Vol 45, No 1 (2010)
3-10 69
The article describes the system of pig breeding management in Belarus and determines problems that are faced by this branch as well as ways of solving these problems. Key words: pig breeding, breeds, nucleuses, performance.
11-16 63
Variability of physical and chemical sperm indices (pH, osmosis) is determined during long-period storage of diluted ejaculates of boars; it has a negative effect on its fertilizing ability and reproductive traits of sows.
16-22 68
Possibility of determining the exact time of ovulation on the results of excretion of exogenous glands tests for fertilization rate increase and preventing spermatozoon aging and ovaries in genital tract of a sow will allow to effectively fertilize sows after piglets weanling.
A. I. Budevich,
V. G. Chartoriysky,
S. N. Paiterov,
I. N. Shevtsov,
Y. K. Kirikovich,
N. L. Zaremba,
S. V. Kozlov,
I. I. Budevich,
I. V. Mihedova,
E. V. Petrushko,
T. N. Lukashevich,
V. N. Kuznetsova
22-28 72
As a result of the researches conducted it was determined that sperm of primary transgenic producers has a high fertilization ability (71,6 %). Stable and normal pregnancy of animals inseminated with sperm of transgenic animals allows to obtain healthy goatlings with no expressed abnormalities of their development. The average value of gene transition on human lactoferrin to progeny made 26,8 %, and recombinant DNA transition from Lak-1 to litter made 30,6 %, and from Lak-2 - 22,7 %.
28-35 70
Cryopreservation of fresh oocyte-cumuli complexes of cows using 1,5М solution of ethylene glycol ensures cells safety on the level of 100 % and obtaining 9,7 % of embryos on first stages of cleavage. Deep freezing of 2- and 4-cell embryos in 1,4М solution of glycerin with 0,3М of sucrose ensures continuation of cleavage of 9,5 and 8,3 % embryos, correspondingly. Usage of 1,5М of ethylene glycol as a cryoprotector promotes 50 % safety of late blastocysts of a good quality after melting and 25 % after further cultivation.
36-42 120
It is determined that horses of Belarusian Draught, Russian and Soviet Carthorse breeds are used in work-user and productive horse breeding of Belarus. On the basis of the results attained and tendencies determined the gradual strengthening of horse stock will be carried out for all the breeds of horses, as well as typical nature perfection, exterior traits and efficiency. Peculiarities of horse rearing on lines are shown, basic successors are determined.
42-47 54
Researches on determination of polymorphism on genes loci of cappa-casein (CSN3), beta-lactoglobulin (BLG) and alpha-lactalbumin (LALBA) were carried out with pedigree cows of Belarusian Black-motley breed.
48-55 64
As a result of researches conducted on study of morphological and biochemical blood content of two- and three-breed young pigs it was determined that at the age of 4 and 6 month leucocytes quantity is normal - 8-16 thousand/mm³. Increased at 11,1 % (Р≤0,001) leucocytes content was determined with genotypes ½BM½BB. The metabolism level of two- and three-breed gilts of 4 months of age was normal as well, that is proved by cholesterol, urea and total bilirubin content in blood serum. Increased at 40-75 % urea content in blood serum of two-breed young animals (Р≤0,01) compared to pure-breed coevals was triggered by increased catabolism of proteins.
55-59 62
Usage of Belarusian Black-motley breed in industrial crossing allows to decrease negative effect on genetic and paratypic factors on technological pork indices, with that quality indices are improved at 0,3-2,1 %.
60-63 56
Data on estimation of compatibility ob Belarusian black-motley breed and reared in Belarus breeds of pigs of native selection is given. The results obtained allow to determine on pedigree-linear level the effective variants of crossing boars of Belarusian black-motley breed and sows of Belarusian great white, Belarusian meat, Estonian bacon and Landrace breeds.
