
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Vol 44, No 1 (2009)
3-10 64
In article represent problems, their standing in front of animal husbandry of republic and also tracts their determination


11-15 98
As a result of researches positive influence of boars of Yorkshire, Duroc and Landrace breeds of Canadian selection at meat-fat traits of the produced hybrids was determined. It is determined that tri-breed crosses (Great White Breed x Belarusian Meat Breed) x Landrace, (Belarusian Meat Breed x Landrace) x Duroc and (Belarusian eat Breed x Landrace) x Landrace surpassed their analogues of the control group: on carcass length - at 1,81 cm (P≤0,001), 1,14 cm (P≤0,001) and 2,69 cm (P≤0,001); on loin eye area - at 20,8 % (P≤0,001), 27,2 % (P≤0,001) and 37,4 % (P≤0,001); on ham weight - at 0,46 kg (P≤0,01), 0,97 kg (P≤0,001) and 0,69 kg (P≤0,01) correspondingly. Animals of genotype of (Belarusian eat Breed x Landrace) x Landrace had the smallest backfat thickness (17,22 mm), it was 28,3 % (P≤0,001) lower than that of the control group animals.
16-19 77
As a result of the researches unequal effect of boars of Yorkshire, Duroc and Landrace breeds of Canadian selection at reproductive traits of pure-breed and cross-breed of sows is determined. It is also determined that sows of Great White x Belarusian Meat and Belarusian Meat x Landrace breeds had the highest index of reproductive traits within boars of Landrace breed, when the heterosis level of multiple pregnancy compared to control group animals was 14,4 and 17,6%, on milkiness - 4,2 and 5,5%, on litter weight at weaning - 14,0 and 16% correspondingly.
20-28 77
Conditions of usage of monolayer granulosis cells in technology of cattle embryos in vitro production were developed. It let us get 18,4-19,2% of embryos at pre-implant stages. Addition of follicular liquid to the environment of granulosis cells cultivation with pre-sowing treatment of cells by concentrate of antibiotics let us get long-term (up to 40 days) culture of granulosis cells.
28-37 86
As a result of researches it was determined that usage of monolayer of somatic cells of follicle and oviduct as a natural source of hormones and factors of growth let us get 17,3-18,9% of embryos at pre-implant stages. Treatment of embryos by direct polarized light after insemination and during the 7 days of cultivation promoted increase of morul-blastocists outcome at up to 25%. It is determined that АТF content in embryo cells depends on functional condition of embryos and makes 3,0-8,0 pmol/k.
37-44 67
A higher efficiency of bovine estrous serum usage in culture systems compared to fetal was determined. The cleavage level was increased at 1,2-14,9% depending on its concentration, blastocysts outcome - at 1,6-6,0%. The perfect time frame of serum concentration increase in the nutrient medium after fertilization was determined to be 96 hours. Usage of bovine serum as hormonal and energy substance in the period of hormonal treatment definitely (Р<0,001) decreases efficiency of in vitro embryo production.
44-50 140
The leading husbandries are highlighted and quality of the reared in Belarus breeds of horses of foreign origin - Russian, Soviet Draught, Trakenen, Hanover breeds is determined. Necessity of their rearing for user horse breeding and horse sport as well as for young horses production instead of its import is displayed. Genealogic analysis is carried out and directions of selection are determined.
50-58 65
113 mares of Trakenen breeds (3 husbandries) and 46 mares of Hanover breeds (2 husbandries) were selected in pedigree groups and surpassed the special standards on all the traits. Ratios of diversity, hereditability, ranging phonotypical correlation, typical nature estimates, ranging and exterior are estimated. Tendency of positive correlations between separate ranging of mares and estimation results in scores is determined. It stipulates the possibility of selection on complex of traits.
