
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Vol 51, No 1 (2016)


4-10 63
As a result of studies on the effect of antibiotics on quality of producing boars’ semen, the perfect dose of sanitizing agents cefotaxime, cefepime and ampicillin was determined as part of semen diluent which contributes to obtaining better results in terms of mobility, morphological and acrosome integrity of genital gametes compared to similar spectrum preparations.
11-22 82
The analysis of quantitative traits of maternal breeds of pigs productiveness by complex of molecular and genetic markers determining reproduction traits was carried out. It was determined that the complex of molecular and genetic markers (ESR, RYR1, EPOR, ECR F18), determining reproductive performance, has specific effect on quantitative traits of maternal breeds of pigs performance. Thus, the use of these markers in breeding maternal breeds of sows improves their performance traits: multiple pregnancy - by 2.2-12.7 %, and the safety of piglets at weaning - by 1.3-19.9 p.p. Genetic profiles of maternal breeds of pigs were developed, which reflect the frequency of alleles of molecular and genetic markers for performance traits that allows to predict their quantitative traits of performance with high accuracy, as well as criteria for boars ranking, the use of which allows to objectively evaluate the producer and use it efficiently for selection of parental pairs.
22-34 76
Two specialized by meat and fattening traits plant lines of pigs were created (Syabr 903 and Smyk 46706) with the following productivity indicators: multiple pregnancy - 11.8 and 10.8 piglets, age at live weight of 100 kg - 171.7 and 171.1 days, average daily weight gain - 852 and 864 g, feed costs - 3.24 and 3.19 forage units, backfat thickness - 22.0 and 20.3 mm, ham weight - 11.2 and 11.15 kg, by the lines respectively.
34-43 63
The article presents results of researches on diagnosis of hereditary mutations in cattle at the stage of early embryos: immunodeficiency syndrome (BLAD), complex deformation of the spine syndrome (CVM), deficiency of uridinmonophosphatesynthetases (DUMPS).
43-47 82
As a result of studies on the effect of antibiotics of wide application use on the energy activity of sperm of male producing pigs it was determined that administration of 250 mg / 1 liter of sanitizing preparations cefotaxime, cefepime and ampicillin in the diluent contributes to obtaining better results (by 8.8 %) of interlabial gametes mobility, compared with preparations of the control and other groups.
48-55 63
Characteristic of created on the pure-bred basis and tested in 2015 factory lines of 16 Bora Lesnogo (10 stallions, 57 mares) and 84 Ranka (10 stallions, 60 mares) of Belarusian draft breed of horses is presented. Stallions and mares of line of 16 Bora Lesnogo have height at the withers of 158.0±1.11 - 155.5±0.54 cm, chest girth - 197.2±1.46 - 194.1±1.19, an overall assessment of the phenotype by 4 traits - 33.7±0.16 - 32.5±0.12 points. Surpass the breed standard by set of traits by 2.4-5.4 %, analogue indices - by 0.4-3.0 %. Stallions and mares of line Rank 84 have height at the withers of 156.9±0.92 - 154.4±0.52 cm, chest girth - 194.5±1.10 - 193.8±0.95 cm, overall assessment of the phenotype by 4 traits - 33.2±0.13 - 31.1±0.11. Surpass the breed standard for set of traits by 1.3-3.7 %, analogues indices - by 0.3-1.4 %.
56-64 70
We have worked out the method of acupuncture-hormonal induction of follicle polyovulation among the cows after ovaries function normalization, which leads to the number of per donor ovulations growth by 2.4, to the number of anovulation follicles drop by 0.5, to extra 1.6 embryos suitable for transplantation and extra 5 calves-transplant per 100 embryotransplantation.
64-73 65
Map of genetic profile of animals of specialized maternal lines in Belarusian plant type of Yorkshire breed of pigs was developed on the basis of frequency of alleles of marker-genes of performance traits. It was determined that animals of maternal lines had a high frequency of occurrence of the preferred alleles for genes: RYR1, IGF-2 - 1,0; and average frequency for genes - ESR, PRLR, MUC4 - 0,420 - 0,530.
73-79 66
During the analysis of indicators of self-performance the young animals of maternal line Cowboy 13126 reached live weight of 100 kg earlier by 1.2 days, or 1.7% (P≤0.05), had an average daily weight gain by 12 grams higher, or by 1.9% and backfat thickness by 0.7 mm lower, or by 4.4% in comparison with coevals of line Crab 14588. The height of longissimus dorsi and the content of lean meat in the body of animals of line Cowboy 13126 made 52.3 mm and 65.7%, respectively. A comprehensive index of breeding value of boars made 103 points, gilts - 101.8 points.
