Vol 52, No 2 (2017)
3-7 82
Universal and special silage hybrids of corn meet the requirements of normal physiology of milk cows’ digestion in relation to composition of crude protein, content of NDF and lignin. The increased level of crude protein degradability with sufficient content of easily reduced carbohydrates ensures intensive growth of rumen microflora to formation of additional amount of microbial protein. The low content of stable starch in silage prepared of special corn hybrids prevents spontaneous formation of gases and rumen swelling.
Fertilizer effects on hay yields and137Сs and90Sr removal by grass-leguminous mixtures on peat soils
7-15 92
The article examines the effects of mineral fertilizers on productivity of grass-leguminous stands on peat soils and removal of radionuclides through hay yields in the area of radioactive contamination in Belarus. It was determined that application of mineral fertilizers contributes to increased yields of grass mixtures and intensive removal of90Sr, whereas137Cs removal decreases.
V. F. Radchikov,
V. P. Tsai,
А. N. Kot,
А. N. Shevtsov,
V. А. Trokoz,
V. I. Karpovskiy,
S. I. Pentilyuk,
V. G. Stoyanovskiy,
М. М. Broshkov,
S. G. Zinovyev
15-25 71
It was determined that use of brewers barley malt of class 2 in KR-2 compound feed for calves in the II growing phase had a positive effect on the interior parameters of calves - the morphological and biochemical composition of blood improved. Use of compound feed with 10 % of brewers malt in feed mixture for 76-115 days aged calves allowed to increase the level of red blood cells by 9 %, total protein in blood serum - by 2.1 %, hemoglobin - by 5.5 % and to decrease white blood cell count by 8.1 %. As a result, performance of calves increased by 6.4 % and the feed costs for weight gain decreased by 7.3 %.
G. N. Radchikova,
L. А. Vozmitel,
I. V. Suchkova,
V. G. Stoyanovskiy,
Y. I. Pivtorak,
М. М. Broshkov,
S. G. Zinovyev,
V. А. Trokoz,
V. I. Karpovskiy,
S. I. Pentilyuk
26-34 81
Whole milk replacers have been developed which with the ratio of milk and vegetable protein of 54 and 46% in 1 kg contains: 530 g of dry dairy whey, 160 g of vegetable fat, 300 g of vegetable proteins and 10 g of vitamin-mineral complex; at ratio of 63 and 37% - 150 g of skimmed milk powder, 470 g of dry milk whey, 160 g of vegetable fat, 210 g of vegetable proteins, 10 g of vitamin-mineral complex; at ratio of 72.5 and 27.5% - 300 g of skimmed milk powder, 415 g of dry whey, 160 g of vegetable fat, 115 g of vegetable protein, 10 g of vitamin-mineral complex.
34-40 114
The influence of feed additives based on dead bees on the quality of chest muscles was studied. Research was conducted on young quail of Pharaoh breed. The duration of the experiment was 56 days. Feed additive Apivit was administered in the diet for birds of the experimental group with water, considering a daily water consumption of quail, at the rate of 200 ml per 1 kg of feed. The quality of meat of quails in experimental groups was consistent with the high quality meat. It is determined that the use of biologically active additives based on dead bees Apivit for feeding young quail of Pharaoh breed helped to improve the biological value of muscles. In chest muscle of quails when using Apivit the dry matter content increased by 1.09 %, protein - by 0.57 %, and a slight increase in the meat ash content level was determined. In the studied muscles of young quails with the additives administered in the diet, the nature of fat deposition was changed, the fat content in chest muscles decreased by 0.41%. According to results of physical and chemical analysis of meat, an increase in protein content by 0.33 % and bound moisture by 0.1 % was determined. Аpivit contributed to decrease in tenderness of meat by 7.7 %. Significant differences on indicators of tenderness, color intensity and caloric values not determined. Apivit lead to changes in the chest muscle in mineral composition: calcium content increased by 40.5 %, phosphorus - by 13.7 %, copper - by 22.7 %, zinc - by 23.3 %, iron - by 13.8 % and a non-significant decrease in the content of magnesium was determined. The value of protein in the chest muscles has improved with the influence of Apivit due to 38%increase of essential amino acids level.
40-48 78
Diets for lactating cows in winter stall period are deficient in protein. Expensive protein feeds - cake and meal - leads to rising of feeding cost and decreases economic efficiency of milk production. The article presents a comparative assessment of cereal and legumes preserved feeds use in diets for lactating cows instead of meal. It is determined that the use of diets based on legumes and cereal preserved feeds is much more efficient than inclusion of meal in a diet.
