
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Vol 42 (2007)


193-199 107
Nutrient and energetic value of mixed sapropel type of Chervonnoe lake is determined in the researches. It made up 0,23 forage units and 3,13 MJ of exchange energy per 1 kg of forage dry substance. Possibility of its usage as a supplement to forages was also discussed. Animals that were fed mixed forage with 3% of sapropel supplement had better digestibility parameters: organic substance of forage - at 1,7%, protein - at 2,7%, fat - at 2,9%, fiber - at 7,7% and БЭВ (?) - at 1,3%, nitrogen - at 3,6% compared to animals of control group.
199-209 82
Implementation of clover-timothy grass green mass of up to 45% of nutrition in summer diets of calves at hay decrease from 20 to 10% increases effectiveness of forage energy usage at production synthesis at 3,9-6,6%, daily growths - at 2,5-3,7%. Implementation of haylage, silage, beet instead of a part of hay in summer diets influences forage energy usage effectiveness growth at 10,5-14,6% and daily growth at 7,2-9,4%.
210-216 84
Scientific-agricultural researches determined perfect correlations of irreplaceable amino-acids and exchange energy in mixed forages for sucking piglets, weanlings, and growing piglets that raise growth temps at 10-17,9%, decrease forage spends of nutrients for live weight growth at 9-13% and increase pigs’ viability at 1,1-2,2%.
216-222 91
Researches on starter piglets determined that mixed forage usage that is enriched by 40 mg of Vitamin E, o,30 mg of selenium and 125 mg of antioxidant Anok for 1 kg of forage lets us raise the average daily growth at 12,5% and decrease forage spends at 7,8% per gain unit, compared to the 2 times lowered norm of selenium implementation; and usage of organic selenium form lets us raise average daily growth at 0,92% along with the same forage spends for live weight growth compared to the animals of control group.
222-229 89
On the basis of literature data and own researches the norms of calves’ needs for vitamins and minerals are specified. These norms are 20-70% higher than current ones. It lets us develop a new premix for SWM and compare its effectiveness to standard premix ПКР-1. It was stated that optimization of calves’ needs for amino-acids, vitamins and minerals (in SWF) influences the daily growth at 5,4%, decreases forage spends at 6,5% and cost at 4,7%.
229-236 115
Usage of maize-amaranth or maize-lupine silage in diets for calves influences daily live weight growth of calves at 12-17% (P<0,05) and it reaches 425-430 kg by the moment of sale. Forage spends for 1 kg of growth go lower at 7-12%. Prime cost of daily growth at feeding meat calves with combined silages and Complex Mineral Supplement (CMS) is 8-12% lower that with maize silage. It lets us get an extra profit per 1 head from 8,5 up to 17 thousand rubles.
237-244 125
As a result of researches a structure of diets for in-calf dry-milking cows containing higher energy and protein is developed. Inclusion in diet structure of in-calf dry-milking cows up to 34% of concentrates and raise of energy and protein norm at 10% lets us raise digestibility of nutrients at 0,2-3,0%, comprehensibility of minerals - at 0,2-4,9, daily growth gain at 7,2%, live weight of calves born - at 3,3% and their average daily growth during the first month - at 8,3%, milk production raise at 4,8%.
245-250 118
As a result of researches it has been determined that preparation of corn silo with biopreservative “BIO-SIL” allows to decrease losses of dry substance at 13,2%, crude protein - at 31,9%, sugar - at 45,4% and carotene - at 28,6% and to get a higher quality forage. Inclusion of a silo with bacterial ferment in diets of milk cows allows to raise daily average yields of milk at 7,4% and to decrease expenses for forages per one unit of product at 4,2%.
251-259 85
It is stated that the greatest dry substance collection (101,7 c/h) at milky-wax ripeness stage was supplied by paisa grass. Silage with paisa grass, Lupine, Lucerne and timothy-grass mixture energy and protein sustenance: 9,77 MJ; 0,84-0,86 forage units in 1 kg of dry substance and 118, 7-123,3 g of digestible protein in 1 forage unit. Digestibility of nutrients of experimental silages is 0,5-4,6% higher than control ones. Higher sustenance and better eating of experimental silages influenced milk yield growth at 2,9-4,2% compared to control ones. Economic effect for one cow during experiment period made up 27,2-29,5 thousand rubles.
