Vol 55, No 2 (2020)
188-194 153
The paper presents the results of studies on improving of growing of heifers of Ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed at SE “Gontarovka” of Institute for Animal Husbandry of NAAS in Volchansky district of Kharkov region. The provided research results indicate that correlation of growth intensity of heifers aged 6-9 and 9-12 months has a positive character: r = +0.462 - +0.615; and + 0.521 - +567. Increase in average daily weight gain of 701 g or more promotes 32-45 days earlier insemination of heifers and improvement of dairy performance for 305 days of lactation, which ranged from 5675 to 5953 kg of milk.
194-199 76
The beekeeping industry displays solely anthropocentric approach in pests control. The complete elimination of competitors is chosen as a preventive measure as a rule. Sometimes this is entirely justified. First of all, this applies to pathogenic microorganisms. However, when it comes to representatives of wild species of animals, this approach shall be immediately reviewed, since uncontrolled elimination leads to degradation of biodiversity.
199-210 68
Quality of milk having passed the stage of purification using vertical filtration method was studied when milking cows at the Parallel 2×17 automated milking plant (WestfaliaSurge, Germany) into short milk pipeline using disposable sleeve type filter elements (Pruzhany LLC, Republic of Belarus). The research results will promote improvement of technological process of primary processing (purification) of milk at dairy complexes using innovative physical and engineering solutions that ensure improvement of hygienic parameters of milk and production of high quality raw materials (milk).
211-218 81
The paper presents materials on formation of meat performance in purebred Hereford steers of Belarusian selection. According to slaughter results at the age of 15 months, the slaughter yield of steers of Hereford breed made 52.7-55.1%, the meatiness ratio made 4.274.34, the yield of premium quality beef made 14.5-24.2%. The ratio of dry matter and moisture in meat of slaughtered animals was in the optimal range of 0.43:1-0.73:1. In the middle sample of minced meat of Hereford steers at the age of 15 months, protein level made 20.09-20.75 %, fat - 0.87-1.98%, and the moisture holding capacity of the middle meat sample made 15.5-29.3 %, which allows to reduce the meat mass loss during heat treatment.
218-223 52
Dairy performance data of heifers of Ukrainian black-and-white and red-and-white dairy breeds and functional properties of udder in conditions of transition zone of Ukraine from Polesye to Forest steppe are presented.
224-231 158
Researches have been conducted on study of various forms of labor management form for cow machine milking operators during process operations at milking plants. It has been determined that shuttle method of pre-milking cows preparation was the most relevant, allowing to maintain the optimal gap between the start of preparatory operations and start of milking for milk flow reflex within 40-60 seconds. When napkins moistened with a disinfectant are used for udder pre-milking preparation, the optimum time (at least 30 s) for cleaning and bactericidal action is provided.
232-240 96
The paper reflects sore issues and partial solution therefor in selection according to the main traits of dairy heifers for further intensive milk production. It was determined that the shape of heifer’s udder and uniformity of quarters development had an effect on incidence of mastitis. Therefore, 17.1% of heifers of Ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed and 21.4% of animals of the north-eastern dairy type of brown breed reacted to subclinical mastitis. Heifers with a cup-shaped udder fell ill only in 17.5-26.4% of cases, with round-shaped - in 73.682.5% of cases. The amino acid index of milk in cows affected by mastitis was 6.07% lower compared to healthy animals.
241-246 126
In animal breeding, when growing young cattle, the quality of water used for animals watering is of a great importance, therefore strict hygiene requirements are imposed on it. The paper dwells on the study of effect of acidified water with organic acids on performance traits of calves. It has been determined that use of an acidifier for improving quality of water used for young cattle watering positively affects the performance of calves in both preventive and dairy growing periods: absolute weight gain increased by 2.4-15.2% with no clear dependence on season, incidence of calves decreased by 10-30%.
A. A. Muzyka,
M. P. Puchka,
S. A. Kirikovich,
N. N. Shmatko,
L. N. Sheygratsova,
A. A. Moskalev,
M. V. Timoshenko,
D. V. Gurina
247-254 87
The paper presents the analysis of energy intensity of beef production from beef cattle at agricultural enterprises of the republic. The lowest total energy consumption was recorded at meat farm of CAUE Pershai-2014, and the highest - at the feedlot of RAUE AgroLyaskovichi. The highest percentage in terms of energy intensity was accounted for feed (89.591.2 %), litter (3.3-4.0 %), machinery and equipment (2.3-3.4 %), followed by energy costs for living labor (1.2-1.6 %), buildings and structures (0.3-1.3 %). The main directions for reducing the energy intensity for beef production from beef cattle are substantiated.
