Vol 38 (2003)
11-14 87
The effect of polygen, gentamycine and spermosan as sanitating preparations on boar semen was studied. Indices of acrosomal integrity and sperm cells motility improved by 0.38-1.0% and 0.15 points, respectively, after semen had been treated with polygen or gentamicine and stored for 72 h, when compared to the spermosan treatment.
14-20 97
A formula for the combined estimation of cattle embryos has been developed that will provide opportunities for precise estimation of their survival rate.
20-26 130
A combination of hormones (FSH + LH, FSH + estradiol) when added to the culture media promoted ova maturation in vitro. As a result, the fertilization rate of oocytes and the yield of viable embryos reached 58.2 - 66.9 and 47.4 - 50.0%, respectively.
27-32 99
The yield of viable embryos increased to 41.4 - 47.4% when bovine serum albumin, oestral serum, fetal serum and FSH had been added to the culture medium.
32-41 73
Breeding stock of high-class horses of Russian draught breed of spesific body conformation has been formed. Ways of their further improvement and a new type creation by traditional methods of selection and by methods based on types of higher nervous activity are described.
M. P. Gryn’,
A. M. Yakusevitch,
I. N. Koronets,
N. V. Klimets,
V. M. Krasovskaya,
V. V. Trofimova,
Z. I. Shemetovets,
M. A. Dashkevitch,
T. A. Vorobiova,
M. N. Sidunova
42-46 69
Two lines of Revanshe-Nagan and Destiny-Villow of Byelorussian Black and White cattle have been bred. Cows milk productivity is 6121 kg with fat and protein content 3.88 and 3.18%, respectively. They are characterized by high reproductive abilities and a good conformation.
47-52 72
Crossbred progeny of ewes of semi-fine wooled type and Texel rams is characterized by higher growth rate and wool yield.
52-62 70
The influence of natural and artificial selection on allelic pool of wild boar and modern high producing breeds of pigs of Belarus was studied. It was established that blood groups could serve as markers when studying the genesis of breeds as well as a reliable criterion for the estimation of genetic variability of a natural and artificial selection effect.
63-69 61
Significant differences in estimations of general, specific and associative combining abilities have been revealed. Prevalence of additive effects in the formation of productive traits has been clearly shown. Methods of population genetics permitted to find ways for the improvement of productive traits of Byelorussian Meaty breed of pigs.
69-73 69
Diagnostics of stress-resistance of Byelorussian Meaty pigs has been done. There is a tendency to lowering fattening ability and carcass meat yield, metabolic processes and natural resistance of animals carrying mutant alleles of RYR-1(Nn) gene that shows the necessity of breeding of homozygous NN-genotypes.
73-76 87
Genotype of boars of Large White breed by estrogenous gene-receptor was found to influence the productivity of sows: the efficiency of insemination significantly increased (P<0.001), embryonal and postembryonal mortality decreased and piglets viability and growth rate at the age of 21 days significantly increased as well (P<0.01).
77-80 71
The productivity of Large White sows depends on their line. Sows of Secret, Stalaktit and Kreyvy lines had the highest productivity.
80-85 79
Some genotypes of A, E, G, L, K, H and M blood group systems are related to carcass quality and fattening ability of LW breed of pigs. E aeg/ bdg, E bdg/edg, L bcgi/bcgi, K -/b, M -/- genotypes have a positive effect on carcass meat yield of finishing pigs. Using pigs with Ha/-, Ka/b, Lagi/bdfi, Ma/d, Eaeg/edg, Ebdg/bdg genotypes in selection work on meatiness is not desirable. High frequency of Аа/-, Еbdg/bdg, Lagi/bdfi, Ка/- and Ма/d genotypes in herds of pigs will result in better carcass quality of young pigs.
86-92 87
Optimal variants of crossing of different breeds of pigs suitable for intensive production units have been established.
92-95 65
A possible effect of Pietrain boars used on purebred and crossbred sows on their reproductive performance was studied in comparison with Duroc boars used as a paternal breed. An adverse effect of Pietrain boars on reproductive performance of sows when used to receive three-way crosses was not established.
95-99 75
There was a significant advantage of progeny originated from boars of Smaragda and Dratchun lines by their fattening performance and carcass quality.
99-101 75
Interbreed differences in response of progeny on genetic and paratypic factors have been revealed. Productive capacities of Byelorussian Meaty pigs except daily gain were more influenced by the effect of year. Genetic factors had larger effect on body length, back-fat thickness and growth rate of Large White pigs.