48-56 82
Efficiency of using bulk feeds in diets for lactating cows is calculated. It is determined that at low quality of feeds, their consumption decreases and there is a lack of metabolizable energy. Therefore, the net profit after milk sale is lost by 4.82 rubles, 8.11 and 11.62 rubles per 1 c of milk.
56-63 138
It has been determined that application of the developed optimal feed formulation with inclusion of 10% of brewers malt of class 2 for cows in dry period of the II phase at winter feeding with full-scale feed mixtures allows to increase the further average daily milk yield of 3.6%-fat milk by 8.9 %, the average daily weight gain of calves - by 5.8 %.
V. P. Tsai,
V. F. Radchikov,
А. N. Kot,
G. V. Bessarab,
I. F. Gorlov,
S. I. Kononenko,
V. V. Karelin,
V. A. Lyundiyshev
64-73 85
It has been determined that the developed compound feed concentrate KR-1 with the optimal dose of brewers malt of the 2nd class (10 %) allows to increase the calves' performance during the I phase of growing by 39 g of live weight gain per day or by 4.4 %, and decrease feed cost for weight gain by 5.3 %. Use of compound feed in diets for calves at the age of 10-75 days has a positive effect on the blood parameters: level of red blood cells increased by 26 %, protein - by 1.5 %, hemoglobin - by 14.7%. Feeding with such compound feed in diets for calves for the period of research in 66 days allowed to obtain 93.8 rubles of conditional profit for the experimental livestock of group II.
74-81 58
The results of assessment of labor standards and introduction of scientifically substantiated standards and effect of regulatory factors on labor productivity in livestock breeding are considered. Postoperative and enlarged standards of time and maintenance for all types of animals have been developed and a modern classification of all works has been created. An optimal system of economic relations adequate to a market economy has been created, as well as support that helped to improve its efficiency at the present stage and economic self-sufficiency in the future.
81-89 100
Studies were carried out and the most bacterized areas of milk pipeline of milking plant 2ADSN were determined, and sanitary and hygienic status of condition of surface in contact with milk during production was assessed.
89-99 72
We were the first in the practice of aquaculture who found that dorsal scutes of maturing sterlet had significant sex-dependent morphological differences. To assess the morphological structure of the dorsal scutes, it was proposed to define two groups of indicators characterizing the scutes shape, as well as the structure of the cusps of scutes. We found that dorsal scutes of males are more extended in width and have a flattened shape. Dorsal scutes of males have long and thin cusps of larger larger than that of females. For the first time it was found that the established dependence on the structure of dorsal scutes of sterlet is also saved in juveniles with an average length of 24.8 ± 1.5 cm and larvae with an average length of 70.3 ± 3.6 mm. Our results form a methodological basis for global aquaculture practice in effort to develop systems of early and very early sex identification of all Acipenseridae, including the one on the early stages of ontogeny.
99-105 105
Dependence of morphological composition of pig carcasses on the management technology has been determined. The weight of cooled carcass shows superiority of animals managed on deep bedding - by 0.5 %, by slaughter yield - by 1.6, by backfat thickness over 6-7th thoracic vertebra - by 6.2-7.3 %, 7cm below the sagittal line - by 5.7-6.9 %, respectively. Decrease in backfat thickness at point of 7 cm below the sagittal line compared with its thickness above the 6-7th thoracic vertebrae averaged 1.2-1.4 cm or 37.1-41.9 % in groups. The slaughter yield of animals managed on deep bedding is higher than of those managed on concrete floors by 1.6-1.9 %.
106-113 96
It was determined that the amount of Humilid ranged 14.0 to 20.0 mg/kg in composition of nutrient substrate increased the overall activity of hydrolytic enzymes of red California worm. In vermifarm conditions during applications of Humilid in amount of 15 mg/kg, proteolytic activity has increased by 34.6 % (p <0.01) by the end of the study, cellulolytic - by 50.0 % (p<0.01) compared to control. The amylolytic activity of worms biomass on the 135th day of the experiment has increased by 8.8 % (p <0.001) compared to the control, and has decreased by the end of the experiment.
