
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Vol 44, No 2 (2009)


10-17 65
It is determined that usage of experimental WMS let us decrease the whole milk spends up to 56 kg per 1 calve. Feeding calves with WMS “Start” let us decrease the weight gain prime cost at 4,3% and save at each centner of weight gain up to 16 thousand rubles.
18-25 80
Liquid WMS was developed on the basis of local plant raw materials. Its usage in diets for calves promoted average daily weight gain increase up to 770 g at forage sends per 1 kg of weight gain - 3,7 forage units, prime cost of gain decreased at 6,9%.
25-35 73
Optimization of diets for calves by implementation of fodder beet, haylage and maize silage activates fermentative processes in rumen, increases digestibility of nutrients, betters protein, carbohydrate and mineral metabolism that positively influences the productivity of animals and efficiency of forage usage; the energy productive usage index goes up from 0,47 to 0,59.
35-44 74
It is determined that usage of optimal selenium norm of 0,2 mg per 1 kg of dry matter of a diet increases the level of general nitrogen in rumen at 31%, nutrients digestibility - at 5,0-9,7%, average daily weight gains - at 14,1%, decreases forage spends per 1 c of weigh gain at 10,1% and prime cost of products - at 12%.
44-52 69
Researches showed that rape cake may be used as a source of protein, raw composite of rape oil, as energy source and SKD - as a source of macro-, microelements and biologically active substances for BVMS production. Feeding young cattle with mixed forage enriched with BVMS increases growth energy at 8,7% and decreases forage spends at 0,7 forage units. Usage of BVMS in diets of cattle allowed to get an extra 1000 kg of meat per 100 animals within 120 days of experiment. Economic effect at young cattle fattening made 37,5 thousand rubles per 1 animal.
52-59 67
Researches on feeding highly productive cows with yeast supplement “VIP-Product И-Сак1026” during the whole dry period helped to determine better level of unspecific defensive factors of cows and posterity, decrease of terms of recoveries from diseases, as well as decrease of diseases and their development. Positive effect of implemented supplement on condition of reproductive traits of experimental animals is determined (insemination index went down at 0,5, service period - at 21,2 days).
60-66 68
During the researches on highly productive pregnant cows it was determined that feeding with yeast supplement «VIP-Product И-Сак1026» during 60 days of dry period promoted normalization of hemopoiesis and metabolism at critical conditions of metabolic processes at the end of pregnancy and in the period of aftereffect of the supplement (after calving); the tendency of stabilization of low-molecular antioxidants quantity in blood whey and effectiveness growth of fermentative system functioning was noticed.
67-75 81
That is the first time when amino acid feed supplement L-homoserin is synthesized in Belarus. Theoretically it can promote import substitution of synthetic amino acids: methionine and threonine. By our scientific-agricultural researches some positive results were registered. These results need further researches on development of this preparation implementation norms in mixed feeds for poultry.
75-85 146
The perfect norm of probiotic “Dialakt” implementation is determined in our researches: 0,1-0,2 ml per one broiler (10,0-20,0 million of microbe cells) with drinking water starting from age of 1 day once a week during 3 days in 3 cycles with interval of 6-14 days till the end of growing period. The preparation under study promotes increase of chickens safety at 5,1%, average live weight - at 4,3% and average weight gain - at 4,5%. It allows to decrease feed cost within the growing period at 5,38% per 1 kg of live weight gain.
85-94 66
It is determined that diets with protein degradability of 61-66% in organism of calves activate fermentative processes in rumen, increased digestibility of nutrients at 3,8-10,1%, that let us get average daily weight gain of 1036-1075 g, that is 4,2-8,1% higher than that of control group within forage spends of 6,79-7,04 forage units.
94-102 61
On data basis derived from field researches a comparative estimation of crucifers productivity in stubble intermediate sowings was determined and terms of its usage in green conveyor were stated. The influence of terms of sowings and dozes of nitrogen fertilization at productivity, quality of forage and effectiveness of stubble crucifers was also determined.
