
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Vol 43, No 1 (2008)
3-7 90
A brief analysis of Animal breeding condition in Belarus, agriculture products’ potential is given on the basis of statistic data and literature overview. The basic aims of development of this branch are determined.


8-15 81
The researches determined that adding 50 mg/ml of estrophan to the fertilization environment let us get 18,5 % of embryos at the stage of morula-blastocyst. Impact of direct polarized light for 10 seconds with intensity of 40 MWatt/sm2 leads to the raise of pre-implant embryos outcome at 3,8 %. Functional condition of frozen-thawed sperm after capatitation is studied.
15-22 78
It is stated that diverse usage of horses in agriculture and farming makes it necessary to rear different breeds of horses in the republic including Russian and soviet cart-horses that are not of a great quantity. To cut their import and widen the pedigree base 5 enterprises of different ownership patterns were created; special parameters of selection were developed. These parameters correspond to the standard at all the traits. It is stated that selected traits differ by hereditability and age repetition that let us possibility select horses starting from 1,5-2-year age. Perfect variants of pedigree selections are determined and presented for usage. Their usage in combination with directed system of selection let us form the selection groups of high-quality horses. Further directions of work with horses are determined.
28-37 182
Belarusian black-motley breed of cattle is the basic source of milk and beef. It is reared at farms of the country. Milk productiveness of cows in the best pedigree plants is 7000-8000 kg of milk, the average milk yield in the country in 2006 was 4019 kg. Methods of further productiveness growth by rearing and of inbreed type milk cattle are presented.
37-42 77
Parameters of live weight of calves of 6,12 and 15 months of age are determined: arithmetic mean and it’s error, standard deviation, variation coefficients and phenotypic correlations are determined. Effect of fathers’ genotype at sons’ development is proved.
42-48 91
Genetic structure of sows and boars populations is studied on ESR, PRLR, FSHβ and RYR1 genes. Analysis of genetic structure of sows and boars-producers of Duroc breed showed monomorphism on ESR, FSHβ and RYR1 genes and only on PRLR gene polymorphism was determined. Correlation between PRLR gene and reproductive traits of population is stated.
48-56 70
As a result of researches the genetic structure on RYR1 and H-FABP genes of different populations of Belarusian Meat Breed of pigs was analyzed. The fattening productiveness indexes growth is determined among animals with H-FABPHH and H-FABPdd genotypes. Regularity of decrease of 100 kg live weight gain indexes (188,9 days) was determined, as well as forage spends per 1 kg of weight gain (3,68 forage units) and average daily weight gain (718 kg) within animals of RYR1NNH- FABPHHH- FABPdd genotypes that surpassed their coevals with RYR1NNH- FABPHHH-FABPDd genotype at 3,6 days, 0,23 forage units and 44 g correspondingly. The regularity of fattening productiveness indexes improvement up to 5% shows the possibility of the given genotypes usage as markers for selection of pigs at growth energy and speed raise.
57-62 66
DNA-research of bulls-producers of 6 Pedigree State Enterprises of Belarus on CD18 gene loci was conducted by method of PCR-RFLP. Animals-carriers of immunodeficiency syndrome were determined. Analysis of the effect of BLAD mutation at reproductive traits and sperm-products indexes of bulls-producers, as well as milk productiveness of heifers, shows the absence of negative pleiotropic effect of CD18 gene at the given indexes.
62-69 106
At tribal plants assessment of 487 highly productive cows was carried out. Absence of correlations between the exterior index of bull-producing cows and their milk productiveness (r= -0,09 - 0,01) is determined. 100 cows selected to be potential mothers of bulls of new generation that combine both milk productiveness and the best exterior index.
69-75 86
Method of getting embryos of cattle in vitro using monolayer of epithelial cells of oviduct based on excreta of cells by trypsinisation, selection of active follicles in 24 hours, cultivation during 6-7 days in TC-199 environments adding FSG and LG of Sigma production that let us get 17,0-18,9% of embryos at pre-implanting levels.
75-80 70
It is stated that actions and assortment of cure schemes of chronic Endometritis with high-productive cows let us get great results on embryo-productiveness of cows-donors and adaptation of transplanted biomaterial to the recipients.
