Currently, there is a shortage of macroand micronutrients in the diets of farm animals, which play an important role in all metabolic processes of the body. Among the mineral substances we can highlight zinc, which is part of hormones and enzymes, is involved in the formation of bone tissue, affects growth, development and reproductive function of the body. The paper contains the results of research on the patterns of digestive processes in the rumen of 3-6-month-old bulls and the efficiency of using feed containing inorganic and organic zinc compounds. It was found that in the ruminal fluid of animals receiving zinc glycinate in the amount of 50%, 75 and 100% of the norm of inorganic zinc in the compound feed, the content of volatile fatty acids increased by 2.3-3.7%. The use of concentrates containing organic zinc compounds increases animal productivity by 1.4-4.2% and feed utilization efficiency by 1.073.05%.
Targeted calf rearing is crucial to successful cattle production. Only healthy calves can fully utilize their genetic potential for maximum performance. From an early age, young cattle should be accustomed to consume large amounts of rough, succulent and green feed, WMR, bulky and concentrated feed, which will significantly reduce milk costs. The purpose of our research was to study the effect of feeding whole milk replacer on digestive processes, calf productivity and nutrient utilization efficiency. It has been established that the use of WMR in feeding calves at the age of 10-60 days has a positive effect on feed intake and enhances redox processes, ensuring 724 g of average daily gain.
Arrangement of balanced feeding, satisfying the need of animals in basic nutrients and biologically active substances, contributes to the fullest manifestation of their genetic potential of productivity and obtaining high-quality products. A special place in animal feeding is given to providing energy, as it is necessary to ensure physiological functions of the organism and for the synthesis of products. The paper presents the results of research aimed at determining the productivity of young cattle raised for meat production with different levels of energy nutrition. Studies showed that the use of diets with different energy content and a ratio of degradable to non-degradable protein of 65:35% in the feeding of experimental animals made it possible to obtain 10491051 g of gain per day, while reducing feed costs per 1 kg of gain over a raising period of 6-12 months by 3.6-5%.
Rapeseed is the main oil-bearing crop in the Republic of Belarus. The use of rapeseed and products of its processing (cake and meal) in the feeding of farm animals makes it possible to compensate for the deficiency of feed protein. To increase the availability of nutrients from rapeseed products for animals, solvent oil extraction method with prepressing is currently used in the production of rapeseed meal in the republic. The paper concentrates on zootechnical evaluation of compound feed containing rapeseed meal produced according to this technology. As a result of the research, the optimal norms of introducing the new product into rations for fattening young pigs have been established. It has been established that the inclusion of 4% of rapeseed meal in the SK-26 and SK-31 compound feeds allows replacing a considerable part of soybean and sunflower meal and helps to increase the average daily weight gain by 13 g and the final live weight by 1.1 kg.
One of the most common ways of forage conservation in farms is the preparation of haylage and silage, which is of great importance in livestock feeding. In this regard, the development of new technological methods for ensiling green mass is an urgent task. This paper contains the materials of research, the purpose of which was to determine the digestibility of nutrients of diets when feeding cereal silage prepared with the use of Kormoplus preservatives. It has been established that the use of the studied preparations in grass forage ensiling allows to obtain silage of high quality and to increase dry matter preservation by 4.2-8.7 % and protein preservation by 12-9.4 % in comparison with silage prepared without preservatives. The use of silages prepared with the use of Kormoplus-1 and Kormoplus-2 preservatives in feeding young cattle had a positive effect on biochemical values of animal blood and feed digestibility.
The productivity of farm animals can be improved through adequate feeding that meets all their needs for energy, protein, minerals and biologically active substances. High-yielding animals have a more intensive metabolism compared to medium-yielding cows, which accelerates the aging of the organism, therefore, higher requirements are applied to the adequacy of their feeding. One of the components of the diet that contributes to maintaining the required level of metabolic energy and protein is fat. The paper contains the materials of studying the effectiveness of feeding dry fat additive as part of the cattle diets. The research has shown that its use in feeding cows in the amount of 0.2 kg per head per day (2.9% in the feed) provides an increase of fat content in milk by 0.14%, the average daily yield of milk with basic fat content – by 2.6 kg.