102-111 90
Comparative estimation of crops productivity in winter intermediate sowings is given; terms of their usage in green conveyor are determined. Dozes of nitrogen fertilizers influence on crop yields and quality indexes of forage cultures in winter intermediate sowings are determined. Effectiveness of arable land usage after winter intermediate crops at growing hay crop vetch-oats-ryegrass mixture of different sowings terms is determined. Possibility of sugar sorghum growing as hay crop after winter intermediate crops harvest at one-hay crop and two-hay crop usage is proved.
111-120 72
It is determined that product net energy content in haylage and silage depends on metabolizable energy concentration in dry matter of a feed: the more metabolizable energy is contained in feed, the more effectively it is spent in animal’s organism. Averagely the metabolizable energy content in silage in 1 kg of dry matter is 9,1 MJ, product synthesis takes 2,35-3,56 MJ of it or 27-36%. Metabolizable energy concentration in silages averagely makes 9,26 MJ in 1 kg of dry matter. Product synthesis takes averagely 2,91 MJ or 31,3%.
120-126 70
Feeding replacement calves of 369-460,8 kg of live weight with diets of non-degradable protein level 10% higher that the acceptable norm increases transformation of metabolizable energy in the energy of weight gain from 19,10 MJ to 20,81 MJ or at 9% that promotes increase of average daily weight gains at 5% and decreases the forage spends at 5% counted per one energy unit. Ejaculate volume is increased at 14% and sperm concentration - at 12%.
127-135 62
Feeding replacement heifers of 6-12 months of age with mixed forages with 20-25% of biological mineral-vitamin supplement with rape and lupine seeds in winter and summer diets instead of sunflower cake let us get the average daily weight gains of 893-927 g at forage spends of 6,0-6,3 c of forage units. The cost of these mixed forages is decreased at 14% and prime cost of 1 c of weigh gain - at 6-15%.
136-145 73
Increase of energy nutrition of young cattle at 10% within diet normalization on degradable and non-degradable protein (ratio in a diet is 65:35% correspondingly) allows to get 1049-1051 g of weigh gain per day at forage spends of 6,93-6,83 forage units or 3,6-5,0% lower than that of the control group with energy or weigh gain of 17,3-17,4 MJ; the energy conversion into weigh gain made 24,39 and 24,12 % correspondingly or was 2,13 and 1,86% higher than that of the control group.
145-154 80

The researches determined parameters of experimental original equipment functioning on the basis of cavitation effect of hydro-dynamic power theory at substrates of organic and mineral origin. The duration of the positive effect of hydrodynamic power at the needed components is 35-40 min., temperature regime is 75-90oC. This regime lets us cut the content of nutrients in the forage on maximum. Moisture-temperature treatment of the ingredients in the content of this emulsion polysaccharides are destructed in other words the grain components are malted. The possibility of the original equipment usage for homogenous emulsion preparation is substantiated. This emulsion is vital for production of liquid WMS made of protein-fat raw materials of plant origin. It the preparation process of liquid WMS (LWMS) moisturizing, mixing and steaming of the forage mixture or grain mixture (oats, barley, wheat, lupine, flaxseeds, rapeseeds) is carried out simultaneously, as well as other components without the preliminary grinding.

154-164 107
In the research process the technological scheme for experimental equipment set, new content and preparation method of WMS that correspond to natural milk on the content and zootechnical value was developed. WMS differ by more rational consumption of forage resources; they are prepared in accordance to energy-saving technology and are substitutes for imported products. Their usage for calves feeding compared to foreign analogues like “Micromel Extra” and “Calvolac” promote increase of average daily weight gain of calves only at 1,0% (806,7 vs. 816,7 g) and forage spends decrease at 1,2% (3,40 vs. 3,36 forage units). But the cost of self produced WMS compared to the imported analogues is 45% lower, and 1 kg of live weight gain cost is as well 1,3 - 1,5 times lower. Technological regulations on WMS production and recommendations on its usage in calves feeding at animal husbandries and complexes are developed.
