
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Vol 48, No 1 (2013)
3-7 86
In the article presents the status of the Belarusian pig farming and shows the ways its future development


8-15 101
The experiments helped to reveal that exterior of cows is determined by heredity and varies with age under influence of paratypic factors, one of which is management conditions. The genotype of sires has a significant effect on the exterior traits of daughters. According to the results of analysis of variance at all the experimental farms the genotype of sires had a significant effect on most of the exterior indices of their daughters. The following exterior indices had a significant heritability: long legs - 16 %, prolixity - 19 %, blockiness - 17 % and chest - 22 %. When calculating the effect of the genotype of sires to their daughters exterior indexes on individual farms large values of the effect force in general were obtained.
15-22 99
The age dynamics of live weight and exterior body measurements of young limousine breed animals and Volyn meat breed animals in the western region of Ukraine are considered in the article. Age, gender and interbreed difference in terms of body weight and body measurements of young limousine and Volyn meat breeds are determined. In all age periods on the above indicators calves surpassed heifers. On live weight and average daily gain the best were young limousine breed animals, and on the relative speed of growth - Volyn meat breed animals (exception - the age of 6-9 months). Young animals of both breeds were characterized by good growth and development, as well as typical meat cattle exterior.
23-30 78
It was determined in the course of studies on the boar’s of leading breeding centers that the best reproductive traits were shown by sires of Landrace breed of German selection. In terms of own productivity they conceded the control group boars of Yorkshire breed. It was determined in the analysis of reproductive traits of sows that the highest rate of multiple pregnancy among experimental groups was shown by sows of Belarusian meat breed - 11.3 animals per litter. In terms of milk yield sows of Yorkshire breed inseminated by Duroc boars surpasses females of the control group by 9.8 kg or 20.4 % (P ≤ 0,001). Piglets of Yorkshire breed conceded their coevals obtained from combinations of BM × Y and (BM × Y) × D by litter weight by 24.6 and 26.6 % (P ≤ 0,001), and the weight of one piglet-by 22.7 and 24 % (P ≤ 0,001), respectively. The complex index of reproductive traits of Belarusian meat breed sows was the best among the experimental groups and made 92.7 points, that is by 8 points higher than in the control group of sows.
31-36 81
The scheme of induction of oestrus of sows by applying intravaginal long-action hormonal methods was developed, promoting the growth of the number of animals in estrus for the minimum time interval, as well as increase in the values of the main reproductive traits.
37-46 90
The effect of different combinations of supporting media and sucrose concentration on the qualitative composition of thawed embryos of cattle, frozen in 1.4 M glycerol solution or a 1.5 M solution of ethylene glycol was studied, allowing to retain their viability after depreservationin 90,9-100 % of cases.
47-52 103
As a result of research an improved nutrient media for the maturation of oocytes and early embryos cultivation with prolactin was developed. It provides improvement of oocytes maturation to the stage of metaphase II by 84.9-88.3 %, while the cleavage rate is 48.8-55.3 %, and the yield of embryos suitable for transplantation - 19.8-25.5 %.
52-58 105
The results of determining the breeding value of the Belarusian draught breed of horses by indices is presented in the article.
59-67 94
The estimation of the breeding value of pigs of Belarusian plant type of Yorkshire breed was carried out using selection indices (composite index of reproductive traits of sows and composite index of boars’ breeding value), which indicates the need for a more rigorous selection of animals on the main traits.
67-73 74
Researches helped to determine that the performance of fattening and meat productivity of Belarusian plant type of Yorkshire breed of pigs made: age at reaching live weight of 100 kg - 158 days, average daily weight gain - 776 g, costs of feeds - 3.24 f.u., thickness of back fat - 19.2 mm, weight of the rear third of the carcass - 11.23 kg.