58-65 107
It is determined that this method increases efficiency of embryo transplantation technology by extra good for transplantation embryos production (n=24; 53 against 77) and allows to lower expenses for such an embryo production at 48,7 thousand rubles. The total cost of extra embryos produced made 2649,6 thousand rubles. Decrease of embryos cost and increase of their acceptability at 5 p.p. allows to lower the expenses for calves-transplants production in experimental group at 127 thousand rubles compared to the control group and get an extra calve that costs 1022 thousand rubles.
65-70 68
As a result of conducted researches in conditions of basal pedigree enterprises that rear pigs of Belarusian black-motley breed, it was determined that combination of Duroc breed with Belarusian black-motley breed lets us get the greatest heterosis effect on self productivity of pedigree boars. Prospective direction in selection for Belarusian black-motley breed meatiness increase is usage of Pietren breed that points out correlation and variability of basic husbandry-pedigree traits of pedigree boars of second generation.
71-77 97
Researches directed at study of reproductive traits of sows of Belarusian black-motley breed reared in separate herds and families, belonging to pedigree enterprises of different category are carried out for using them effectively in the selection process. It is determined that on multiple pregnancy and growth energy of suckling piglets the sows’ potential at Pedigree Plant “Lenino” is higher at 1,0-4,1% and 5,9-13,0% correspondingly than that of the sows’ reared at selection-hybrid centers.
77-84 129
Parameters of generation interval of bulls tested on posterity, valued by posterity quality, bulls-fathers and cows-mothers. On average within population they make 28,9, 88, 97 and 55,8 months correspondingly. Selection parameters of the modern cattle population of Belarusian black-motley breed are determined. Their usage as variable factor will let us optimize the program of large-scale selection within the breed.
84-90 171
As a result of the researches it was determined that pure-breed cows of Belarusian Red breed are characterized by high fat (4,32-4,43 %) and protein (3,31-3,36 %) content; with age growth there is a tendency of milk yield growth at 352 kg, fat - at 0,13%, milk fat amount - at 20,5 kg and protein - at 9,8 kg. Physical and chemical characteristics milk of this breed cows meet all the demands of State Standard for children’s nutrition. As for reproductive traits - superiority of pure-breed heifers and cows on second lactation on service-period term (at 3,8 and 4,0 %) and mid-calving period (at1,3 and 1,6 %,) was determined.
90-95 80

The aim of the research is development of methods of PRLR and FSHβ genes application in selection of Belarusian meat breed of pigs for sows’ reproductive traits and reproductive potential of boars growth. That is the first time in the Republic when PCR-RFLP analysis methods of PRLR and FSHβ genes are adapted to the demands of mass application and their polymorphism within pigs of Belarusian meat breed is studied. On the basis of the determined regularities and tendencies of correlation of polymorphic variants of PRLR and FSHβ genes with reproductive traits of the animals’ genetic markers for pigs selection on reproductive traits were offered. Usage of these markers in selection will let us carry out DNA-testing of pedigree animals and replacement young animals in early age with no dependence on gender and increase sows’ multiple pregnancy at 14% and reproductive traits of boars - at 12% on average. It is recommended to use boars and sows of PRLRAA and FSHβBB genotypes that are characterized by better reproductive traits. The research data can be used in pedigree pig breeding of the Republic.

95-104 74

DNA-testing of young animals of Belarusian meat breed on fattening on RYR1 and H-FABP genes (allele systems H and D) was carried out and correlation of complex genotypes and allele variants of the given genes with meat productivity of animals was studied. It is determined that animals free from mutation in RYR1 gene differed by longer carcasses (98,9 cm, Р<0,01) and thin backfat (25,2 mm). But at following optimal norms of feeing and management that decreases stress pressure, there was no negative effect of mutation at meat productivity values. Definite positive effect of H-FABPHH and H-FABPdd genotypes at several traits of meat productivity of pigs is determined. It promoted decrease of backfat thickness at 10,1-13,6 %, increase of eye loin area at 11,6-13,5 %, back one-third of carcass weigh - at 4,5-8,3 %. It is determined that animals of complex RYR1NNH-FABPHHDd and RYR1NnH-FABPHhDd genotypes surpassed young animals of RYR1NNH-FABPHHdd genotype on carcass length at 0,8 % (P<0,05) and 1,0 % (P<0,05) correspondingly. The best values of back one-third of carcass and eye loin area had animals of RYR1NNH-FABPHHdd genotype that surpassed animals of RYR1NNH-FABPHhDd genotype on these traits at 3,6 % (P <0,01), RYR1NNH-FABPHHDd genotype - at 17,9% (Р<0,001) correspondingly.