165-172 86
It is determined that wet grain preserved with “kormoplus-1” and “kormoplus-2” is harmless to the simplest test-organisms Tetrachymena Pyreformis , and its implementation in the concentrated part of a diet for cattle has a positive influence on physiologic condition and digestibility of nutrients and promotes increase of nitrogen usage by animals at 0,7 and 1,6%.
173-181 64
Usage of maize silage in diets for calves within amaranth or lupine mixture increases energy conversion at 14,63-18,52%. As a result the average daily weigh gain is increased at 12-17%, energy spends per 1 MJ of weight gain decrease at 9-16%, and forage spends per 1 unit of production - at 6-11%.
182-189 80
Implementation of dry fat supplement Bewi-Spray-99-M in diets for cows in amounts of 0,2-0,5 kg per animal a day (2,9-7,1% in the content of mixed forages) promotes increase of milk fatness at 0,14-0,19%, average daily milk yield of basis fatness - at 2,6-2,8 kg with no protein content decrease. Best results were reached by adding 0,2 kg of the fat supplement.
190-197 83
Implementation of 0,4 kg per one animal a day of fat supplement in diets for cows (5,7% in mixed forage) promotes increase of milk fatness at 0,10%.
197-203 86
The overview of literature sources on the topic of the article is presented. As well the results of the researches on effect of feed supplement “Vater Trit ® Liquid” on productive traits and several values of pigs’ at growing blood are presented in the article.
204-212 102
Usage of macro- and microelements, vitamins A and D for highly productive cows with daily milk yield of 32 kg in summer period in correspondence with norms of Belarusian Research Institute on Animal Husbandry (1992) counted per 1 kg of dry matter of a diet: phosphorus - 5,29 g, calcium - 7,46, copper - 12,64 mg, zinc - 77,26, manganese - 77,26, vitamins A and D - 23,74 and 1,02 thousand ME correspondingly compared to norms of Soviet Academy of Agriculture (1985) promotes 10% phosphorus content growth and 4,7% growth of 4%-milk yield and product outcome as well as profit increase per 1 animal at 1022 rubles.
212-219 73
During the researches on pigs at fattening it was determined that implementation in diets of carnitine didn’t have any positive effect on growth intensity of pigs but promoted decrease of forage spends per 1 kg of live weight gain. The greatest increase of carcass outcome, eye loin area and decrease of backfat thickness was marked at usage of carnitine during the entire fattening period. Morphological content of carcass has been changing to increase of meat outcome and decrease of fat outcome.
220-228 69
It is demonstrated that forage supply - is one of the basic links of the resource supply of animal husbandry. Taking the intermediate place in the chain “soil - plant (forage) - animals (products) - human”, mainly forage production should become the basis for stable development of agriculture; it also should promote the most effective practice of soil fertility safety and their conservation and ecologically safe production.
228-236 148
Results of the researches showed that usage of feed acidifier “Vevovital” based on benzoic acid allows to increase the average weight gains of piglets at 9,6% and decrease mixed feeds spends per 1 kg of weight gain at 8,7%. Acidifier “Vevovital” influences positively at young animals’ health, decreases diseases and abnormalities of gastrointestinal tract at 17,4%. Extra spends related to enriching of feeds with the acidifier are 4,92 times compensated by the derived extra products.
237-247 69
Increase of metabolizable energy at 10% with no rate setting on degradable and non-degradable protein let us increase the weight gain energy at 0,61 and 0,72 MJ compared o the 1st control and the 2nd experimental groups. On cost efficiency the best result was obtained at feeding with diets of low energy levels and made 113 thousand rubles per one head within 1 experiment.
248-251 58
Differences in levels of137Cs content in muscles of horses while pasturing at water and dry natural pastures with different level of grass pollution with137Cs are determined.

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ISSN 0134-9732 (Print)