Vol 43, No 2 (2008)
3-10 121
Influence of forage supplement “Liptrotkalant” at decrease of radioactive nuclide in animals’ organism is studied. It is stated that implementation of 300, 400 and 500 g of forage supplement into diets of cows promotes excretion of radioactive cesium out of animals’ organism.
11-16 92
The article dwells on questions about influence of forage supplements “Vlakon+B” and “Vitaalmenda” at daily weigh gain growth, immunity, safety and hematological blood indexes. Biotechnological parameters of their usage for broilers feeding are analyzed.
16-24 78
Recipes of replacement calves’ diets premixes that differ from standards by the higher content of A vitamin at 18-76%, D and E vitamins - at 33%, copper - at 33%, manganese - 4 times, cobalt - at 20%, iodine - at 8%, selenium - 2,5-5 times and they influence the raise of average daily growth from 889 g to 920-960 g or at 3,5-8%. Supplementing the standard mixed forage K60-3 with high-protein forages instead of sunflower cake let us produce forages with concentration of 1,11-1,17 forage units per 1 kg or 11,3-11,4 MJ of exchange energy with 17,6-23,1% of crude protein content.
25-33 108
Researches helped to determine that different kinds of voluminous forages give different productive effect in diets of calves of aftermilk phase. The greatest average daily weight gains had young calves that received hay (1046g) and green mass haylage (1053g). And usage of hay with the lowest protein degradability promoted stable weight gain raise compared to control at 6,95 % (Р < 0,05). Grass with haylage promoted stable weigh gain at 7,67% (Р < 0,05).
34-44 89
It was stated that during the researches mixed forages for sows with 4-5% of provit instead of soy cake and barley promoted increase of multiple pregnancy and milkiness. Mixed forages with 2% of provit for pigs at growing and 4% - for pigs at fattening had no negative influence at their productiveness but decrease profit.
45-51 107
Implementation of 0,4 mg per 1 kg of dry substance of selenium into diets for calves influenced positively at growth, development and reproductive ability of calves. Average daily gains went up at 7,1%, ejaculate volume - at 9,5 and sperm cells concentration - at 16,4%.
51-58 99
The advantage of the created equipment ОПМЗ 0,9 is at economy of electric energy: if we spend 0,17 KWatt/h on the existing one, we spend 0,10 KWatt/h or 1,7 times lower on the new one. It is determined that usage of developed WMS-1 (for 1 month calves) and WMS-2 (for 2 month calves) prepared at the new equipment ОПМЗ 0,9compared to the Holland WMS “Kalvolak” let us lower the cost of our WMS at 4,6%.
59-64 78
A recipe of biologically active supplement “Gumelan-1” is developed and samples are prepared. It’s chemical composition is studied. Estimation of its influence in different dozes at growth and calves’ health under 3 months of age as well as at indexes reflecting reproductive system traits was carried out. More effective doze of “Gumelan-1” of 0,2 ml/kg per 1 kg of live weight was determined. The supplement promoted decrease of service-period of experimental cows at 13 days on average, decrease of insemination index at 0,7, birth of live young cattle with higher growth energy.
65-72 93
It was determined that the greatest yield of green mass at one hay-crop (50,0 tonns/hec) and after-grass (61,3 tonns/hec) usage supplied sugar sorghum. It is determined that haylage composed of new crops (paiza, sorghum, millet) in pure and in mixed sowings with legumes and crucifers has a high energetic nutrition: 9,40-9,75 MJ of exchange energy and 0,89-0,94 forage units in 1 kg of dry substance. Usage of haylage with paiza and lupine in diets for lactating cows raises the daily milk yield at 6,8%.
73-78 78
Comparative zootechnical and economic estimation of Belarusian biological preservative usage for wet flat grain preservation within the technology of storage in polymeric hose. As a result of the researches it was stated that preservation of wet flat grain with bacterial preservatives let us get highly-nutritive concentrated forage at minimal nutrients loses. The least loses were noticed at Czech biopreservative usage. Nutrients safety in grain preserved with Belarusian preservative made 99,1%. The lowest prime cost of 1 forage unit of the grain preserved was obtained at usage of Belarusian preservative (162,9 rubles) against 164 rubles of German preservative and 165,7 at the Czech one.
79-85 521
Researches on broilers crosses “Kobb-500” helped to determine that usage of medicine- prophylaxis preparations as probiotic “Liquid Bifidoflorin”, prebiotic “Biofon” and “Biofon AIL” leads to increase of poultry safety from 4,75 up to 5,32%, average daily weigh gain growth from 1,1 to 3%, decrease of forage spends per 1 kg of weight gain from 4,89 to 6,4%. In the test the recoupment of supplements per 1 ruble of spends was 10,8-15,2 rubles.