259-267 71
As a result of researches carried out it was stated that replacement of sunflower cake by rape cake and grain of flat-leaved lupine in concentrated mixtures does not have any negative influence at health and animals’ productive traits. Usage of these protein components instead of sunflower cake let us raise milk yield at 9,5-12,9% and decrease forage spends at 11,6-8-1%.
268-275 131
Researches at young cattle on fattening determined that implementation of conserved in polymeric hose and trench flat triticale in diets raises daily growth at 7,6 and 6,9% and decreases forage spends at 5,8%. Prime cost goes down at 7,5 and 9,2% because of the concentrates’ cost decrease and high daily growth.
275-284 108
Results of researches on effectiveness of salty concentrated milk serum usage in mixed forage for milk cows and young cattle are presented. It is stated that feeding with forages containing 6% of salty concentrated milk serum influences milk cows productiveness growth at 2,8%, young cattle - at 4,9%. As a result forage spends go down to 1,1-2,6%, live weight growth - at 3,3%. For 60 days of researches extra milk for 6,0-11,5 thousand rubles was obtained, live weight growth a t 3,7%.
284-292 108
Results of researches on effectiveness of whole milk substitutes (WMS)“Start” usage in diets for young cattle are given in the article. It is determined that usage of whole milk substitutes “Start” let us cut whole milk spends down to 56-180 kg per 1 calve. Because of the fact that nutrition value of substitutes is lower than that of whole milk, animals that take WMS are characterized by live weight growth at 1,9-6,7%. Feeding with WMS “Start” let us lower the growth prime cost at 1,7-5% and economize at each centner of growth from 15,8 up to 45,4 thousand rubles.
293-302 116
The research results stated in the article is the proof of the fact that joint maize an crucifers silage does not only increase the forage quality but also makes the raw protein grow at 4,0 -9,12% in comparison to maize only silage for instance. It also influences the daily milk yields that grow at 9,7% and makes forage spends for 1 kilo of 4%-fat milk lower at 6,8%.
302-312 86
Implementation of 31% from dry substance of a diet easy hydrolyzed carbohydrates (sugar + starch). As well as 15% of stable starch in diets of replacement calves of l325-400 kg live weight increases transformation of exchange energy in live weight growth energy from 21,73 to 23,96 MJ or at 10,2%, that increases average daily growth at 7,9% and decreases forage energy spends at 7,1% per one energy unit that was saved in growth.
312-320 89
The researches determined that eating double-component ryegrass-clover and multi-component pasture herbage by high-productive cows with milk yield of 5,0-6,0 thousand kilos of milk per lactation raised average daily natural milk yields at 16,7-20,3% compared to milk yields of cows pastured at cereal herbage.
321-326 120
It is determined that triticale seeds (of Marko, Dubrava, Kastus, Marta, Sokol, Mokola varieties) are balanced on digestible protein content (101-106g), and have high energetic sustenance - 1,24 - 1,29 forage units. On alkilrezorcions content winter triticale overcomes winter wheat at 7-41 mg/kg and cedes to winter rye at 18-48 mg/kg.
327-333 95
Carnitine plays the key role in fat metabolism as co-ferment. It is contained almost in all cells of an organism; it is responsible for fat acids oxidation and transport for their usage as energy source. Results of control animal slaughter of pigs that were given carnitine are presented. Supplements of carnitine in diets with high lipids content in dose of 20 g per 1 tone of mixed forage lets us raise average daily growth of live weight at 2,7%. Usage of carnitine has a good impact at slaughter traits of pigs and raises their slaughter outcome at 3,8%.
333-338 90
In experiments on pedigree calves it was determined that ВМД №2 implementation in diets of animals influenced growth of nitrogen assimilation growth at 7,5%; calcium - at 8,7%; phosphorus - 9,5% and bettered protein digestibility.
339-349 98
As a result of researches carried out it was determined that the perfect norm of implementation of PES for preservation of wet grain is 1,0% of components from ensilaged mass that provides milk-sour process of forage fermentation with pH 4,2 and the highest sustenance level of 0,85 forage units in natural forage; implementation of preserved flat grain in diets of wethers provides higher digestibility of raw protein compared to diet of control group at 1,9%.
