Vol 47, No 1 (2012)
D. M. Bogdanovich,
A. Budevich,
T. V. Zubova,
E. I. Sheiko,
E. I. Linkevich,
P. E. Sakhonchik,
T. N. Brovko,
T. G. Kizik,
M. P. Turko,
I. I. Budevich
10-18 105
Selection of parental pairs taking into account compatibility and immunological factors of the natural resistance of the organism contributes to increase of basic values of the re-productive performance of animals.
19-26 69
It is determined that the average contentof rhLF in milk of transgenic animals amounted to 5,68 g / l as general. Expression of the transgene with product with the target protein in the milk occurred in all animals-producers. The range of average content of recombinant protein for various individuals during the period of lactation ranged from 2,69 to 9,69 g / l., The threshold concentration of lactoferrin in the sample were 18.9 and 0,2 g / l (maximum and minimum concentration , respectively).
27-35 73
As a result of research perfected culture media for oocyte maturation and cultivation of early embryos was developed with the use of somatotropes hormon, which provides increased levels of oocyte maturation at the stage of metaphase II to 89,2-91,8 %, while the level of fragmentation is 55,4-57,6 %, and the yield of embryos that are suitable for transplantation - 25,7-27,1 %.
35-42 72
Results of the analysis of modern genealogical structure of the Belarusian draught horse breeds are presented, as well as results of evaluation of complex traits of stallions and mares created breed of plant lines, which are represented by progeny 16 of Bora Lesnogo (in the line of Anode) and 84 of Rank (in line of Orlik). By all measures of assessment the selected horses corresponded to the model standard. A different efficiency of individual selection of stallions and mares on farms was determined, most of which revealed a relatively high score at use of in-line combinations.
43-50 97
As a result of research carried out a comprehensive assessment of the available selection and different stages of the Belarusian plant species such as Yorkshire in the basic facilities on the development and productivity indicators was carried out. Competitive breeding herds of sows in the Belarusian plant type of pigs of plant types of Yorkshire breed were created in the amount of 200 animals with a target standard for productivity: multiple pregnancy - 11,8 animals, milkiness - 61,9 kg.
50-54 96
The experiments helped to determine the breeding value of boars-producers of different lines of the Belarusian black-motley breed used at base breeding enterprises of the republic, and the directions of the effective use of the best of them are determined. For highly productive self-replacement young animals obtaining it is necessary to use boars of lines Kopyl 2107, Kopylok 401 and Zarechny 6069. Boars of these lines will improve reproductive traits of daughters by 6-33 %.
55-64 141
Perfect variant according to value of genetic progress and economic efficiency of large-scale selection of livestock of Belarusian black-motley breed, according to which the number of cows of active part of the population is 480,000, the number of genealogical lines (complexes) in the breed - 6, the number of fathers of bulls in the complex - 2, the semen pool from one bull checked - 30 thousand doses, the number of «effective» daughters to test the bull by offspring - 50, the number of repair calves for elevers - 535, the number of bulls selected on the quality of offspring, - 108. The program will provide genetic progress of breeding population on milk yields at 40 kg of milk per cow annually, the rate of genetic progress of population increases by 1,08 %. Cost-effectiveness of the program will make 159 %.
M. A. Dashkevich,
I. N. Koronets,
N. V. Klymets,
N. V. Antonovich,
V. K. Veta,
M. N. Sidunova,
N. M. Krasovskaya
64-73 84
As a result of researches criteria for selecting replacement heifers for creation of breeding herds owned by RUE «Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Animal Husbandry» were developed. In accordance with the genealogical structure of maternal stock of the breeding age of SE «ZhodinoAgroPlemElita» plans pf prenatal individual selection were developed. The evaluation and selection of heifers for breeding nucleus is carried out: on the genotype (at birth) - 323 animals, on the integrated index of breeding values at age of 6 months - 246 animals and 12 months of age - 135 animals. Breeding defect material at the age of 6 months made 0,8 %, in the age of 12 months - 0,7 %.
73-79 89
Comprehensive measures to improve the efficiency of reproduction in cattle are developed, allowing to inseminate to 90th day after calving 100 % of cows with pregnancy rate of animals 81,7 %.
80-88 96
The results of studies are presented showing the superiority of Aberdeen Angus × black-motley calves at slaughter weight of 460 kg to 400 kg: weight of chilled half-carcasses - by 15,2 % pulp yield - 1,9 %, or 33 kg, the amount of essential amino acids in the protein of meat - by 10,0 %, on polyunsaturated fatty acids content in meat - by 1,9 times. For health and hygiene indicators meat of calves of both groups meets the requirements for child food.