64-71 94
Genealogical analysis of matricular livestock was carried out, basic matricular families and nests of mares of Russian carthorse breed were determined, their quality was estimated and basic selection direction, aimed at further perfection of the breed, creation of genealogical homogeneousness of matricular families, were determined; as well as aimed at typification works, efficiency and unpretentiousness, searches of the most effective individual and group combination of mares and stallions, promoting high efficiency of this breed of horses.
71-78 58
Stallions-producers’ and mares’ quality determination on basic selection traits was determined, efficiency of sampling and matching of animals in selection groups and compatibility of separate lines and crosses was determined, estimation of reproductive traits was given, further selection directions of Russian carthorse breed reared in Belarus were determined.
78-83 83
Calcium exchange in porcine oocytes, tested by BCB (brillant cresyl blue) dye was investigated. The joint action of theophylline and GDP stimulates Са2+ exit from intracellular stores of growing oocytes and oocytes that have finished their growth phase, this exit are activated by protein kinase A. The obtained data testifies to existence of common mechanism of calcium exchange in growing porcine oocyte and oocytes that have finished their growth phase.
91-96 73
Physical and chemical values of cow milk of different genotypes on cappa-casein gene loci is studied. It is determined that milk of animals with genotype CSN3BB had higher protein level (at 0,9 %) and lactose level (At 0,21 %) compared to genotype CSN3АА.
96-101 68
Growth, development and natural resistance indices of replacement calves of Belarusian Black-motley breed of 6 months of age depending on presence of BLAD mutation were studied at Enterprise “Orshanskoe pedigree plant” in Vitebsk region. The lower indices of live weight and average daily weight gain were registered with animals with BLAD-syndrome. The increase of leucocytes quantity (up to 14,5 109/l) as well as decrease of aspartate aminotransferase activity in blood serum at 19,5 % was determined in the group with heterozygous calves compared to healthy animals.
101-108 70
Herds of new plant type of pigs of Yorkshire breed are created in the amount of 20 boars and 204 sows in 3 basic pedigree husbandries. It is determined that boars and sows of created type (live weight - 243,6 and 233,2 kg, carcass length - 162 and 161 cm, correspondingly), and sows on multiple pregnancy rate (12,8 piglets), litter weight in 35 days (128,6 kg) surpass elite class requirements and goal standard. The absence of stress-resistant allele n in ryanodine receptor Ryr-1 was determined on the results of molecular gene diagnostics (PCR-RFLP), showing high level of this breed’s resistance to stresses. Besides there was a high (up to 0,9) Q allele frequency - insulin like growth factor -2 (IGF-2), that shows genetic determination of meat and fattening performance of local population of Yorkshire pigs.
108-114 70
Heterotic schemes of breed linear crossing of Belarusian black-motley breed of boars with sows of Belarusian great white breed are developed. They allow to increase sows’ multiple pregnancy rate at 0,35-0,4 heads, litter weanling weight - at 3,5-4,0 kg.
114-118 89
Researches were conducted in 2009 on pedigree farm «Zadneprovsky» in Vitebsk region on Landrace breed of animals of Canadian selection and its crosses with Belarusian meat breed. It was determined that animals of Landrace breed surpassed 2-breed coevals BMхL on meat performance traits. So backfat thickness above the 6-7th dorsal vertebra made 16,5 mm, the rear third part of half-carcass weight - 10,6 kg, loin area - 48,6 cm2. Purebred animals gave way on the carcass length to crosses at 2,2 % (P≤0,05). The meat of young animals of all the genotypes tested was of a good quality, PSE or DFD signs were not determined, pH in 24 hours after slaughter made 5,6 acidity units. Analysis of chemical content of the longest back muscle didn’t show variability on moisture, fat, ash and protein content.