255-262 78
The paper presents the results of monitoring of production level of recombinant human lactoferrin in milk of genetically modified goats during prolonged lactation. Concentration of recombinant human lactoferrin has been determined in milk of transgenic goats F3, F4, F5 during prolonged lactation. It has been found that concentration of recombinant human lactoferrin in animal’s milk had been in the range of 4.4-7.01 g/l for 10 months. The average value of this indicator was recorded at the level of 6.25±10 g/l, median - 6.36 g/l or 0.62% in 1 liter of milk. The results obtained indicate stable secretion of recombinant human lactoferrin by mammary gland cells of udder of transgenic animals F3, F4, F5.
262-274 149
The paper presents the results of evaluating the shearing of unwashed wool, yield and shearing of washed wool, length and thickness of wool in different sections of runes, as well as value and direction of correlations between the main breeding traits. The studies were carried out with adult rams and young animals of 14 months of age of Prekos breed (Kharkov inbreed type - HVPTP), as well as crosses of Romanovskaya (Ro) and Merinolandscape (Ml) breed of sheep. It was determined that, according to shearing parameters of unwashed wool, sheep producing HVPTP at the level of tendency exceeded representatives of lines created by crossing with Po and Ml by 5.2 and 15.4%, respectively. Sheep of compared groups had rather long wool, which in the main topographic sections of the runes exceeded the requirements of class 1 of the existing procurement standard for uniform fine wool. Relative to wool uniformity in terms of length within the runes, no significant difference between the groups was determined. The gimmers belonging to the created Po line are characterized by average level of positive correlation between body weight and shearing of unwashed wool (+0.480 ÷ +0.664), while the offspring of Ml line show inverse correlation indicating increase in meat performance traits.
N. A. Papkou,
V. N. Timoshenko,
А. А. Muzyka,
А. А. Moskalev,
S. А. Kirikovich,
N. N. Shmatko,
L. N. Sheygratsova,
M. P. Puchka,
М. V. Timoshenko
275-281 64
As a result of the studies, indicators of natural illumination of various technological areas of buildings for housing highly productive cows at intensive milk production technology were studied and it was determined that they corresponded to physiological standards (at the feed table, the illumination was not less than 200-300 lux, and in the rest boxes for lactating cows at heads level of at least 200 lux) and allow to create conditions for comfortable feeding and rest of animals and thereby have a favorable effect on their health.
281-288 86
The paper presents results of studies of technological properties of leather raw materials of specialized meat breeds breeds of steers in the Northern Ukraine. Breed affiliation of steers affected the quality of leather raw materials. Thus, it has been determined that steers grown under the same conditions on the border of the Northern Forest-Steppe and Polesye of Ukraine, at the same level of feeding, of the same age and gender, but of different breeds, produced fells that differed in weight and quality. Fells of animals that belong to the Polesye meat, Southern meat, Charolais and Aberdeen-Angus breeds are classified as heavy. Differences are revealed in terms of area, thickness and chemical composition. In general, fells of steers of meat specialized breeds at the age of 18 months are raw materials with high technological properties. Accelerating development of specialized meat cattle breeding in Ukraine will not only increase production of high-quality beef, but will also reduce import of leather raw materials and accelerate revival of light industry in the country.
289-295 144
The paper presents the results of studying changes in dairy performance of Ukrainian brown dairy cows depending on dry period duration. It has been determined that the lowest indicators of dairy performance were shown by cows with dry period of up to 55 days, and the maximum - 66-75 days. In terms of milk yield, cows with dry period of 66-75 days had an advantage over animals with dry period of up to 55 days by 760 kg (19.53%), in terms of fat level - by 0.31%, in terms of milk fat - by 44 kg (30.13%), in terms of protein level - by 0.11%, in terms of protein amount - by 29 kg (23.78%), in terms of total fat and protein - by 70 kg (25.83%). Cows with dry period over 76 days showed decline of quantitative and qualitative indicators of dairy performance. Thus, the optimal dry period duration for cows of Ukrainian brown dairy breed at Kolos breeding farm made 66-75 days.