88-93 101
The results of studies on the effect of adaptation on boars of imported breeds showed that boars of Landrace breed are worth adapted to dummy than Yorkshire breed animals. Of the total population of boars the following ones were adapted to dummy - Landrace - 62.5%, Yorkshire - 70.1%. Indicators of sperm studied were of good quality (high concentration and mobility, the maximum number of active sperm cells in the ejaculate). Breed and age differences for some sperm quality indices of boars were determined and its dependence on the size of the area of the outer surface of the testes.
94-104 70
Genetic structure of H-FABP and RYR1 genes of different populations and age groups of pigs of Belarusian meat breed bred in the farms of the Republic of Belarus was studied. Analysis of H-FABP gene polymorphism (H and D allele system) revealed that the populations of boars of SGC «Zadneprovsky» had prevalence of animals with the genotype H-FABPHH (82,0%) and H-FABPdd (58,0 %), respectively. The concentration of allele RYR1N on average of Belarusian meat breed was 0.90. The occurance of animals from SGC "Zadneprovsky" with complex genotypes RYR1NNH-FABPHH и RYR1NN H- FABPdd was 32,0-70,0% and 24,1-38,0%, respectively.
105-114 85
The article presents the results of research on development of methods for the diagnostics of inherited mutations in cattle: immunodeficiency syndrome (BLAD), complex spinal deformity syndrome (CVM), deficiency of uridine mono-phosphate synthethase (DUMPS).
115-123 91
The essential differences between the calves and heifers on the breast and pelvis indices that characterize the specialization of cattle meat production were determined. Thus on the breast and pelvis index calves surpassed significantly by 12,3 and 10 units (P<0,01) their coevals of 12 and 15 months of age, respectively. The study of the correlation showed that in 12 months of age correlation between the index stretching and body weight was slightly negative, while in the age of 15 months the index was positively correlated which indicates that the stretched animals are taller. On breast index of constitution a fairly high correlation with body weight in both 12 and 15 months of age. The correlation coefficient (0,51) between breast index in 12 months of age and body weight in 15 months of age indicates that on the value of the first one can predict the development of an animal in the future.
123-131 70
The conditions for obtaining early embryos of cattle in vitro from the unpreserved follicles and oocytes are studied. It is determined that the cultivation of unpreserved ovarian follicles in 4 ml of culture medium in for 24-27 hours allows to produce 51,7-53,8 % of the cells that are suitable for fertilization, and 16,6-27,3 % embryos after fertilization. Complex application of medium TS-199 M with a monolayer of somatic granulosa cells promotes fertilization rate increase of unpreserved bovine oocytes at 15,2 % with maintaining the ability of the further development of 40,0 % of embryos.
131-136 72
Correlation between the activity of succinate dehydrogenase and cytochrom oxidase was determined. If the activity of succinate dehydrogenase was highest in Yorkshire boars, then cytochrom oxidase activity in these animals was the most active as well. Age dynamics in the direction of increasing of macro-blood elements content in blood of animals was determined, indicating the increased metabolism in the body. In the study of humoral factors of body defense it was determined that the level of both lysozyme and bactericidal and betalysine activity of blood serum of animals differed not significantly with age. Fertilization rate of sows of Landrace breed was higher by 3.3% compared to their coevals of Yorkshire breed. Thus the Yorkshire breed of pigs were easily adapted to management conditions.
136-143 72
The results of breeding work with the Belarusian great white breed of pigs were analyzed. The positive dynamics of growth of high reproductive traits of animals were determined. Thus, for the period of 1980-2010 multiple pregnancy has increased from 10,6 to 11,9 piglets, or by 12,3 %. For six generations milkiness increased by 1,4 %, the number of piglets at weaning - by 2,3 %, the litter weight at weaning - by 4,3 %.
144-153 74
As a result of scientific research and collaboration with specialists at breeding farms herds of sows of 1007 animals were created with productivity corresponding requirements of the target standard: multiple pregnancy - 12,1 animals, age of reaching 100 kg of live weight - 174,2 days, average daily weight gain - 826 g, forage spends - 3,30 forage units, backfat thickness - 25,7 mm, weight of ham - 11,1 kg. The reached high genetic potential was realized through the sale of 2747 of breeding young animals (992 boars and 1755 gilts).
153-158 75
In the experiments the changes of reproductive performance and reproductive ability of the Landrace breed sows of Canadian selection in a number of generations were shown. Superiority of female breeds characteristics of the second generation of the parental forms and the effectiveness of a process of adaptation of animals to the new conditions was determined.