104-111 113
Methods of estimation of pedigree value of Belarusian black-motley breed of cows are developed. They include estimation and selection on such indexes as: productive, exterior, milk ejection speed and complex index. It promotes more effective and overall estimation and will speed up the breed perfection process.
111-116 74
Genotyping of pedigree cows of Belarusian black-motley breed on CSN3 gene loci shows the presence of positive correlation between the content of protein in milk and allele CSN3В presence in the animals’ genotype at some milk yield decrease.
117-124 98
Viability of oocytes extracted from decondensed ovaries of cows stored at -18, -80, -196oC is studied. Ovaries were frozen with no standard freezers. The method effectiveness was estimated by the cumuli layers safety, membrane integrity, oocytes’ ooplasm condition and the level of cleavage. It is determined that cryopreservation with no cryoprotector, storage at -18oC for up to 6 months, decindensing in 0.3M of sucrose at +20 oC let us get 15,6% of cleaving cells. Cryopreservation in 1,4M glycerine in two steps, storage at -80oC for up to 20 years, decondensing using 0.3M of sucrose promotes viability and fertilization rate of 18,2% of cells. Absence of cryophylactic at freezing preparation, storage at -80oC and decondensing with 0.3M of sucrose let us get 23,8% of cleaving cells and 80% of them are deformed. The perfect regime of cryopreservation and storage in liquid nitrogen is the method of vitrification of ovaries samples using 1,5M of propanediol.
124-133 80
In the frameworks of perfection of genealogical structure of Belarusian great white breed of pigs two plant lines were created - Dolphin 37755 and Svitanok 3884. Productivity traits on lines made up: multiple pregnancy - 11,7 and 11,9 piglets, age of reaching 100 kg of live weight - 189 and 182 days, average daily weight gain - 735 and 749 g, forage spends per 1 kg of weight gain - 3,5 and 3,51 forage units, backfat thickness - 27,2 and 26,2 mm, one third back carcass weight - 10,9 and 11,2 kg correspondingly.
133-140 88
Researches are aimed at study of growth and development of Belarusian black-motley breed of heifers derived from bulls-producers of Belarusian, Canadian, German, Danish and Dutch selection. It was determine that in both husbandries heifers of Dutch origin of 6, 12 and 18 months of age surpassed their Belarusian, Canadian, German and Danish coevals on live weight. It is determined that in both husbandries heifers-daughters of Dutch selection surpassed their coevals on 8 traits. Descendants derived from bulls of Dutch selection at the age of 18 months surpassed their Belarusian, Canadian, German and Danish coevals on the height at the shoulder at 0,2-4,8%, on carcass length - at 0,7-2,7%, on chest - at 0,6-2,4% and height at the sacrum - at 0,6-4,9% correspondingly.
141-149 91
Results of estimation of exterior of the bull-producing cows of local and Hungarian selections are given in the article. It is determined that bull-producing cows of local selection at quite a high milk productivity (9500-10100 kg) often do not have an obvious and definite milk type and lack on separate linear traits (carcass depth, rump width, rear legs stand and have some udder shortcomings). Pure breed Holstein cattle of Hungarian selection surpasses animals of the local selection on milk yield (12000 kg) and is close to the outfit of a cow that is of a preferable outfit on the most part of the linear traits.
149-154 62
A positive effect of boars of Canadian gene pool on self productivity traits of replacement young pigs, sperm quality of boars and reproductive traits of sows is determined.