85-91 90
There is a possibility of natural resistance indexes growth (bacterial activity of blood serum - at 7,2-8,8%; lysozyme activity of blood serum - at 0,6 and phagocyte activity of leucocytes - at 3,3-5,1%) and sperm quality (ejaculate volume raise at 7,4-12,4%, sperm cells concentration in ejaculate - at 6,3-7,8%sperm activity - at 6,7-7,3%) of bulls-producers in winter and summer periods when using high dozes of vitamins and microelements.
92-98 95
Usage of higher dozes of vitamins and microelements in diets for bulls-producers promotes average daily weight gain growth at 7,9%; natural resistance (bacterial activity of blood serum - at 7,2%; lysozyme activity of blood serum - at 0,6 and phagocyte activity of leucocytes - at 3,3%), obtaining the sperm of a higher quality (ejaculate volume raised at 12,4%, sperm activity - at 7,3 and sperm cells concentration in ejaculate - at 7,8%), it also influences positively at mineral composition of animals’ blood.
A. V. Kvetkovskaya,
V. N. Zayats,
O. G. Golushko,
M. A. Nadarinskaya,
N. L. Makarova,
T. F. Ovtchinnikova,
N. A. Zhmakova
99-110 95
Diet is developed and research set of biologically active supplement “Gumelan-1” is prepared, its chemical composition is determined. Dynamics of indexes of immune-biological homeostasis and condition of antioxidant defensive system of cows’ organism is studied at supplementing different dozes of “Gumelan-1” in period of dry-grass. Degree of antioxidant supplement effect at the given indexes is determined. The most effective doze of antioxidant supplement is determined - 0,2 ml/kg of live weight. Implementation of this supplement in diets of cows at dry-grass period promotes hemopoiesis, metabolism and defensive factors of organism normalization as well as low-molecular antioxidants quantity growth in blood.
110-117 85
It was determined in researches that for young cattle of 4-6 months of age the perfect correlation of digestible and non-digestible protein in the diet corresponds to the figures 62:32 - it let us raise the nutrients digestibility at 3-4%, nitrogen storage in organism - at 10% and average daily gains - at 4%, it also let us decrease the prime cost at 4,4% compared to correlation of 80:20.
117-124 111
The researches on milk cows showed that productiveness of animals that were fed with Triticale grain preserved with preparation BioCrimp was higher than one of the control group (21,1 and 21,4 kg/days), that let us get extra profit of 16,6 thousand rubles from one cow at winter period.
125-131 103
The researches let us determine that feeding calves with milk soured with experimental supplement promotes decrease of incidence of gastrointestinal tract, has no essential affect at consumption of forages and hematological indexes. Usage of this milk in diets for calves also promotes raise of growth energy at 11,8%.
132-141 79
Implementation in diet of replacement calves of 325-405 kg live weight of dry substance of easily digestible carbohydrates (sugar+starch), including 15% of stable starch raises transformation of exchange energy into live weight gain energy from 21,73 to 23,96 MJ or at 10,3% that promotes average daily weight gain growth at 7,9% and decreases forage energy spends at 7,1% counted per energy unit of gain. On the ejaculate volume experimental calves surpasses their analogues of control group at 14,8% and sperm concentration - at 12%.
141-149 81
It is stated that implementation of dried clover-timothy-grass green mass up to 45% containing 30% of dry substance within decrease of legume-cereal hay from 20 to 10% in diets for replacement calves let us increase the average daily gains at 2,5-3,7%; in winter period besides the hay, mixed forage and haylage, silage and beet increases average daily gains at 7,2-9,4%.
149-154 88
Researches on determination of energy of energy norm in diets of young calves of 1-6 months of age helped to determine that 1 month of age calves need the diet to contain 1,02 kg of dry substance and 212 MJ of exchange energy, the 2 months calves correspondingly - 1,26 and 23,5; 3 months - 2,2 and 25,6; 4 months - 2,9 and 31; 5 months - 3,28 and 34,2; 6 months - 3,76 and 37,6. Concentration of exchange energy in 1 kg of dry substance should be not lower than in first month 20,7 MJ, in the second it should lower to 19 MJ and by the end of period it should be 10 MJ. The given level of feeding let us get 832 g of gain at spends of 3,52 forage units per 1 kg on average within 6 months and decrease the prime cost of gain at 75 rubles compared to control groups.
155-162 105
Implementation of L-carnitine in diets of animals let them use the received with forage energy more effectively. 50 g of L-carnitine per 1 ton of mixed forage(II experimental group) and soy oil (4%) in a diet of pigs at fattening promotes increase of daily live weight gain at 3,6% (Р< 0,05), growth of meat content in carcass at 5,8% loin growth at 11,4% compared to the animals of control group. There are no definite differences on chemical composition of the longest muscle of back, fat and liver at carnitine usage stated. Studying the chemical meat composition of young pigs of the II experimental group it was stated that it differed by the lowest content of moisture (72,97%) and by the highest content of muscle fat (6,16%) that points at better mellowness and delicacy of such pork.
