Vol 46, No 1 (2011)
3-7 58
The article raises important issues of further development of pig breeding in Belarus. Theways of improving the effectiveness of the organization of breeding and hybridization of pigs are demonstrated. The feasibility of importing meat genotypes of pigs to the republic is discussed.
D. M. Bogdanovic,
A. Budevich,
T. V. Zubova,
T. N. Brovko,
E. I. Sheyko,
T. G. Kizik,
M. P. Turko,
I. I. Budevich
8-16 74
The development of new biotechnological methods in reproduction of pigs has improved the quality of sperm producers and improved the fertility rate of sows that ensured increase of main reproductive performance of animals.
16-24 68
Experience in the development of world sheep breeding shows that the efficiency and competitiveness of the industry is due primarily to a more complete use of meat and milk production. Data from our studies as well confirm the combination of meat traits of improver breed with desirable traits (wool and reproductive traits) of the improved type with different cast-on rates of the various fractions of Texel breed.
25-32 95
The data on the origin of the Polesye horses is presented. A model standard of a typical Polesye horse is developed. Expidition of southern districts of Brest and Gomel regions is carried out in the singing of the Pripyat River. In 11 farms 10 stallions and 96 mares appropriate for complex traits on developed standardswere found: the average height of mares - 140,1 ± 0,27, oblique body length - 148,6 ± 0,28, chest girth - 166,1 ± 0,52, cannon bone girth17,95 ± 0,05. Data on the diversity of economic use of Polesye horses in modern conditions and the reproductive traits is presented. Basic husbandries are determined. The main provisions of the program for maintaining the population of Polesye horses in the Republic of Belarus are presented.
33-40 68
Using modern methods of population and marker-dependent genetics based on the principles of DNA technologies to create the Belarusian factory-type pig of Yorkshire breed allowed to ensure effect and a significant increase of reproduction and meat-fattening qualities of animals.
I. F. Gridushko,
N. V. Zhurina,
M. A. Kovalchuk,
E. S. Gridushko,
T. K. Kurban,
L. I. Karpenko,
A. N. Rusmanova
41-47 90
On the basis of the spent molecular-genetic testing on genes RYR 1, H-FABP and ESR and estimations of own efficiency of male pigs and the sows planted in КСПУП «SGC «Zare- che», the plan of selection of parental pairs for reception of the highly productive repair young growth is made, allowing effectively to improve families, using thus potential of male pigs.For self-repair the young growth received from parents of following genotypes is selected: NN on gene RYR 1, dd, Dd and HH on gene H-FABP, BB and AB on gene ESR.Regular carrying out of DNA-testing of parental forms allows to exclude undesirable genotypes and accelerates purposeful selection work with separate lines and families on perfec-tion of meat and reproductive signs of breed.
48-55 83
The optimum model of selection of cattle of the Belarus black-motley breed, providing the greatest genetic progress of population on a yield of milk (41,2 kg of milk) is developed. According to this model, in pedigree population it is necessary to use bulls of six lines (complexes), for check of a bull on posterity fertilize 265 cows and тёлок, sperm of checked bull 30 % of cows of an active part of population, bulls of new generation to receive from 6 best manufacturers, during check of a bull on posterity to prepare on 30 thousand doses of sperm.
56-62 98
The research proves that the embryo donor cows exposed to active forced exercise during the non-milking period demonstrate a 26.6% increase in transplant calves outcome.
62-69 62
During researches it was determined that the mink genotype affects their reproductive traits. Minks silvery-blue appeared less on 7,29 %, 73,42 and 6,95 %, than at animal genotypes “wild”, pastel and standard dark brown quantity of cover to males, shorter pregnancy period(on 0,8; 1,4 and 1,0 days) and higher (on 0,19, 0,39 and 0,2 animals) multiple pregnancy. Minks of coat color standard darkly brown were characterized by the greatest size of hide. On the average area of hide males surpassed age analogues of genotypes wild, pastel and silvery-blue on 0,2; 0,1 and 1,0 dm3, and female - on 0,4 and 0,8 dm3. The best profitability of manufacture of hide appeared with mink of color standard darkly brown and silvery-blue. It has made 43,89 and 40,33 % accordingly. It is offered to rear minks with coat of color standard darkly brown and silvery-blue coloring that allows to receive furs of high quality at higher profitability of its manufacture.