73-78 72
It is determined that most part of boars (80 %) are represented by AA genotype of gene-marker IGF-2 (intron 2), and the frequency of allele A - 0.87. Homozygous boars by B allele promote reducing the fattening period of the produced young animals by 7 days and increase in average daily gain by 25 g. Replacement young animals with fathers that had BB genotype is peculiar of moderate fat content (20.3-24.0 mm backfat thickness) and high meat content - 47.5 % (by unit Piglog-105).
78-85 112
The experiments helped to determine that by shearing of greasy wool of thoroughbred gimmers they give way to the local crossbred animal of group II by 2.2 %, and group III gimmers - by 4.3 %, while the difference was unreliable. In washed fiber difference in favor of the local gimmers of II and III groups accounted for, respectively, 4.0-16.0 %. Crossbred gimmers of II and III group by natural length prevailed over the gimmers of control group by 7.5-8.9 %, the benefit of the animals of group II was reliable, and by real length the local crossbred animals of groups II and III significantly prevailed over the gimmers of group I by 5.5 and 8.8 %. The fineness of wool from crossbred animals was mostly 48-50 quality, and peers in the control group - 56-58 quality. The greatest strength of wool fibers was peculiar with the local gimmers of II and III groups, exceeding their purebred contemporaries, respectively, by 2.1 and 6.4 % (P <0.95).
86-92 89
Application of epibrassinolide for reproduction of cattle allows restoring the reproductive capacity of dairy cows during the time of the sexual cycle with efficiency approaching to efficiency of agofolline activity, and during two cycles - 18 % higher.
98-104 72
Formed elements, carbohydrates, blood lipids and cellular and humoral factors of natural resistance of the French Landrace breed of pigs for two generations were studied during the period of adaptation to the new working environment. It was determined that the animals with the most suitable indices of blood quality were pigs of the first generation with all the parameters within the physiological range. Pigs of second generation differed by less stable adaptive homeostasis of blood qualitative indices and they were at the upper limit of the physiological norm and had been unstable especially by the carbohydrate composition of blood serum.
104-110 67
The effect of follicular fluid on the proliferation of somatic cells and bovine embryos obtaining in vitro was studied. It was determined that the use of 10%-follicular fluid of the total volume as an additive to the medium provides an intensive proliferation of granulosa cells and their potential durable cultivation without signs of cellular aging. To follicular fluid it is recommended to use follicles with diameter of 3-6 mm, the yield of viable embryos at pre-implantation stages increases at 6,6-8,7 % depending on the composition of the culture medium for embryos.
110-118 94
The studies helped to determine that cows of Holstein breed imported from Hungary have adapted well to new environment and can be successfully reared at farms with a stable fodder base. The efficiency of the use of import cattle and its ability to adapt depend on the conditions of feeding and management of animals at farms. The best results were obtained at farms with relevant feeding and cattle comfortable management, where average milk yields are 8-10 thousand kg of milk for the period of 305 days of lactation. Imported animals have a high genetic potential of milk efficiency (more than 10,000 kg).
118-125 63
The efficiency of the early bovine embryos cryopreservation obtained in vitro using polyhydric alcohols was studied. It was determined that the use of polyhydric alcohols for the cryopreservation technology of early embryos obtained in vitro ensures safety of preimplantation embryos after thawing on the level 14,7-18,2 %.
126-134 114
The analysis of the reproductive, fattening and meat traits of pigs of Belarusian large white breed was carried out in 2012. It was determined that sows’ multiple pregnancy is 12.04 piglets, milk yield - 56.8 kg, that exceeds the requirements of the elite class by 9.4 and 9.2 %, respectively. The highest fattening and meat traits were peculiar of young animals of Secret 1347 and Svitanak 3884 lines of boars.
134-141 67
In the period of 2002-2012 genetic testing of plant populations of pigs of Belarusian large white breed by the main markers of productivity (RYR 1, ESR, ESR F18, H-FABP, IGF-2) was conducted. The frequency of genotypes appearance and alleles of marker genes responsible for performance traits was determined. It was determined that animals with preferred genotypes surpass their coevals with heterozygous and recessive genes by performance traits.