158-164 100
It is determined that the Belarusian Duroc breed boars under the age of 7 months had a significant advantage over their coevals from Canada in the volume of ejaculate by 2,8 % (P ≤ 0,05), the concentration of sperm cells - by 10 % (P ≤ 0,05), on spermatozoa survival - by 12,5%. On reproductive traits there was a tendency to reduce the multiple pregnancy in sows of Belarusian type of Duroc breed, compared with coevals from Canada, by 1,1 % but the yield of the high technology piglets output from Belarusian sows was higher than that of coevals. Sows of Belarusian selection significantly surpassed on similar indicators of Canadian ones on litter weight - by 0,6 kg, or 4,95 % (P ≤ 0,05), on weight of 1 piglet - by 0,18 kg, or 5,4 % (P ≤ 0,05). Thus, it was determined that the imported animal of Duroc breed in the adaptation period were exposed to stress in the new environment, but the stress response was not calling any serious changes and disorders in animals and has not led to a sharp decrease in the reproductive traits.
165-170 98
Wide estimation performance traits results within the herd and determined parameters of basic selection traits of self performance of replacement of young animals and on productive traits of maternal and paternal breeds of pigs are presented with the aim of future development of perfect criteria for animals selection and estimation.
170-178 91
Presented in the RTICLE concept of informatization of pigs breeding will allow to create a streamlined management system for selection and breeding work, and thereby will ensure sustainable productivity growth of reared breeds of pigs.
178-185 85
The effect of seasons on the quantitative and qualitative indices of sperm of bulls-producers was determined. Superiority of the sperm obtained from the producers in the summer over sperm obtained in other season of the year was proved: on the volume of ejaculate in a statistically significant difference of P ≤ 0,01, on the concentration of sperm - at P ≤ 0,001, on sperm motility - P ≤ 0,001 and P ≤ 0,01.
185-190 76
In a single biosystem «animal-environment» the determinant factor of the environment is a complex of technological aspects. The optimum ratio between the biological features of sows and the specific conditions of their management form that level of intensity of use which within the production groups and herds as a whole makes it necessary to define an objective method for the selection of intensive type of sows, mostly adapted for use in specific conditions of industrial technology. At the same time the most important condition for obtaining high efficiency products in pig production is the use of highly productive animals, including imported ones and good adapted and acclimatized to the conditions of industrial technologies. Also advantage of the wet type of feeding over dry type for sows at farrowing was determined: on indicators of litter weight loss during suckling period - 40 %, on reduction of backfat thickness on withers - 39 % ,on the back - 43 %, on the loin - 57,5 %, sows multiple pregnancy - 3,1 %, piglet weight at birth - 8,3 %, litter safety by weaning on 35th day - 8,4 %, weight of piglet at weaning - 8,1 %.
I. P. Sheiko,
L. A. Fedorenkova,
R. I. Sheiko,
E. A. Yanovich,
I. I. Kardach,
I. V. Anihovskaya,
N. V. Pristupa
191-196 93
DNA testing of pigs of Landrace breeds of French selection on the genes RYR1, ESR, H-FABP (allele systems H and D) was carried out and the association of polymorphisms of these genes with indicators of productivity was studied. In all age groups the genotype NN was identified - non-native stress resistant. It was determined that sows of ESR (BB) genotype surpassed sows ESR (AA) genotype by the number of piglets born by 1,1 animals, or 9,7 %, including born alive - by 1,2 animals, or 11,1 % , milkiness - by 4,7 kg, or 7,7 %, the number of piglets at 21st days - by 0,8 animals, or 8,3 %, and at weaning - by 0,6 animals, or 6,4 %. The superiority of sows with genotype H-FABP (dd) on indicators of productivity of animals with genotypes Dd and DD was revealed. It was also determined that young Landrace pigs with genotypes H-FABP (DDHh and ddHH) had higher rates of age of reaching live weight of 100 kg - 187 and 204 days, and average daily gain - 535 and 493 g.
197-202 97
In the course of research of reproductive traits it was determined that the highest rate of multiple pregnancy of experimental groups was peculiar of sow of Belarusian meat breed - 11.25 animals per farrowing. On meatiness sows of Yorkshire breed inseminated by boars of Duroc breed surpassed sows of control group by 9,82 kg, or 20,4 %. In terms of litter weight and weight of one piglet at weaning on 29th day sows of combinations of BM × Y and (BM × Y) × D surpassed coevals of the control group: on litter weigh - by 23,8 and 22,1 %, and on weight of one piglet - by 23,5 and 23,1 %. The complex index of reproductive traits of sows of Belarusian meat breed was the best among the other groups and made 92,6 points, which is 4 points higher than with sows of the control group.