296-303 120
Determining composition of wax is a complex process. Therefore, it is usual to characterize its quantitative composition with wax constants: saponification number, acid, ether, iodine ratio of ethereal number and acid, iodine, etc. Wax technology is based on the methods of thermal processing of wax materials: primarily - in apiaries, deeper - at wax factories. The wax grade (I-III) directly depends on the quality (color) of the wax material, processing technology, etc. The paper dwells on issues of creating optimal conditions for wax excretion by bees and preventing losses of raw materials and wax during processing. The Kulakov's apiary wax press (VPK) was developed, patented and is manufactured at AF Bdzholovod. This development significantly reduces labor and energy costs, water consumption, increases yield of wax from raw materials, partially automates production process, it is more cost-effective, improves the culture of production and wax quality.
303-310 98
Results of studies on the effect of high temperatures during summer period on performance of dairy cows are presented in the paper. Studies have shown that in a facility with fan used, a favorable temperature and humidity environment is created and supports more comfortable conditions for animals. It has been determined that profit from sale of milk from one cow per day in the group of animals where the fan was used during summer period amounted to 4.38 rubles, which is 10.05% higher than in experimental group II.
310-319 100
Studies have been carried out to study the dynamics of body weight and average daily weight gain of young Limousine breed stock depending on technological conditions of management and fattening in a capital facility and in a feedlot from birth to 15 months of age. It was determined that the difference in body weight at birth was in favor of calves reared under conditions of a capital facility, compared to coevals of feedlot. Young animals of both groups showed the following growth intensity results from birth to 6, 12 and 15 month of age: 806/842 г, 808/833 and 820/849 with difference in favor of young stock at fattening in a capital facility.
319-334 95
The paper provides information about the first time developed software product that allows not only to carry out pre-project calculations of herd turnover during the design and construction of pig breeding facilities (farms and complexes), but also to simulate production processes flow based on optimal technological solutions for livestock movement arrangement, and minimize material and financial costs when using sectors for suckling sows with piglets. This technology makes it possible to increase production volumes, create the required conditions for maintenance of all age and sex groups of pigs, and also minimize environmental consequences of pig farm operation in a specific administrative territory.
335-346 84
The paper presents methodological approaches allowing to identify hidden patterns in tabular data of experiments held in the field of zootechnics and zoohygiene. It has been determined that simulating the flow of production processes allows not only to minimize the number of calculation errors made by researchers when conducting research and economic experiments, but also to determine the optimal research and practical solutions when choosing information not from two or three values, but from the entire data volume having boundary dimensions - from minimum to maximum value.
346-359 95
During a four-year research and production study of livestock (n=199) of the new Ukrainian red dairy breed, it has been determined that use of experimental immunostimulating tissue preparation containing projective antigens against infectious diseases of this herd significantly reduced the period of heifers growing, namely: in control, the first calving was obtained at 31.75 months, in the experiment - at 26.51 months. (+19.77 %, P<0.01). At the same time, there was a tendency to decrease by 9 days (+6.25%) of duration of service period in group of experimental heifers treated with preparation in the first month of life, with increase in milk yield in 305 days of lactation by 659 kg (+9.19%, P<0.01). It has been determined that introduction of experimental scheme of specific immunoprophylaxis of associated infectious mucosa diseases into the growing technology contributed to high breeding potential of the new dairy breed with genotype in state of active transformation.
359-367 94
The aim of our study was to determine dependence of specific amino acids level in blood of meat type hens on the tone of their autonomous nervous system. It has been determined that hens with predominance of vagotonic tone of autonomous nervous system had the lowest rates of the studied amino acids level among all groups. Arginine content in vagotonics was lower by 49.7% (P <0.05) than in sympatheticoton hens and by 43.4% compared with animals with a balanced tonus of autonomous nervous system (normotonics). Histidine level showed similar dynamics as follows: vagotonic hens had the lowest amino acid level - 28.0 and 50.7% (P<0.05) lower than sympathic and normotonic hens, respectively.
368-373 167
Testing of express methods on horses of different age and gender groups under production conditions and statistical analysis of measurement results proved possibility of using the MKS01M Sovetnik radiometer-dosimeter for intravital radiometric measurements of137Cs specific activity in horse muscle tissue.