69-76 69
Genetic structure on PRKAG3 gene of different populations age and sex groups of Belaru- sian meat breed and Great white breed of pigs reared in Belarus was studied. PRKAG3Q allele associated with low meat quality was not identified. The PRKAG3I occurrence frequency in different groups of young animals at fattening did not differ considerably and made averagely 0,30.The tendency of PRKAG3I allele and PRKAG3II genotype positive effect on the following traits of meat and fattening young animals performance was determined: age of reaching 100kg of weight, forage spends per 1 kg of weight gain, average daily weight gain, carcass length,weight of rear third part of carcass and “loin” area as well as meat quality: pH level, meat juice loss at heating, moisture-retaining power, intramuscular fat and protein content.
77-83 62
The possibility of prevention of gynecologic disorders of cows through the use of high doses of vitamins А, D3, Е was studied. It was determined that use of the complex containing in 1 ml of vitamin A - 100 thousand ME, D3 - 50 thousand ME, E - 80 mg, allows us to reduce the number of arrests by 3%, the presence of post-partum - at 8 %, 10-13 % increase in the number of animals that came to hunt (90-93 % vs. 80-83 %) and 7-10 % increase of fertility (50-54 % versus 43-44 %).
83-89 92
The studies helped to establish levels of productivity and real signs of difference of reproductive traits in purebred breeding of Landrace breed sows of French selection, two lines of which were in experimental groups, and sows of Belarusian meat breed, which appeared as control group.It was determined that the purebred sows of FL breed on reproductive traits had a higher mean square deviation and variation coefficient than of purebred sows of the control group, indicating the presence of reserve to further increase of productivity.
90-97 113
A method for obtaining the early bovine embryo in vitro using a monolayer of the uterineendometrium was developed which allows to obtain 5,0-11,1 % of pre-implantant embryos at the level of fragmentation 33,9-63,2 %, depending on the method of obtaining somatic cells. Using a synthetic analogue of the prostaglandin F2a (estrofan), as well as the impact of laser light or polarized light in combination with a monolayer of the uterine endometrium to improvethe fertilization ability of sperm in vitro allowed to increase the cleavage level at 7,9-28, 0 0 % and the yield of morula-blastocyst at 5,7-10,0 %.
98-104 75
As a result of years of work the inbreed dairy type of cattle was obtained in the amount of 1000 cows with a yield of 9,097 kg of milk with 4,12 % of fat and 3,26 % of protein. Cows of inbreed type are characterized by high dailry productivity. The average milk yield of 526 cows of new type at RUAE “Plemzavod “Krasnaya zvezda” makes 9395 kg of milk with 4,18 % of fat and 3,20 % of protein, at GUSP “Plemzavod “Mukhavets” - 474 animals - 8766 kg - 4,01%3,33 %, respectively. Genealogical structure of the new type is composed of six genealogicalcomplexes: I - Aerostar-Costar Lee, II - Starbuk-Klyaytus, Lidman, III - Bella Mayak, Rocky, IV - Valerian-Blekstar; V - A. Roteyt-Ch. Mark; VI - P. Governer, San of Bova, Tony. In all the complexes there are the branches, each of which reveales the bulls-improvers.
105-112 65
As a result of researches with boars of Great white, Landrace breeds and synthetic cross alba and on ESR gene score a high frequency of heterozygote was determined in all the groups of animals tested. Estimation of genotype effect on sperm quality shows that B (D) allele of ESR gene gives preference of its carriers on sperm cells quantity in ejaculate.