119-126 63
One, two and thre four-breed variants of obtaining hybrids are proposed and implemented: (BM×L)×L, (L×GW)×(L×D), (GW×Y)×(L×D), promoting obtaining marketable young animals with high outcome of meat in carcass (65,3-67,5 %) and good pork quality, low forage spends (3,18-3,38 kf of forage units), high growth speed (age of reaching 100 kg of live weight 165,8-177,2 days) and sows’ multiple pregnancy saving on the level of 11,2-11,8 piglets per one farrowing.
126-133 79
Possibility of early forecasting of pedigree value of bulls (n=59) of Belarusian black-motley breed on data of their origin is studied. It is determined that the best information on pedigree value for that purpose is the information about pedigree value of parents. Correlation between indices of pedigree value of sons and parents is curvilinear. Correlation ration in pairs «father-son» makes: on average at sampling - 0,02, on fathers with index OPC on milk yields 97-99 % - 0,13, on fathers with index OPC 100-102 % - +0,44, and on fathers with index OPC 103 % and higher not only -0,09. The similar regularity was determined in correlation of pedigree value of mothers and sons.
133-141 66
40 highly productive breeding families are allocated in the herd of RUE “Work-study unit BSAA”. It is determined that in the majority of families milk yield growth is traced from generation to generation. In the allocated families 61 high productive cows with a yield of milk for 305 days on full-growth lactations of 8500 kg and above were revealed. The level of realization of productive potential of high-productive cows has made 72-142 % on milk yield and 90-111 % on a fat weight fraction in milk. It is noticed that the higher the productive potential is, the lower the level of its realization. For further perfection of the herd it is recommended to reveal in the herd of family with high consolidation of selected signs and to make a purposeful selection of bulls to their representatives.
L. A. Fedorenkova,
N. M. Khramtchenko,
R. I. Sheyko,
Е. А. Yanovich,
I. A. Erahovets,
A. V. Romanenko
141-148 78
The proposed complex index of reproductive traits objectively reflects the total pedigree value of sows on reproductive traits, coefficients of index correlations with implemented traits are valid and vary between 0,37 - 1,00, and multiple pregnancy rate correlation was on high level - 0,87-1,00, milkiness was on middle and high levels - 0,37-0,96. Correlation of milkiness and complex index of reproductive traits of Belarusian meat breed at complex «Zadneprovsky» was lower than that of the rest variants tested, that is connected with low negative correlation of milkiness and multiple pregnancy rate traits - from -0,13 to 0,11. Eliminating index of piglets quantity on the 21nd day has changed (at 0,04-0,06) high correlation of multiple pregnancy with complex index of reproductive traits not significantly, but allowed to increase correlation of complex index with milkiness from 0,01-0,26 to 0,54-0,78.
148-154 70
The high level of fattening and meat efficiency of young animals of plant type «Berezinsky» in Belarusian meat breed is determined as the result of the researches. The age of reaching 100 kg of weight averagely made 174,5 days, average daily weigh gain - 822 g, forage spends per 1 kg of weight gain - 3,27 forage units, backfat thickness - 18 mm, lean meat content in carcass - 63,4 %.
155-161 69
Complex estimation of cow collected milk in experimental herd at Enterprise “Pedigree Plant Ross”” in Volkovysk area, Grodno region was carried out. This Enterprise is a supplier of raw material for child’s nutrition production at Public Enterprise “Bellakt”. The content of somatic cells in milk belonging to different genealogical lines was carried out. It allowed to give recommendations on bettering the technological traits of the prepares raw material. It is determined that on physical and chemical as well as sanitary and hygienic indices 88,7% of milk obtained in the experimental period was the material good for production of child’s nutrition products.. The correlation between the level of somatic cells content and linear belonging of cows in experimental herd was determined. So the lowest content of somatic cells had ancestors of line of V.Aidiala that contained 131.5 thousand of 22.3% somatic cells less in 1 cm3 (Р ≤ 0,01) as well as in case with the line of R.Sovering (Holstein selection). The difference on content of somatic cells belonging to Holstein breed against Holland one was determined. It made up 115,2 thousand/cm³ (21,4 %) at (Р ≤ 0,05). So to form a milk herd for production of child’s nutrition products it is better to give preference to milk with minimal somatic cells content.