A. N. Kot,
N. I. Mosolova,
G. V. Besarab,
А. М. Antonovich,
E. А. Dolzhenkova,
Т. L. Sapsaleva,
G. N. Radchikova,
А. V. Zhalnerovskaya,
A. V. Astrenkou,
Е. I. Prilovskaya
3-13 110
The paper presents the results of studies aimed at determining correlation of rumen digestion parameters in young cattle aged 6-9 months with the use of extruded high-protein concentrated feeds. It was determined that protein of extruded grain is more efficiently used for synthesis of microbial protein compared to ground grain due to reduction of degradability in the rumen by 8-11%. Extruded field pea grain instead of ground one in diets for young cattle at the age of 6-9 months helps to increase efficiency of feed. The average daily weight gain is increased by 4.1-5.6% compared with coevals fed with ground grain. As a result, the feed cost for obtaining weight gain is reduced by 2.8-4.7%, protein - by 2.6-4.3%.
13-21 96
The data on studying the effect of pig performance indicators, feed conversion, blood biochemical parameters, meat quality and economic feasibility are presented. It has been determined that performance of animals treated with this preparation was 49.3 g higher, and feed cost per unit of weight gain was 12.6% lower. So, the net profit in experimental group per animal was 16.9% higher and profitability level was 4.3% higher compared to the control.
21-29 133
The aim of this research is to improve the assessment of corn silage, considering content of neutral and acid-detergent fiber. The studies helped to determine that for the highest class of corn silage quality, the average content of neutral detergent fiber should be considered equal to 43.88% ±0.7, acid-detergent fiber - 23.46 ±0.37, for the first, second and third quality classes - 45.75 % ±0.37 and 24.11 ±0.21, 49.62 % ±0.98 and 26.96±0.46, 50.15 % ±1.17 and 27.08±0.91, respectively.
30-38 75
The paper presents the results of efficiency of compound feeds with high protein content for young cattle feeding. The aim of research was to evaluate the effect of protein compound feeds with chemical treatment on performance of young cattle and determine economic efficiency of growing. It has been determined that introduction of high protein feed treated with organic acids into compound feed for calves of 3-6 months of age helped to increase their performance over the entire growing period.
38-47 87
The paper dwells on topic of improving feeding of young cattle with minimum cost of feed and increase of its nutritional value. It has been experimentally proved that introduction of brewers malt in the amount of 10% contributes to higher consumption of nutrients, increase of digestibility, which has favorable effect on metabolism and performance traits of steers. Concentration of hemoglobin giving idea of health state and metabolic processes in body, in II group compared with the control one it increased by 2.9%, in III and IV - by 14.5%. Red blood cells count in blood of animals in groups III and IV increased by 9%, which indicates normal redox processes. Total protein level characterizing the state and level of metabolism in body of animals in all groups was within the physiological standard range.
47-53 83
The paper presents materials on study of effect of natural minerals, in particular, tripoli from different deposits, on the ruminant activity of dairy cows. In vitro researches have shown that part of tripoli (up to 25% of the initial mass) is dissolved in rumen fluid and is involved in activation of rumen activity of cow. At the same time, tripoli sorbs substances containing nitrogen, including mycotoxins (fumonisins and ochratoxin). As a result, 1.11 to 1.59% of crude protein appears in it after extracting residues from the rumen. It has been determined that animals were able to consume from 105 to 167 g of tripoli per day with free access to it. Consumption of tripoli leads to reliable increase in frequency of ruminant contractions and accelerate evacuation of ruminal chyme. Feeding animals with tripoli ensures normalization of biochemical composition of blood. In particular, the level of reserve alkalinity in serum reliably increases against the background of experimental feeding. Study of dynamics of dairy performance showed its gradual increase by 2.3-7.1% at constant consumption of tripoli compared with control cows while maintaining fat and milk yield values at the same level.
54-60 108
The paper substantiates necessity of introducing protein and starch into diet for dairy cows, which can pass through the pancreas with no fermentation (bypass products). This allows to significantly improve the energy balance in cows’ body and increase dairy performance by 12.3%. Moreover, protected protein and starch additives provide a extension of maximum performance plateau within 25% during lactation, reduce cow weight loss at the beginning of lactation period and help to improve rumen digestion.
61-68 92
Granulated lupine in compound feed had a positive effect on physiological state and performance of animals. Consumption of dry matter by experimental animals from experimental group with granular lupine added to diet turned to be 1.4 % higher due to the higher feed intake. When studying rumen digestion, it should be noted that level of total nitrogen in rumen fluid of experimental group consuming of granulated lupine was 15.3 % higher than that of the control group. The studies helped to determine 18.1 % decrease in ammonia level in rumen fluid in animals of experimental group consuming compound feed with 10 % of granulated lupine. Granulation of protein feed allowed to reduce degradability of the used feed in rumen of experimental animals by 10.6 percentage points.
