Vol 45, No 2 (2010)
3-11 83
In article development ways of feed mill industry of Belarus. The assortment of mixed fodders is presented, their production, structure, influence on efficiency of pigs is described.
12-20 70
It is determined that implementation of preservatives Kormoplus-1 and Kormoplus-2 at preparation of wet flat maize grain promotes obtaining high-quality grain with content in Dry Matter of 14,0-14,2 MJ of metabolizable energy and 114-122 g crude protein. Implementation of wet flat maize grain in concentrated part of diets for milk cows, preserved with Kormoplus-1 and Kormoplus-2, is of a positive effect on animals’ state and productivity.
21-29 91
It was determined during the research that usage of silages prepared with preservatives Kormoplus-1 and Kormoplus-2 promotes increase of live weigh gain of calves at 8,2 and 6,0 % and decrease of prime cost of produce at 9,3 and 11,3 %, correspondingly.
29-35 98
It is determined that feeding with whole milk replacer «Start-4» allows to decrease prime cost of weight gain at 5 % and save per each centner of weight gain 35000 rubles.
35-43 80
It is determined that adding whole milk replacers in diets for calves using maximum of native raw materials had a positive effect on physiological state and increased average daily weight gain of animals at 9-12 %. Economic efficiency of WMR usage with native raw materials sources increases 1,5 time compared to the existing one.
44-49 119
Influence of supplementation of cows diet with 0,2 or 0,5 ppm (as elementary selenium) of sodium selenite and selenium methionine on blood antioxidant status are presented. Dose depended increasing of glutathione peroxidase activity in the cows blood has been found thus selenium methionine affected more effectively. Glutathione peroxidase activity in erythrocytes were increased independently selenium chemical form and quantity. Both doses of sodium selenite have decreased concentrations of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances in blood plasma at approximately equal levels. Effect of 0,5 ppm selenium methionine supplementation was more expressed. Supplementation of cows diet with 0,2 ppm of sodium selenite didn't change the milk yields but increasing of dose to 0.5 ppm has lowered the milk yields for 8 %. Both doses of sodium selenite decreased protein content in the milk. Addition to diet the 0,2 ppm of selenium methionine increased milk yields for 5 % and milk fat content - for 0,31 %. When the selenium methionine dose has risen to 0,5 ppm the cows milk yields and milk protein and fat contents have stayed at the control group cows level. So the effective decreasing element of peroxidation products concentration in blood plasma is selenium-methionine in the amount of 0.5 mg/kg, when 0.2 mg/kg has a positive effect on milk productivity.
50-57 64
It was determined during the research that fermentative complex «Belvitazim-400 Granulate» in the amount of 100 g/t of mixed feed had no negative effect on health of experimental animals, promoted increase of daily average weight gains at 10,9-14,5 %, decrease of forage spends per 1 kg of weigh gain at 9,9-12,61 % and their cost at 9,3-12 %. Implementation of fermentative feed supplement «Belvitazim-400 Granulate» in the amount of 100 g/t promotes increase of digestibility of organic substances and metabolizable energy content in feed at 2,3-3,5 %, forage units - at 2,6-4,3 %.
57-66 68
Balancing of mixed feeds for replacement gilts considering the metabolizable energy level and essential available amino acids amount increases growth speed of animals at 9,6% (P<0,05) compared to mixed feeds prepared in correspondence with detailed norms of feeding; it also decreases terms of animals pedigree usage from 277 to 223 days.
67-75 71
It is determined that replacement of 33 % of forage grain with dry distillers grain in diets for calves increases average daily weight gain at 9-11 %, decreases prime cost at 10-11 % and allows to obtain extra profit per one animal in one experiment of 55,5-75,6 thousand rubles.
76-79 88
On the basis of the researches’ results it is proposed to use forage lupine containing notmore than 0,045 % of alkaloids in diets for young turkeys in period of growing to 7-weeks of age up to 5 % from the forage weight and from 8- to 17-weeks of age - up to 15 %. Such a feeding type promotes reaching ay 17-weeks of age by turkey the live weigh of 10,63 kg within forage spends of 3,73 c per 1 c of live weight gain. It is recommended to add in a diet for young calves ferment feed supplements containing large amounts (20 %) of lupine.
79-88 111
Results of researches on studying of comparative efficiency of galega orientalis with traditional bean grasses are presented. The qualitative structure of galega orientalis on phases of development and its influence on physiological functions of animals is studied. Productivity of galega orientalis in conditions of Vitebsk region is 11,3 t/ha of dry substance, at provision of 1 EFU 158-210 g of digested protein.