Adequate feeding is one of the main factors contributing to high productivity of farm animals. However, at present, the level of development of the fodder base in Belarus does not meet the physiological needs of animals and does not allow to realize their genetic potential, which leads to a significant decrease in the volume of production. We should provide animals with high-quality fodder in order to improve their productivity. Of great importance is the enrichment of diets and mixed fodders with a complex of new feed additives that help maintain physiological health and reduce the risk of diseases of the tract of farm animals. The paper contains the materials of research aimed at studying the effectiveness of feeding the energy feed additive “Cobiotic Energy” in the diets of young cattle. It has been established that the inclusion of the studied additive in the diet of young cattle at the age of 4-6 months improves metabolic processes in the body of animals, which contributes to an increase in the daily live weight gain by 9.8% with a decrease in feed costs by 9.4%.
Energy is necessary for all biological processes occurring in a living organism. It is produced as a result of the oxidation of organic compounds contained in feed ingredients. In this regard, the evaluation of feed and rationing of digestible (assimilable) amino acids are of great importance. Therefore, the purpose of this work was to establish the optimal ratio of digestible lysine and metabolizable energy in compound feed for growing fattening young pigs. In the course of the research, two scientific and economic experiments on young pigs were carried out at the school-farm of the State Enterprise “ZhodinoAgroPlemElita”: the first one – on piglets of 2-4 months of age, the second one – on fattening piglets. The research revealed the optimal ratio of digestible lysine and metabolizable energy in the diets of pigs, contributing to the ultimate manifestation of their production traits. Diets for growing-finishing piglets, containing 13.5 MJ of metabolizable energy and 10.5 g of digestible lysine, and diets for pigs of I and II fattening periods, containing 13.0 MJ of metabolizable energy and 8.3 and 8.0 g of digestible lysine, contribute to the full realization of their genetic potential. Thus, the experimental animals were characterized by the highest average daily gain in live weight, the minimum consumption of compound feed, metabolizable energy, the smallest fat thickness and the largest loin eye area.
Organization of feeding calves in the pre-weaning period has a significant impact on the development of rumen microflora, which further affects the productivity of the adult animal. Therefore, it is necessary to purposefully stimulate the growth of mucosa and increase the area of absorption surface, which is facilitated by grain mixtures that make up the basic diet of animals and provide their need for calories and nutrients by more than half. The paper contains the materials of research aimed at studying the efficiency of using crushed corn grain in feeding 10-65-day-old calves. It was found that the use of compound feed containing crushed corn grain in the amount of 30 and 40% by weight made it possible to increase the average daily gain by 1.6% with a decrease in the cost of production by 4.4 and 4.1 %, which is economically feasible.
Feed protein deficiency is the top-priority problem of fodder production. One of the ways to solve this problem is the use of rapeseed and its derivatives in feeding farm animals, since it significantly surpasses many other crops in nutritional and feed qualities. The paper contains the materials of research, the purpose of which was to determine the effectiveness of feeding increased rates of rapeseed of “00” (canola) varieties to young cattle. It has been found that the inclusion in the diet of calves at the age of 1-3 months of KR-1 compound feed containing rapeseed flour in the amount of 15% had a positive effect on the physiological state of young cattle. Growth intensity increased by 1.2%. The use of the proposed diet reduced the cost of gain by 1.2%.
The study of the dependence of protein metabolism parameters and digestion processes in the rumen of young cattle on the duration of the period between feedings is a topical problem. The paper contains the materials of research aimed at studying the efficiency of protein use in young cattle at the age of 9-12 months with different frequency of feeding. As the obtained data showed, three times a day feeding of experimental animals had a positive effect on their physiological state, indicators of rumen digestion and protein metabolism.
Keeping Holstein cows on large mechanized farms negatively affects their health and productivity. High-yielding animals experience greater deficiency in mineral substances compared to mediumand low-yielding animals. It can be replenished with premixes introduced into the diet. This paper contains the results of research, the purpose of which was to conduct a comparative assessment of the effect of increased levels of minerals in the diets of cows of the Holstein breed of domestic selection in dry, fresh and increasing milk yield periods with general compound feeding on the course of pregnancy, milk productivity and milk quality, homeostasis, organic matter digestibility and nitrogen utilization. Studies showed that the use of moderately increased requirements for copper, zinc, manganese, cobalt, iodine and selenium in the diets of high-yielding animals with a predominance of bulky feed in relation to concentrates had a positive effect on the studied indicators. Thus, higher weight gain in the physiological dry period and increased growth energy of calves in the prophylactorium period were established. In fresh and increasing milk yield periods, daily yield of milk of standardized 4% fat content increased by 5.29 and 7.87%, milk protein yield – by 5.99 and 13.71%, organic matter digestibility and feed nitrogen utilization improved.