163-169 90
Recipe of preservative-enricher was developed on the basis of carbamide for maize silage preparation was developed. Preservative also contains salts of macro- and micro-elements, that ruminants lack. Experimental samples was prepared and used at ensilage of 1000 t/ Experiment was carried out to determine effectiveness of maize silage prepared with preservative-enricher and possibility to save on expensive concentrates and protein supplements.
169-176 93
Results of scientific-agricultural researches on comparative study of silages prepared by different technologies at intensive fattening of young cattle are given in the article. Exchange energy concentration in dry substance of forages and diets is considered as a key index of a diet quality. High effectiveness of usage of preservative-dresser for ensiling the maize green mass is determined. The perfect level of energy in a diet is determined. It should be about 10,4-10,5 MJ per 1 kg of dry substance. We get the maximum growth speed of bulls with that.
177-180 93
Relative biological value and meat, liver, and kidneys’ innocence is studied at test-objects of infusorium tetrahimena piriphormis. Concentration of hydrogen ions (pH) content of ammonia nitrogen in meat and activity of peroxidase ferment is studied.
181-186 101
The researches show that implementation of mineral-vitamin supplement in diets of replacement calves influences positively at growth intensity. The results of researches of metabolism showed that the most effective supplement was MVS № 2. Its implementation in diets promoted better assimilability of nitrogen - at 6,9%, calcium - at 1,5%, phosphorus - at 3,2 of experimental group calves compared to control group.
187-194 78
Parameters of radionuclide137Cs и90Sr accumulation in milk of cows at implementation of microelement supplement “Felucen” in diets are determined.
194-202 80
The researches helped to determine that substitution of milk in diets for calves by WMS in Brest region enterprise let us decrease production spends at calves fattening without essential productiveness decrease. It gives us possibility to lower the prime cost of 1 kg of live weight gain at 0,6-0,9 thousand rubles.
202-210 89
Increase of vetch and new Natali sort in diets for cows in the general lactation cycle up to 20-25% promotes animals’ productiveness growth (counted for 4% milk) at 3,3-6,7% in winter period and at 3,0-7,8 - in summer period. In general during the experiment the milk yield increased at 3,2-7,0%. Increase of energy-protein correlation in diets of cows in experimental groups at 3,4 and 8,8% let us decrease the forage spends per 1 kg of 4%-milk at 5-8% in winter period and at 3,4-7,8 - in summer period. The greatest economic effect was obtained at implementation of 25% grain of vetch and increasing of protein level at 6 %: the net profit made 63120 rubles.
210-217 90
Fattening of calves of black-motley breed showed that implementation in their diets of developed complex mineral phosphorus containing forage supplements containing 10 and 15% of ammophos promotes average daily gains growth at 5,4-8,3%, decreases forage spends at 4,8-7,4%; influences positively at the content and quality of meat.
217-225 96
Feeding 1-6 months of age calves with mixed forages with supplement of 5-10% of Biological vitamin-mineral supplement (BVMS) with grain of high-protein crops in winter and summer diets with degradable to non-degradable protein correlation as 65:35 (in control 71:29) instead of sunflower cake let us get average daily weight gains of 900-927 g with forage spends of 3,7-3,8 c forage units. The cost of such mixed forages gets lower at 14% and prime cost of 1 c of gain - at 7-8%. The profit because of prime cost lowering makes 18,8-25,1 thousand rubles.
226-231 76
Methods of processing legumes and cereals grains on “TEKMASH” technology at hydrodynamic equipment TEK-CM let us get fine-dispersed forage products (pasts, milk) with the dry substances content of 29% with better nutritional qualities compared to the initial raw materials, that can be used as a basis for production of whole milk substitutes made of the local plant raw materials and also as a protein supplement in diets of agricultural animals.
232-237 77
It is stated that “Kostovit Forte” and “Oligovit Extra” has no negative effect at animals’ organism. But growth energy of animals is not sufficiently lower than at PKR-1 and PKR-2 premixes usasge.
238-243 112
Implementation in diets of cows 0,5-0,8 kg per one head of “Profat” supplement in one day (4,7-10,0% in mixed forage) promotes milk yield growth with basic fatness at 1,8-2,8 kg with fatness growth at 0,1-0,24%.
244-251 89
Researches on lactating cows at milking period helped to study the influence of diets composed by computer modeling considering the modern conceptions of highly productive cows feeding. Positive influence at diet productiveness that was optimized on maximum balance of protein and its fractions and Carbohydrates was stated.