102-105 67
It was found that sows of different breeds except Duroc used in the republic as well as crossbred sows LW x BBW, LW x BM had high reproductive performance.
I. P. Sheyko,
R. I. Sheyko,
L. A. Fedorenkova,
T. N. Timoshenko,
N. V. Podskriobkin,
S. V. Riabtseva
105-112 72
Sows of Byelorussian Meaty breed have high reproductive performance, growing pigs are characterized by high growth rate and carcass qualities.
112-114 56
The possibility of rearing of two- and three-way crossbred pigs on intensive production units was studied. Carcass meat content of two- and three-way crossbred pigs increased by 4.2 - 11.4 and 0.9 - 22.9%, respectively when compared to purebreds.
115-119 61
Landrace boars used on Byelorussian Meaty sows have a positive effect on productive performance of crossbred progeny. The effect of heterosis on average daily gain and on age at 100 kg of live weight was 3 and 5.6%, respectively; backfat thickness decreased by 0.8 mm and loin eye area increased by 1.5 cm2 when compared to purebred Byelorussian Meaty pigs.
119-123 73
The adaptation of German Landrace boars to the conditions of intensive production units in the republic was accompanied with cardiac and sexual disturbances which led to lowering of sperm quality, and as a result to their premature culling.
124-128 79
«SB» and «IAB» superconcentrates fed to weaned and finishing pigs at the rate of 10 and 6.5% by weight ensured higher live weight by 0.5 kg, and 6.7 - 21.2%, respectively and higher carcass meat content by 5%.
V. I. Bezzubov,
D. N. Khodosovsky,
A. A. Khotchenkov,
S. N. Sokolova,
I. N. Perashvili,
A. S. Petrushko
128-134 92
The content of essential amino acids in mixed feed was found to influence the indices of natural resistance of replacement gilts. The concentration of albumins, globulins, especially b-globulins in blood, significantly increased with the increase of EAA content in mixed feed. Lysozyme and bactericide activity of blood serum, normal agglutinins titer and b-lysine activity seem not to be related to the concentration of EAA in mixed feed.
134-139 88
The results of feeding of iron, copper and zinc complexonates to veal calves aged 3 to 4 weeks are discussed. Stimulating effect of these complexonates on calves growth rate, blood composition, health and behavior has been proved.
139-142 107
Cruciferous plants are a good source of protein and can be used as a biological preservative when making silage from corn or grasses. Silage of higher quality was made from corn supplemented with spring rape (60:40) when compared to other cruciferous: it contained 0.8 F.U./kg DM and 240g of digestible protein.
143-147 101
Feeding mixed feed involving 0.2mg/kg of LW of sodium selenite to growing cattle led to an increase of average daily gains by 9.34% when compared to control animals, and did not affect their health.
147-156 91
New protein and mineral additives have been formulated to supplement mixed feeds for growing and finishing pigs. Their feeding resulted in lower feed expenses for 1 kg of gain by 4.3% and lower feed cost by 7.6% when compared to standard mixed feed.
I. I. Goriatchev,
N. P. Lukashevitch,
V. A. Dedkovsky,
T. B. Dargel',
Y. Y. Kazhuro,
V. S. Sebrovsky
156-160 70
Разработан рецепт комбикорма для коров в лактационный период после раздоя с продуктивностью 6-7 тыс. кг молока за лактацию, позволяющий увеличить удой 4%-ного молока на 7%, сократить расход кормов на единицу продукции на 8%.
160-166 84
In order to increase the nutritive value of diets for lactating cows a PVMS was added to forage grain (24% by weight). Average daily FCM yield of experimental cows increased by 4.9% at lower feed expenses by 7.8% (0.95 F.U. vs. 1.03 F.U./kg of milk), the cost of production lowered by 15.7%.
166-174 79
Feeding rations involving 45-46% of corn-amaranth or corn-lupine silage to finishing steers led to an increase of average daily gain by 11-14% and a decrease of feed expenses by 7-12%. When a part of concentrates was substituted for experimental silages up to 56%, average daily gains reached 896-905g.
174-181 73
When cultivating grass-leguminous mixtures for silage, the yield of dry matter, feed units and crude protein was 79, 68 and 10 c/ha, respectively.
181-187 106
To make a high-quality silage from grass-leguminous mixtures, the most optimal stage of herbage cutting is wax ripeness for grasses, grey beans for lupine and bud formation for vetch.