Holstein cows are characterized by high milk yields and, in this regard, their need for organic and mineral components is higher than in animals of Belarusian Blackand-White breed. Mineral and vitamin supplements, or premixes, are introduced into their diets to make up for deficiencies of essential elements. The paper contains the results of zootechnical and economic assessment of the effect of moderately increased levels of minerals (from 10 to 50%) in the diets of Holstein cows of the Belarusian selection in the 2nd and 3rd third of lactation on productivity and milk quality, as well as on homeostasis, organic matter digestibility and nitrogen utilization in the animal body. The positive effect of moderately increased requirements for the above nutritional components in the animal diets with a predominance of bulky feed in relation to concentrates has been established.
The transition period has a special place in the dairy cow management, since the productivity of the cow and its subsequent health depend on it. In this regard, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the animal’s rumen. The paper contains the results of studies on the qualitative and quantitative composition of the rumen microbiota during the transition period, indicating changes in the number of some groups of microorganisms in connection with the change of diets. Indicators of rumen digestion in experimental samples at stable readings of internal rumen environment (t = 38.538.9 °C, pH 6.35-6.63) show a positive effect of the diet on the rumen microbiota, since the qualitative composition of microorganisms is normalized.
One of the effective methods to increase the quantity and improve the quality of beef is the use of various feed additives of natural origin, which have an integrated effect on metabolic processes, regulate the hormonal and immune status of the animal, contributing to increased meat productivity. In this connection, the purpose of the work was to study the effectiveness of using the “Bischofit” mineral feed additive of natural origin in the diets of young cattle. Experimental work was carried out at the Kirovsky stud farm located in the arid conditions of Southern Russia. The object of the study were 4-month old Kalmyk bulls selected according to the principle of analogues in 3 groups of 10 animals each. It was found that the use of the “Bischofit” feed additive in the diets of young bulls improved indicators of protein metabolism, significantly increased the assimilation of feed nitrogen. In animals treated with 25 ml/day of Bischofit, live weight was higher than that of control counterparts by 3.1%, and hot carcass weight – by 16.8 kg.
Fats are an important part of the diet of animals, so it is necessary to establish the fatty acid composition of compound feed for fattening, since at this stage of animal growth the quality and safety of pork is determined, which directly affects the quality of food. The paper contains the materials on the study of the fatty acid composition of the lipid fractions of compound feeds SK-26 and SK-31, which include 12 saturated, 5 monounsaturated and 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. The proportion of each acid in the total structure of fatty acids as well as in the structure of its class was established. The ratio between the groups of omega-6 and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids varied from 4.96 to 11.60 (the lipid fraction of SK-26 compound feed) and from 6.69 to 9.23 (the lipid fraction of SK-31 compound feed). The results obtained will allow further improvement of lipid nutrition of pigs and control of trophic chain when carrying out hygienic studies in industrial pig breeding.
One of the most important and challenging problems to be solved in animal husbandry is to increase the efficiency of forage use in order to fully realize the genetic potential of animal productivity. In this regard, the development of new methods and techniques to improve the usefulness of diets through the use of various enriching additives designed primarily to replenish the missing amount of protein, which takes up to 70% in its composition, is becoming increasingly important. The paper contains the materials of research aimed at studying the effectiveness of feeding PVMA with local sources of protein and energy raw materials as part of compound feed to replacement heifers. It has been established that feeding calves at the age of 1-6 months with compound feed containing 10% of the studied PVMA provides an average daily gain of 912 g, while reducing the cost of compound feed by 10% and the cost of gain by 11%. Feeding 6-12-month-old heifers with compound feed containing 20% of PVMA provides an average daily live weight gain of 900 g, while reducing the cost of compound feed by 11% and the cost of gain by 12%.
Balanced feeding is achieved by optimizing the structure of diets, as well as by using various available non-traditional feed additives that improve the quality of diets and have a positive effect on the physiological state of the body. At the same time, the resulting products are of high quality, cost-effective, competitive and in demand. To increase the production of fodder products, improve their quality and reduce the prime cost, it is necessary to use non-traditional sources of raw materials, one of which can be sugar-juice defecation sludge – a cheap, available and effective sorbent that can replace expensive chalk. The paper contains the results of research aimed at studying the efficiency of using sugar-juice defecation sludge as part of compound feed in the feeding of young cattle. It has been found that feeding animals mixed fodders containing the studied sugar-juice defecation sludge in the amount of 1%, 2 or 3% by weight has a positive effect on the animal growth energy, allows for reducing the cost of feed up to 1.3% and the cost of gain of young cattle up to 4.2%.
