Vol 48, No 2 (2013)
3-7 63
The basic indicators of the type of feeds and feeding pigs in conditions of industrial environments are presented, as well as the requirements to the quality of raw materials, the fineness of the grain, the structure of compound feeds, feed rate and other factors.
V. F. Radchikov,
S. L. Shinkareva,
O. F. Ganuschenko,
S. A. Yaroshevich,
V. M. Budko,
A. N. Shevtsov
8-17 88
Feeding with KR-3 compound feed with extruded enricher in the amount of 10 % by weight instead of barley in a diet allows to activate the micro-biological processes in the rumen, increase average daily gain by 7.0 % anddecrease feed costs by 6 %.
17-28 64
It is determined that whole milk replacer swith inclusion of concentrate of different composition allow to obtain daily gain of calves of 780-810 g, which is higher than the control by 5,4-9,5 % at feed costs of 3.4-3.7 per 1 kg of gain or lower than control by 11.3 %.
28-39 65
According to the authors opinion a significant lack of energy (in this case 27,6 ± 4,3 MJ / day) plays a crucial role in the mobilization of fat and protein in lactating cows. With moderate energy deficit (in this case 9,9 ± 2,2 MJ / day) due to the mobilization of fat accumulation of protein in the body may take place.
39-45 59
The use of an experimental feed and premix during the main cycle of lactation in the summer grazing period allowed to increase the digestibility of nutrients by 1,7-5,8 %, diet minerals intake - by 0,12-3,8 %, yield of 4% milk - by 10.4 % (29.7 vs. 26.9 kg of milk) and obtain extra profit of 946,496 rubles per 1 head for an experience.
45-52 59
The article presents the results of the effect of high doses of phosphorus, calcium, sodium, copper, zinc, cobalt, iodine, vitamin A and D for cows during the 2nd third of lactation compared to the detailed standards for the winter feeding on milk performance, digestibility and assimilation of nutrients, blood biochemical indices and payment for feeds.
52-61 73
The use of diets with our feeds for growing 4-6-month-old heifers contributed to obtaining of 856-874 g of average daily weight gain while reducing feed costs by 5,7-9,2 %, and the prime cost of produce by 4,4-16,9 %. Morphological and biochemical blood indices of young animals at rearing support their relationship with the level of energy, protein and mineral nutrition providing the conditions for intense growth and development according to the planned performance.
61-69 66
Feeding replacement calves with multi-component diets made of fodder beet, haylage and corn silage improves biological and energy value of the diet, concentration of energy in dry matter up to 9.83 MJ, diet moisture by 14-35 percentage points ,decrease offibre level by 3.8 percentage points, ensures increase of content of soluble carbohydrates by 1.8-2.3 percentage points. Use of such diets activates the microbiological processes in the rumen - in rumen fluid, the amount of VFA is increased by 17.6 %, nitrogen - by 6.2 %, ammonia levels are reduced by 8.7 %, digestibility of all nutrients increases - by 2, 81-4,56 percentage points, nitrogen use efficiency - by 10.6 percentage points.
69-74 60
The results of research on the efficiency of the dairy cows feeding standardsin the U.S., NRC (2001), British, FIM (2004), Russian (2003) and the new Ukrainian (2009) in single farm conditions. Estimating yields of milkone should note that during the 300 days of the study group I cows gave 5242.8 kg of milk, group II - by 7.4 % more, group III - by 11.4 % and IV - by 14.8 %. It is appropriate to continue the thorough study of the efficiency of different standards using different types of feeding including pastures.
74-84 85
The results of studies conducted over the past 15 years are presented in the article confirming the reliability and accuracy of methodological approaches to the development of standards for cattle feeding. The algorithm of designing guideline standards for cattle feeding, that has been repeatedly tested by us, may be carried out through heat and energy production. There also should correction ratios for activity climate, microclimate, conditions and management parameters etc. Determination of the need in DM is to be carried out via concentration of the metabolizable energy therein, as well as determination of the optimal concentration of organic and mineral substances, vitamins and other factors which affect metabolic processes in the body of animals.
84-92 64
The use of extruded enricher in diets for calves in compound feed KR-1 in the amount of 15 % increases conversion of feed energy by 27.7 %, which allows to increase the average daily weight gain by 8 %, reduce feed costs by 10 %, the prime cost of produce - by 11 %.
92-99 72
It is determined that the inclusion of tripoli in diet for young cattle stimulates digestion, which lead to increase of nutrient by 2,25-12,9 pp.
