The aim of the research is development of methods of PRLR and FSHβ genes application in selection of Belarusian meat breed of pigs for sows’ reproductive traits and reproductive potential of boars growth. That is the first time in the Republic when PCR-RFLP analysis methods of PRLR and FSHβ genes are adapted to the demands of mass application and their polymorphism within pigs of Belarusian meat breed is studied. On the basis of the determined regularities and tendencies of correlation of polymorphic variants of PRLR and FSHβ genes with reproductive traits of the animals’ genetic markers for pigs selection on reproductive traits were offered. Usage of these markers in selection will let us carry out DNA-testing of pedigree animals and replacement young animals in early age with no dependence on gender and increase sows’ multiple pregnancy at 14% and reproductive traits of boars - at 12% on average. It is recommended to use boars and sows of PRLRAA and FSHβBB genotypes that are characterized by better reproductive traits. The research data can be used in pedigree pig breeding of the Republic.
DNA-testing of young animals of Belarusian meat breed on fattening on RYR1 and H-FABP genes (allele systems H and D) was carried out and correlation of complex genotypes and allele variants of the given genes with meat productivity of animals was studied. It is determined that animals free from mutation in RYR1 gene differed by longer carcasses (98,9 cm, Р<0,01) and thin backfat (25,2 mm). But at following optimal norms of feeing and management that decreases stress pressure, there was no negative effect of mutation at meat productivity values. Definite positive effect of H-FABPHH and H-FABPdd genotypes at several traits of meat productivity of pigs is determined. It promoted decrease of backfat thickness at 10,1-13,6 %, increase of eye loin area at 11,6-13,5 %, back one-third of carcass weigh - at 4,5-8,3 %. It is determined that animals of complex RYR1NNH-FABPHHDd and RYR1NnH-FABPHhDd genotypes surpassed young animals of RYR1NNH-FABPHHdd genotype on carcass length at 0,8 % (P<0,05) and 1,0 % (P<0,05) correspondingly. The best values of back one-third of carcass and eye loin area had animals of RYR1NNH-FABPHHdd genotype that surpassed animals of RYR1NNH-FABPHhDd genotype on these traits at 3,6 % (P <0,01), RYR1NNH-FABPHHDd genotype - at 17,9% (Р<0,001) correspondingly.
Questions of selection and growing of replacement young animals and bulls-producers are dwelled on in the researches. Studies were carried out at farms of pedigree plants, elevers, state pedigree enterprises. Effectiveness of selection at early age based on physiological traits and phonotypical traits that let us accurately predict the possibility of basic herd formation with animals of high pedigree value was studied. Technological cycle of selection and growing of animals consists of 3 basic stages: feeding and management at farms of pedigree plants (age from birth till 3-4, from 3-4 till 6 and from 6 till 15-16 months); management and feeding at state pedigree enterprises (age from 15-16 and till the completion of pedigree usage). Each of the above stages in its turn consists of several sub-stages. The final stage of the process is estimation of descendants’ quality that includes the period of pedigree usage waiting (so called “over-management”). So, usage of new and more perfect ways of pedigree calves growing and complex issue solving that determine their effective selection as well as in-time testing or estimation of animals on posterity quality let us accurately estimate the pedigree adaptability of animals or get them the necessary aid of treatment, or culling. These measures greatly cut the period of pedigree animals growing as well as forage spends at 5-8%.