349-356 88
The presented results of the research show that implementation of biological preservative for legume-cereal silage storage influences milk acid level growth up to 65,6% on acid sum, all nutrients digestibility growth, so digestibility of raw protein went up at 2,7%; dry substance - at 1,4; fat - at 0,6 and AES - 0,8%. Feeding lactating cows with experimental silage influenced milk productiveness growth at 6% and had no negative influence at chemical parameters of milk and physiological state of animals.
357-367 85
It is stated that implementation of new forage supplements in diets of calves that is based on peat enriched with protein by “straight” bio-conversion with filamentous fungi Aspergilus and Trichoderma sporum in terms of 7% on mass in mixed forage influences growth of dry substance digestibility at 1,8; organic - at 1,6; protein - at 1,4; fiber - at 2,6, AES - at 1,4%.
367-374 83
Researches of Black-Motley Breed bulls determined that feeding with developed complex of mineral phosphorous supplements with 10-15% of ammophos has a positive influence at eating of forages, activates metabolic processes, that influences average daily growth at 6,2-8,0% and decrease of forage spends at 5,1-7,4%.
374-381 123
As a result of researches it was determined that usage of vegetable milk, prepared with new technology, influences growth of average daily growth of calves at 23-26% and decrease of forage spends at 8-9%, that let us get an extra profit of 67,9-72,0 thousand rubles with prime cost for 1 centner growth decrease.
381-389 90
It is determined that implementation in calves diets of mixed forages KP-1 and KP-2 with domestically produced premixes ПКР-1 and ПКР-2 and import mineral-vitamin supplements provides full-value animal nutrition, that is confirmed by average daily growth of 841-944 with forage spends per 1 kilo of growth 3,23-4,11 forage units. Increase of ПКР-1 and ПКР-2 premixes implementation norm 1,5 times influences daily calves growth from 861 up to 965 or at 2,2-2,3% with forage spends decrease at 2,2-3,1%.
389-395 88
15-20% of rape cake and cake containing 1,4-1,9% of glucosinolates and 27-30 mkMol per 1 kg of dry substance of erucic acid can be included in mixed forage КР-2 and КР-3 for calves. Feeding with KP-2 with rape cake and cake let us reach daily growth of 872-906 g with forage spends of 4,66-5,17 forage units per 1 kg of growth, feeding with forage KP-3 results in - 840-855 g with forage spends of 4,66-7,1 forage units per 1 kg of growth. Such forages do not have any negative influence on slaughter traits and meat quality of bulls. Feeding with rape cake in KP-2 and KP-3 gives an opportunity not only to cut protein raw material imports but to get extra profit as well.
396-402 77
The results of researches on corn silage with dresser in milk cows’ diets influence at milk quality are presented in the article. It is determined that feeding with silage and dresser supplement at organoleptic, physical-chemical and chemical activities is of a positive influence at milk yield growth and decrease of forage spends for 1 kg of milk.
402-408 117
The researches at lactating cows stated that usage in feeding of maize silage prepared with microbe-ferment preparation “GoldStoreMaize” let us get 24,8 kg of milk from one cow or 1,6 kg higher than control index with forage spends of 0,93 forage units for 1 kg of milk, that is 0,04 forage units lower. Feeding lactating cows with silage with microbe-ferment preparation of Biotal firm let us decrease prime cost of milk at 7,3% and get extra 153 thousand rubles per one cow during stabling period.
409-416 117
Usage of microbe-ferment preparation “GoldStoreMeize” for maize silage let us get silage of a high quality containing in 1 kg of forage 0,3 forage units of natural humidity and 2,99 MJ of exchange energy with pH 4,05 and better acid ratio then acid ratio of non-preservatives silage as well as with Biosil and Biotrof. Feeding young cattle with silage prepared with this preservative raises nutrients digestibility at 0,5-7,3% compared to control one, and better comprehensibility of nitrogen at 0,9%, calcium - at 5%, phosphorus - at 6%.
416-423 106
90Sr transition ratio from diet based on green mass of Lucerne and foxtail clover into milk of cattle is equal to 0.14 and 0.18% correspondingly.137Cs transition ratio from diet based on green mass of Lucerne and foxtail clover into milk of cattle is equal to 0.63 and 0.78% correspondingly. To get a pure milk, the usage of Lucerne green mass with the purpose of mono-forage in summer diets of lactating cows is possible if it is cultivated on territories with radiation pollution density90Sr up to 5.55 kBk/m2 (0.15 K/km2) and137Cs - 925 kBk/m2 (25 K/km2). What concerns foxtail clover, the limit of radiation pollution density of forage grounds is 3.7 kBk/m2 (0.1 K/km2) for90Sr and 925 kBk/m2 (25 K/km2) for137Cs.
