
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Physical Qualities and Chemical Composition of Meat and Fat of Pigs of Cross-Breed Sows of Different Growth Intensity


The experiment on physical qualities and chemical composition of meat and fat of tri-cross-breed hybrids depending on precocity of cross-breed sows was carried out. It was stated that precocity of sows of breed correlations BWxBBM and BWxL had no significant influence at chemical composition of their descendants’ meat and fat. The only thing is that a tendency to protein growth in the longest back muscle at 0,24% of descendants of BWxL, compared to their coevals of (BWxBBM)xE correlation breeds. On physical qualities the meat of tri-breed young pigs of (BWxBBM)xE and (BWxL)xE corresponds to technological norms. But the minimal losses of meat at heating were registered with pigs of precocious mothers of BWxL (35,5%). Not significant raise of meat juice losses were registered with tri-breed pigs of (BWxBBM)xE. The highest ones were registered with descendants of moderately growing mothers (36,8%), their meat had the lowest moisture-retaining power.

About the Author

I. I. Perashvili
RUE "Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Animal Husbandry"
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Perashvili I.I. Physical Qualities and Chemical Composition of Meat and Fat of Pigs of Cross-Breed Sows of Different Growth Intensity. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2008;43(1):217-224. (In Russ.)

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