100-107 63
It is determined that the use of mineral supplement of tripoli with probiotic, prebiotic and synbiotics in feeds for young cattle has a positive effect on the physiological condition of the animals that is proved by a morphological and biochemical composition of blood.
108-117 95
Method of pre-milking treatment of udders of cows in the milking stationary units like "Elochka", "Parallel", "Tandem" was developed and scientifically substantiated. It includes milking of first portions of milk, cleaning tests and udder with disposable or reusable wipes differing with wherein that sanitation and hygiene of teats and udder is carried out using the new foam disinfectant domestic products (NPK "Navigator") by dipping teats in to a special bowl for at least 30 seconds. It was determined that the use of a new method of hygienic preparation of the udder before the milking reduces the level of bacterial udder skin contamination by 80.2 %, tests - by 23 % and milk with microbial cells up to 67-74 thousand / cm3 (sort "Extra" in terms of bacterial contamination), and also allows to create full level of reflex of milk output when the degree of relative milking is makes in the first 3 minutes of milking - 83.1 % and the average speed of milk output - 1.69 kg / min. The economic effect of the proposed method of pre-milking treatment of udder calculated per 1 ton of milk made 122,732 rubles.
117-123 81
In experiments on young pigs of Yorkshire × Landracecrossbred combination optimum parameters of indoor air were established: at the age of 35-40 days - 25-27 ºC, at the age of 41-86 days - 21-24 ºC, at the age of 86-140 days - 19-23 ºC, over 140 days of age - 20-21 ºC. Creating a comfortable and favorable management environment allowed to increase the average daily weight gain of young pigs at rearing by 12 g, at fattening - 24 g, safety - by 2.5 p.p., decrease feed costs by 3,4-6,2 %.
124-135 100
The article dwells on various methodological approaches for calculation of the basic parameters of the process of pork flow production.
136-144 95
The level of motor and jumping traits of young Trakehner horses is determined, as well as morphological and biochemical composition of blood, describing adaptive traits of horses, depending on the length of the prenatal development.
144-155 62
The studies helped to determine that Belarusian draught breed horses with middle and extended periods of prenatal development have better reproductive traits, optimal energy growth, high levels of gas and ion exchange and metabolism and defense reactions compared to their coevals with a short period of prenatal development that must be considered at the selection of horses in breeding groups.
155-159 66
The present state of bison preservation in Ukraine has been considered in the article. The reduction of the population size has been revealed. The number of hunting farms has decreased, the data on the population size has been excessively increased. The role of the state hunting farms in the above processes has been shown. Their indifference to the problem of bison preservation has been pointed out. The use of aviary housing to preserve reacclimatisants has been proposed. The problem of bison preservation is supposed to be solved at the state level.
159-166 56
The article presents the materials of the two scientific experiments on the use of immune modulator "KAFI"; it provides the possibility to exclude the ewes’ colostrum from diet of lambs (in the first days of life), and there is no abnormalities observed in their development during the further growth. The article also presents information on the use of the drug for early weaning of lambs from ewes, at which the high intensity of growth, development and preservation of these animals is reached.
166-178 67
By the example of the functioning of the five different industrial dairy complexes of the Republic of Belarus milk quality indicators were studied. Research results are used to generate proposals to move to a more efficient technology of automated milking of cows in the milking parlors at sites like "Elochka" and "Parallel".
178-184 71
The aim of the research was to determine the effect of the quantity and quality of colostrum on energy growth of calves, their incidence and safety in the first two weeks of post-embryonic development. Studies of calves’ blood serum showed that the first few hours after birth before colostrum intake the protein level was low - 4.2 g%, which after colostrum drinking increased up to 6.3 g%. Also the number of Ig G increased up to 1458 mg% and Ig M up to 127-181 mg%. Later immunoglobulin levels decreased in the first month after birth. Then starting from the second month after birth the number of immunoglobulins increased and by 9-12-month the level of immunoglobulins G-and M-Class almost reached the value for adult animals.
184-192 98
The monitoring of Siberian (Lenski) sturgeon brood stock wintering has been conducted in the pond fish farm of JSC "Experimental Fishery "Selets" of the third line of fishery. Conducted studies allowed us to estimate the physiological state of brood stock Lenski sturgeon in winter. On the basis of the Fishery "Selets" research and observation of literary data on this subject in Russia, there have been developed some process parameters of winter keeping of brood stock conditions of the III zone fishery farms of Belarus.