80-85 66
The estimation of the created paternal lines in Belarusian black-motley breed of pigs is given in the researches. The performed evaluation of followers of paternal lines using DNA-testing with marker genes allowed to draw up their genetic profile. Deviations from the ideal model profile of lines Zaston 5085 and Tik 3037 made respectively by RYR 1 gene - 8.3 and 0 %, by ESR gene - 66.7 and 100 %, by H-FABP gene - 62.5-91.7 and 0-100 %, by PRKAG3 gene - 54.2-37.5 %.
86-98 85
DNA-testing was conducted by porcine MUC4 gene and ECR F18/FUT1 gene by PCR-RFLP method. The object of research was pigs of the following breeds: Belarusian Large Whites (BLW), Belarusian Meat (BM), Belarusian black-motley (BBM), Landrace (L), Duroc (D) and Yorkshire (Y), bred in the breeding enterprises of the republic. At the molecular genetic testing gene polymorphism of MUC4 and ECR F18/FUT1 genes was determined with animals of different breeds and sex and age groups (boars-producers, sows, young animals at fattening), represented by alleles MUC4С, MUC4G and ECR F18/FUT1А, ECR F18/FUT1G, and the following genotypes were identified: MUC4СС, MUC4CG, MUC4GG, ECR F18/FUT1АА, ECR F18/FUT1GG and ECR F18/FUT1AG. Analysis of genetic testing by MUC4 gene showed that Duroc breed is resistant to colibacillosis, all animals had preferred genotype MUC4CC - without mutations. For other breeds and breed combination the MUC4CC genotype concentration was: Belarusian black-motley - 53.1 %, Belarusian meat - 56.9 %, BM x L - 63.3 %. The study of genetic structure of breeds in average by ECR F18 / FUT1 gene showed that the lowest frequency of animals with resistant ECR F18/FUT1АА genotype was observed in populations of the following breeds: Yorkshire - 1.6 %, Belarusian black-motley - 2.0 %, Landrace - 4.5 %, and the highest frequency of genotype ECR F18/FUT1АА was observed in populations of Duroc breed - 10.3 %, and in animals of BM x L breed combination - 12.5 %.
98-104 67
It was determined that use of hybrid boars of special meat breeds of Duroc × Pietrain genotype in diverse hybridization variants had no adverse effect on the quality of pork, and it is possible to use hybrid boars in hybridization system in the future.
104-112 70
It was determined that use of Holstein producing bulls had a positive effect both on milk production and conformation indices of cows of Ukrainian red dairy breed. The highest level for the yield of milk and level of milk fat belongs to the cow of factory line of the Kubok (fat milk type of the Ukrainian red dairy breed). Breeding of fat milk type of cows of Ukrainian red dairy breed using sires of Angler and Red Danish breeds also has a positive effect on milk performance of cattle, but in turn, the obtained offspring is of not enough expressed milk type and has a tendency to coarse and loose exterior.
112-118 87
The analysis of the occurrence of G2032A mutation in the MX gene in populations of White Plymoth Breed of chicken (line G-2), Rhode Island Red (line 38), Poltava Clay (line 14) and Borkovskaya Barvistaya (line A) was studied. It is shown that the MX gene was polymorphic in all studied chicken populations. Frequencies of alleles A and G in the line G-2 were 0.21 and 0.79; line 38 - 0.125 and 0.875; line 14 - 0.14 and 0.86; line A - 0.375 and 0.625 respectively.
119-124 53
It is determined that preliminary culturing of bovine oocyte-cumulus complexes during 20 hours in amount of 20 pcs. per 500 mcl of medium before vitrification in 20 % of ethylene glycol + 20% DMSO + 20% fetal serum in TC-199 increases cryoresistance of gametes, thus increasing their viability by 3.0-9.2% after thawing and output of cells matured prior to metaphase II of meiosis stage - by 3.9-12.5% compared to the control.