423-430 125
As a result of researches on productiveness and nutrition value of sorghum-sudank hybrid green mass it was stated that perfect phase for preserved forages storage is wax stage, because the outcome of nutrients from one hectare during this phase is the greatest one (dry substance - 128 c/ha, forage units - 121,68 c/ha, digestible protein - 10,1 c/ha).
430-439 98
The prefect norm of rape cake implementation in to mixed forages is 20%, rape seeds - 20-25%. Usage of rape cake instead of sunflower cake of 20% in content with mixed forage KP-3 let us both decrease import of protein raw material and get an extra profit up to 71 rubles per 1 head a day.


3-8 85
It is determined that boars of Pietrain Breed with double-bred sows1/2 Big White Breed x1/2 Landrace Breed let us get carcass with fat thickness of 13,7 mm, lion of 59 cm2 and ham weight of 12,3 kg. It is also determined that young pigs of all experimantal groups had lower pH level in 24h after slaughter and made up almost a norm of 5,98-6,03 acidity units. It indicates the absence of PSE and PDF defects in meat. Meat of tri-fetus young pigs is characterized with the best water-holding quality and the worst coloring intensity (Big White Breed x Landrace) x Pietrain - 53,24% and 88,2 extinction units correspondingly. It is determined that the meat of animals of (Big White Breed x Landrace) x Pietrain genotype had the lowest water content and the highest content of intramuscular fat, that informs us on better mellowness and delicacy of such pork.
8-14 83
As a result of researches some methodological recommendations “Biotechnology of pigs reproduction processes” with methods of objective estimation of biological full-value sperm, laser stimulation of reproduction function and sperm readjustment included were developed. Sperm readjustment is based on usage of biologically active water solutions that let us raise fertilization rates at 2-12% and litter outcome at 0,3-0,5%.
15-22 109
As a result of researches it was stated that there were no particular differences between sheep biomaterial engraftment injected in spontaneous and induced estrus. There is also a tendency of pregnancies growth during transplantation of zygotes to animals that were during the period of natural fertilization. Synchronic estrus appearance during 0-8 and 12-24 h influenced engraftment rates after cells transplantation, that were injected to alien DNA. Two yellow cells let us raise zygotes engraftment at 22,9 and 9,6% compared to one and more than three ovulations. Transgenesis was determined by one dead-born goat, that was 14,3% of the whole amount born.
22-27 73
Researches determined that usage of monolayer of cumulus cells let us get 80,8-81,3% matured before fertilization stage oocytes at cell-division level of 40,5-41,2%. Outcome preimplantant embryos is 16,7-18,5% of matured oocytes. Usage of cells with compact multilayer cumulus raises outcome of matured cells before cells fertilization stage at 3,9-6,0%, and outcome of morula-blastocysts - at 5,2-6,2% compared to oocytes, cultivated without extra somatic cells.
28-35 109
It is stated that basic method of Belarusian Draught Breed horses perfection is purebred breeding of typical animals and introductory crossing of small mares with stallions of better breeds. Breeding groups of herd nucleus of a breed are created in 52 agricultural enterprises of different property form where 52 stallions-producers and 1050 mares were used at all estimation indicators that overcome standards of Elite Breed. It is stated that determined by market demand tendency of horse herd extension is saved.
35-42 118
Prenatal period duration data of Belarusian Draught Breed horses herd (n=523), Russian Cart-Horse Breed (n=455) an Trakenen Breed (n=644). The influence of mare age, litter sex, birth period, ecology in the breeding area and linear belonging of a father on this trait was determined.
42-48 85
An experiment on fattening of different genotype Simmental Breed bulls was carried out at tribal station “Zarya” of Mozyr district (Gomel region). On data basis it was determined that Simmental Breed bulls compared to Black-Motley Breed bulls are of a higher live weight and better growth intensiveness. With intensive growth Simmental Breed bulls can reach 530 kg by 16 months with daily gain during the whole growing period (0-16 months) - 1038 g that is peculiar of double purpose (milk-meat) cattle.