113-119 75
The results of application of preparation «Membranostabil» developed by us and phospholipid-bilayer macrocapsules based on soy-bean lecithin with the aim of correction of indexes of immunoglobulin M content in blood of newborn calves during formation of colostral immunity are presented. The results have proved that the preparation «Membranostabil» and phospholipid-bilayer macrocapsules based on soy-bean lecithin activate transport of immunoglobulins in small intestine and promote veracious increasing of immunoglobulin M content compared to the control group. Increase of immunoglobulin M content in blood of newborn calves prevents development of digestive disorders in animals.
119-129 89
It has been determined that loose management of dairy cattle in conditions of complexes in Lugansk region has a positively effect on milk performance and physiological state of animals. Increase in performance occurs due to effect of a favorable microclimate, which is ensured due to engineering solutions at reconstruction of premises.
129-136 75
Time period of stay and frequency of milking of the newly calved cows in postcalving section at loose box management was studied. It was determined that perfect conditions for newly calved cows management is loose box management with three time milking at plant of Herringbone type and transfer of cows from calving section to the section of newly calved cows of the main herd in 5 days after calving. Efficiency of cows milking mode with the use of milking machine with an improved collector has been determined.
137-144 67
Various methods of lactating cows’ udder pre-milking treatment at milking plant of Herringbone type were studied. A perfect variant of operators work arrangement at milking plant of Herringbone type was developed, including pre-milking treatment of cows udder (pre-milking of the first portions of milk, nipples washing and wiping), characterized by the use of a «shuttle» method - the pre-milking of first portions, washing and wiping of udder of the first two cows, then the cluster is connected to the first, and after to the second cows. Advanced operators work arrangement allows to increase the gap between the beginning of pre-milking operations and putting cups on the udder, in comparison with the basic one, up to 38 seconds (2 times more), which promoted to increase of milk yield in the first minute of milking by 0.7 kg/min, reduction of milking time by 0.4 min, reduction of somatic cells count in milk by 65 thousand in 1 ml.
144-154 62
Variants of zootechnical and economic substantiation are offered, and design and engineering and spatial planning decisions of a pig farm are developed in two standard premises with an annual output of 6300 centners per year. In the author's design gross production per 1 m2 of production areas increased by 1.44 times with simultaneous decrease in engineering indicators of management. The total amount of investments in the author's design is 1.11 times less than in the basic one.
I. I. Rudakovskaya,
D. N. Khodosovskiy,
V. А. Bezmen,
А. N. Shatskaya,
А. А. Khochenkov,
А. S. Petrushko,
Т. А. Matyushonok,
R. V. Yakysheva
155-164 79
Materials on use of multi-phase feeding method for meat young pigs at fattening using an automated dry feeding system are presented. It was determined that the basic physiological parameters of young pigs at fattening with this feeding method were within the norm and made (on average): body temperature - 39.2 °C, respiration rate - 17.4 tpm, pulse rate - 64 bpm. The positive effect of multi-phase feeding on fattening traits of animals was noted: the average daily weight gain during the fattening period was higher by 25 g, or 4 %, and the feed costs were lower by 0.16 f.u., or by 3.8 % in comparison with the corresponding indicators of livestock receiving feeds by traditional technology.
165-172 71
It has been experimentally proved in the paper that pre-incubation treatment of eggs with a working solution of «artificial cuticle», which includes acetic acid and acid-soluble chitosan, stimulates the growth and development of embryos of Haysex white cross poultry. The live weight of embryos on the 17th day of incubation, the diameter of vascular field after 48 hours of incubation, the length of embryo, the number of pairs of somites and the number of embryos of the I category on the 19th day of incubation significantly exceed the corresponding parameters of the control group which was pre-incubated with formaldehyde steam.
172-184 84
The method and computer program for determining the volume and quality of manure drains was developed depending on the manure removal system used at pig breeding complex. Simulation of production situation of a pig complex operation with the capacity of 12 thousand tons of pork per year allowed to determine that the amount of manure drains that must be disposed of is 2-4 times higher than the amount that environmental experts calculate in projects for construction of pig complexes at present in the Republic of Belarus. The numerical value of organic fertilizers doses depending on their type is determined, as well as an additional volume of mineral fertilizers for balancing by nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium when cultivating a particular agricultural crop.
184-198 109
The method for calculating mortality level of animals at pig complexes was developed allowing to monitor statistical reports of operation. It is determined that the calculated mortality level at pig complexes of Belarus is 23-25 % on average, with fluctuations from zero to 50 % and more. A computer model is proposed for determining the live weight gain per average annual animal, depending on the average daily weight gain, mortality level and feed cost per unit of weight gain. In order to obtain the live weight gain of 160 kg per average annual animas (the level of pig complexes operation in Belarus), it is enough to have average daily weight gain of 410 g and 100 % survival rate, or average daily weight gain of 823 g and 60 % mortality level.