155-162 70
It is determined that hybrid young pigs derived from crossing of boars of Duroc and Landrace breeds of Canadian selection with cross breed sows of Great White x Belarusian Meat breeds and Belarusian Meat x Landrace breed of native selection differs by higher erythrocytes content, hemoglobin and total protein content in blood that indicates a higher intensity of metabolic processes that is peculiar of animals of meat productivity. So hybrids (Great White x Belarusian Meat) x Landrace, (Belarusian Meat x Landrace) x Duroc and (Belarusian Meat x Landrace) x Landrace at 4 months of age had the content of total protein in blood serum 0,93-2,71 g% higher (P ≤ 0,001) compared to analogues of control group. By 6 months of age the difference on the given trait comparing to control group of the given crosses made 1,31-2,78 g% (P≤ 0,001) correspondingly.
162-171 66
As a result of the researches a positive effect of boars of Landrace breed on fattening and meat productivity of the first generation descendants, derived from crossing with gilts of Belarusian meat breed was determined. The effect is displayed in surpass of young animals over pure-breed coevals at control fattening on: the age of reaching live weight pf 100 kg - at 0,7%, average daily weight gain - at 1,5%, forage spends - at 1,2 %. Descendants of the first generation had a thinner backfat (at 0,9 mm) and greater loin eye area (at 0,4 cm2).
171-175 76
As a result of the conducted researches indexes of self productivity of animals and reproductive traits of sows of Canadian selection were studied in conditions of pedigree farm. It was determined that multiple pregnancy of sows with 2 and more farrowings made 11,8 heads, milkiness - 98,9 kg and litter weight at weaning - 140,2 kg. On the basis of estimation data on self productivity it is determined that animals of landrace breed have high genetic potential on meat and fattening traits and using them is prospective for industrial pork production.
176-181 86
It was determined during the researches on pigs of Landrace breed of Canadian selection that biochemical and hematological traits of blood didn’t break the limits of physiological norm that corresponds to their age.


182-188 89
It is determined that basic reasons of milk quality decrease in basal agricultural enterprises in the area of “Bellakt” enterprise of Volkovysk area in Grodno region was lack of correspondence to demands of “Extra” and “Vishiy” sorts on bacterial semination and somatic cells content. The greatest biological value had the milk produced at pedigree plant “Ross”. On safety values milk that was produced at basal husbandries was safe for consumers raw material because it didn’t contain toxic elements, inhibitors, micotoxins or pesticides. Radionuclide quantity didn’t break the concentration limit determined by ГН 10-117-99 РДУ-99 in agricultural raw materials and forages.
189-194 88
The culture of microorganism of high antibacterial activity is developed. It can be widely used. It let us decrease air pollution in rooms for weaning piglets 1,5-10,5 times from the general microflora, colon bacillus bacteria - 5,4-25 times, staphylococcus-streptococcus - 15,5-32 times, piglets at weaning death rate - at 4,5 % and increase productivity of young pigs at 18,2%.
194-200 58
It was determined that reconstruction of sections for fattening pigs management that supports thermal rehabilitation of fences and automated system of microclimate regulation promoted creation of comfortable conditions for pigs management. It has a positive effect on forming of the natural resistance and productivity of pigs at fattening in transition period of a year.
201-207 84
It is determined that installation of air reticulation and cleaning systems (УОВС-10) corresponds all the requirements of technical characteristics of zootechnical and zoohygienic norms. Using this system for ventilation let us clean the air from ammonia, microorganisms and dust at 100%. Using reticulation in the system let us decrease the ammonia concentration at 66,2%, microorganisms - at 41,5% and dust - at 18,2% compared to control group. It was determined by the experiment results that this equipment may be recommended for usage in reticulation ventilation systems. It will let us decrease the ecological pressure at the adjoining to farms and complexes areas by cutting the volume of emissions.
