increased by 24.4 %, calcium by 31.3 % and iron by 57.4 % in white muscle quail. It determined that the level of phosphorus, iron, zinc, manganese and copper accumulation increased by 30.8 % (2.1 times); Zn by 19.5 %, Mn by 71.0 %, and Cu by 85.1 % in the quails femoral muscles under the influence of studied additives. Thus, consumption of probiotic supplements by quails improves physical and chemical properties of meat, and also has positive effect on the quality of quail meat.
223-229 90
The effect of intensity of accumulation of radionuclides in the protein produce of bee breeding at fertilizing agricultural areas with potassium chloride. It was determined that addition of potassium chloride under winter rape at the rate of 90 kg/ha reduces the accumulation coefficient in produced from it bee pollen and bee bread of cesium-137 by 28.5 and 12.5 %, strontium-90 - by 7.1 and 19.0 %, respectively. Adding the potassium chloride under buckwheat at the rate of 60 kg/ha contributed to the decline of coefficient of accumulation of produced from it bee pollen, bee bread and drone larvae homogenate of cesium-137 by 22.0 %, 29.0 and 33.3 %, strontium 90 - by 6.6, 16.6 and 16.6 % respectively.
229-236 83
Quality of the protein products of bee breeding was studied at agrochemical measures in crop farming at contaminated with heavy metals honey lands. Decrease of lead, cadmium, zinc and copper was determined in bee pollen, bee bread and homogenates drone larvae when double superphosphate was applied. When using organic fertilizer Vigro-28 a reduction of lead, cadmium and zinc, as well as increase in copper was determined in the bee pollen and bee bread made from the pollen of winter rape.
236-243 84
Researches on meat performance of young Limousine and Aberdeen Angus breeds reared in conditions of Pripyat Polesye were conducted. Parameters of pre-slughter live weight, slaughter yield, carcass yield and visceral fat, morphological composition of half-carcasses of steers at the age of 18 months were studied. The obtained results confirm the advantage of young beef breeds over coevals of black-motley breed: in slaughter yield - by 1.3-5.3%, in carcass yield - by 1.0-5.9%, in content of pulp and trimmed meat - by 2.4-3.9 and 0.4-6.0%.
243-255 70
A block program was developed that allows to carry out calculation and simulation of financial costs for construction of pig-breeding facility of any capacity. For introduction of pork production SV-technology volumetric and planning solutions are offered for location in joint buildings, along with section with stalls for lactating sows, sections for free management of replacement gilts and pregnant sows on deep, periodically replaced litter.
256-265 76
Analysis of zoology engineering turnover of producing boars of regional Center for selection and genetics in pig breeding, supplying semen to pig complexes. It was found that the year season to start using producing boars has effect on their zoology engineering performance. For producing boars of Landrace breed the most technologically acceptable period to start producing semen is autumn and winter period, and for Yorkshire breed - spring and summer period.
266-274 119
The effect of different periods of growing of broilers on their performance, safety and meat quality is studied. It was determined that with increase in the period of growing of broilers up to 42 days (instead of 35 and 38 days applied at broiler poultry farms) average daily weight gain, index of productivity and economic efficiency of meat production are increased as well.
274-284 85
Stationary and portable biostorage «Kharkiv-40 SKP» was developed for storage of biological materials, such as semen. Stationary and portable biostorage is adapted to changes in working configuration, depending on the volume of materials and conditions of cryo-preserved materials. The degree of evaporation of the liquid nitrogen from the vessel developed at different configurations and modes of use is determined.
285-292 88
As a result of research of microclimate in facilities for animals in winter and summer period it was determined that during these periods of the year in steel buildings with insulation of roof more comfortable animal life support conditions are ensured in comparison with inspected buildings of prefabricated half-frame reinforced concrete structures and steel buildings without insulation of roof.
292-300 279
As a result of researches the perfect area standards were determined for heifers aged 7-12 months - 2.6 m2/head, aged 13-16 months - 3.0 m2/head and at the age of 17-25 months - 3.5 m2/head that allows compared with existing standards of RNTP-1-2004 (2.2-2.4 m2/head) to create a more comfortable environment for animals to meet their biological needs and contribute to improved performance by 4.6-7.2 %.
300-309 172
The paper identifies the factors that constrain the expansion allocated for planting alfalfa acreage. It is determined that to ensure sustainable yields of alfalfa seeds in addition to performing agricultural practices it is necessary to provide a sufficient amount of insects-pollinators for seed stands, which will allow to obtain 5-10 times greater seed yield. One of the reserves for increasing seed production of the culture can become breeding of leaf cutter bees.
310-318 78
The article describes the main components of the economics of equestrian sport of Ukraine in comparison with the advanced countries of the equestrian industry. The pricing policy of the market of sport horses was defined based on various factors and crisis phenomena in the domestic economy of equestrian sport.
318-324 69
It was determined that the degree of effect of litter loading procedures at the unit expenses of working actions, time and resources required for that, are valid and equal 20.4 to 32.3 %. The most universal and ergonomic method is by loader - carrier - unloader, which involves the use of a working mechanism «forklift» to the straw bales weighing about 200-300 kg. The degrees of effect of litter unloading procedures on specific expenses, which are necessary to unload 1 centner of litter, are highly significant (P> 0.999) and equal: to the number of working action - η2 = 0.995; to the total duration of the working action - η2 = 0.972; to the expenses of funds - η2 = 0.940.
325-333 83
The article dwells on organization of water supply for cows at breeding dairy farm in SE «ZhodinoAgroPlemElita», Smolevichi district, Minsk region. It was determined that water supply for cows at breeding dairy farm allows to provide watering and management of cows in the best possible conditions. It was determined that performance of animals depends on the temperature of water consumed. Thus, when water is not heated in the cold period of the year and average temperature of water in the drinkers of +2 °C, experimental animals (n = 5) drank averagely 6.4 times a day, spending 2.1 minutes for drinking. Milk yield in this case amounted to 20.5 kg. When water in the drinkers was heated up to +12 °C, these same animals approached to drinkers averagely 9.1 times a day.
333-339 93
The paper covers the results of research focused on studying cattle of Charolais and Limousine beef breeds raised in contaminated areas on feeds of different137Cs and90Sr specific activities. Qualitative indices of beef productivity were described taking into account each of the two breeds of cattle. According to the results, over a growing period of 18 months specific activities of137Cs in muscular tissues and90Sr in bone tissues of Charolais animals were found to be respectively 1.27 and 15.6 % higher than those of the Limousines.

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ISSN 0134-9732 (Print)