81-87 91
Condition of oocyte-cumuli complexes extracted from ovaries of culled highly productive cows and their correlation with morphofunctional peculiarities of ovaries and ability of in vitro fertilization was studied. It is stated that ovaries at follicular and lutein stage of sex cycle as well as with fresh ovulation contain 60,0-54,4% oocyte-cumuli complexes good for cultivation in vitro that let us get 50,9-24,0% of splitting cells and 15,5% of morul-blastocysts. The same ovaries possess the greatest potentiality for meiosis initiation. Metaphase II is correspondingly reached by 62,2; 50,0 and 60,0% of oocytes. On average 47,1 % of oocytes reach metaphase II stage in 24 hours of in vitro cultivation. The greatest number of degenerated oocytes were observed in ovaries of in-calf cows and gonads with hippofunction - 47,8 and 30 % correspondingly.
88-93 61
Complex estimation of productiveness of Belarusian Big White Breed of sows was carried out using selection-genetic methods that let us raise multiple-pregnancy at 0,35-1,6 piglets. Method of complex estimation of reproductive traits of sows is developed.
94-101 98
Population-genetic indexes for milk productiveness traits of Belarusian black-motley breed of cows are determined: hereditability (h2), correlation (r ) and repetition (rw). Hereditability for different traits of milk productiveness varies depending on the method of calculation from 0,02 to 0,77. There is practically no correlation among the majority of traits of milk productiveness except for milk yield - milk fat outcome (+0,94). Repetition for milk yield was 0,72, for milk fatness - 0,80, milk fat - 0,75 and protein content - 0,67.
101-106 81
Results of researches of productive traits of different genotype calves depending on technological rearing conditions are presented in the article. It is determined that bulls of Sharolez and Limuzin Breeds that were grew by meat cattle rearing technologyby 16,5 months of age reached 455,4 and 440,7 kg of live weight, compared to their coevals of black-motley breed - 342,8 kg. Average daily weight gain during the period from birth to 16,5 months of age was 845,5 g - Sharolez Breed, 823,9 g - Limuzin Breed, 644,1 g - Black-Motley Breed.
107-114 78
It is determined that at 16,5 months slaughter pre-slaughter live weight and carcass weight was: black-motley breed - 343,3 and 171,7 kg, Sharolez - 458,2 and 243,9, Limuzin - 439,4 and 241,5 kg. The slaughter outcome of Limuzin Breed animals was 55,7%, Sharolez - 53,8, black-motley - 51,6%. The flesh outcome in carcass of black-motley breed calves (80,1%) was lower at 0,6-3,3% that of the animals of specialized meat breeds and black-motley cattle with 22,96 kg of first-class meat quantity gave way to coevals of control group at 64,1% (Sharolez) and 70,1% (Limuzin).
114-117 71
As a result of complex usage of selection methods herds of new plant kind of pigs were created and tested. These herds are of high productive traits. Certificates of authorship and Russian Federation patents are received for Belarusian plant kind of pigs in specialized meat breed Duroc. These animals are reared in the four centers of Belarus. 157 boars of this kind are used in the republican program on crossing and hybridization.
118-124 69
Experiments with replacement young pigs of Big White breed, Belarusian Meat breed and Duroc breed helped to develop formulas of recalculation of self-productiveness estimation traits by tool PigLog-105 of 80-110 kg of live weight.
124-129 65
Comparative estimation of sperm-products quality of boars of the researched breeds showed that during the adaptation process with age the ejaculates volume started growing at 38,9-40,5%, sperm cells concentration - at 19,3-81,4%.
130-137 71
Analysis of work results for the period of last 10-12 years on perfection of reproductive, fattening and meat traits of Big White and Belarusian Meat breed of pigs was carried out. It is stated that aimed selection let us reach the effect faster and raise productive qualities of animals in a number of generations on reproductive traits in one pedigree herds and breeds or meat and fattening traits of another genotypes.
137-143 109
Analysis of blood biochemical traits and humoral factors of organism defense was carried out. It was stated that blood traits of pigs in all groups didn’t break physiological norms limits correspondingly to their age. Tri-breed-crosses (BWxL)xD are of a higher total protein content (78,7 g/l) and bacterial activity level of blood serum at 3 and 6 months of age (51,2 and 52,5% correspondingly).
143-149 91

It is stated that meat traits diversity coefficient of almost all the lines is characterized by the sufficient degree of uniformity (straightness). Variability of meat productiveness traits of Belarusian Meat breed of pigs points at their consolidation in the most lines. Fat thickness coefficient diversity under 6-7 thoracic vertebras on lines Сv = 1,53-13,96% points at possibility of perfection of this traits by selection method. Figures of hereditability of fattening and meat-fat traits especially of average daily gain where h2 =0,24-0,51 and forage spends per 1 kg of gain (h2 =0,34-0,59) point on possibility of perfection of separate lines on these traits by the methods of aimed selection. Coefficients of phenotypic correlation between fattening and meat-fat traits of Belarusian meat breed offsprings had no stability by the lines. A high negative correlation of age within 100 kg of live weigh and average daily gain of animals in all the lines researched was determined.