207-210 65
Usage of experimental biopreparation in technology of artificial insemination of pigs promotes increase of sows in rut quantity with unstable reproductive function at 10% as well as increase of several reproductive values.
211-221 65
Researches were carried out on sows and boars of great white breed and Belarusian meat breed of pigs using equipment “Bioptron” that radiates the linear polarized light with wave length of 400-2000 nm (without UV). As a result of stimulation of reproductive function of boars and sows by highly polarized light the quality of sperm products was raised. These sperm products were intended to be used for technologies of artificial insemination of pigs. Fertilization rate was raised as well as multiple pregnancy of sows.
221-229 98
Results of researches of intestine microbiosinosys peculiarities of healthy and not healthy (diarrhea syndrome) calves and effectiveness of preparation “Lakimet” are presented. It is determined that usage of “Lakimet” based on lacto- and bifidus bacteria was a good mean of cure and prophylactics of intestine disorders and diseases of calves. It also let us normalize the microbiosinosys of the intestine.
230-235 106
Technological methods of cross young animals growing of limousine breed at suckling to different age at weaning were developed as a result of the conducted researches. It was determined that average daily weigh gain was 8,3-13,2% higher at weaning of calves and heifers of 5,8-6,1 of age compared to coevals of 7,4-7,6 months of age. Young experimental animals had live weight in stall period of 228-234 kg and in pasture period - 217-227 kg at different technological management and growing conditions to the weaning age of 7,5-7,7 months.
236-243 66
It is determined that cross men-anzhu x limousine calves grown at suckling under cows up to 160-170 kg of live weight surpass coevals of black-motley breed and cross aberdin-anguss x black-motley grown on technology of milk cattle breeding on meat productivity and meat quality. So on slaughter outcome the difference with black-motley breed calves made 20,1 %, with aberdin-anguss x black-motley - 12,3%, on carcass outcome - 19,3 and 11,6 %, on frozen carcass weight - 13,5-8,5 kg, on meat outcome from ½ of carcass - 1,9 and 8,1 kg correspondingly. Differences are correct at Р<0,001. As well the content of flesh meat of ½ carcass of men-anzhu x limousine calves was 11,9 kg or 42% higher (Р<0,001) than that of black-motley and 8,1 kg or 25 % higher (Р<0,05) than that of aberdin-anguss x black-motley. As well the meat of men-anzhu x limousine calves contained 3,29 and 4,29 % (Р<0,001) less water and protein and fat 1,7 % (Р<0,01) and 2,12 % (Р<0,001) and 1,8 and 2,34 % (Р<0,001) higher correspondingly compared to black-motley and aberdin-anguss x black-motley calves.
243-250 106
The method of tri-stage primary filtration of milk in milking machines ADS and ADM is developed and scientifically substantiated. The principal of this method is usage of ADM 09.200 filter (filtrating element is made of tissue like “spanbond”) at the very end of the milk hose at drain of milk in the cooling tank. It differed by usage of an extra filter in the milking machine at the first stage of filtration. It was determined that using the method of primary filtration gave us microorganisms content in milk of 90-120 thousand/cm3, acidity made 16-17oT, somatic cells content - 290-305 thousand/cm3. Economic profit made 1020 rubles per 1 cow a day.
250-258 71
As a result of the researches some technological parameters of highly productive animals management in the milking period at tie-free management and the method of milk refining were developed. It is determined that usage of technologies of industrial milk production of milking area let us increase the milk yield at 14-26% in general per 1 lactation. If animals are moved from calving section right to the production area they are not milked and milk yield does not grow. If a farm contains the milking area the milk yield on the 4th month of lactation makes 97% of the initial level (at moving animals from the calving section). If there is no milking area - milk yield goes down at 74% of the initial level. It is determined that feeding highly productive animals with concentrates supplemented to mixed forages (50%) and individually by automatic feeders (50%) in the milking period leads to milk productivity growth at 6,4%, forage units spends per 1 kg of milk - at 6,4 and concentrates - at 6,3%.