48-57 78
Some researches of different inside-breeds types heifers growth and development were conducted at farms of Volkovysk region. It is stated that with no dependence on feeding levels heifers of Holstein lines differ from Black-Motley by higher live weight at birth and this tendency is saved till 12-month age at high feeding level and till 9-month age at middle feeding levels. Intensive growth with gradually decreasing live weight growth let us get perfectly developed heifers of Holstein and Black-Motley lines. By 18-month age they reach 417-418 kg live weight. It is determined that animals of Holstein lines at all farms had longer legs and body that is typical of milk cattle. Animals of Black-Motley lines had higher blockiness index that is typical of meat-milk cattle.
57-66 111
A mode of systematic population genetics, immune genetics, biochemical polymorphism and DNA-technologies (marker-dependant selection) method usage was applied as a genetic fundament of breed formation, that let us accelerate process of local breeds’ genetic potential perfection, creation of new high-productive genotypes, increase sows’ multiple pregnancy (at 6,8-18,8%), fattening (at 5-8,4%) and meat productiveness (at up to 14%), decrease meat defect at up to 40%.
66-72 61
Analysis of different cattle populations on gene locus CD18 was carried out. It revealed presence of dot mutation of BLAD in this gene. Variance of genotype CD18BL/TL frequency was determined. CD18BL/TL - mutation carrier depending on population and sex-age group of animals: cows - 0-11,8%; bulls-producers - 0,4,8%; replacement calves - 0,9%.
72-78 100
Exterior Estimation of Belarusian Black-motley Breed of Different Age Bulls-producers was studied and their pedigree value ration was calculated. The most frequent disadvantages of producers’ exterior are stated that let us determine them and not to use as parents of new generations replacement calves.
78-84 94
It is determined that both Sharolez and Limuzin calves have good productive traits. By 17-moth age the live weight of Sharolez bulls was 21 kg or at 4,7% higher. Forage spends for 1 kilo of live weight growth from birth till 17-month age were 7,05 forage units for Sharolez young cattle and 7,22 forage units for Limuzin young cattle. Meat content ratio was 0,2 forage units higher with Sharolez animals.
84-90 73
Effect of physiological state of ovaries and their size, storage conditions, season of year on oocyte fertilization rate of highly productive cows out of organism was studied. It is stated that usage of ovaries at folecular and luteine stage of sex cycle let us get 28,7; 27,4 oocytes per ovary, 28,5%; 18,3% of those are morula-blastocysts, with ovarian dysfunction - 5,3%; 7,8% morula-blastocysts. Optimal temperature of ovaries storage during 1-2 hours period- 32oC, 3-4 hours - 28oC is determined. Outcome depends on individual traits of animals and may vary from 0 to 31,8%. Getting early embryos from highly productive cows is better in autumn and spring season - 29,5-52,5% of fission cells, 16,3-219,3% of them are morula-blastocysts.
91-97 204
As a result of longstanding purposeful breeding work new herds of Belarusian Big White Breed of Pigs were formed - 209 boars and 2081 sows were created with productiveness: multiple pregnancy - 11,9 piglets, age of reaching live weight of 100 kg - 183 days, average daily growth - 785 kg, forage spends - 3,37 forage units, fat thickness - 25,6 mm and ham weight - 11,0 kg.
98-103 86
In the process of research studies it was stated that calves produces by embryo transplantation were born without any distinct morphological and physiological abnormalities. The analyses of live weight dynamics by age periods of both heifers and calves showed that calves-transplants were distinguished by high speed of growth within the whole growing period and they didn’t have any considerable distinctions as compared with peers of normal reproduction. Since their birth up to the 18 months of age they didn’t give way with growth traits and in many cases surpassed the calves produced by traditional means of reproduction.
104-110 99
DNA diagnostics in pigs breeding let us do directed rearing of preferred genotypes that accelerates pigs breeding on its reproductive, fattening and meat qualities. Proteins complex that connects fat acids (H-FABP), accumulated in heart and skeletal muscles, is responsible for intracellular fat acids transportation, plays onу of the key roles in lipid exchange and is considered to be one of the main candidate as a meat quality marker. Allele variants of H-FABP, having pleiotropic effect, influence greatly at a number of valuable traits, such as fat thickness, intramuscular fat contents (determines meat quality) etc. As a result of researches it was stated that preferable from breeding point of view is H-FABPddHH genotype. Authentic association of allele variants ddHH and DdHH of H-FABP gene is shown with such parameters as lion and fat thickness, live weight growth etc.