192-199 68
A comparative evaluation of the parameters of milking machines for loose management of cows was carried out. It was determined that compared with the conventional system the quick release system allows to saves 5-6 minutes for milking cows every 100 minutes. It was determined that the highest performance had milking machine "Parallel" by "Kunus" company - "Westphalia" (2x17) - 140 cows/hour. When milking cows at plant "DeLaval" (2x14) 120 cows were milked in 1 hour. Performance of milking machines "Elochka" and "Parallel" (svingover) of "Plant Promburvod" - "Itek" and JV "Unibox" - LLC "Diarymaster" companies (2x16) - 116 and 110 cows/hour were milked, respectively. In the milking plant "Parallel" (2x16) from joint venture "Unibox" - LLC "Dairymaster" with a complete set of two-way milking machines showed performance of 130 cows/hour. Worst performance was shown by plant "Elochka" (2x10) of OJSC "Gomelagrokomplekt" - 94 cows/hour.
199-206 64
The studies helped to determine that the increase in the age of slaughter of Limousine breed steers from 18 to 20 monthsallows to obtain more heavy carcasses, increase the carcass slaughter yield by 4.9 % (from 60.4 to 65.3 %), carcass yield - by 5.2 % (from 59.3 to 64.5 %) at P<0.001 without lowering meat quality. At slaughter of animals in the age of 20 months the pulp content in meat compared with half-year-of-agesteers increased from 84.5 to 85.6 % and the bones content decreased from 15.5 to 14.4 %. The meat content ratio (meat yield per 1 kg of the bones) in 20 months was 5.91 kg, or 8.2 % higher compared to the 18-month-old steers.
207-214 65
Studies have shown a higher nutritional value of the raw meat obtained from 6-month-old calves of Limousin breed and its hybrids compared with their coevals of black-motley breed on the content of vitamin B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), E (tocopherol), PP (niacin) and A (retinol). In boiled sausages the content of vitamins compared to the starting material is somewhat reduced. However, the use of meat obtained from 6-month-old crossbred calves of Limousine breed and its hybrids for preparation ofboiled sausage products allows to raise the vitamins level (A - 1,5-9,5 times, E - by 15-22.5 % and more , PP - by 8,6-13,9 % B1 - by 26,2-35,7 %, B2 - by 14,3-19,0 %).
215-220 62
The studies helped to determine that the use of different iodine-containing preparations in diets for dry cows had a positive effect on the natural resistance and clinical blood parameters. The greatest positive effect was obtained when preparation with organic iodine Monklavit-1 was used.
220-224 65
The studies helped to determine that the use of different iodine-containing preparations in the diets for dry cows allowed to increase milk performance. With that the use of the preparation made of organic iodine Monklavit-1 contributed to the positive effect on reproductive ability and milk performance of cows to a greater extent.
224-231 105
Breeding stock of Aberdeen-Angus breed of import selection at SCC "Lyaskovichi" of Petrykov area showed a high adaptive capacity of animals to changing environmental conditions during freezing conditions of winter in Belarus. Indicators of acclimatization and adaptation abilities of cows and heifers of Hungarian and national selection meet the physiological norms. In a comparative analysis the number of red blood cells (RBC) was at the level of 6,65-6,80 × 106/mm3 in excess by 0,15 × 106/mm3, or by 2.3 %, in animals of Hungarian selection. The hematocrit (HCT) is marked within 30,70-32,72 %, which is 2.02 % higher than that of domestic animal breeding. At the level of hemoglobin (HGB) of 11,0 and 11,82 g / dl its mean concentration (MCHC) was 37,62 and 38,76 pg, respectively, in animals of import and domestic selection. Total protein levels in blood of cows and heifers was 1.36 g / l, or by 1.7 % higher than in animals of domestic selection, heifers - 79,04-79,4 g/l, with a slight difference between groups of 0.36 g/l.
232-245 197
A step-by-step methodology of creating mathematical functions from one and two variables was developed. Use of this method allows any zoology technician and specialist in the sphere animal science or scientist in the field of animal husbandry to turn their primary tabular data into formulas within a short period of time, which will give possibility to not only find the intermediate values, but will also allow to make modeling of the main processes.
245-253 68
A methodology for rapid prediction of the level of productivity of pigs depending on the impact of major micro-climatic factors was developed. The use of the proposed matrix, algorithm and computer program executed in MS Excel helps to determine the numerical values of the efficiency of pigs at different variation of microclimatic characteristics of air in premises.