161-167 56
Results of the researches are given. These results show that usage of complex biological preparation “Viposan” allows to decrease air pollution in sections for pig breeding at 24-91% for general bacterial pollution, staphylococcus and streptococcus pollution - at 53-92%, colon bacillus group bacteria - at 50-66% correspondingly. Its usage also has a positive effect on humoral protective factors of organism of pigs, some biochemical blood traits, safety and performance.
168-174 80
In transition and winter period of the year usage of mechanical ventilation system allows to decrease relative humidity and bacterial pollution of air in sections for non-pregnant and pregnant sows management. The thermal rehabilitation of walls and floors and natural ventilation in sections for pregnant sows management ensured the perfect temperature levels in cold and transition periods, however, because of low mobility of the air flow there was and excessive humidity level as well as ammonia pollution of air.
174-181 99
The attention is concentrated on necessity of methodology perfection and development of methods of determination of a complex ecological and economic efficiency of pig breeding objects functioning. The usage of production loads specific values on environment is proposed for the system of ecological and economical analysis. Results of the researches of ecological state of complexes with different production volumes are given.
181-184 69
In experiences it is established that studied nanobiokorrektor in regular intervals occupies a gastroenteric path of a bird and stimulating impact on formation lakto- and bifidoflor in a gastroenteric path of a bird makes. Nanobiokorrektor «VitoLAD» It can be applied both with preventive, and with the medical purpose to elimination of dysbacterioses of intestines, normalisation of its microbic flora, and as at antibacterial therapy.
184-188 86
The researches analysis shows that usage of mineral and vitamin preparation complex affects positively on metabolism of dry cows, prevents after-calving disorders, risk of mastitis and betters viability of newborn calves.
189-196 57
The researches were carried out at pig farm «Zarya» of Mozyr region, that counts 54 thousand heads annually. The aim of the research is to develop perfect ventilation systems in reconstructed buildings for farrowing and weanlings growing, that will provide resource saving and comfort conditions for animals. It is determined that providing perfect microclimate in buildings and energy spends cut for this climate creation in winter period is possible if technological qualities of fence constructions is higher from 0,97 to 2,5 m2 oC and natural ventilation is used. Microbe pollution of the buildings for farrowing and weanlings growing in this periods is 1,4-3,6 times lower. During the summer the combination usage of natural and forced air ventilation is necessary.
196-201 82
In article data about application adsorbent micotoksin «Toksfin dry» in diets of chickens-broilers are cited; the daily average gain has raised on 2,1-6,4 %, forage conversion had a positive effect, meat of chickens-broilers was good-quality.
201-207 67
Reserves of livestock breeding development in the mostly polluted southern areas of Gomel region are determined. Because of cut on cows’ dryness, calves losses due to forced slaughter and culling, efficiency growth of feeds usage in the branch there is a possibility of decreasing the prime cost of animal breeding produce in husbandries of Hoyninki, Narovliani and Bragin regions, correspondingly, at 23,5 %, 19,4 and 19,3 %. Costs of losses in 2008 in these regions made 13,8 billion rubles.
207-212 83
Results of the researches on contend of micro- and macroelements in blood and hair of calves in several husbandries of Belarus are presented in the article. In blood of calves at complex «Veseysky pokrov» and complex «Narochanskie zori» a low content of phosphorus, potassium, selenium and iron was determined, at «Veseysky pokrov» - copper. Selenium content in calves is 2-3 times lower than the minimal physiological level. Haur research of calves showed the low copper, manganese, selenium and zinc levels. Analysis data show high variability on this value in comples « Veseysky pokrov » (74,8±7,5) and complex « Narochanskie zori » (30,4±0,3).