110-116 83
One of the methods of further Big White Breed improvements is “blood rush” of Yorkshire Breed. This method let us raise multiple farrowing of sows at 8,3-9,9%, cut the period of reaching live weight of 100 kg at 5,2-9,5 days (P<0,01), raise the body length at 3,2-4,6 cm (P<0,01). Double “blood rush” of Yorkshire Breed and back crossing does not have any significant influence at further sows’ reproduction traits growth and replacement young cattle traits, but it influences the growth of fattening and meat characteristics of animals.
116-122 117
Researches at gross commodity production determined that with full-value feeding of sows the optimal period of lactation can make up 35-45 days, the allowable limit - 26 days. With mixed forages deficiency such as CK-11, CK-16 and CK-21 piglets should be weaned on 45-56th day, allowable limit is 35 days. Interbreed differences of sows’ fertilization rate were determined. Sows of Belarusian Meat Breed has the best fertilization rate (79,8% for the first farrowing and 80,7% for two and more farrowings). One-farrowing sows of Duroc Breed has the worst fertilization rate (74,1%; P<0,001). There is a specific difference on breeds between one-farrowing sows and multi-farrowing once; Big White Breed - tendency to fertilization rate decrease within sows’ age growth (at 2,4 percentage units), Belarusian Meat Breed - tendency to increase (at 0,9 percentage units), Duroc Breed - growth of multi-farrowing sows’ fertilization rates (at 7,8 percentage units) - in September. What concerns seasons, the differences depending on seasons are inauthentic.
123-128 112
Usage of high growth energy boars influences piglets’ safety growth and their live weight by weanling. Descendants of boars with high growth energy (1st group) used to reach 100 kg of live weight compared to control group boars during 6,5 days (P≤0,001) at lower forage spends (at 9,6%). Descendants of boars with high growth energy have tendencies to thinner fat. Animals of 1st group have 9,1% thinner fat than those of control group. Meat of descendants of high growth energy animals contains less fat (at 1,7%, P≤0,001), more protein (at 1,6, P≤0,001). Usage of high growth energy boars in period of control growing (1000g/24h and more) let us better particular reproductive traits of sows, and fattening traits of posterity with no negative influence at meat-fat qualities and physical-chemical characteristics of meat.
128-134 68
Usage of bovine serum with embryo or fetal serum for oocyte out of organism cultivation let us het 35,5-44,8% of dividing cells and 16,1-17,2% of embryos on stage of morula-blastocyst. Adding 0,02 ng/ml of surfagon for oocyte maturation influences growth of matured oocytes till outcome of metaphase II up to 89,3%, raises outcome of dividing embryos after fertilization at 2,5%. Synthetic phyto-hormone ephibrassinolythe can be used as biologically active factor for getting early embryos out of organism.
134-140 79
Analysis of correlation between constitutional types of pigs of Big White Breed and their productiveness at farm usage was carried out. Advantages and disadvantages of each of the 3 constitutional types of animals were analyzed on reproductive, fattening and meat qualities. It is stated that preferable constitutional pig type of Big White Breed is an intermediate type between narrow- and wide-body.
141-146 90
Results of researches of Duroc Breed Pigs’ blood samples are presented. Blood samples were taken from animals of 3 age groups: 3-, 5-month young pigs and 36-month boars and older. On the basis of data analysis on morpho-biochemical blood behavior study it was determined that blood parameters of all age groups didn’t break the limit of physiological norms according to their age. Duroc Breed pigs of Belarusian Breeding had a high metabolism processes intensity and high immunity.
146-152 72
It is determined that sows of Belarusian Meat Breed at pedigree farms of “Zarechye” and “Budagovo” at different breeding methods usage - linear and cross lines, had no definite differences on reproductive traits. On average at all farrows at all generations index of sows multiple pregnancies corresponds to purposeful standard demands (10-11 piglets per one farrowing). The main group had a higher level of sows productiveness index: multiple pregnancy, milkiness, quantity of piglets and litter weight at weanling on 35th day and 2 months counted 11,04-11,99 piglets; 52,26-60,96 kg; 9,60-10,38 piglets; 86,3-104,1 kg and 153,4-192,0 kg. Considerable differences of milkiness and weanling litter weight on generations show misbalance between potential of genotypes and their habitat.
