
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Vol 50, No 1 (2015)


4-10 102
Long delay of estrus and repeated insemination of sows lead to significant increase of technology cost. In this regard the use of progestogen ear implants at inseminations and devel- oped estrus induction scheme for gilts promotes synchronization of estrus for 60% of herd in 4 days after extraction of hormone insert allowing to obtain additional products equal to 57,750,000.00 rubles per 100 pigs.
10-15 64
The differences of sperm performance and physiological parameters of bulls-sires related to their age and lear are determined, regression analysis between the main quantitative and qualitative indicators of sperm performance of bulls of high producing dairy breeds and physiological indicators of sperm was carried out. Analysis of indicators of sperm performance of bulls-sires of Holstein breed showed that with age the average volume of semen increased by 19,1 %, sperm motility - by 1,3 %, concentration of sex cells - by 8,7 %, amount of semen doses obtained - 25,3 %, and the number of rejected semen doses decreased by 8,0 %. Also with the age physiological parameters of bulls’ sex cells increased - by 17 %, resistance - by 4,7 %, survival of spermatozoa - by 11,4 %.
15-23 68
On the example of Ukrainian Ride breed of horses variants of breeding programs for populations with a small number are developed. With the help of computer simulation the effectiveness of the selection process while saving the pure breed population and its openness to improve the breed in different percentage units are determined. Each version of the breeding program is estimated by the expected coefficient of inbreeding and genetic progress on performance and development
23-32 93
Selection parameters of reproductive traits of sows of maternal breeds are determined: so multiple pregnancy by breeds was: Belarusian large white - 11-12 piglets, the Belarusian black-motley breed - 10-11, the Belarusian plant type of Yorkshire breed pigs - pigs 11,5-12,5 piglets. It was determined that multiple pregnancy of sows carrying in the genome preferred genotype BB of ESR gene averagely by breeds made: Belarusian large white breed - 11,48 piglets, Belarusian black-motley breed - 11,0, Belarusian plant type of Yorkshire breed - 11,9 piglets.It is determined that sows of maternal breeds with a preferred genotype BB of ESR gene in genome had multiple pregnancy indicators corresponding to the data of selection parameters due to genetic potential, that indicates possibility of improving reproduction traits by methods of marker-dependent selection.
33-42 79
As a result of scientific researches used and collaboration with specialists and breeders at breeding farms for practice breeding, selection herds of sows were created in the amount of 1100 animals with efficiency corresponding and exceeding requirements of target standard: multiple pregnancy - 12,0 animals, age at live weight of 100 kg - 173,4 days, average daily weight gain - 837 g, feed spends - 3,38 f.u., backfat thickness - 23,2 mm, ham weight - 11,3 kg. A genetic testing of plant populations of pig breeds by gene IGF-2 was carried out, its re- sults are analyzed and genetic structure of herd is determined taking into account genotype of IGF-2 gene. Schemes of selection are created to ensure effect of heterosis by reproductive and meat and fattening traits.
43-50 83
A linear BLUP model with inclusion of DNA markers for evaluation of pigs of Mirgorod Breed and Ukrainian Large White Breed was developed. Genetic analysis showed that the population of Mirgorod breed of pigs is characterized by a significant polymorphism of the estrogen receptor 1 gene (genotype frequencies were as follows: AA - 0,482, AB - 0,321, BB - 0,196). Correlation between phenotypic indicators of families and genetic value estimate was 0,36 for average daily weight gain and 0,67 for backfat. Therefore, for the traits which have lower coefficients of heritability (average daily weight gain) application of linear models with the inclusion of genetic markers for the estimation will give a greater effect than for traits with high heritability (backfat).
50-58 111
Results of studies on average daily gains of steers and heifers of specialized meat breeds atbreeding farms in Ukraine show significant differences between breeds, which are due to bothgrowth conditions of animals in different eco-climatic zones, and the intensity of their formation. The optimum periods of increased average daily gain of steers and heifers of meat breeds are determined, as well as for breeds with the highest productivity for the period of rearing. Animal of breeds studied, except for heifers of Aberdeen Angus and Simmental meat breeds, and steers of Ukrainian meat breed, by live weight at the age of 18 months do not qualify for the elite class requirements that can negatively affect their future productivity. Selection of heifers by live weight at the age of 18 months will ensure the highest selection effect only in those breeds, where there are high rates of variability of traits.