89-96 79
New varieties of feed crops (paiza, millet, green foxtail, mogar, sugar sorghum, sudan-sorghum hybrid) in conditions of the central area of the republic promote high crop capacity of green mass. It is determined that silage prepared of new varieties of crops both pure and mixed with legumes, is characterized by high energy nutrition value - 0,89-0,94 forage units, 9,32-9,75 MJ of metabolizable energy in 1 kg of Dry Matter.
96-104 69
The given results of the researches show that best values of ensilaged in a laboratory conditions forages were obtained using biological preservative, containing Lactobacillus plantarum (КОЕ 106) and Propioniebacterium (КОЕ 106) strains, that allowed to obtain forages with the highest nutritional value: so, when preserving legumes, the energy nutritiousness if forage made 10,49 MJ in 1 kg of Dry Matter. Feeding sheep with silages, preserved with Lactobacillus plantarum (КОЕ 106) and Propioniebacterium (КОЕ 106) strains in the implementation amount of 4 g/t of ensilaged raw material, will promote higher digestibility of nutrients and increase of forages’ nutritional value.
104-112 60
When feeding high-productive cows with corrective supplements of humic nature at different physiological stages a positive effect on intensity, tension and stabilization of proteins metabolism in organism was determined as well as detoxication of metabolism products. The most effective doses of preparations in diets for animals are determined.
112-121 99
It is determined that diets with protein degradability of 60-63 % in calves’ organism activate fermentative processes in rumen, increase nutrients digestibility at 4,1-8,9 %, that allows to obtain average daily weigh gains on the level of 1049-1078 g with forage spends 8,2-8,4 forage units within metabolizable energy conversion into weigh gain on the level of 20,4-21,8 %.
121-128 61
It is determined in the researches that usage of developed concentrated mixed feeds withwet preserved grain in diets for young cattle in the amount of 30 and 50 % had a positive effect on nutrients digestibility and nitrogen usage of a diet.
128-135 95
The experiments confirmed the bactericidal action of drugs Bio-Mos, and zinc oxide and bracing-peat oxidate. When feeding suckling and weaning piglets with feeds containing these biological additives, the incidence of young animals decreases, safety increases at 3,3-16,89 % and the rate of growth at 6,46-18,74 %. Effect of drugs Bio-Mos and zinc oxide on the preservation and growth of pigs increases when they are used in combination with the enzyme feed additive «Fekord-2004C».
135-140 84
Positive effect of the fermentative preparation Ronozim WX at the rate of 250 mg/tonn of compound feed, containing 40-50 % of triticale grain, on the efficiency of young pigs, digestibility of main nutrients and hematological indices was determined in the scientific and economic experiment.
141-149 72
Usage of mixed feeds with 20-25 % on weigh of BVMS with rape, lupine grains and mineral-vitamin supplement in diets for replacement heifers of 12-16 months of age instead of sun-flower cake allows to obtain the average daily weigh gains of 812-827 g within forage spendsof 7-7,2 c of forage units. The cost of such mixed feeds decreases at 12-15 %.
149-156 63
Increase of energy level at 10-15 % promoted slight variation of nutrients intake by animals. Nutrients digestibility by experimental calves was quite on the level within young animals receiving 10 % more energy. Crude protein degradability had a reverse tendency with the highest digestibility in the control group - 61,1 %. Increase of nitrogen accumulation made 7-13 p.p. Live weight gain of experimental animals was 3,53-7,07 % higher than the results of the control group.
156-161 91
The experiments helped to find that the introduction of the diet of cows in milk during growth "soy milk" from native and transgenic soybean does not cause reliable changes in theintensity of molecules oxide modification. Found increase in the activity superoxiddismutaseon 3 and 4 experimental stages in the blood of cows which fed to soy milk from soy on traditional and reduced enzyme activity in the group receiving genetically modified feed.
161-169 65
As a result of study of the efficiency of feed supplement with biologically active substances in the amount of 9,8, 13,6 and 16,6 ml/kg of mixed feed, or 0,15, 0,20 and 0,25 ml counted per 1 kg of live weight, a positive effect was determined allowing to increase animals’ performance at 3,1-12,9 % with forage spends decrease at 3,0-9,2 % and prime cost of weight gain compared to control - at 2,7-10,4 %.