153-159 97
Negative effect of inbreeding and incest on sheep productiveness traits in comparison with inbreeding coevals of close and far cognation is determined. Breeding system that includes labeling, group picking of dams for rams, rotation of producers during the period of mating is developed. It predicts inbreed depression on productive animal traits that lets remount the herd of small population due to self-reproduction.
159-165 67
As a result of conducted researches it is determined that genotype ESRBB influences positively at newly-born piglets, including live-born, piglets on day 21 and piglets before weanling. Tendency of litter weight growth is determined at birth, on day 21 and by weanling period, as well as piglets safety growth, decrease in defective farrowings percentage and percentage of dead-born piglets by sows with ESRBB genotype. While studying the pleiotropic effect of ESR gene no negative influence on these productive traits was determined.
166-173 102
The article presents results of scientific researches on discovering the most effective combinations of pigs breeds reared in some agricultural organizations of our republic. It is determined that the best of two farms (agroindustrial complex “Snov” and “Zadneprovsky”) on multiple pregnancy traits of sows as well as on fattening and meat qualities turned to be combinations (Big White Breed x Landrace Breed) x Duroc Breed, (Big White Breed x Landrace Breed) x Landrace Breed (agroindustrial complex “Snov”): multiple pregnancy 11,15-11,64 heads, forage spends 3,36-3,46 forage units, meat content in carcass 63,0-71,3%; and Big White Breed x (White Meat Breed x Landrace Breed), (Big White Breed x White Meat Breed) x (Duroc x Pietrain) (“Zadneprovsky”) - multiple pregnancy 11,3-11,8 heads, forage spends 3,31-3,34 forage units, meat content in carcass 67,7-68,29%.
173-177 90
In researches on purebred sows of Big White Breed and crossbred1/2 Big White Breed x1/2 Landrace it was stated that usage of Landrace boars influenced positively at their reproductive traits: multiple pregnancy makes up 11,60-11,64 heads, litter weight at birth - 14,31-14,52 kg, milkiness - 53,75-55,21 kg. It is stated that largest litter weight at weaning was determined with sows fertilized by boars of Duroc and Pietrain Breeds. This parameter overcomes control group at 12,5 and 21,2 correspondingly (P<0,001). It’s also stated that litter weight at weaning is mostly determined by quantity of piglets (r=0.9) than average weight of one head. It is determined that reproductive traits variability ratios are: on multiple pregnancy 16,87-21,82%, litter weight at birth - 16,96-18,86, milkiness - 11,01-20,21% that gives an opportunity to do an effective breeding work on these traits.
178-185 85
As a result of purposeful breeding work at base farms that rear Duroc breed, breeding herds of Belarusian plant-type Duroc Breed pigs were created and tested. Animal of new breeding achievements overcome demands of productiveness standard at 3,2 - 3,3% on reproductive traits, on average daily growth - at 11,0%, forage spends for 1 kg of live weight growth - at 8,6%, half-carcass back weight - at 4,0%.
185-192 102
As a result of researches it was determined that Landrace Breed Boars influence positively at reproductive traits of Belarusian Meat Breed sows, but individual influence of boars of separate lines was not equal. The mean square deviation and variation ratio at Belarusian Meat Breed sows’ reproductive traits during crossing with Landrace Boars was higher than that of purebred sows. It shows the presence of significant resources for further productiveness growth. It is determined that selection of sows on multiple pregnancy factor decreases live weight of piglets, and so the sped of their further growth. The average live weight of a weanling is in straight dependence on macro-farrowing. Selection on macro-farrowing and live weight factor of a sucking piglet will influence the speed of growth.


440-445 77
Researches of lactating cows determined that milking with optimal vacuum regime of 45 kPa compared to 48 kPa let us raise daily milk yield of cows with per lactation productiveness rate of 3000-4000 kilos of milk at 0,7 kg or 5,4%, 4000-5000 kilos - at 0,6 kg or 3,6%, 5000-6000 kilos - at 1,2 kg or 5,6%, fat contents - at 0,17; 0,26 and 0,15% accordingly. The quantity of cows with udder irritation decreased at 12,5%. Economic effect during the research period (120 days) counted 65892 rubles per cow (549 rubles per day).