252-262 83
The researches determined that new developed norms of exchange energy and essential aminoacids concentration in mixed forages for boars-producers raise the quantity and quality of their sperm-products: Ejaculate volume in average at 13,2 ml of 4,4% (Р<0,05), Sperm-dozes quantity - at 0,56% (Р<0,05).
262-271 92
Perfect norm of rape flour implementation into WMS for calves wit 1,5% of erucic acid and 20 mcMol of glycozynolates per 1 kg of dry substance is 20% and it lets us get the average daily gain of 869 g within forage spends of 2,50 c of forage units per 1 c of gain and get an extra profit per 1 hed in 1 day of 72 rubles. Usage of 15% of rape cake and flour in mixed forages let us get average gains of 848-868 g at forage spends of 2,49-2,52 forage units per 1 c of gain, decrease import of protein raw materials and get an extra profit up to 80 rubles per 1 head in 24 hours.
271-277 81
Rape cake containing 1,4-1,9% of erucic acid and 20 mcMol of glykozynolates per 1 kg of dry substance may be implemented in mixed forage KP-3 for calves in 15-20% on mass. Usage of KP-3 mixed forage with rape cake let us get average daily gains of 845-860 g within forage spends of 6,9-7,1 forage units per 1 c of gain. Feeding with such forages influences positively at slaughter traits of meat, let us decrease import of protein raw materials and get an extra profit up to 71 rubles per 1 head in 24 hours.
278-285 114
Chemical composition of winter (10 samples) and summer (10 samples) diets for cows with 20-22 kg of milk yield is studied. The experiments determined the digestibility rate, content of exchange energy and pure energy of lactation. Pure energy of lactation in winter forages was 5,3-6,6 MJ, in summer forages - 5,3-6,3% MJ. The data received is necessary for cows diets balancing.
286-293 96
Increase of protein and energy nutrition norm of dry-hay cows in winter and summer periods at 10 and 15% by BVMS on the basis of peas and rape promotes increase of average daily gain at 5,4-12,2%, live weight of calves at birth - at 3,6-8,1%, average daily gain - at 3,9 and 12,1%. Optimization of energy and protein content in diets let us increase milk yield at 5,1-9,9% and decrease forage spends per unit of products at 4,6-9,1%.
294-299 81
Raising the protein level in diets for cows of 6-7 thousand kg of milk yield per lactation by using 15 and 18% protein forages let us increase animals’ productiveness at 5,8-6,6% (for 4%-milk), decrease forage units spends per 1 kg of milk at 5,1-6,4%, prime cost of milk - at 3,1-3,6%. Economic effect (per 1 head) made 18,5 thousand rubles.
300-306 87
Usage of silage with dresser-preservative in diets for calves at fattening promotes its sustenance growth at 0,03 forage units, raw protein content - at 46,8%, nutrients digestibility - at 1,2-7,7% that let us increase the average gain at 9,3% and decrease forage spends at 4,8%.
306-316 81
It was determined that feeding calves of 2-4 months of age with mixed forages KP-2 containing 5% of provit or saprovit with different provit content didn’t lead to sufficient changes of live weight gain. But the best economic result was obtained in a group with saprovit and 50% of provit forage content, where weight gain was higher than with provit group at 5%. Implementation of Saprovit with 70 and 50 % let us decrease tha prime cost compared to provit, and feeding with them - let us raise effectiveness of usage.
316-322 108
Quality traits of basic components of plant origin (grain forage, cake) are studied. On nutrition and safety indexes more suitable for control fattening were barley, wheat, sunflower and soy cakes. Limits of diversity of each control quality parameter (limits, variation index, average content) and priority control indexes are determined. For barley - is natural and sprout grains, wheat - sprout grains, soy cake - urease activity (upper and lower margin), acid index, sunflower cake - acid index and crude protein content.
323-329 92
Usage of microbe-ferment preparation «Axphast Gold» for cereal silage storage let us get a forage with high (70%) concentration of milk acid. Feeding with the silage influenced positively at digestibility of forages and it let us get the digestibility coefficient on the level of 59-80% or at 0,58-2,84% higher than digestibility indexes of the control silage prepared without preservatives and was on the level of “Biotroph” silage. Usage of “Biotal” preservative influences positively at usage of nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus. Also increase of volatile fatty acids was noticed in rumen of young cattle that was fed with silage preserved with «Axphast Gold» - it points on more effective usage of forage.
330-337 80
Implementation in diets for replacement calves of 330-450 kg of live weight of forages with flax cake instead of sunflower cake and new premixes promotes high concentration of energy in dry substance of 10,5-10,92 MJ/kg, that let us get the average daily gain on the level of 1020-1060 g against 972 g of control. The developed mixed forages have no negative influence at sperm products, quality and quantity sperm traits.
337-345 125
At feeding the young calves with water-free sapropel instead of cereals in mixed forages let us save forage grain and increases effectiveness of forage energy usage for live weight gain.
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