150-154 62
Influence of different management and milking conditions of newly in-calf cows are studied. It is determined that moving them to the basic herd from after-calving section with management and milking conditions change decreases the average daily milk yields at 3,1 kg or 9,2% ( Р < 0,05), fat content in milk - at 0,21% ( Р < 0,05). Moving cows without management and milking conditions change decreases the average daily milk yield at 1,6 kg or 5,2%, milk fatness - at 0,03%.
155-161 81
The time of keeping and repetition factor of milking of new in-calf cows in after-birth stall at free out-of-box management is studied. It is stated that the perfect variant of management conditions of newly in-calf cows is free out-of-box keeping with thrice-repeated milking at platform like “Elochka” and moving cows to the basic herd in 5 days after calving.
161-167 66
The researches were carried out at RUE “Plant “Zaria” of Gomel regionwith 54 thousand of pigs of productive capacity. It is determined that walls and ceilings heat transition coefficient resistance by warming them with gas-silicate blocks and bricks, wadding and glass foam with 0,92-1,12 to 2,5-3,0 м2 о С/Watt promoted the decrease of energy resources for heating/ resistance normalization by 9 biochemical and hematological indexes (total protein, protein fractions, leucocytes and erythrocytes quantity etc.), having no negative influence at productiveness of weanlings.
167-174 70
Reconstruction in sections for growing pigs let us rationally use the biological warmth of animals. Temperature and relative humidity of the air inside after reconstruction were about 1-2004, in rooms that were not reconstructed the temperature was below the norm within the high air humidity. The animals kept in reconstructed rooms had lower humoral factors indexes of organism defense. At pork production in conditions of industrial complexes and huge product farms it may be recommended to use the combined system of ventilation (natural for atmospheric air and mechanic removing of the wasted air) at the simultaneous raise of thermal resistance of the fence, that influences positively at the microclimate and animals’ health.
174-178 70
Usage of ear progestagene implants and developed schemes of pigs rut inducing affected positively at estrus synchronization of 60% of herd after 4-6 days the hormonal implant had been extracted.
178-185 94
Modern condition and prospective of perfection of meat quality and safety in Ukraine are being researched. New approaches of estinmation perfection of quality and safety of meat products using microscopy of blood swap (computer technologies).
185-192 80
Coefficients of resistance of the basic horse-means-of-transport, agricultural tools and indexes of draft force of horses while accomplishing different horse work are determined. It let us develop the scale and a new method of cart-horses’ work efficiency determination according to the results of their agricultural usage. It consists of registration and determination of all the work carried out per day, results summation, differentiation on complexity categories and stating the scores on special scale. The usage of this method gives possibility to do to special researches and assess a horse of work efficiency as well as raise its cost.
192-198 68
Regime of acupuncture influence at biologically active spots that reflect functions of genital organs of cows-donors is developed. It presupposes usage of the following scheme: the first level (5-7 days of the cycle) - LI, impulses frequency - 512 GHz, exposition - 1,5 min, and at the second level (8-10 days of the cycle) - LI 4046 GHz (1,5) + IU, exposition - 15 min. Using it promotes embryo outcome growth. These embryos are good for transplantation counted per 1 donor at 1,8 (P<0,05) because of raise of the quantity of ovulating follicles at 5% and decrease of follicles cysts at 0,6.
199-206 114
1% concentrated preparation makes bactericidal action towards pathogenic microorganisms in rooms for cattle. Total microbes content in the air at aerosol disinfection and calves presence decreases 43 and times in 1 and 24 hours correspondingly and fungi content - 40 and 14 times correspondingly. The preparation is recommended to use by watering method of 0,5 l/m2 and spraying - 15 sm3/m3.
207-212 70
As a result of the researches conducted technological methods of Sharolez Breed suckling calves growing to of different age at weaning in conditions of stall and pasture management were developed. It is stated that at weaning of bulls and heifers of 5,8-6,3 months of age the average daily weight gain was higher at 10,3-13,1% than that of the 7,4-7,6 moths-of-age-coevals. Young experimental animals in different technological growing conditions are of 224-233 kg love weight by the early weaning.
213-216 102
Analysis of influence of different stages of ultrasound and laser effect at reproductive organs of sows in after-weanling period was carried out. It is determined that laser and ultrasound has a positive effect at sows reproductive function, increases multiple pregnancy and calves safety by weanling.