124-133 87
Possibility was determined for creation of beef cattle herds in Pripyat Polesye area by crossing black-motley cows with bulls of Aberdeen-Angus breed. In the SPK «Valische» crossing Aberdeen-Angus bulls with black-motley culled cows allowed to create beef cattle herd where dairy performance of crossbred Aberdeen Angus x black-motley cows (185.2 kg at first calving and 194.2 kg - at the second calving) is combined with their well-defined beef forms typical for the corresponding genotype. Indices of massiveness of cows of 1 and 2 calving were within 126.1-121.6 and 151.3-148.6 respectively. Random breeding age heifers had these indices at a level of 136.9 and 155.2. As for constitutional development - crossbred cows and heifers have expressed phenotypic and genotypic traits of a specialized beef breed.
133-141 54
The analysis of the development of dairy cattle breeding industry and volume of production was carried out. Priorities of development of the industry were determined, requiring urgent government support, revision of the existing government programs and the implementation mechanisms. The main provisions of strategic priorities for the development of dairy farming in Ukraine are presented as well as ways to achieve the goals represented in units. Conceptual requirements for ensuring growth of production efficiency and increase of competitiveness of the industry are formed. The obtained materials reveal mechanisms for achieving the expected results, which will ultimately contribute to the growth of the number of livestock animals, increase of performance, improvement of product quality and safety for the consumer. Expected result -creation of technological conditions for increasing efficiency, competitiveness and investment attractiveness of dairy farming industry, improving social conditions of village.
141-147 93
The article presents results of research on chemical composition, physical properties and fatty acid composition of back fat of young pigs bred in Belarus. It was determined that samples of fat all the studied breeds had a good digestibility and by all indicators were considered fats of premium class. Analysis of fatty acid composition showed that the total amount of the essential fatty acids was higher in young Yorkshire, Belarusian Large White and Duroc breed animals, indicating a more solid structure and calories level in fat. The highest level of polyunsaturated fatty acids was shown by young Yorkshire and Landrace breeds.
147-154 105
The article outlines the main methodological approaches to the assessment and selection of sheep in terms of characterizing the meat productivity; new methods for estimating the intensity of growth of lambs from birth to weaning are determined. Ewes performance parameters of prekos breed under the effect of selection on prolificacy are determined. The main criteria for evaluating producing rams using BLUP method.
154-162 92
Animals of Belarusian meat breed at basic farms are characterized by high parameters of growth and development. Performance of first pregnancy sows with two or more farrowing’s on average by multiple pregnancy made 10.3 and 11.0 piglets per litter, by milkiness - 51.5-52.7 kg, by number of piglets and litter weight at weaning on 35-41 day - 9.8 heads, and 81.6-83.6 kg, respectively. In average for all the farms sows multiple pregnancy complies with the requirements of the first class. At assessment by genotype young animals at SGC «Zadneprovsky» showed high level of fattening and meat performance.
162-169 59
It is determined that an effective method of evaluation and selection of highly productive animals is a BLUP method. Animals in which the BLUP index ranges from 111.53 to 165.23 points are characterized by high reproductive qualities (prolificacy - 12.5 heads, litter weight at the date of weaning at the age of 30-35 days was 82.3±1.38 kg). The number of significant coefficients of pair correlation between the indices of O. Wangen, BLUP, the performance of its own productivity gilts and reproductive qualities of sows is 62.5 and 75.0 % respectively.
169-178 98
Breeding value index estimation for producing boars is developed. It allows to 2.6-5.1 times increase the variability of the complex indices for paternal breeds, and 1.9-3.3 times for maternal breeds, to involve in assessment economically important features of control fattening, evaluation of parents and partial indices obtained on replacement stage.
178-185 60
It was determined that by self-performance replacement young animals of Landrace breed at breeding centers was characterized by relatively high breeding traits. The average age of reaching 100 kg of live weight was 178 days, average daily weight gain from birth to 100 kg of live weight - 585 g, carcass length - 124 cm, backfat thickness - 10 mm, height of the longissimus dorsi - 45.5 mm, content of lean meat in carcass - 59.7 %. A comprehensive index of the breeding value of replacement boars was 105.4 points.