R. I. Sheyko,
L. A. Fedorenkova,
В. Zayats,
N. M. Khramchenko,
E. A. Yanovich,
N. V. Pristupa,
I. V. Anihovskaya
202-209 83
It was determined that young hybrid animals produced by crossing purebred sows of Great white breed with hybrid boars of BM × L and crossbred sows of GW × L with boars of Duroc and Landrace breeds is characterized by low (3,31-3,36 kg of forage units) feed costs compared with the best two-breed variants of GW × L and GW × BM and high-energy of growth during fattening. Tri-breed hybrids of all experimental groups were distinguished by high meatiness of carcasses (63,0-72,0 %), large loin area (36,5-59,0 sq. cm), heavy ham (11,1-12,3 kg) that meets the requirements of modern technology of pork production in an industrial environment. On the physical properties of the meat of young pigs of experimental and control groups they comply with the requirements of good quality, suitable for technological processing, but a combination of gilts of variants GW × (BM × L) and (GW × BM) × P revealed an increased loss of meat juice when heated.
210-215 80
The results of the scientific and economic experiment on determination of the effect of three methods of treatment on the sanitary condition of the inner surfaces of milk piping of of units and details of the milking equipment. The efficiency of treatment of piping by various physical and chemical methods was determined. The most effective method was the ultrasonic treatment of 15-minute exposure coupled with disinfectant «Supersept» of 0,25 % concentration. In washouts from the inner surfaces of units and details for milking equipment with this way of treatment no bacterial cells was detected (0-1 CFU / cm³).
215-221 72
The results of research that prove the use of a biological product of microbial origin «Viposan» in the presence of animals and without them allows to reduce contamination of air sections with a total bacterial contamination of 11-46 %, staphylococcus and streptococcus - 62-100 %, bacteria of Escherichia coli - 84-100 % respectively. It has positive effect on the productivity and safety of weaning piglets.
The effect of structural features of boxes for lactating sows on the productivity of their offspring
V. A. Bezmen,
A. A. Khochenkov,
A. N. Shatskaya,
I. I. Rudakovskaya,
T. A. Matyushonok,
I. S. Malikov
222-228 73
It is determined that the optimal cell size for suckling sow with piglets is 3,5 x 1,8 m, the distance from the box for a fixed management of the sow to the fence of the box should be at least 0,3 m. Not less than 50 % of the total floor area must be solid. For local heating of piglets nest it is recommend to use of rugs and lamps for heating.
228-235 87
The current level of food security in Ukraine was analyzed. It is shown that the consumption level of almost all products in Ukraine is much lower than in developed countries: 70 % lower than in the U.S. and France, and 65 % lower than in Germany. Extremely dangerous is the fact that for over ten years there has been a monotonous fat-carbohydrate meal for the most part of the population. Methodological approaches to the estimation of agricultural production and food security were developed.
235-242 94
The studies helped to determine that the formation of humoral indices of natural resistance of Trakenen horses and Belarusian draught breed occurs in the 12 months of age and has age dynamics. Superiority of horses with medium and long duration of prenatal development in terms of bactericide, lysozyme, and β-lysine activity of blood serum was determined over animals with a shorter duration of prenatal development.
242-252 70
Milk received at the dairy center "Gniezno" of basic agricultural enterprise «Gniezno» of Volkovysk area Grodno region in the optimized conditions of loose-boxed management when feeding with high quality forages according to differentiated and detailed diets, has a high biological value. The average fat content for the study period was 3,78 %, protein - 3,07 %, which, respectively, was 0,18 and 0,7 % higher than the base rate of the mass fraction of fat and protein regulated by Belarusian Standard 1598-2006 «Cow Milk. The requirements for the procurement». The average content of somatic cells in 1 cm ³ of milk was 397,8 thousand at a level of lactose 4,73 %.
253-258 106
With time after the Chernobyl accident radiological situation in the livestock industry in Hoiniki area is gradually improving. Dynamics of livestock production in 2000 had a positive trend. Reserve production is to increase the profitability of milk and the elimination of losses at production of pork and beef.
259-263 79
Modern farming requires widening of the search for ways and means to enhance the organism defense mechanisms of calves in early postnatal ontogenesis, because during this period their adaptation to new environmental conditions takes place. The aim of our study was to establish immunocorrective effects of complex of trace elements (Cu, Fe, Zn) and tri-vitamin (A, D3, E) on the intensity of phagocytosis and immunobiological indices of calves from birth to two months of age. Experiments have shown that parenteral administration of a complex of trace elements and vitamins A, D3, E promoted an increase in cellular and humoral indicators of calves organism defense factors.