187-193 109
When the part of red and white clover in herbage increased to 53%, the content of digestible protein in 1 F.U. increased by 16.5% when compared to that in herbage with lower part of clover (up to 24%).
193-199 80
Biological preservatives based on lactic bacteria strains improved the quality of grass silages. The highest content of lactic acid (61-67%) was in silages made with the preservative № 2 which has probiotic properties; that is 14% higher than in control silage (without any preservatives). The most optimal dose of the biological preservative № 2 applied to wilted grass was found to be 2 l/t.
199-203 132
Feeding diets supplemented with 40 ml/day of rape oil led to a reduction of cadmium concentration in cows milk in winter housing period by 9.1%, that of cadmium, lead and nitrates at the beginning of pasturing by 16.7, 5.8 and 11%, respectively. The concentration of cadmium and nitrates at the end of pasturing lowered by 7.7 and 5.8%. As for radioactive cesium, its concentration in milk of stall housed cows in winter was lower by 6.8% when compared to milk of control cows; at the beginning and at the end of pasturing period it was 6.6 and 25.5% lower.
204-209 89
In the zone of radioactive contamination the coefficient of radioactive cesium transition from feeds into milk was higher in the period of pasturing and that of nitrates in the winter stall-barn housing period; there were no any seasonal differences in the zone of industrial waste contamination. As for heavy metals salts, the highest coefficients of transition were for zinc and cadmium, the lowest for copper and lead irrespective to the zone.
210-214 80
Our results show a positive effect of Fecord-YP on calves productivity. The growth rate of animals increased by 14% at lower feed expenses per 1 kg of gain by 10.6% when it had been included into their diet at the rate of 0.075% of DM.
214-218 99
The results of our investigation showed that diets supplemented with condensed hydrolyzed whey (CHW) (4g/kg LW) and condensed fermented whey (CFW) (8g/kg LW) enfavoured the digestibility of nutrients: DM, OM, crude fiber and non-nitrogenous substances digestibility was 2, 2.7 - 4.4, 2.2%, respectively, higher than in control group. The level of red blood cells and haemoglobin in calves on a diet with CHW was 7.6 and 4.8% higher.
219-226 86
A stimulating effect on nutrients digestibility, protein, calcium and phosphorus metabolism and total egg production of laying hens fed mixed feeds based on barley, Triticale, wheat or lupine seeds and supplemented with 0.8, 1.0, 1.2 or 1.4 l/t of Fecord Y, Fecord YP and Fecord P enzymatic products was observed. The most optimal rate of the Fecord supplementation was found to be 1.0 l/t of mixed feed.
226-233 84
Microbiologic processes in the digestion tract of steers were improved under the influence of mineral phosphorous supplements added to the diet. Average daily gains of experimental steers were 5.13-8.07% higher than in control animals when expenditure per kg of gain was 4.79-7.45% lower.
233-240 87
A premix for lactating sows based on vitamins and trace elements has been formulated. Its productive efficiency was found to be 10.2%.
240-246 90
Selenium being added to the diet of high producing cows in mid- lactation at the rate of 0.1 (control), 0.2 and 0.3 mg/kg DM normalized homeostasis of animals, improved nutrients digestibility and increased milk productivity by 6 and 2%, respectively. The dose of 0.2 mg/kg DM was the most efficient.
247-252 79
The effect of different levels of selenium (0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 mg/kg DM) in the diets of dry gestating high producing cows was studied; 0.2 mg Se/kg DM was found to be more efficient than 0.3 mg: it has a stimulating effect on nutrients digestibility and availability and on blood composition: haemoglobin and red blood cells levels increased by 4.1 and 2.7%, respectively.
252-259 76
Average daily gains of finishing steers increased by 5.48-13.1% and self-cost of production decreased by 3.9-9.2% after mixed feed involving 6-18% of sapropel (by weight) had been fed.
260-264 99
Dry distillers grains fed to growing steers activated microbiologic processes in rumen resulting in lower ammonia concentration by 15% (P<0.05) and higher levels of total and protein nitrogen by 6.5 and 5.0% (P<0.05). Owing to activated metabolism the concentration of total protein and protein nitrogen in blood increased by 6 and 7%, respectively, and the concentration of urea decreased by 24%.
264-270 77
Extruded lupine seeds have higher concentration of sugar by approximately 45% and their feeding to growing steers causes better digestibility of dry and organic matters, protein and non-nitrogenous substances. In our experiment this led to higher average daily gains in experimental animals by 7.5%. An increase of average daily gains of growing steers fed with pelleted lupine seeds was a bit lower (5.3%).