185-197 60
It was determined that crossing of crossbred sows of LW×Y and L×LW with hybrid boars of L×D has a positive effect on increase in multiple pregnancy, milkiness and number of piglets at weaning by 3.5-4.4 %, 4.5-5.8 and 3.7-6.5 % in comparison with the best two-breed variant LW×L. Use of boars of Duroc breed as paternal form with crossbred sows of LW×BM and BM×L has negative effect on reproductive traits of sows, showing reduction of multiple pregnancy (by 10.8 %), milkiness (by 2.6-4.2 %), number of piglets (by 14.7-16.3 %) and weight of litter to weaning (by 19.4-21.5 %), compared to sows of same origin with boars of Landrace breed. It was revealed that resulting from crossing of crossbred sows of LW×Y and L×LW with hybrid boars of L×D final hybrids considerably surpass on fattening traits (on the age of reaching weight of 100 kg - by 8.5-9.4%, on average weight gain - by 12.0-13.1%, feed cost per 1 kg of weight gain decrease by 4,7-6,2%) the best the best two-breed variant LW×L. Good feeding traits were shown by three-breed hybrids as well (BM×L)×D and (BM×L)×L with the average daily weight gain at the level of 801-803 g at feed cost of 3.38-3.40 kg per 1 kg of gain.


198-205 70
The effect of different amounts of chelate complexes of copper, zinc and manganese and sulfuric acid salts on the retention and excretion of trace elements when administered in the diet of dry cows is studied. A significant increase in the degree of assimilation by the body of copper and zinc chelate forms of cows is determined: Cu - by 14.04 abs.% in I; 15.74 abs.% - in II; 5.72 abs.% - in III experimental group; Zn - 9.38 abs.%; 9.67 abs.%; 8.25 abs.%, respectively, compared with the control group animals.
205-215 73
This article highlights the experimental research results on comparative efficiency of feeding with different protein sources (fodder yeasts, sunflower meal, thermal-treated soybean and pea) as part of compound feeds for pregnant and lactating sows. It was determined that feeding pregnant and lactating sows with fodder yeast and thermal-treated soybean meal in amount equivalent to 35% of the total protein of high-grade feed, promotes better productive and reproductive traits of sows as compared to animals fed with sunflower meal or thermally treated peas.
215-223 81
Use of feed concentrate in amount of 15 %, 20 and 25 % by weight in compound feed has a positive impact on palatability of feed, morphological and biochemical composition of blood, which allows to increase milk yield by 4.8-8.4 %, fat content - by 0.05-0.08 percentage points, as well as reduce feed cost for milk production by 3.3-5.6 % compared with the control group.
223-233 74
Standards for feed defecate inclusion made of by-products of secondary raw materials processing into compound feeds for dairy cows in mid-lactation in amount of up to 3.0 % were developed, having positive effect on feed intake, morphological and biochemical composition of blood, milk performance and economic efficiency.
233-243 67
A tool for parametric analysis of economical and mathematical model of compound feed for minimal cost of ingredients at full balance on the main essential amino acids was developed, which allows to develop formulations for complete diet feeds with high-grade protein at minimal feed and supplements cost.
244-256 60
Possibility of reducing the crude protein level in diets for young pigs die to physiologically substantiated optimization of amount and intake of essential amino acids is shown. This prerequisite here is control of the amount of lysine per 1 MJ of metabolizable energy of diets, subject to meeting demands for correlations between essential and nonessential amino acids. In 1 kg of feed (14 % humidity) for rearing piglets per 1 MJ of metabolizable energy 0.81 g, in the Ist period of fattening - 0.73 g, in the IInd period - 0.61 g of lysine is required. Levels of other (incl. accessible) essential amino acids is calculated as a percentage relative to lysine: methionine with cystine - 60 %, threonine - 66 %, tryptophan - 19 %. This principle provides the body's need for essential amino acids without excess and allows to reduce the level of crude protein in the compound feeds to 10 % with a significant increase of average daily weight gains at rearing by 74 g, or by 13.4 % (P <0.001), in the Ist period feeding - by 54 g, and in the IInd period - by 41 g (P <0.05). Reducing the crude protein levels in compound feeds saves consumed feed at rearing, in the Ist and IInd periods of fattening, respectively, by 1.9 %, 2.3 and 6.7 %, metabolizable energy - by 1.9 %, 2.7 and 6.1 %, and crude protein - by 1.3 %, 0.8, and 6.1 %, the digestibility of feed nutrient is increased: organic matter - by 1.5 %, protein - by 3.1 % and fiber - by 1.7 %.
257-266 62
Feeding breeding steers of live weight of 363-460 kg with diets containing 10 % above standard non-degradable protein increases metabolizable energy conversion into body weight gain energy by 9 %, which allows to increase average daily weight gains from 980 to 1029 g, or by 5 %, decrease feed energy spends by 5 % calculated per unit of energy for weight gain.