141-151 85
The results of studies on the morphological and biochemical indices of blood of heifers and cows of different lines are presented in the article. The experiments helped to determine that between animals of different lines of Ukrainian Black-motley dairy breed a reliable differences in morphological and biochemical indices of blood was not observed. With age an increase in heifers total protein, albumins, glucose and calcium and decrease in globulinstook place. Between different lines of mature cows insignificant differences are determined on morphological and biochemical indices of blood.
151-156 89
Based on the theoretical final gonadotropin activity its subcutaneous administration to immature male rats and determination of estradiol and progesterone levels in blood serum we may say that adding carbohydrates to HGC solutions ensures preservation of its activity over prolonged storage.
156-164 85
When forming a line of large white breed the development indices and meat traits of young animals were shown: the age of reaching live weight of 100 kg - 181 days, body length - 124 cm, thickness of back fat over the 6-7th thoracic vertebrae and over the last rib - 14,8 and 11,0 mm, the output of lean meat in the carcass with skin, head and feet - 56,7 %. Correlation ratios between the indicated indices were obtained. With the help of ultrasonic device of "real time" the intensity of fat deposition and muscle tissue from 12 pigs of large white breed of meat type was studied. It was determined that fat deposition was uniform in the age periods of 105-135 and 135-165 days, while muscle synthesis reduced in the second period by 1.6 times. It is proposed to increase the concentration of nutrients in the diet for young animals during the period of 135-165 days to completely meet their requirements for affordable protein, amino acids, vitamins, macro-and micronutrients.
164-169 70
In general on the results of sensory evaluation the superiority was determined in all evaluated parameters for meat of young animals of Belarusian breeding species and hybrids in comparison with imported genotypes. High taste qualities had roast and boiled meat from purebred young animals of Belarusian breeds and hybrids (BLW × BM) × D and (BM × L) × D, the average rate was 4.61, 4.66 and 4.73, 4.68 scores, respectively. According to the quality of broth animals Belarusian breeds had average score - 4.71. The animals of imported breeds hadlower quality indicators - by 0.44 scores (P ≤ 0,001).
170-178 82
Prediction formula for the genetic component of the breeding value of animals by direct kinship from mother to daughter and from father to son were developed, as soon as on the basis of this relationship one can significantly improve the accuracy of estimate. A method for verifying the genetic component of evaluation of breeding values indices with low heritability was developed (multiple pregnancy, milk yield, number of piglets on 21st day). It is determined that assessment by self productivity data of the maternal part of lineage can increase the genetic component of traits with low heritability by 25,2-58,4 %.
179-186 84
Result of the formation of new lines which were created in Landrace and Wales breeds are presented in the article. Estimation of the reproductive, fattening and slaughter traits is carried out in comparison with the existing lines and families of the same domestic breeds. SIVK index is calculated by reproductive traits of sows. The main genes polymorphism QTL is determined.
187-194 75
The best options of two- and three-breed crosses of BLW × (D × BM) and (BLW × D) × (BM × L), differing by high rates of multiple pregnancy (11,6-11,7 animals), milkiness (52,7 - 54,9 kg), litter weight at weaning in 35 days (90,0-93,1 kg), low indicators of achieve live weight of 100 kg (179,6-180,2 days) and the cost of feeds per 1 kg of gain (3,30-3,33 feed units), and the combination (BLW × BM) × (D × L) are characterized by great meat qualities: carcass length - 99,0 cm, weight of ham - 11,3 kg , meat content in carcass - 64,2%, which are proposed for implementation at industrial complexes.
195-202 80
Animals of Belarusian meat breed of new plant lines at basic husbandries are characterized by high levels of growth and development. Productivity of fresh sows with two or more farrowings at basic farms averagely on multiple pregnancy was 11,0 and 11,2 piglets per litter, on milkiness - 55,6-56,7 kg, on the number of piglet sand litter weight and at weaning in 35-41 days - 9,7-9,9 animals, 84,2-88,4 kg, respectively. Averagely for all farms fresh sows’ multiple pregnancy with two more farrowings meets requirements for the Elite class. Breeding young animals of the new lines has a high growth energy from birth to reaching live weight of 100 kg (597 g in SGC "Zadneprovsky", 634 g in SGC "Zapadniy"), thin backfat (17.5 mm in SGC "Zadneprovsky").