259-266 90
Results of cow milk researches based on demands of Belarusian standards on general values of quality are given in the article. It is determined that average fat content in milk is on high level and makes 4,12% that exceeds the basal norm at 0,72%; the average protein content in the tested milk makes 3,34% that is 0,34% higher than that of the basal norm. Freezing point of the tested milk makes -0,54 ºС that is lower than maximum allowable standard of 0,02 ºС. The average content of somatic cells in milk makes 604,7 thousand/cm3 that exceeds demands of standard applicable to “extra quality” products and superior quality products at 304,7 and 104,7 thousand/cm3 correspondingly and lies in limit frames of demands to first class milk. By the way 52,19% of samples were taken from healthy cows because the content of somatic cells was less than 300 thousand/cm3.
266-270 64
The overview of the modern literature on usage of probiotics in pig breeding is presented in the article. With the help of these probiotics productivity and young animals safety is raised. As well researches on usage of new high quality acellular probiotic “Laktimet” and probiotic preparation containing live bacterial cells “Bifilak” were conducted.
271-278 70
It is determined that at slaughtering of experimental young cattle of 20 months of age the pre-slaughter weight of black-motley breed of pigs was 453,8 kg, limousine - 488 kg, limousine X black-motley - 470 kg within the slaughter outcome - 56,8 % of black-motley and 66,0 % - limousine breeds of calves. The pulp outcome of black-motley was 78,2%, limousine - 81,3%, limousine X black-motley - 80,1%. The difference for benefit of limousine breed of animals on content and pulp outcome made 17,1 kg and 1,2 % correspondingly compared to cross animals; 32,1 kg and 3,1 % - compared to black-motley breed of animals. On slaughter and meat traits the pure-breed genotypes of cattle (limousine breed) and their crosses with Belarusian Black-motley breed surpass animals of black-motley breed. For production of child and dietary nutrition it is recommended to use young cattle of limousine breed and their crosses. It is determined on the basis of the conducted researches.
278-285 92
Effect of UV and different dozes of narrow-band red radiation on productivity and safety of animals was studied in experiment on piglets. It was determined that productivity and safety of experimental animals was higher compared to control group. Usage of UV and narrow-band red radiation at a doze of 2700 lk allowed to increase the average live weight of piglets at 2,4 kg or 8,8% (P≤ 0,001), the average weight gain - at 9,7% (P≤ 0,001) and safety - at 10%.
285-294 106
As a result of researches the method of biological effect on immune competence of colostrums and natural resistance of the young cattle was developed. The perfects doze of immune stimulator “Erakond” is determined for cows and first-calve heifers - 7,5 and 6,5 mg/kg of live weight once a day during 15 days. It is determined that usage of “Erakond” preparation for grown cows and first-calve heifers lets us increase the immune qualities of colostrums components. It is necessary to indicate as well that biological adequacy of colostrums is definitely influenced by the way of this preparation usage (it is better to use liquid preparation “Erakond”). Immune components of colostrum influence newly born calves’ traits of unspecific immunity, it let us decrease the sickness rate at 80% and increase the live weight gains.
294-301 71
Researches carried out on piglets at growing area determined that productivity and safety of young animals in winter period at all the studied variants of reconstruction was higher than that of kept in typical rooms with traditional management technology. The most effective of the studied variants of reconstruction was the one where the hanging ceiling was made of siding (PVC panels) and was 2,2 m height, the air intake was done from the gallery via 2 openings (0,4 m x 0,4 m) taking place on the level of floor. Animals of this breed group surpassed animals kept in the typical section on: live weight - at 2,4 kg, on average daily weigh gain - at 31 g (10%), on safety - at 6%. Energy spends counted per 1 c of weight gain went down at 16,06 thousand rubles (2,2 times lower) compared to typical rooms.