217-224 108
The experiment on physical qualities and chemical composition of meat and fat of tri-cross-breed hybrids depending on precocity of cross-breed sows was carried out. It was stated that precocity of sows of breed correlations BWxBBM and BWxL had no significant influence at chemical composition of their descendants’ meat and fat. The only thing is that a tendency to protein growth in the longest back muscle at 0,24% of descendants of BWxL, compared to their coevals of (BWxBBM)xE correlation breeds. On physical qualities the meat of tri-breed young pigs of (BWxBBM)xE and (BWxL)xE corresponds to technological norms. But the minimal losses of meat at heating were registered with pigs of precocious mothers of BWxL (35,5%). Not significant raise of meat juice losses were registered with tri-breed pigs of (BWxBBM)xE. The highest ones were registered with descendants of moderately growing mothers (36,8%), their meat had the lowest moisture-retaining power.
224-232 106
Perfect intensity and exposition of the effect of low-intensive laser emanation at active spots of udder of in-calf cows and reflexogenic zones at the body of a calve is determined. The rules of newly born calves’ organism immune defense formation are stated in connection with laser effect. Estimation of physiologic status and resistance of calves of different age to intensive laser emanation on their reflexogenic zones is given. It is determined that usage of laser with constant magnetic field at reflexogenic zones of 20-day to 6 month calves (exposition 8 sec.) influences positively at immune system and immunecorrection that leads to defensive strengths growth and decrease of incidence.
232-238 62
Usage of systems with mechanic ventilation not taking into account high spends of electricity (6,4-12,3 rg u. t. per 1 c of weight gain) promotes the better microclimate parameters. It affects the bulls’ live weight growth at 1,9-5,2% and forage spends decrease at 1 c of weight gain at 2,8-5,9%. Cutting the ventilation volume at the 1st growing phase in winter period from 20-25 m3/h to 10-15 m3/h per 100 kg of live weight and from 40-50 m3/h to 25-30 m3/hin transition period let us decrease the annual energy and natural gas spends for ventilation and heating at 10-16% compared to the existing parameters.
238-246 78
The article dwells on the results of development and implementation of organization-technological activities at milk farms and complexes for milk quality improvement and increasing of product market realization. It is stated that implementation of organization-technical activities on dividing cows into two production groups depending on the analysis of individual milk samples quality let us decrease the somatic cells content in milk averagely at 23%, to make it correspond the demands of norms and increase realization of high-quality products.
247-253 60
The researches helped to determine that productiveness and young pigs safety during all the periods of the year and all the studied variants of reconstruction was higher than in typical rooms with traditional technology of management. The most effective variant of reconstruction was the one with suspended ceiling made of siding (PVC panels) and was 2,2 m high from the floor level the air fence is done via gallery from 2 openings (0,4 x 0,4 m) on the level of the floor. Animals of this experimental group surpassed their coevals in different seasons of the year on live weight - at 1,0-3,8 kg, on average daily weight gain - at 13-47 g, on safety - at 3,5-6%. The indexes of natural resistance were higher with pigs of the second experimental group, so on bacterial activity of blood serum in seasons of the year it was about 1,1-8,6%.
253-260 67
The object of the research is muscle tissues of cattle and statistic data. Beef production in zones under radioactive pollution after Chernobyl catastrophe is considered. Analysis of correspondence of137Cs content to Russian Standards is being carried out? As well as perfect technological peculiarities of beef production.
260-266 67
The work represents the data on usage of polarized laser radiation of the near-infrared region of specter with wave length of λ = 808 nm in technology of sturgeon aqua-culture. The researches were carried out on larva and young recurrent hybrid bester. The data of stimulating action were registered on different levels of post-embryo development: hatching, transition to active nutrition, 50 days after hatching. At perfect radiation parameters ( F = 50 GHz, P = 2,9 mW/sm2, t = 60 s) stimulation of probability of survival and size-weight figures of young sturgeons is determined. Issues on usage of this physical factor for growing technology in conditions of industrial fish breeding are discussed.
267-273 66
The article gives a brief history of fish industry science of Belarus for the period of the last 80 years of its existence and 50 years of existence of The Institute of Fish Industry. A great contribution of the institute and scientists in development of fish industry science is registered. Basic problems of effective production of market fish in modern conditions and the significant questions of scientific supply of Fish Branch of Belarus are considered. The work of the institute in the sphere of creation of new technological processes of fish growing and fish forages production are analyzed as well as environment quality, diseases prophylactics and new kinds of fishes acclimatization. The basic aims of fish industry and ways of reaching them are determined and stressed.

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