266-273 89
In scientific experiments with young pigs of Large white breed carried out by the group-analogues method it was determined that feeding animals with enzyme preparations macerobacellina, MEK-1, MEK-3 and minovit contribute to increasing of average thickness of backfat, and when fed with maceraza and MEK-1- decrease of thickness. The weight of the third- spine cuts of carcass increases particularly with maceraza “P”, maceraza “H” and MEK-5. Increasing of amount of meat in comparison with control group was observed when fed with maceraza, MEK-1, MEK-3 and MEK-5. Increasing of fat content in the third-spine cut was observed when feeding macerobacellina and maceraza, meat - when fed eith MЕK-5, when MEK-1 - MEK-3 showed even correlation of meat and fat content.
274-286 67
It was determined that feeding steers with feed supplement CryptoLife-S activating enzymatic processes in forestomachs and hydrolysis of nutrients of feed, had a stimulating effect on the rate of growth of animals, average daily weight gains increased by 6.1 %, while feed costs are reduced by 3.6 %, conversion of feed energy into the energy of live weight gain increases from 21 to 22.6 %, ratio of productive use of feed energy increases from 30 to 36.6 %.
286-294 68
It was determined that use of offal in bird feeding for young mink in the amount of 13 % by diet weight did not reduce the growth rate of young mink and quality of fells. Use of bird slaughter by-products allowed to reduce the cost of one portion of feed by 6.5 %. And profitability of fur production increased by 4.1 %.
294-300 73
It was found that when administered in the diet of pigs 5 % GM soy (RR, GTS 40.3.2) and the ratio of the free pool of blood amino acids in pigs have not changed significantly. At the same time there was a significant impact of GM soy on blood pool of free amino acids boars - namely, the reduction of the total content of free amino acids with 310,43 ± 14,960 micromoles to 173,74 ± 2,216 mmol (p <0.004) and the number of replaceable with 214, 92 ± 7,175 micromoles to 124 ± 93 2,615 mmol (p <0.0003) and essential amino acids with 95,51 ± 7,785 micromoles to 48,80 ± 0,399 mmol (p <0.0008). What may indicate a greater sensitivity of male organism to action of environmental factors in comparison with the female.
301-309 102
As a results of feeding highly productive cows with premixes with zeolite containing filler (70 % tripoli and 30 % rye bran) an increase of period of intensive milk flow and obtaining additional milk of basic fat from one animal in amount of 74.7 kg was determined, which allowed to obtain extra profit of 501.6 thousand rubles.
309-318 67
Researches of young cattle of up to 6 months of age helped to determine that feeding with supplement containing lactulose “Laktumin” with 1.8 and 2.6 grams of lactulose had a positive effect on natural resistance and stress resistance parameters, improves metabolism processes and increase of calves’ stress resistance during critical period. Intake of lactulose with whole milk replacer in body of young cattle ensured increase in gross gains by 8.4 and 8.6%.
319-328 86
Today's promising preparation that combines the functions of two feed additives - feed enzyme and probiotic, is an enzyme preparation Cellobacterin that, due to the particular organization of the enzyme complex, increases the digestibility of barley grain and effectively effects on sunflower meal. As a probiotic preparation it inhibits the development of pathogenic microorganisms and promotes the formation of beneficial microflora in the digestive tract. The introduction of Cellobacterin enzyme preparation into the compound feed with a high content of barley grain and sunflower meal increases the body weight of young pigs by 4.8 % and reduces the cost of feed per 1 kg of live weight gain. The results of hematological studies found no significant deviations from the physiological norm in the morphological picture of the blood in experimental animals. The group, where Cellobacterin was added, showed higher vitamin A content by 2.8 % as compared to the control, while vitamin E is found in both groups on the same level. Based on the results of the research to improve the productivity and growth rate in compound feed based on barley and sunflower meal with higher fiber content, it is recommended to include in the compound feed Cellobacterin enzyme preparation at the rate of 1 kg per 1 ton of feed.
328-333 71
With developed feed preparation technology, developed formulation of simple compound feed with different grain part as the main component and corresponding balancing additives, positive results in pigs feeding were achieved. Production of simple component feeds at farms with the proposed technology allows to increase performance of animals and increase the volume of livestock production, reduce feed costs by reducing transport and energy costs, allows to use high-grade animal feeds at farms of different ownership forms according to evidence-based standards.

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ISSN 0134-9732 (Print)