Herbal ingredients contain proteins and dietary fibers, which have water-binding and retention capacities that increase the output of the goat cheese. The ingredients like these are topinambur fiber and flour from extruded chickpeas of new selective breeding enriched with bioavailable forms of selenium and iodine. The studies have been conducted in the Volga FederalScientific Research Institute of meat-and-milk manufacture and processing (Volgograd) and Volgograd State Technical University, the Department of Food Technology. It has been established that plant components provide a cheese product with nutty flavor, change the product color from white to cream. The combination of gram flour and topinambur in the amount of 5 and 1.5%, respectively, forms an optimal organoleptic characteristics of the new cheese product with the highest content of macro- and microelements. The new cheese product meets the daily requirement of selenium 22%, iodine - 38.7%, calcium - 16.2%, phosphorus - 7.5%. According to research results, the mass fraction of moisture in the cheese product is reduced when the amount of plant components increases. This can be explained that plant proteins and polysaccharides have hydrophilic properties and convert water in a bound state. When they swell, their mass and volume increase that enhances product yield by 7-8%. The experiment revealed the following relationship: the syneresis intensity is inversely proportional to the mass fraction of gram flour and topinambur fibers. New cheese product "BioKozochka" is a diet, allergy-free complete protein product, which combines functional properties of goat milk, proteins of chickpea of new selection, topinambur dietary fiber and probiotic microflora ferment.
About the Authors
I. F. Gorlov
Volga region Scientific Research Institute of Production and Processing Meat and Milk Products
Russian Federation
V. A. Garyanova
Volgograd State Technical University
Russian Federation
A. A. Korotkova
Volgograd State Technical University
Russian Federation
I. F. Khramova
Volgograd State Technical University
Russian Federation
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For citations:
Gorlov I.F.,
Garyanova V.A.,
Korotkova A.A.,
Khramova I.F.
. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2015;50(2):162-170.
(In Russ.)
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