212-220 105
On the basis of many years of researches on acclimatization abilities, growth and development, meat efficicency of animals it is determined that Limuzin, Sharolez and Aberdin-Anguss breeds were adapted to climatic conditions of Belarusian Polessye, had high performance values, it is possible to obtain a high-quality beef.
220-227 84
Study of sanitary and hygienic as well as toxicological values of meat obtained from young animals of black-motley and aberdin-anguss x black-motley crosses of 20 months of age grown in ecologically clear conditions has shown that all the samples corresponded to requirements of SanPiN 11-63 RB 98, there were no antibiotics, pathogenic microorganisms, toxic elements in it, and on nutritional and biological value this meat could be a perspective raw material fo child’s nutrition produce.
228-234 79
The article features the data about of persisting the homoxenous coccidia Cryptosporidium parvum at experimentally infected laboratory white mice and spontaneously infected young pigs are cited. The researches determined Cryptosporidiosis is one of the most common enteric infections in young pigs. Histologically, a moderate infection of cryptosporidia was detected in the glandular epithelium along the large and small intestine of young pigs and laboratory mice. Organisms were found in the microvillus brush in the ileum, jejunum rarely in colon.
235-242 61
Dividing section to sections for rest and feeding and setting norms of straw bedding implementation for heifers of 6-12-months of age in the amount of 2 kg calculated per 1 animal daily, 13-16-months of age - 3 kg and 17-25-months of age - 4 kg promotes increase of average daily weight gains compared to traditional technological solutions and norms of bedding imp[lamentation in accordance with RNTP-1-2004 at 6,4 %, hemoglobin content - at 3,7 %, erythrocytes quantity - at 5,6 %.
243-251 66
Perfect norms of floor and feeding front area is determined for free management of replacement heifers, promoting creation of more comfortable conditions for management of animals, increase of average daily weigh gain compared to RNTP-1-2004 at 9,1 %, hemoglobin content - at 4,8 %, erythrocytes quantity - at 6,3 %.
252-259 64
Growth intensity of limousine breed of calves and its crosses with black-motley breed and men-anzhou was studied in comparison with growth of purebred animals of black-motley breed. It is determined that young animals of meat genotypes dominated on growth, development and feeds usage efficiency for the whole growing period. Live weight of limousine breed of calves compared to live weight of its black-motley breed coevals of 5,5-6 months of age was 32 kg higher or at 20,8 % (P<0,01), limousine x black-motley crosses -11 kg higher or at 7,1% (P<0,01) and limousine x men-anzhou - 16 kg higher or 10,4 % (P<0,01). They also surpassed on growth intensity and ratios of live weight growth. Calves of meat genotypes consumed 13-18% less feeds per 1 kg of live weight gain compared to black-motley coevals.
259-265 60
Different methods of pre-milking udder treatment of lactating cows in milking machine “Elochka” were studied. It is determined that the perfect method is the one that includes preliminary first portions milking, washing and wiping the udder. It differs from the ordinary one by the so called “shuttle” method - the partial first portion milking and wiping is carried out for the first 2 animals, after that the milking machine is set to the first and then to the second cow that allows to take into account physiological peculiarities of cows. Usage of such a perfected milking method allows to increase the interval between the start of pre-milking treatment procedures and setting the milking machine to the animal compared to the basic method at 38 sec (twice). It promotes increase of milk ejection speed during the first milking minute at 0.7 kg/min, decrease of milking time at 0.4 min, decrease of somatic cells content in milk at 65 thousand cells per 1 ml.
266-274 111
As a result of the researches perfect technological data of high-productive cows start and management in dry and calving sections were developed. It is determined that usage of one-moment start is economically justified. Firstly, a cow is milked adequately, obtaining usual amount of milk in a husbandry, and milk quality stays on the level, as well as within the classical method. Secondly, medicament usage for start allows to increase milk yields at least at 10 % in the next lactation. Thirdly, within one-moment start the so-called medicamental udder preservation takes place, that allows to protect a cow from mastitis in dry period when the risk is higher. Dry high-productive cows management division into two periods and management in small groups in calving section promotes more comfortable and management conditions, promotes earlier expulsion of afterbirth (At 57,8 min.) and allows to safe on milk-marketable farm with 480 animals 9 livestock places in calving section of 120 m2 area.