In today’s world, we are facing an acute problem of producing quality food. In the 167 manufacture of poultry products, compound feeds consisting of grain crops are used to feed poultry. The problem of feed contamination with mycotoxins is relevant for both livestock and poultry farming. The use of adsorbents to reduce the impact of toxins of various etiologies on the body of poultry is the most common means of prevention and treatment. The research found that the introduction of the “MaxiSorb” feed adsorbent additive into the diet of broiler chickens did not cause significant changes in the blood biochemical values. All indices were within physiological norms. When studying the functional state of the liver, it was found that in the liver samples obtained from chickens of the I control group, the lobular structure of the organ was disturbed, focal lymphocytic hepatitis and dystrophy were observed, while in histosections from the II experimental group, the lobular structure was preserved, vacuolar dystrophy was not expressed.
Sanitary and hygienic condition of milking equipment as well as milk storage and 174 transportation tanks has an impact on milk quality. Contaminants formed during the operation of milking equipment provoke microflora growth on its working surfaces, thereby increasing the level of bacterial contamination. In the course of research, we studied the dynamics of sanitary and hygienic condition of two versions (polyvinyl chloride and reinforced polyvinyl chloride) of milk hoses for pumping milk from the cooling tank to the milk truck. The level of bacterial contamination of inner (working) surfaces of the products under consideration was studied. It was found that for the winter-spring period the level of bacterial contamination of the inner surface of the reinforced polyvinyl chloride hose slightly exceeded that of a hose made of non-reinforced PVC. The data obtained will make it possible to adjust the sanitization regimes for this type of products and, as a consequence, to improve the quality of raw milk upon its sale.
Proper organization and technique of machine milking help to increase the productivity of cows, prevent diseases of the mammary gland and obtain high-quality milk. This paper is devoted to the study of the influence of different ways of premilking udder preparation on the milk-ejection reflex. It has been found that drawing the first portions with a fist is more effective than the “pinch” (finger) method. Squeezing the teat with a fist can affect a large area of its surface, and pushing the teats with your hands from the bottom up further enhances the milk-ejection reflex. At the same time, the duration of milking decreased by 0.7 and 0.8 min or 11.9 and 15.6% respectively.
Modern replacement heifer rearing technologies aimed at obtaining herds of highly productive animals should promote better manifestation of their genetic potential. It is appropriate to provide loose housing of replacements, creating favorable living conditions for animals. The paper contains the materials of research aimed at determining the optimal floor area and feeding space standards for heifers kept in group sections. 8-month experiments were carried out on loose-housed replacement heifers at commercial dairy farms of JSC “Vinets” in Berezovsky district of Brest region. It has been found that extension of the floor area in the heifer housing sections provides more comfortable conditions for animals and, accordingly, increases their average daily gain by 4.5 and 3.5%.
The use of a particular method and equipment for manure removal from the premises for cattle depends on the technology of animal housing, layout of the premises, 199 space-planning solution of the farm or complex, as well as the availability of bedding materials. The paper contains the data of research aimed at studying the methods and mechanical means of manure removal, the mode of their operation, as well as the energy analysis of the manure removal process on milk production farms and complexes. The work was carried out at commercial dairy farms and complexes of different capacities: SE “ZhodinoAgroPlemElita” in Smolevichi district (SPF “Budagovo”, CDF “Zhazhelka”, CDC “Berezovitsa”, CDC “Rassoshnoye”), CDC “Ustensky” located in RPUE “Ustye” of NAS of Belarus in Orsha district. It has been established that the technology for removing manure from livestock buildings by stationary means using scraper units of cyclic action and pumping equipment is more effective than bulldozer manure removal, has lower energy costs and material consumption, does not require the use of liquid fuel, allows you to fully automate the process of manure removal and perform it in accordance with environmental protection requirements.