113-121 84
Genetic structure of Belarusian black-motley breed of cattle on milk proteins genes loci was studied. Interrelation of allele variants with reproductive ability indices, sperm quality and relative pedigree value of bulls-producers was analyzed; as well as milk efficiency of pedigree cows, physical, chemical and technological milk values.
122-131 98
Frequency of BLAD mutation occurrence among pedigree animals of Belarusian black-motley breed of cattle was determined in the researches. Interrelation of BLAD-syndrome carriage with reproductive ability, sperm quality and relative pedigree value was analyzed; as wellas milk efficiency of pedigree cows and growth rates, development and natural resistance of replacement calves.
131-138 66
Safety of early bovine embryos obtained in vitro after direct emersion in liquid nitrogenwas studied. It is determined that blastocysts of cows have better cryoresistance compared to earlier embryos. Extra fast freezing and vitrification of later blastocysts allow to keep them safe after melting on the level of 15,4-16,7 %.
138-142 65
Feeding with diets developed on new standards of feeding had positive effect on quality of sperm product. So the volume of boars’ sperm of experimental group was increased at 9,5 %,sperm cells concentration - at 12,9 % and common number of active sperm cells - at 25,3 % compared to control group, fertilization rate of sows of experimental group was on the level of the control one, it means that decrease of number of active sperm cells in the amount of 2,5 mlrd did not have any effect on this value. Insemination of sows with decreased dose of active sperm cells didn’t have any effect on multiple pregnancy, litter weight at birth and piglet weight at birth. But milkiness in experimantal group was higher compared to the control one at 5,9 %.On the basis of the researches conducted a method of boars sperm dilution was developed allowing to decrease the number of active sperm cells in the amount of 2.5 mlrd.
143-152 70
Results of selection of Belarusian Large white breed for the period of 2007-1010 areanalyzed. Positive dynamics of pedigree animals development is determined, stable tendency of increase of reproductive, fattening and meat traits was determined. So multiple pregnancy for the period increased at 0,15 piglets (or 1,4 %), the average daily weight gain at fattening - at 26 g (or at 3,5 %), hock weight - at 0,3 kg (or 2,8 %). The total profit for the period made23.45 mlrd. rubles.
152-159 68
A method for comprehensive assessment of fattening and meat traits of pigs by testing animals on the index of meat and fattening qualities and the selection of sows and boars on the effect of compatibility (heterosis) was developed. This technique allows to increase efficiency of pork production at 3,5-5,0 %.
160-163 62
The results of studies on the characteristics of natural resistance of cows of different selection groups of Carpathian inbreed type of Ukrainian red-motley breed are presented in the article. It was determined that the estimated group of animals characterized by relatively high levels of protective functions and adapt to the modern technological environment, and also hadgood opportunities for further effective breeding. Positive correlation of indicators of natural resistance with a yield and fat content in milk was determined. In animals with inheritance of Holstein breed of 75-87,5 % natural resistance value was higher compared with the 1/2- and 5/8-blood. Also cows of Rigel and Kevelie lines had high values - 58 scores, and low line Astronaut - 53 scores.
N. V. Pristupa,
I. V. Anihovskaya,
N. M. Khramchenko,
A. P. Malchevskaya,
A. V. Malchevsky,
K. L. Medvedeva
164-170 93
As a result of researches a high level of fattening and meat performance of young animals of second generation of Landrace breed of Canadian selection was determined. The age of reaching live weight of 100 kg averagely on the breed made 155,0 days, the average daily weight gain - 641 g, backfat thickness - 9,4 mm, lean meat content - 60,2 %. Sows averagely on the herd on reproductive traits had high values: nultiple pregnancy - 11,5 animals, milkiness73.5 kg, litter weight at weaning in the age of 35 days - 123,6 kg.
171-177 114
It is determined that usage of hypodermic implants containing synthetic analogue of progesterone allows to induce extra number of cows in biotechnology of embryo production obtaining embryo material of high quality good for transplantation.