198-205 72
It was determined that from birth to the first insemination the cows of the Ukrainian black-motley dairy breed at farm had good indicators of live weight and reached the accepted standard of the breed or exceeded it. In different age periods the growth of animals of Ukrainian black-motley dairy breed varied with different intensity. The effect of bulls on the cows’ live weight increase during growing period was also established.
205-215 73
It has been determined that under conditions of industrial breeding, three breed hybrid gilts (LWxL)xD exceed the three breed animals (LWxL)xT on the average daily weight gain by 3.2 % (P <0.05), carcass slaughter yield - by 0.5 %, carcass length - by 2.5 % (P <0.01). However, they were inferior to the coevals by 4.9 % on hock weight and by 14.3 % on the loin area. There were no significant intergroup differences on protein content in the longest muscle of the back, and its content was higher than the standard index by 7.4-9.3 %. In contrast, the fat content in the longest muscle of the back in pigs of both genotypes was significantly below the standard: in gilts (LWxL)xD - by 51.2 %, (LWxL)xT - by 39.0 %.
V. N. Timoshenko,
А. А. Muzyka,
А. А. Moskalev,
S. А. Kirikovich,
N. N. Shmatko,
L. N. Sheygratsova,
М. P. Puchka,
М. V. Timoshenko
216-223 76
As a result of research it has been determined that improvement of spatial planning, structural and technological solutions of barns contributes to normalization of animals’ habitat. During winter, transitional and summer periods, study of the microclimate indicators for livestock buildings showed that in a building constructed of sandwich panels reinforced with concrete structures and in a building constructed of metal structures with heat-insulated roof, an optimal microclimate is created on temperature and humidity conditions and not only more comfortable conditions are provided for animals, but also perfect operating mode of technological equipment (manure removal and watering system) as compared to the surveyed livestock buildings constructed of precast semi-frame reinforced concrete structures and metal structures without roof heat insulation.
223-228 85
New temperature and humidity conditions were studied when growing replacement yong animals and management of sows of meat productivity. It has been determined that perfect temperature mode for meat productivity replacement young animals is 20-24 °C, which contributes to increase in the number of replacement gilts in estrus by 8 %, and their performance - by 3%. Sows of meat productivity are more comfortable at temperature of 17-23 °C: they showed better estrus by 4 % compared to animals managed at temperature of 13-19 °C.
229-234 95
Two temperature modes were compared for production of young pigs of meat productivity. The results of the researches showed that parameters of temperature mode for meat productivity piglets at growing and fattening are were follows: 35-40 days - 25-27 °C, 41-86 days - 21-24 °C, 86-140 days - 19-23 °С, over 140 days - 17-21 °С, while the average daily weight gain at growing increased by 3.8 %, at fattening - by 1.2 %.
А. N. Shatskaya,
D. N. Khodosovskiy,
А. А. Khochenkov,
I. I. Rudakovskaya,
V. А. Bezmen,
А. S. Petrushko,
Т. А. Matyushonok,
А. I. Shamonina
234-243 84
The effect of stress factors on organism of young pigs during suckling period has been studied and ways to reduce their complex impact on animals’ organism have been developed. The ways of reducing stress during suckling period are determined. It has been established that the use of litter elements for the sow’s nesting instinct before farrowing contributes to a comfortable state of sows, which is expressed in 8 % increase of the rest period.
243-251 111
The article contains historical examples of horse meat in menu of the Slavs. Relying on archaeological materials, and also taking into account the useful properties of horse meat, the authors showed prospects for development of productive direction of horse breeding in Belarus.
251-258 76
The paper considers the issue of establishing the most effective technological parameters of beef production based on different concentrations of137Cs radionuclide in animal feeds and the state of feeding resources in general. A set of measures has been developed to insure quality beef production in contaminated areas in full correspondence with the requirements of the CU technical regulations, according to which137Cs concentations in beef should not esceed 200 Bq/kg.
258-265 85
The data of the specific activity of137Cs in muscle tissue of specialized Charolais and Limousine meat breeds in conditions of agricultural organizations located in the territories of radioactive contamination with a density of 5-15 Ci/km2 (185- 555 kBq/m2)137Cs are given in the paper. Ethological features, the dynamics of live weight and average daily weight gain of steers are studied.
ISSN 0134-9732 (Print)