285-293 65
A test-program was developed. It allows to carry out economic an technological monitoring of a pig breeding enterprise. Usage of this program on practice allows to model zootechnical parameters with the aim to obtain maximum financial profit from pork sales, determine exact and definite ways of decreasing prime cost of its production.
293-301 58
As a result of the researches the efficiency of low-intensity laser radiation (LILR) usage with the permanent magnetic field (PMF) and immune-correcting preparations for stimulating defensive organism protection sources. It is determined that complex usage of different biological and bio-physical methods of effect increases growth and development speed of young cattle. The best results on performance for the whole research period were obtained from calves of II and III experimental groups from grown up cows and surpassed the control groups at 18,8 and 26,4 %; from first-calve cows - at 18,6 and 27,6 %, correspondingly. So usage of different biological and bio-physical methods of effect promoted normalization of immunoglobulin quantity. Such changes of immune status of calves may be explained by increasing of migration of Т- and В-lymphocytes from thymus and marrow in peripheral ;lymphoid organs with increase of their cooperation effected by LILR with PMF and immune stimulator «Erakond», a complex usage of which promoted calves’ immune status perfection.
301-307 62
Researches helped to determine that for blank and conditionally pregnant sows the most effective management technology is the technology of management in rooms with heat irradiation resistance coefficient for walls of 2,1 m2*оS/Wt, floors - 2,5 m2*оS/Wt, with automated ventilation system of negative pressure, with air heating during the cold period of the year by heat generator of direct effect, with automated system of dry feeding, with automated system of manure removal. The energy saving during the winter period 1 in room for blank and conditionally pregnant sows made 6,51 kWt/animal.
307-314 64
It was determined in the researches that for single, conditionally pregnant and pregnant sows the most effective management technology is the one in buildings with heat transition resistance coefficient for walls of 2,1 m2*оС/W, ceiling and floors - 2,5 m2*оС/W with automated ventilation system of negative pressure, air heating in cold periods by heat direct generator, with automated system of dry feeding, automated periodic system of manure removal. During the winter period 1 the energy saving made 5,55 kW/heads per month in buildings for single and conditionally pregnant sows.
314-321 75
It was determined in the researches that pollution of combined feeds for pregnant and lactating sows by micotoxins affected negatively their metabolism. The macroelements content (calcium and phosphorus) in blood serum was lower in 60-90 % of samples tested; the copper content in all the liver samples of sows did not reach the biochemical norm. The blood corpuscle concentration (erythrocytes, leucocytes) and hemoglobin concentration were not affected by the studied pollution levels.
321-327 70
Results of the researches on the effect of of multi-enzyme-vitamin-mineral complex’s different levels (MEVMC) on natural calves’ organism defense. Results of dynamic changes of non-specific changes and proteins of blood serum factors are presented in the article. As a result of the researches conducted it is proposed to use the new multi-enzyme-vitamin-mineral complex in the amount of 10 g per one animals.
327-332 64
Results of scientific research on perfection of internal surfaces of milk ducts and parts handling regimes of milking equipment UUD-40 are presented. It is determined that perfect handling regime is V variant, when ultrasound is used with activation level 110 dB without anu chemical substances with disinfecting solution «Inkrasept-10А» of 0,5% concentration.
332-338 65
Researches showed that decrease of repetition factor of feeds dispensation to one time a day was not effective. It is determined that for calves of the second technological period (growing and fattening) feeding in to stages will be relevant, because if fed in 1 stage, not entire amount of feed is consumed, so there is a secondary fermentation (heating) that takes place, that has a negative effect on animals’ performance.
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