177-184 92
Combinative ability of different lines of Orlov trotting horses is studied. A conclusion about most successful combination of lines is done. A conclusion about efficiency of lines cross-breeding for the receipt of speed progeny getting as a result of analysis of intro lines selection and cross-breeding of lines is done. It is marked, that the half of the best Orlov trottinghorses (by speediness) have blood of thoroughbred riding horses in their genealogy.
184-191 71
As a result of researches new thoroughbred selection herds of pigs of breed Durok by number of 500 goals of sows and 100 goals of male pigs-manufacturers meeting the requirements of the target standard of breed and characterised by following indicators of efficiency aregenerated: multiple pregnancy - 9,0 goal., milkiness - 45,0 kg, quantity of pigs and weight of anest at wean - accordingly, 8,4 goal. and 76,8 kg.
L. A. Fedorenkova,
R. I. Sheiko,
V. N. Zayats,
N. M. Khramchenko,
E. A. Yanovich,
I. V. Anihovskaya,
N. V. Pristupa
192-199 66
The experiments helped to determine that the use of boars of meat type efficiency when crossed with sows of Large white and Belarusian meat breeds the heterosis effect of multiple pregnancy, compared with control groups amounted 5,2-8,0 %, the number of piglets, the litter weight to weaning increased by 2,0-4,4 %. The use for crossing of Duroc brred boars leads to a decrease in multiple pregnancy of sows of experimental groups at 0,95-1,35 animals.For fattening productivity two optimal variants of Belarusian meat breed sows crossingwith Duroc boars and Landrace boars were determined, providing high average daily weight gains (767-785 g) at a low feed cost (3,32-3,51 f.u.).Two-breed crosses of all experimental groups: LWxD, LWxL, BMxL, BMxD and LWxBM, characterized by high meatiness of carcasses (60,4-63,6 %), a large area of “muscular loin” (33,8-40,2 cm2), heavy ham (10,8-11,3 kg), which meets the requirements of present-day technology of pork production in industrial conditions.
N. M. Khramchenko,
R. I. Sheyko,
L. A. Fedorenkova,
V. N. Zayats,
E. A. Yanovich,
I. A. Erahovets,
I. V. Anihovskaya,
A. V. Romanenko
199-208 98
An automated system for managing the selection process at pedigree farms was developed, which allows to effectively manage the herd genetic progress, effectively cope with problems and negative trends at the expense of research-use modules for collecting and storing data,control input and standardization of signs of breeding values, the calculation of selection indices and breeding value of animals, the complex accounting documentation and analysis.Introduction of automated control systems in the process in full volume will increase the efficiency of production and economic activity of enterprise by providing the necessaryinformation support of pedigree service, will accelerate the processing of multiple informationand analysis, will give the possibility to automatically solve the genetic-to-breeding problem, and also serve as a basis for establishing a data bank of pedigree animals with subsequent transfer to an assessment by BLUP method.
I. P. Sheyko,
L. A. Fedorenkova,
R. I. Sheyko,
T. N. Timoshenko,
E. A. Janovich,
V. N. Zayats,
I. V. Anihovskaya,
N. V. Pristupa
208-214 65
As a result of researches it is established that sows of factory type differ high indicators of reproductive signs: multiple pregnancy on the average on three selection herds makes 11,1 pigs on опорос, milkiness - 55 kg, weight of a nest to wean at 35-day age - 87,2 kg. The superiority over predicted indicators makes 4,7-5,7 %.
I. P. Sheyko,
L. A. Fedorenkova,
E. A. Janovich,
I. S. Petrushko,
N. M. Khramchenko,
T. V. Batkovskaya
214-218 57
As a result of researches it is established that import boars the Canadian selection differ high level of indicators of an estimation on own efficiency, and also in reproductive qualities and surpass in all cases similar indicators of thoroughbred animals of Large White breed.
ISSN 0134-9732 (Print)