59-65 97
The studies helped to determine self-performance of replacement young animals of various lines of Belarusian black-motley breed reared at basic breeding enterprises.From boars of related groups of Class 3266 and Zaston 5085, which are basic in the process of selection of «paternal» lines, replacement young animals was obtained and selected inthe amount of 15 animals, which is superior to coevals by met traits by 1,2-24,3 p.p.
66-73 76
The effect of polymorphic variants of MUC4, ECR F18/FUT1 and Mx1 genes on reproductive traits of sows of Belarusian large white and Belarusian meat breeds is studied. A significant increase in the number of piglets to weaning from sows of MUC4CC genotype by 0,6 pig, number of piglets born alive for sows of MUC4СС Mx1АА complex genotype by 0,6-0,7 pig, a significant decrease in the percentage of emergency farrowing for animals of ECR F18/FUT1АА, MUC4СС ECR F18/FUT1АА, ECR F18/FUT1АА Mx1АА genotypes by 11,8-15,5percentage points, as well trend of positive effect of MUC4СС, Mx1АА, ECR F18/FUT1АА genotypes and MUC4СС Mx1АА, MUC4СС ECR F18/FUT1АА, ECR F18/FUT1АА Mx1АА complexgenotypes on a number of indicators of performance traits of sows.
74-82 119
Genotyping of pigs by PRKAG3 and RYR1 genes by PCR-RFLP method. The object of research were pigs of the following breeds: Belarusian Large White (BLW), Belarusian Meat (BM); Landrace (L), Duroc (D), Yorkshire (Y), bred in the breeding and hybrid centers of the republic. At molecular and genetic testing polymorphism of PRKAG3 and RYR1 genes was determined with animals of different breeds and sex and age groups (boars producers, sows and young animals at fattening), represented by alleles PRKAG3I, PRKAG3V и RYR1N, RYR1n, and genotypes PRKAG3VV, PRKAG3VI, PRKAG3II, RYR1NN, RYR1Nn were identified. It was found that averagely for all the breeds studied the highest concentration of the preferred PRK-AG3II genotype was observed in Landrace breed animals - 21,05 %, and the lowest - in animals of Belarusian Large White breed (5,51 %). In general, the concentration of preferred allele PRKAG3I in the breeds studied was low and averaged 0,24-0,50. By RYR1 gene averagelyby breeds the frequency of occurrence of animals with RYR1NN genotype, free of mutations, was 90,23-100 %, and carriers of the mutant gene RYR1Nn - 5,45-9,77 %.
83-89 95
Two new plant lines of livestock of Holstein breed of local selection were created - Aerostar 383622 and Melvuda 1879149 that differ by quite a high level of indicators of milk production: the average milk yield is 7796 kg of milk with 4,04 % fat and 3,37 % protein and, accordingly, 7827 kg 4,08 and 3,36 %; by product of butterfat in 305 days of lactation surpass coevals of other lines by 8-10 %. Animals of created lines have a good level of development in all periods of rearing and management. Cows have good reproductive abilities, udder health and are suitable for mechanical milking at industrial complexes.
90-101 101
The article presents the results of research on influence of age at first calving of cows of the Ukrainian meat breed on main production indices. It was determined that decrease of age of calving to 25 months provides increase of cows productive lifespan by 9,0 %, obtaining more litter by 8 months of age - by 13,8 % and total milking ability increase - by 13,0 %.
101-108 88
By the ISSR-PCR method 7 populations of horses (Arabian breed, the Orlov Trotter, Trakehner, Novoaleksandrovskiy Thoroughbred Horse, Ukrainian horse breed, Przewalski horses) was studied and the most informative ISSR-marker systems was selected. It showed that the number of amplification products and their polymorphism varied considerably depending on the crustal microsatellite motif used as a primer. ISSR-S2 and S10 systems are the most informative for the analysis of DNA polymorphism in horses, on which about 20 amplified genomic loci observed interbreeding and inbreeding differentiation.
109-117 69
It is determined that vitrification of fragments of bovine ovaries and ovary follicles allows after thawing keeping viability of 50,0-55,5 % of oocytes and contributes to obtaining 16,6-27,3 % developing embryos after culturing in 4 ml of culture medium for 24-27 hours followed by fertilization.