V. F. Radchikov,
M. M. Broshkov,
А. V. Danchuk,
V. G. Stoyanovskiy,
L. М. Darmagray,
S. G. Zinovyev,
А. N. Kot,
I. V. Suchkova,
V. N. Karabanova,
O. F. Ganuschenko
68-78 66
The paper presents the results of studies on determining correlation of protein use and performance of young cattle with methods of mechanical processing of high protein concentrates. It has been determined that crushing of field pea and vetch grain contributes to 42 and 35 p.p. reduction of protein degradability in rumen. Use of crushed field pea and vetch grain for feeding young cattle contributes to improvement in physiological state of animals, as indicated by increase of red blood cells count, hemoglobin, total protein and phosphorus in blood of experimental animals. Feeding animals with crushed grain ensures increase in average daily weight gain by 4.6-5.4% while reducing the feed cost for obtaining the gain by 2.0-3.3% and increasing the efficiency of dietary protein utilization by 2.2-2.4%.
V. F. Radchikov,
I. F. Gorlov,
М. I. Slozhenkina,
А. A. Mosolov,
А. N. Kot,
T. L. Sapsaleva,
G. V. Besarab,
I. S. Seryakov,
А. Y. Raykhman,
V. A. Golubitskiy
79-87 113
The results of research are presented with purpose to study the efficiency of KR-2 compound feed with the inclusion of skimmed milk replacers. It has been determined that feeding calves with skimmed milk replacers containing 22 and 20% of protein had a positive effect on feed intake, enhances redox processes (red blood cells count in blood increases by 3.2-4.0%, glucose - by 2.1-4.6%, total protein - by 3.1-3.3% with decrease in urea by 3.9-5.2%) and provides increase in average daily weight gain by 3.1% while reducing feed costs by up to 1.5%
G. N. Radchikova,
V. A. Medvedskiy,
V. A. Tomchuk,
V. I. Karpovskiy,
V. A. Trokoz,
V. A. Ushkalov,
V. V. Danchuk,
L. V. Kladnitskaya,
А. G. Paschenko
87-96 75
The paper presents the results of studies aimed at determining standards for milk sugar doses in whole milk replacers for calves aged 30-65 days and their effect on changes in dynamics of animals growth and development. It was determined that feeding steers with whole milk replacers with 35 and 40 % of milk sugar allows to increase the average daily weight gain by 3.5 and 8.6 % while reducing the feed cost by 3.0 and 8.0 %, and price cost of weight gain by 28 and 21.3 %.
G. N. Radchikova,
T. L. Sapsaleva,
V. A. Lyundishev,
N. А. Shareyko,
L. А. Vozmitel,
V. V. Karelin,
V. V. Bukas,
E. M. Rad’Ko,
V. O. Lemeshevskiy,
I. V. Yanochkin
96-105 99
The paper presents the results of studies to determine the effect of experimental whole milk replacer (WMR) and the developed scheme of milking on performance and physiological state of experimental calves of milk period, determining zootechnical and economic efficiency of rearing 10-65 days aged animals. It has been determined that growing young cattle in the post-weaning period using whole milk replacer promotes for strengthening of metabolic processes in body having effect on increasing calves’ performance while reducing feed cost and weight gain price cost.
106-117 122
The paper dwells on determining the optimal standards for introducing malt sprouts into compound feeds for calves aged 10-75 days and their efficiency in feeding young cattle. It has been determined malt sprouts used in compound feed contributed to increase in protein concentration by 9.7%, energy and protein ratio from 0.35 to 0.39, and increase in nitrogen balance in rumen by 2.7 g. Use of malt sprouts in KR-1 compound feed for calves in amount of 5% wt instead of grain components allowed to obtain 806 g of body weight gain over the experimental period, while reducing the feed cost for weight gain by 7.3%. Feeding animals with the developed compound feed with 5% of malt sprouts helped to reduce the cost of calves body weight gain by 10 percent.
I. I. Rudakovskaya,
D. N. Khodosovskiy,
V. А. Bezmen,
A. S. Petrushko,
А. А. Khochenkov,
А. N. Solyanik
118-125 65
The paper presents the results of study of physiologically adapted method of feeding of meat type replacement pigs, consisting in phased introduction of a new brand of compound feed into diet. It has been determined that this method helped to reduce the negative effects of feed stress during young stock growing. Thus, adapted feeding contributed to strengthening of protein metabolism and body defenses of replacement pigs, as well as 4.1 kg increase in their body weight by 7 months of age, and average daily weight gain - by 30 g.