202-210 80
In the course of research on the studying of fattening and meat qualities of pure breed and crossbred piglets was found that the combination Y× D had the best performance of fattening pigs productivity, whose age at 100 kg and average daily gain were 173,4 days (P ≤ 0,001) and 730 g (P ≤ 0,05), at a cost of feed 3,40 f. u. (P ≤ 0,001), respectively. The best meat characteristics were noted gilts combinations Y × D and ( BM × Y) × D, the square "eye muscle" to - 24,5 and 40,0 % (P ≤ 0,001) higher than the Yorkshire breed pigs. The best indicator of the mass of the posterior third of a side characterized hybrids (BM × Y) × D and Y × D 12,0 kg, which is 5,3 % (P ≤ 0,05) higher than the corresponding figures of the control group. The highest content of meat in the carcass differed crossbred Y × D and (BM × Y) × D 65,6 and 69,7 %, which is 5,3 (P ≤ 0,05) and 9,4 % (P ≤ 0,001) higher than the Yorkshire breed pigs.
210-218 74
The experiments revealed that crossing sows of LW × BM with hybrid boars of D × P and L × D and sows of BM × LW with boars of D × P increases multiple pregnancy, litter weight at birth, milk yield and number of piglets at weaning by 8,7-12,5 %, 12,1-21,2, 6,4-8,8 and 3,2-4,2 %, respectively, compared to the three-breed variant (LW × BM) × L. It was determined that rearing of young hybrids obtained from mating sows of LW × BM with hybrid boars of D × P and L× D allows to reduce the fattening time period for young animals by 2-5 days and reduce feed costs by 10-20 g compared to the control. Crossing sows of LW × BM with hybrid boars of D × P and L × D and sows of BM × LW with boars of D × P promotes decrease of back fat thickness by 8,3-15 %, increase of carcasses meatiness by 3,3-4,4 %, decrease of the proportion weight of the shoulder-blade cut that is the least valuable part of the carcass due to the simultaneous increase of more valuable - dorsal-rib and the rear third part of carcass, compared to the relevant parameters of three-breed variant (LW × BM) × L.


219-229 149
The article describes the development of feed industry in the Republic of Belarus, the industry's problems and ways to solve them are defined.
229-237 71
The results of studies on the efficiency of nutrients use by calves and heifers of Simmental meat breeds at different levels of crude fat in diets are presented. Researches show that for the costs of feed per 1 kg of gain the effective was the use of the normal level of crude fat in the diets for young Simmental meat breeds from weaning to 18-month of age (body weight 190-470 kg). Increased crude fat in diets by 5 % relative to modern norms of feeding was economically viable because the control group animals made more profits at lower costs. However, at the substantial increase in the productivity of animals which received the level of crude fat in commercial diets at the level of the same norms, it was possible to improve the profitability of rearing young meat cattle.
237-247 87
Breed differences in consumption and use for metabolizable energy growth and individual nutrients of feed (essential amino acids, particularly lysine) are determined. Large White breed gilts spent 46.17 MJ of metabolizable energy and 38 g of lysine perq kg of live weight gain at growing from 35 to 75 kg of live weight. Belarusian meat breed animals required for this, respectively, 44.92 MJ of metabolizable energy and 37.2 g of lysine. Costs of nutrients for gain of 1 kg of edible parts of the carcass (meat, fat) in pigs of large white breed were the highest - 64.18 MJ of metabolizable energy and 43.7 g of available (digestible) lysine. According to these indicators animals of Belarusian meat breed surpassed, respectively, by 61.53 MJ and 42.2 g of available lysine.