446-450 78
It is determined that thermo-technical characteristics of frame fillings (for walls Ra - 0,68, floors Ra - 0,93 m3 Kilowatt) does not meet perfect parameters of microclimate in cowsheds tether-free animal management. Growth of fences heat shield up to 1,26-1,30 m2 promotes formation of microclimate that will meet the norms of РНТП - 1 - 2004
450-457 89
Researches on young cattle determined that usage of automotive setting let us feed with milk forages appropriate to biological peculiarities of calves and promote their better assimilation. The average daily growth of calves that eat milk forages with the help of setting УАВТ-60 was higher than that of control group at 55 kg or 7,6% and relative growth was higher at 4,6%. Forage spends for 1 kg of live weight growth of analogs of control and experimental group were 4,2 forage units. It was proved that automotive batching of milk forages had a positive influence at growth and behavior of calves. Using of these automotive settings created calm and comfort conditions, let organize technologic process taking into account age ethologic and physiologic traits of animals.
458-462 91
In researches of low-intensity laser radiation of infrared region with magneto-static field (MSF)on calves optimal intensity, exposition and radiation ratio for immune correction of newly born calves is substantiated. It is stated that laser radiation usage with MSF (exposure - 180 sec) leads to host defense growth and decrease of young cattle incidence in postnatal ontogenesis.
462-468 79

It is stated that preparation of high-energy mixed forages for young cattle of first period with the help of mobile machine “Triolet” and for second period animals with the help of microforagetools and dispensers PMM-5 and KP-F-10, let us decrease energy spends for production and dispensing of forages at 43,7%. Production of self-produced mixed forages at mobile machines “Mercedes” and “Mann” lets us save energy sources and decrease forage cost. Prime cost of one forage unit was 241,9 roubles. Reconstruction of rooms and equipment modernization lets decrease energy spends by 2006 2,34 times, GSM - at 1,8 times. Energy spends for 1 c of daily growth were 36,7 kilowatt/h, GSM - 2,5 liters. Study of growth character and animal meat productiveness, as well as effectiveness of beef productiveness let us consider that nowadays in conditions of industrial complexes fattening of Black-motley breed bulls is appropriate to do up to 510-515 kg body weight (after starvation period). As a result at one and the same herd we can get more beef, as well as we can completely use the genetic potential, the profit growth and beef production profitability level makes up to 27,6%.

468-477 80
Prophylactic effectiveness of preparation “Erakond” usage was carried out, that let us recommend it for wide application in program of immune correction of damaged calves’ organism by raising colostrum full-value. Preparation “Erakond” influences positively at immune competence of colostrum, that let decrease calves’ incidence, increase live weight growth and unspecific immunity parameters, decrease veterinary arrangements spends 5 times.
477-483 80
Researches determined that for pigpen heating power inputs cut it is necessary to warm exterior walls and floors of buildings for lactating sows till the level when coefficient of resistance to heat transmission for walls reaches 3,0, for floors - 3,7 m2oC/Watt. Ventilation system should work only by means of rarefaction created by vacuum fan. Air diversion should be done via lobby or gallery where it should be warmed by biological warmth of animals. Thanks to these measures the total spends of heat per 1 sow in winter period will be cut at 315,4 Watt/h. It is 32,2% lower than in standard breeding modeled on the project 819-216, where animals of control group were managed. Productiveness indexes and weanlings safety in reconstructed section were 8,5%-12,5% higher.
483-492 87
The winter time researches on sucking piglets that were kept in two different machinery facilities types determined that animals that were kept on elevated slit floors (research group) had 5,2% higher safety than those on solid concrete floors 9control group). Productiveness for the last period in control group made up 200 g, that was higher than control group at 8,7% (P<0,001). The level of host defenses of suckling piglets that were kept on elevated slit floors was a bit higher and influenced protein globulin fraction growth at 12,9%, acid capacity - at 2,6%, that is an evidence of stronger immunity of research group pigs.
493-498 79
It is determined that influence of the level of ecologic pressure of complexes for young cattle growing and fattening on environment depends on their productive power, space-and-planning and technologic solution, ventilation systems, feeding, manure removal and utilization, nature-conservative measures and other factors. One of the major factors of ecologic pressure of complexes is hygiene and sanitary condition of facilities, territory and ventilation system effectiveness.

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ISSN 0134-9732 (Print)