117-126 88
Under the conditions of breeding companies in Belarus DNA typing of plan pig breeds was carried out by insulinlike growth factor 2 gene (somatomedin A) IGF-2(in-2). Positive and significant association of meat and fattening performance of maternal breeds of animals (BGW; BBM and Y breeds) was determined for IGF-2ВВ genotypes related to IGF-2АА genotypes. The scheme of selection of parental pairs was developed, allowing to increase the fattening and meat performance of offspring by 2,8-17,4 % (P <0,01; 0,001).
126-134 143
The investigation of the relationship between the physiological, morphological and morphometric characteristics of different breeds of bulls sperm of the Bank of genetic resources, depending on the storage term was carried out. The positive of correlation was determined between indicators of sperm morphology and morphological indices (r=0.54-0.99). Inverse relationship was determined between the content of viability and the number of pathological forms (r=-0.54). There is a negative reliable correlation between the number of abnormal sperm and HOST (r = -0.6), but between the percentage of damaged acrosome and the number of abnormal cells it is positive (r = 0.42). It is determined that the more pathological forms sperm of a bull, the greater the percentage of damaged acrosome and the lower the quality of membrane sperm tail. High correlation between survival and motility (r = 0.89-0.91), and between motility and HOST was determined (r = 0.87).
134-139 67
The evaluation of polymorphism of 7 microsatellites loci of Ukrainian, Romanian and Korean populations of Thoroughbred horses was Carried out. It was determined that the most similar from the point of view of genetics were Romanian and Korean populations. The highest level of polymorphism was determined for Ukrainian Thoroughbred horses.
140-147 87
The results of studies on reproductive traits of rabbits of four meat breeds (California, New Zealand white, Burgundy and Czech albino) are presented, and combinations thereof at artificial insemination, reared at a farm with shed management system.It was determined that rabbits of meat breeds of foreign selection in the conditions of shedmanagement at improved method of artificial insemination are characterized by high fertility and fecundity rate. Superiority of adaptation and survival of hybrid young animals compared to purebred animals is shown, both during embryonic and postembryonic development period.
147-153 74
The reproductive functions of sows of large white breed and landrace breed were studied. Data on 202 sex cycles is considered for the both breeds of pigs, including 149 farrowing. It was determined that fecundity index made: for landrace sows 784,83 piglets, for large white breed 835,69 piglets, the average fertilization rate of sows of large white breed was±4.32%, and sows of landrace breed - 84,5±4,82 %.
153-161 68
During studies the genetic structure of Hanover breed of horses of Belarusian population was studied. The frequencies of genotypes (phenotypes) of polymorphic proteins, allele frequencies, observed and theoretically expected homozygosity and level of polymorphism were determined.
162-167 100
This article highlights the experimental research results of the comparative analysis of fertility of the cooled and thawed stallions’ sperm taking into account full value of mares sexualcycle. The fertility of sperm estimated through an indicator of percent of pregnant mares from number of uterus, having ovulation in estrous phase of a sexual cycle, made 75.0 % when using diluted cooled, and 66,7 % - when using frozen and thawed sperm. For more objective assessment of efficiency of biotechnology methods for stallions’ sperm use it is offered to consider the full sexual cycle of mares used for artificial insemination.
167-172 68
The article contains results of milk production ability and adaptive ability of highly productive cows of Holstein and Ukrainian black-motley breeds during the first three lactations under conditions of outdoor management and milking at plant “Parallel”. Animals of both breeds adapted to intensive technology of management during the entire period of productive use. Cows of Ukrainian black-motley dairy breed under the given conditions differed with less losses of milk and higher index of adaptation.
172-179 73
Effect of homogeneous and heterogeneous matching of parents according to indices of antigen similarity (ras) and index of tallness (IVT) on milk performance of cows of Ukrainian meat breed has been studied. Daughters of sires of tall type had higher milk performance after first calving, calculated as average per 1 day of life. Coevals of sires of compact type had better lifetime production. Inbreeding decreases milk performance as compared to outbreeding. The cows, obtained from inline inbreeding, had the worst milk production. Heterosis effect on milk performance was appearing where both parents were mated with the use of inbreeding directed for the beginner of the mother line, as well as for the “mediator”. Heterogeneity of parents by the indices of antigen similarity and tallness reduces the negative impact of related mating. Inbreeding applied to the ancestors varying in conformation and parentage is less risky than that with homogeneous animals.