247-255 73
It is determined that feeding calves with diets with optimal ratio of degradable and non-degradable protein reduces spends of the metabolizable energy for weight gain by 4.6 %, crude protein - by 3.6 %, prime cost of the resulting products - by 2.0-4.9 %.
256-267 81
It is determined that feeding young cattle with energy and protein supplements with grain legumes and cruciferous crops in the amount of 10-15 % by weight in the compound feed and prebiotic "Biomos" allows to obtain 846-860 g of daily weight gain of calves with feeds cost of 3, 6-3,8 c k units while reducing production costs by 7-8 %. Profit from cost reduction of weight gain per head during the experiment made 117-135 thousand rubles.
267-277 107
Conducted research on the effectiveness of the use of mixes of silos paiza - wika, paiza - soya found a positive effect on the productivity of their cows. As a result, the productivity of animals of group II-treated silage mix paiza + wika, was 24.27 kg of milk per day with a fat content 3,71 % or higher on the benchmark 9,02 %. On the concentration of milk fat analogues experienced group II exceeded the figure of animals I and III, the control group experienced at 0,09-0,1 pp, milk sugar, respectively, by 0,12 and 0,03 percentage points, a protein - by 0,24 and 0,05 percentage points, at a cost of feed and energy, respectively, 0,80 fodder units and 8,53 mJ per 1 kg of milk. The use of a mixture of silage paiza and wika in the production testing positive impact on the economic efficiency of milk production, allowing the profit per cow per year in 1683 rubles.
277-282 67
The article presents the results of the effect of high doses of phosphorus, calcium, sodium, copper, zinc, cobalt, iodine and vitamin D for the cows in the 2nd third of lactation compared to the detailed rules for the summer feeding on milk performance, digestibility and intake of nutrients , blood chemical traits and payment for food.
283-291 76
The efficiency of prebiotic feed supplement of complex action containing lactulose in the diets of young cattle under 6 months of age was studied. The introduction of the feed supplement into feeds helps to normalize the metabolism of young animals, increase low molecular weight antioxidants concentration in blood and increases the average daily weight gain by 3.3 and 7.8 % and decrease the cost of 1 kg of weight gain by 1.2 and 3.7 % compared to control.
291-299 90
The results of research on the efficiency of the use of tripoli deposit "Stalnoe" of Khotimsk district, Mogilev region are presented as the filler premixes for young cattle at the age of 10-75 days. The possibility of replacing the standard filler - bran -in diet of premix PCR-1 with the 50 - and 100% replacement of Tripoli is studied. The positive effect on animal productivity and reducing costs for production unit is determined.
299-306 85
The use of fat kizelgur in the compound feeds from two weeks of age contributes to the intensity of growth, decrease in costs of feeds per unit of live weight gain and improve the economic efficiency of broiler growing. It is recommended add fat kizergulto compound feeds for broiler chickens of two-week age in a growth period in the amount of up to 3 % and in the finishing period up to 5 % by weight.
306-314 96
Studies have shown that a partial or total replacement of sunflower oil with dry (solid) palm oil "Vedzhelin" in compound feeds for broiler chickens had no negative impact on the main performance traits of broiler chickens, the chemical composition of muscle tissue of poultry and cost efficiency of production.
314-322 69
The specific features of different protein feeds effect on animal productivity were determined during researches on young pigs. An assessment of the dynamics of live weight of pigs, research and analysis of physiological parameters of controlling slaughter was carried out. This allowed assessing the conditions and the feasibility of their use.
322-330 71
It is determined that inclusion of the feed additive with rape and lupine in compound feeds KR-3 in diets for replacement heifers provides average daily weight gain at the level of 900-927 g at feed costs of 6,0-6,3 c feed units and decrease of prime cost of weight gain by 6-15 %.
331-340 85
It is determined that reduction of degradable crude protein level in the rumen of young animals reduces the concentration of ammonia, activation of synthesis of volatile fatty acids at increaseof proportion of protein nitrogen in the total nitrogen.

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