126-133 120
The paper presents data on development of standard diets with minimal level of concentrated feed for highly productive cows during new pregnancy period at summer-pasture management. It is expressed in better feed digestibility and higher content of bacteria and fungi in rumen, which affects digestibility of nutrients, morpho-biochemical blood composition, increase in dairy performance and milk quality, economic efficiency in research and economic and physiological in vivo experiments.
133-139 62
Holstein cows show the highest genetic potential for dairy performance and a set of traits for better adaptability to industrial technology. However, feeding and management of Holsteinized animals at intensive use should be given more attention than black-and-white animals adapted to the climatic conditions of the republic. The research subject were cows of Holstein dairy cattle population of domestic selection according to black-and-white breed aged 2-6 years, taking into account milk yield as per lactation of over 8 thousand kg of milk, selected according to the principle of pair-analogues in 3 groups of 7 animals each. The experiment was carried out in conditions of SE ZhodinoAgroPlemElita in Smolevichi district of Minsk region during spring-summer period of 2019. The paper presents the results of studying the efficiency of impact of various norms of requirements for metabolic energy and raw protein (100, 110 and 115 %) in the diets for highly productive Holstein cows of domestic selection according to dairy black-and-white breed during the 1st third of lactation on performance and quality of milk, as well as homeostasis, digestibility of organic matter and use of nitrogen in animals’ body. The positive effect of moderately elevated requirements for metabolic energy and crude protein (by 10 %) in diets with a predominance of bulky feed in relation to concentrates (43.5:56.5) compared with that in the control (39.1:60.9) on the above studied indicators.
139-146 71
The paper presents data of experimental studies on development of diets structure with a ratio of concentrates, corn silage and perennial grass haylage of 1.5:1 and rough feed, carried out with highly productive cows during the main lactation cycle in the summer-pasture period. Their effect on dairy performance, fat, protein and lactose level in milk, morphological and biochemical parameters of blood, qualitative and quantitative composition of rumen microflora, processes of rumen digestion of animals and economic indicators has been determined.
146-155 57
The paper dwells on optimization of replacement heifers feeding. It was established that use of developed compound feeds with domestic probiotics, as well as skimmed milk replacer using highly nutritious BVMA in the feeding system for replacement heifers, made it possible to obtain body weight gain of 787-797 grams per day within 1-3 months from young animals at feed cost of 3.65-3.78 feed units per 1 kg of weight gain, to increase energy in weight gain by 7.2-8.7%, reduce product price cost by 5.8%.
155-164 94
Use of KR-2 compound feed with probiotics and prebiotics in diets for 4-6-month of age repair heifers contributed to obtaining 856-874 g of the average daily weight gain while reducing feed costs by 5.7-9.2% and product price cost by 4.4-16.9%. Morphological and biochemical parameters of blood of young animals at rearing confirm their correlation with the level of energy, protein and mineral nutrition, ensuring conditions for its growth and development in accordance with the planned performance.
164-173 67
The paper presents a comparative analysis of amino acid content in flax cake and sunflower meal, as well as data on their effect in compound feeds on rumen digestion in young cattle. This effect has been determined to be positive. Thus, oil flax cake in KR-2 compound feed in the amount of 20% wt contributed to decrease in total nitrogen by 2.6%, increase in the number of ciliates by 5.9%, and decrease in ammonia level by 0.7%, which indicates improvement of microbial synthesis in animals.
174-182 130
Plant essential oils extracted from natural plants have a wide range of biological activities, such as promoting animal growth, improving body immunity, antioxidant capacity, improving intestinal flora, etc., and can be used as good feed additives. The role has aroused people's attention. This paper introduces the concept, function and mechanism of plant essential oils, and reviews the application of plant essential oils in chicken production.
182-187 111
The paper dwells on rationing grazing terms depending on137Сs levels in the pasture grass stand of perennial natural and cultural pastures. It has been determined that pen method of horses grazing on a cultural pasture with density of radioactive contamination of soil with cesium 20-30 Ci/km2 with a specific activity of137Cs in grass stand of 200 Bq/kg ensures the 318 Bq/kg content level of this element in the muscle tissue of animals older than 3 years for three months, young animals at the age of 12 months - 165 Bq/kg. It makes possible to obtain horse meat corresponding to RDU-99 standard.
ISSN 0134-9732 (Print)