180-189 78
A comparative content analysis of amino acids in samples of longissimus dorsi of purebred young pigs of different genotypes was conducted. It is established that the meat of young animals of Belarusian black-motley breed had the highest content of essential amino acids and Landrace - non-essential. The highest content of threonine, leucine and arginine has meat of young animals of Belarusian black-motley breed. On the content of tryptophan, isoleucine, metionine, valine, phenylalanine and histidine Yorkshire breed animals have an advantage, but they are considerably limited in content of leucine. The Landrace breed animals experiencing a small shortage of methionine, Belarussian Large White - threonine.
190-196 109
It was determined that growth process of young animals of Landrace and Yorkshire breeds from birth to gaining live weight of 100 kg was quite rapid. The highest intensity of live weight increase was observed in animals regardless of its breed in the first two months of life. Landrace breed animals have higher rates of absolute and relative weight of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems organs. Young animals of Yorkshire breed surpassed coevals of Landrace breed by stomach weight at 2, 4 and 6 months by 6,3 %, 2,0 and 5,6 %. The highest rates of length of thin and thick intestines were peculiar of Landrace breed animals. Superiority over coevals of Yorkshire breed in the studied age-periods was - 2,2 m, 1,9 and 2 m; 0,2 m, 0,6 and0.4 m, respectively.
196-204 125
It was determined that producing boars supplied to the republican stations of artificial insemination of pigs have high average daily weight gain values and age of reaching live weight of 100 kg - 643-731 g and 138-153 days. Producing boars were also characterized by high meat traits: backfat thickness varied - within 9,8-13,7 mm, height of the longissimus dorsi - 42,6-49,7 mm, meat yield - 57,7-62,5 %. The average in population values of traits that make a comprehensive assessment of the breeding value of boars are determined: average daily weight gain from birth to live weight - 665 g, backfat thickness - 10 mm, lean meat content - 60 %, number of nipples for maternal breeds (lines ) - 15, for paternal - 14, multiple pregnancy - 13,4 and 10,4 piglets respectively.
204-212 79
Evaluation of changes in exterior and interior of the Belarusian breeds of pigs was carried out along breeding stages, and significant increase of indices of body formation and exterior towards development for meat type was determined. The interior has been transformed in direction of increasing of slaughter yield, growth of muscle tissue and fat tissue reduction (P≤0,05; 0,001). Genetic profile of pigs by a number of gene markers is studied and it was determined that it had significant effect for selection effect acceleration by productive traits as well as processes of formation.


213-220 116
New premix «Stimul» is offered to be used for increase of efficiency of dairy cows, quality of milk, and economic efficiency of manufacture, it includes vitamins A, D3, Е, micro- and macroelements, fodder sulfur and glycine, pumpkin-thistle press-cake is used as filler, and preparation «Lactumin» on the basis of lactulose and honey extract of fresh tubers of jerusalem artichoke possessing anti-stress and adaptogenic properties. Extra reserves for increasing of milk production of cows are determined, as well as milk and milk products quality increase due to implementation in the diet of lactating cows of silage prepared with preservatives «Sulphur + mustard oil cake».
220-232 79
It was found that determination of the level of compliance of the amino acid composition of feeds with standards for content of essential amino acids in compound feeds for pigs allowsgiving rank estimation of amino acid nutritional value of feeds. The first limiting amino acid in cereal grain, rapeseed and sunflower meal is lysine, the second one - threonine, with the exception of corn, for which the second limiting amino acid is tryptophan, while for rapeseed and sunflower meal - leucine. Legumes are deficient in tryptophan, threonine and sulfur-containing amino acids. Lysine content in legumes can compensate its deficiency in cereal grain.