301-307 69
Productivity and reproductive traits of replacement gilts moved to industrial area of the complex earlier than usual at pig breeding complex “Borisovsky” of Borisov region counting 108 animals was studied. Researches determined that passing gilts to insemination is reasonable to carry out taking into consideration their individual early maturation. Their live weight should be not lower than 115 kg. It lets us cut the growing period of replacement gilts at 14 days (5,4%) and gilts quantity that didn’t come to rut at 3,4%. The early moving of replacement gilts to industrial area of the complex promotes better adaptation and let us get 1,4% more farrowings with no piglets litter size decrease.
308-314 59
Researches on young pigs at fattening helped to determine that young pigs’ productivity in winter period at all the studied reconstruction variants was higher than that of the typical buildings with traditional technology of management. The most effective variant of reconstruction was the variant when thermal rehabilitation of walls and ceilings took pace as well as automated air ventilation system was used. Animals of this experimental group surpassed animals of typical management on: final live weight - at 8,3 kg; average daily weight gain - at 75 g. Extra profit made 31,07 thousand rubles per 1 head during the fattening period.
314-321 87
As a result of the monitoring it was determined that the greatest problem while forming the balanced diet for pigs was the issue with raw fiber and raw protein. 25% of diets for weaning piglets and 35% of diets for piglets at growing didn’t meet the norms on raw fiber and 20, 25% - on raw protein. The zinc and copper microelements concentration in diets for pigs of different sex and age groups came out to be the most variable. The zinc variability index was 17,1-30,3%, and copper - 14,8-22,7%. Periodicity of monitoring of raw fiber and raw protein content in diets should be higher for piglets of early age; and microelement content (calcium and phosphorus) - for single, pregnant and lactating sows.
321-328 60
During the researches it was determined that season of the year definitely influenced the metabolism of pregnant sows and their productivity. The organism is influences not indirectly but via forages. Decrease of feedstuff quality in the storage process (increase of oxidation products concentration and fat hydrolysis, storage of secondary metabolites of molds) decreased productivity of sows (multiple pregnancy, average weight of 1 piglet at birth, litter outcome per 1 farrowing), and increased pathology of protein and mineral metabolism.
329-337 107

Questions of selection and growing of replacement young animals and bulls-producers are dwelled on in the researches. Studies were carried out at farms of pedigree plants, elevers, state pedigree enterprises. Effectiveness of selection at early age based on physiological traits and phonotypical traits that let us accurately predict the possibility of basic herd formation with animals of high pedigree value was studied. Technological cycle of selection and growing of animals consists of 3 basic stages: feeding and management at farms of pedigree plants (age from birth till 3-4, from 3-4 till 6 and from 6 till 15-16 months); management and feeding at state pedigree enterprises (age from 15-16 and till the completion of pedigree usage). Each of the above stages in its turn consists of several sub-stages. The final stage of the process is estimation of descendants’ quality that includes the period of pedigree usage waiting (so called “over-management”). So, usage of new and more perfect ways of pedigree calves growing and complex issue solving that determine their effective selection as well as in-time testing or estimation of animals on posterity quality let us accurately estimate the pedigree adaptability of animals or get them the necessary aid of treatment, or culling. These measures greatly cut the period of pedigree animals growing as well as forage spends at 5-8%.

338-345 100
At large complexes on beef production the daily water consumption for removing manure from management rooms depends on the choice of the manure removal system. The most water-retaining system of manure removal is water wash (35,6 l of water), the less water-retaining - combined and reticulation systems (16,5 and 12,7 l of water). Usage of combined or combined reticulation systems for manure removal as well as filtering equipment like УОН-83, or ЦН-Ф-80 for separation of liquid manure to liquid and firm fractions and transporting of clarified fraction to fields in irrigation machines let us 2,1-2,8 times decrease the drinking water consumption and cut on energy spends at 57-88 kg of standard coil per animal a year. It also promotes saving funds from 27528 to 83745 rubles per animal.

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ISSN 0134-9732 (Print)