271-277 90
PRP-2 premix was found to be as efficient as Kostovit Forte for finishing steers. They ensured average daily gains at the level of 1025-1035g at feed expenses of 9 с F.U./1 с of weight gain. But economic efficiency of Kostovit Forte was 36% lower regarding to its cost.
277-282 90
The effect of different levels of vetch seeds (15, 20 and 25%) in mixed feed on cows productivity in winter was studied. The highest level was found to be the most effective as milk yield had increased by 6.7% at lower feed expenses per unit of production by 7.1%.
283-286 72
Sodium oxihumate fed to steers aged from 2 to 6 mo. at the rate of 0.3 - 0.5 mg/kg LW had a stimulating effect on rumen fermentation resulting in higher quantity of infusoria by 4.5 - 7.5% and higher concentration of VFA and protein nitrogen by 17.8 and 13%, respectively.
287-290 118
Feeding catalyte (pH 7.5-9.0) once every 24 days at the rate of 5 - 10 ml/kg LW to growing steers aged from 2 to 6 and from 11 to 18 mo. stimulated adrenal cortex, thyroid and genital glands activities resulting in higher concentration of thyroxin, testosterone and in almost 2 times lower concentration of cortisol in blood of steers of 11 - 18 mo. of age.
290-294 95
Mixed feed supplemented with 6% of a mineral and vitamin additive (MVA) containing sapropel, phosphgypsum, salt and picumin accounted for 14% of the growth rate increase. The diet supplementation with beta-carotene (1%) in addition to MVA resulted in higher growth rate of calves by 21% but with no profitability taking into account the cost of beta-carotene.
294-300 84
Feeding Oyster (Pleurotus ostreatus) substrate at the rate of 5.5% of ration dry matter to growing steers (280-290 kg LW) did not have an adverse effect on nutrients digestibility but it was depressed after the level of substrate had been increased to 10.6 and 20.1% (on DM basis).
300-305 86
The growth rate of calves aged from 2.5 to 3 mo. fed with mixed feed supplemented with 0.2 mg of sodium selenite increased by 14.1% (831 g/d) at low feed expenses (3.66 F.U./kg of gain).
305-309 75
Higher level of magnesium (30% higher than recommended) in a diet for growing steers containing liquid distillers grains favoured the use of metabolizable energy. Experimental animals had higher live weight gains by 9.7% when compared to control steers.
310-314 94
Postmilking teats treatment with «Jodiline» desinfectant was found to improve milk quality. Posttreatment milk contained up to 150,000 cells/1cm3, had acidity of 16°T and it was attributed to the 1st grade of purity. Mastitis incidence lowered to 2.6% during the stall-housing period and no one case of it was observed in summer.
315-320 72
The results of the experiment show that the quality of milk can be improved by the application of a removable filter element to the ADM-8A milking equipment.
321-325 64
Infrared laser radiation at the intensity of 4 mW, 8 mW and 12 mW applied to biological active points of udder resulted in higher immunocompetence of colostrum: the level of immunoglobulins in it increased by 25.7, 42.9 and 55.8%, respectively.
325-329 95
It was established that Bioffor and Dialak probiotic preparations promoted natural resistance of calves. They possess immunocorrecting properties and affect blood biochemical parameters.
329-332 72
Feeding a mineral compound to dry gestating cows had a positive effect on morphological and biochemical blood composition of calves in early postnatal ontogenesis.
332-337 88
It is possible to utilize heat of cooling milk, of air in animal and machine houses as well as that of livestock waste in the technology of milk production. The equipment combining heating and cooling functions is the most promising.
337-342 63
Keeping calves during the prophylactic period in crates equipped with heating plates permits to use less power and to create more comfortable conditions for calves in a rest area, which have a beneficial effect on calves growth and development.
342-348 69
Main trends in the reconstruction of dairy farms and their technical reequipment are described.
348-355 67
Inherited morphologic traits and physiologic properties of udder can be changed under the influence of different methods of its stimulation in order to prepare for lactation. Our results show that udder laser radiation of low intensity stimulated the lactation functions of heifers. Average daily milk yield in early lactation in this group of heifers was 8.7% higher when compared to the control group.
356-360 64
Dostim, Mastim and Immunophor stimulating preparations have been used in a trial on growing cattle to increase their natural resistance. All these preparations were found to activate humoral and cellular factors of the immune system in this kind of animals.
ISSN 0134-9732 (Print)