233-241 121
The article scientifically proves and experimentally confirms high efficiency of a micro element complex (OMEC) on the basis of L-aspartic amino acid containing iron, zinc, copper, and manganese in organic form in Cobb500 broiler chickens diet and its impact on productivity, consumption, digestibility, and utilization of diet nutrients by broiler chickens. Nutritional intervention with L-aspartates of the trace minerals (OMEC) to the Cobb500 broiler chickens diet contributed to a significant increase of the digestibility of essential nutrients in the feed. The effect of the micronutrient complex on the trace mineral content in bones, pectorals, and droppings has been found out. The use of manganese, iron, copper, and zinc L-aspartates in feeding Cobb500 broiler chickens allows to reduce this micronutrients content in the premix due to its high bioavailability and provides the necessary deposition of the trace elements in the backbone of broilers. The efficiency of organic minerals in feeding Cobb500 broiler chickens has been proved, since they improve the assimilation of zinc, copper, iron, and manganese, normalize these trace elements more accurately, and maintain the health of animals, their productive and reproductive qualities. Furthermore, organic minerals can significantly reduce the environmental pollution due to the decrease of their concentration in the droppings.
241-249 83
It was determined that inclusion of mineral and vitamin supplement in diets fo steers at fattening, containing 30% of barda, 24% of silage, 10% of straw, 9% of molasses, and 27% of grain forage increases total and protein nitrogen level in rumen contents by 4.7-7.2%, conversion rate of nutrients and energy into produce - 9.6%, allowing to increase the average daily weight gains from 850 g to 927 g, or by 9%.
250-258 78
It was determined that implementation of sorghum crops and their mixes with legumes in green conveyor allows to solve the problem of obtaining a sufficient amount of green mass for livestock feeding in summer period and preservation of feeds for winter-stall period. Implementation of sorghum crops in green conveyor ensures production of green mass at the level of 605 kg/ha at dry matter output of 167 c/ha and feed units of 161 c/ha.
258-266 87
It was determined that silage of wet sunflower cracked seeds ensures obtaining of feed with high concentration of metabolizable energy in dry matter of 11,63 MJ. Inclusion of wet sunflower cracked seeds in diets for lactating cows allows to totally replace the sunflower meal and obtain 19,3 kilogram of milk yield per cow per day, which is higher compared to controlby 5,2 %.
267-275 181
It was determined that production of maize cornage allows to produce feeds with concentration of metabolizable energy in dry matter of 9.6-10.7 MJ. Inclusion of cornage prepared by improved technology in diets for lactating cows promotes increase of cow’s milk performance (calculated for milk fat content of 4%) by 4.7 and 3.2% and a simultaneous decrease of feed consumption (feed units) for milk production by 6.9 and 4.6.
275-286 84
Technology for preparation of eastern galega hay in polymeric sleeve allows obtaining a high quality product with crude protein level of 104,0 g. In was determined that animals during milking period fed with eastern galega in amount of 3,5 kg in a diet had higher average daily milk yield - 22.4 kg, that is by 7,14 and 3,7 % higher than that of cows of the I (control) and the III (experimental) groups.
286-294 75
The article substantiates the efficiency of the new developed perfect structure of diets for cows in the 2/3 part of lactation during the summer feeding with ratio of concentrated and roughage feeds 27:73 % by nutrition value on milk performance, milk composition and properties suitable for manufacture of enzymatic cheese, metabolism of organism and profit.
294-301 79
The article substantiates the efficiency of the new developed perfect structure of diets for cows in the 1/3 part of lactation during the winter feeding with ratio of concentrated and roughage feeds 35: 65% by nutrition value on milk performance, milk composition and properties suitable for manufacture of enzymatic cheese, metabolism of organism and profit.
301-309 99
The article gives results of determining nutritional value of pectin containing biologically active feed supplement for highly productive cows in the first third of lactation, use of this supplement in the amount of 0,5 % and 1,0 % improves productivity of animals by 7,6-8,0 %, improves qualitative composition of milk by fat content - by 0,07-0,14 p.p., protein - by 0,09- 0,12 p.p. and allows obtaining additional profit from 1 cow of the experimental group in the amount of 515,8-541,1 thousand rubles.
309-318 144
It was determined in studies of young cattle over 12 months of age that feeding with 1.5 kg of processed substrate of solid-phase crop of oyster mushroom enhances productivity by%. It has a stimulating effect on the course of redox reactions and intensity of metabolic transformations.
319-329 72
The aim of the author's research was to study the efficiency of use of lipid additive of kizelgur as part of complete compound feeds for broiler chickens of cross «ISA-15».Studies have shown that use of fat kizelgur as part of a complete diet feeds from two weeks of age increases live weight by 4,8 % and average daily weight gain by 5,0 %, decreases cost of feed per unit of live weight gain and improves the economic efficiency of broilers rearing.

ISSN 0134-9732 (Print)