169-176 86
Feeding calves from 22 to 77 days of age with new WMR of receipts No.1 and No.2 enriched with local bacterial concentrates “Biomiks-Vet-1” and “Biomiks-Vet-2” is substantiated in the article. It allows to reduce the price and increase profitability of replacement of younganimals growing that will correspond to standards of animals of 3 month of age from 90 to 150 kg at planned live weight of cows of 550-560 kg.
177-184 66
It is determined that feeding calves with mixed feed with 0,2 mg of selenium per 1 kg of Dry Matter promotes obtaining 943 g of daily weight gain or 10,9 % more, than that of the control, at minimal forage spends (4,3 forage units per 1 kg of weight gain) and obtain an extra profit from efficiency increase and decrease of weigh gain prime cost in the amount of 33,1 thousand rubles.
185-191 78
It is determined that perfect norm of carnallite brine implementation in mixed feed for young cattle made 0,85 %. Feeding calves with it in recommended amounts promotes increase of growth energyat 5%.
192-201 71
It is determined that usage of 2-6 % of sapropel on weigh of mixed feed activates fermentative processes in rumen, increases nutrients digestibility at 2-10 % and allows to obtain aver-age daily weight gains on the level of 851-877 g.
201-208 70
Researches helped to determine pedigree differences in intake and usage on growth of separate nutrients of feeds (including crude protein and essential amino acids). Gilts of Duroc breed consumed per 1 unit of live weight at growing as from 30 to 80 kg, as well as up to 100 kg of live weight, correspondingly, 1,161 and 1,366 kg of raw protein, 0,066 and 0,077 kg of lysine including 0,051 and 0,060 kg of a digestible one. Animals of Belarusian meat breed consumed, correspondingly, 1,356 and 1,498 kg of crude protein, 0,079 and 0,085 kg of lysine, including 0,064 and 0,069 kg of accessible one. Nutrients spends for muscular tissue growth of Great white breed of pigs were the largest - 1,358 and 1,675 kg of crude protein, 0,077 and 0,095 kg of lysine, including 0,062 and 0,076 kg of accessible one. So the higher meatiness of animals is the less essential amino acids (first of all lysine) animals use for muscle weight synthesis.
208-215 70
Rape cake containing 1,4-1,9 % of glycosinolates and 27-30 mmol per 1 kg of Dry Matterof erucic acid may be implemented in mixed feed KR-2 and KR-3 for calves in the amount of 15-20 % on weight. Feeding with KR-2 with rape cake allows to obtain average daily weight gains of calves on the level of 827-906 g at forage spends of 4,66-5,17 forage units per 1 kg of weight gain, mixed feed KR-3 - 840-855 g at forage spends of 6,9-7,1 forage units per 1 kg of weight gain. Usage of mixed feeds has no negative effect on slaughter values and meat quality of calves. Feeding with rape feeds in mixed feeds KR-2 and KR-3 allows not only to decrease the protein raw material import, but obtain an extra profit as well.
215-222 93
Results of slightly increased phosphorus, calcium, sodium, copper, zinc, cobalt, iodine andvitamins A and D content effect on compared to detailed norms on dry-stall period length, milk efficiency in the following two months of lactation, digestibility and intake of nutrients of pregnanat high-productive cows are presented in the article.
222-229 63
Ecological and economic model of the system of feed production is given. A complex feed crops estimation method was developed on its basis. It may be used for practical aims for estimation of crops growing reasonability and forecasting areas structure of a definite husbandry of region.
230-236 91
The research results show that implementation of biological preservatives for ensilaging legume grasses promotes increase of lactic acid level at 67,68 % on total amount of acids, increase of all the forage nutrients digestibility: so, crude protein digestibility has increased at 1,2-2,5 %, crude fiber - 2,8-5,0, fat - 0,8-2,4 %. Biological preservative «Bioplant» has mostly saved the basic nutrients of initial weight: Dry Matter - at 7,2 %, crude protein - at 6,4, metabolizable energy - at 4,4 %.
237-244 86
Energy nutrition level increase at 10 % has not lead to negative changes of morpho-biochemical blood indices. Increase of gross live weight gain at 3,7 %, decrease of forage spends per 1 kg of weight gain at 1,2 forage units compared to control were determined. Weight gain energy with that made 22,9 MJ.
244-253 77
In conditions of northern area of the republic feeding calves with oat-pea silage and grain haylage allows to obtain more weight gains counted per 1 h at 35 and 76 % (8 and 10 c), that at usage of maize silage (5,9 c), 2,3 decrease concentrated forages spends and save per each centner of weigh gain of 146 kg of concentrates.
ISSN 0134-9732 (Print)