Proper organization of feed distribution to animals plays an important role in increasing productivity, especially with intensive and high technology. The paper contains the results of research, the purpose of which was to study the feed distribution and preparation systems, the mode of their operation, as well as to carry out the energy analysis of the feed preparation and distribution process at milk production farms and complexes. The work was carried out at commercial dairy farms and complexes of different capacities: SE “ZhodinoAgroPlemElita” in Smolevichi district (SPF “Budagovo”, CDF “Zhazhelka”, CDC “Berezovitsa”, CDC “Rassoshnoye”), CDC “Ustensky” located in RPUE “Ustye” of NAS of Belarus in Orsha district. The technological process of preparation and distribution of feed at the objects under study is carried out in a mobile way using trailed feed mixers with both vertical and horizontal working elements. Energy analysis showed that with an increase in the number of livestock, the energy costs per head associated with the distribution of feed decreases. Thus, the highest energy costs for the preparation and distribution of feed per head were recorded at SPF “Budagovo” (231.17 kg of reference fuel), and the lowest – at CDC “Rassoshnoye” (122.99 kg of reference fuel).
High demands are placed on the quality of milk, so sanitary cleaning and maintenance of milking equipment are of great importance. The effectiveness of sanitation depends on the type of contamination, the quality of the water used, the detergent used, as well as the disinfection method and the type of disinfectant used. The washing time may vary according to the concentration and temperature of the cleaning solution. This paper contains the materials of research, the purpose of which was to determine the effectiveness of detergents of different concentrations in the treatment of milking equipment. The experiments were carried out on loose-housed cows at commercial dairy complex “Oktyabr” of JSC “Vitko-Agro”, Slutsk district, Minsk region. CircoSuper AFM and CircoSan DFM detergents used to clean the Gea Westfalia milking system were studied. It was found that the CircoSuper AFM at a concentration of 0.4% and the CircoSan DFM at a concentration of 0.2% were the most optimal options. This ensured high-quality washing of the equipment and improved milk quality.
When selecting milking equipment, it is necessary to consider the biological characteristics of the animals, as it has a significant impact on udder health and productive longevity of cows. One of the most promising methods of physiological assessment of milking machines is thermal imaging. The paper contains the materials of research aimed at physiological assessment of the milking machine performance based on thermography of the mammary gland of lactating cows. Thus, dynamic changes of udder temperature in the process of milking allowed to assess the influence of milking machine on physiological state of mammary gland, and udder teats served as indicators of quality of milking machine operation and efficiency of functional processes of machine milking. It has been found that more gentle milking machine and compliance with the technology of machine milking contribute to normal blood circulation in the teat, which is manifested by a decrease in temperature at the end of milking.
Water plays an important role in industrial pig farming. Providing pig enterprises with water allows maintaining a high level of their veterinary and sanitary condition. In addition, the water used in feeding pigs ensures proper digestion and absorption of all nutrients. The paper contains the results of research, the purpose of which was to study the indoor microclimate parameters and the productivity of young fattening pigs when using methods that reduce water consumption for manure removal during the winter period. In the course of work, in order to reduce water consumption for technological needs when keeping fattening young pigs, the water level at the bottom of the bath was reduced by 30% (0.07 m), and the water drain interval in the final fattening period (after 21 days) was increased. This allowed to reduce the average daily water consumption for manure removal by 38.9% and increase the average daily live weight gain by 3.3%.
According to the normal daily rhythm of manifestation of physiological functions, cows should spend 12-14 hours a day lying down. Optimal lying time is achieved only with sufficient comfort, which can be provided by the box floor covering. In this regard, field tests of three variants of rubber-cord floorplates 1930×1230×18 in size, manufactured at Belshina JSC in accordance with technical specifications TU 38.14762133-19-9, were carried out at SPF “Budagovo” of SE “ZhodinoAgroPlemElita” in Smolevichi district of Minsk region. The paper contains the results of a comparative evaluation of the studied variants of rubber-cord floorplates in the conditions of industrial milk production technology. It has been found that the studied variants of plates meet the main zoohygienic requirements: they provide a warm, dry, clean and soft den for comfortable rest of cows in conditions of unheated barn. As a result, blood circulates more actively in the udder, milk production is more intensive, and ligaments, joints and hooves are relieved at the same time.
Poultry farming in the Republic of Belarus takes a leading position among other sectors of the agro-industrial complex. To improve the efficiency within the industry, we should continue ramping up outputs by using high-intensity and cost-effective technologies for keeping poultry of the Belarusian selection and developing the breeding base. In this regard, studies were conducted to determine the impact of broiler chicken rearing technology on the meat productivity and survival rates. It has been established that when rearing meat broilers in cages, the poultry survival rate increases by 1.5 p.p., live weight by 3.9% (P>0.01), average daily live weight gain – by 3.9%. At the same time, the Grade 1 carcass yield increased, while the Grade 2 carcass yield decreased by 0.6 percentage points.