263-270 88
Researches on the implementation of the reflex parameters of milking speed at different milking equipment were conducted. It is determined that the rate of milking output in conditions of three times milking a day a high degree of realization of the reflex of milking output was peculiar of animal MTK «Chernovka» at «Branch Agro-Box Zooteh» JV «Unibox» - 1,82 kg/min, whereas at two times milking a days - a cow MTK «Plebantsy», SPK «Ignatichi» - 2,06 kg/min. Speed of milking output of cows in the MTC «Berezovitsa» RDUPP on breeding «ZhodinoAgroPlemElita» (three times a day milking) was 0,32 kg/min or the same as at the MTC «Chernovka» «Branch Agro-Box Zooteh» JV «Unibox». Low levels of milk production rate were established during the three-time milking of cows at the MTC «Mikhaylovka», «Mikhailovskoye Agro» and MTC «Serkovitsy» UKSP «Rydomlsky» - 1,26 and 1,34 kg/min, respectively.
271-279 79
It is determined that calves of black-motley breed grown according to the system «cow-calve» surpassed their coevals grown according to ordinary technology on live weight - by 12,9 %, pair carcass weight - by 21,8 %, carcass meat content - by 1,3 %.
279-286 89
A brief history of domestication of pigeons, the classification of breeds, the basic requirements and provisions of the departmental standard of Ukraine, in particular, JMA 01.24-37-536:2006 «The production of pigeon meat. The technological process. The main parameters» developed by the National University of Biological Resources and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine for the Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food of Ukraine.
286-293 81
Usage of combined group of animals, consisting of heifers and cows of second lactation already accustomed to milking at automated milking equipment, gives the best results in adaptation of animals to the milking. Animals adapt more easily and less prone to stress, feeling more comfortable and thus are the best in relation to other groups of animals.
293-306 72
The methodology of simulation of daily weight gains of young pigs from birth to taking off the fattening was developed. Using a computer program one can determine the impact of technological and biological average daily weight gains of young pigs on the actual and estimated parameters of the production processes.
306-317 89
Given to zootechnical and economic evaluation of the validity of the adoption in 2000 the decision to raise the standards of feeding piglets for fattening. Found that raising standards to ensure feeding daily gain of pigs for fattening period from 650 to 800 g led to a rise in the cost of feeding diets designed by 13-16 % and with all considering the cost of production, the price realization increased by 30-40 %. It also revealed that the increase in productive activities feed allowed to reach the actual average gain for the period of fattening pig farms in Belarus at the end of 2010 667 g.
318-325 68
The experiments helped to determine that the use of immunomodulatory complex of bio-logically active substances enhances humoral factors of organism defense and improves the overall picture of the blood, as evidenced by a data materials of scientific experiment.
A. A. Khochenkov,
D. N. Khodosovsky,
V. A. Bezmen,
A. S. Petrushko,
A. N. Shatskaya,
I. I. Rudakovskaya
326-333 160
It was determined that the introduction of SK-21 protected with acidifier kislitelya Tetracid C into mixed fodders had a beneficial effect on the integrity and intensity of growth in the rearing of piglets. In the scientific and economic experience the average daily live weight gain of young animals in the experimental group (Tetracid C is included in mixed feed) was higher than that of coevals who received mixed feed with acidifier in unprotected form, for 42 g the safety of piglets for rearing period was higher by 13 %. These production test confirmed the results of scientific and economic experience. When applying Tetracid C with one animal more live weight gain of 4,5 kg was obtained (13 %) than with unprotected acidifier.
A. A. Khochenkov,
D. N. Khodosovsky,
V. A. Bezmen,
A. S. Petrushko,
A. N. Shatskaya,
I. I. Rudakovskaya
334-341 72
It was determined that the introduction into the body of weaners and pipglets at growing of drinking with water by preparations of biologically active substances: vitamin C, Biotronic acidifiers, probiotics on developed scheme increased the average daily weight gain by 16-20 g, safety - by 1,2-1,3 %. To improve the sanitary well-being in the stalls for piglets after weaning management the best use is a combination of preventive disinfection in the presence of animals (weekly with preparation «Stalosan F») and address disinfection with the same preparation (two consecutive days) in the presence of gastro-intestinal diseases in this stall. This enhances the safety of young animals by 1,4 %, increase in average daily live weight gain - by 21 g. Basic scheme of anti-stress, probiotic, anti-microbial preparations use at growing weanlers and piglets on growing was developed.
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