254-262 68
The article presents the results of research on administration of Batsinil preparation in diet for calves during the preventive period. It is determined that additional feeding with this preparation promotes productive traits and humoral defense factors perfection.
262-271 75
On the basis of the research it was determined that the highest rates of red blood and lymphoid nature of the blood formula indicate good physiological condition and high adaptive capacity of the Lena sturgeon fingerlings grown in climatic conditions of Belarus. Stocking density of 6,0 thousand ind./m2 during curing, 2,0 thousand ind. /m2 when switching to artificial feeds and 1,0 thousand ind./m2when rearing to weight of 2-3 g do not have a negative impact on the development of the Lena sturgeon fingerlings and can be offered as a standard for rearing juveniles to 30 grams of weight at fish farms of the Republic of Belarus.
271-281 67
The results of the studies helped to identify technological parameters for rearing Lena sturgeon larvae to weight of 3.2 g in conditions of Belarus. It was determined that the most cost-effective are the stocking density of 6 thousand ind./m2at standing and a 2.0 ind./m2 at switching Lena sturgeon larvae to artificial feed. In this case survival is high and the number of production areas is greatly reduced. Stocking density of 0.7 thousand ind./m2 when rearing young Lena sturgeon to a viable stage can be taken as a pre-regulatory baseline. Deterioration of temperature, oxygen and active modes of reaction pH medium In addition to reducing the rate of growth and survival, can cause a variety of diseases and mass mortality of fish.
281-288 61
The efficiency of progeny obtained from foreign breeding boars at a large domestic pig complex was studied: OJSC "State farm-factory "SOZ" of Gomel area and Gomel region with capacity of 108 thousand animals of the annual fattening. Researches helped to determine that the indicators of quantity and quality of sperm, fertilization rate, the output of live piglets per litter do not give a reliable estimate of the productivity of hogs in large-scale industrial production conditions. The difference in actual productivity between the groups of Landrace boars of Polish and German selection by yield of the final produce was 16.5 % in favor of the Polish selection animals. Individual differences between the first and the last rank boar by the amount of obtained pork counted per 1 litter was 403 kg or 44.7 % (P <0.001).
289-296 60
Researches helped to determine that the indicators of quantity and quality of sperm, fertilization rate, the output of live piglets per litter do not give a reliable estimate of the productivity of hogs in large-scale industrial production conditions. The difference in actual productivity between the groups of Landrace boars of Polish and German selection by yield of the final produce was 16.5 % in favor of the Polish selection animals. Individual differences between the first and the last rank boar by the amount of obtained pork counted per 1 litter was 403 kg or 44.7 % (P <0.001).
A. A. Khochenkov,
D. N. Khodosovsky,
A. O. Sidorenko,
V. A. Bezmen,
A. S. Petrushko,
A. N. Shatskaya,
I. I. Rudakovskaya
297-303 79
It is determined that among components of the feed the highest number of lipid peroxidation was shown by meat and bone meal (0,15-0,4 % I2). Foreign material in batches of feed barley was from 1.8 to 12.3 % and was represented by vegetable and mineral components. Grain admixture met the requirements of the regulatory documentation. Most of the experimental groups individuals had higher ferment and transferase activity in blood with the exception of alkaline phosphatase. The basic scheme of application of anti-stress, probiotic and antimicrobial preparations for young pigs fattening was developed and tested.
V. P. Shablya,
I. Y. Zadorozhnaya,
N. G. Admina,
N. L. Balagurovskaya,
A. V. Chehichin,
R. M. Dibirov
303-312 81
Mechanisms of the common characteristics of technologies of loading, preparation, delivery and distribution of feeds effect on performance and convenience of operators work, equipment, and as a result, the efficiency of milk production technologies are determined. The regularities of the influence of the number of units and workers, relations between them, the number and size of technology groups are determined, as well as the nominal capacity of machines by these characteristics.
312-320 86
It was determined that for the rapid adaptation of young cattle to the conditions of industrial complexes for production of beef and cut of performance losses in the early stages of production uniform conditions of cattle breeding are needed, in both preventing and milk periods of growing. This allows to reduce the incidence by 0.3-3.3 times and increase live weight gain per one animal for 4,6-5,2 kg.
320-326 103
The studies helped to determine that heifers of Limousine and Charolais breeds managed at farms located in the radioactive contamination area had high reproductive capacity. Calves outcome per 100 females is 96.6 and 90.0 %, respectively. Maternal traits of fresh cows are really good, that allows to use them for brood stocks of meat breeds of cattle.
ISSN 0134-9732 (Print)