
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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This article highlights the experimental research results of the comparative cytogenetic and biotechnological analysis of Ukrainian stud breeds stallions. At the raised level of the general chromosomal instability at stallions of the Ukrainian riding and thoroughbred breeds respectively 6,45 % and 6,08 % biotechnological suitability of their sperm made respectively 60,87 % and 67,86 %. At increase of admissible level of the general chromosomal instability of trakenen breed stallions for 0,91 % biotechnological suitability of their sperm made 72,73 % at deterioration of indicators of sperm after thawing. At the raised level of chromosomal instability of manufacturing stallions of factory breeds of Ukraine quantitative and quality indicators of sperm after a de-conservation worsen. It is offered to carry out a cytogenetic assessment of horses on structural abberations for increase of efficiency of their breeding use in Ukraine.

About the Authors

O. L. Tkachova
Institute of Animal NAAS of Ukraine
Russian Federation

L. T. Dobrodeeva
Institute of Animal NAAS of Ukraine
Russian Federation

L. V. Rossokha
Institute of Animal NAAS of Ukraine
Russian Federation

V. I. Rossokha
Institute of Animal NAAS of Ukraine
Russian Federation

А. V. Tkachov
Institute of Animal NAAS of Ukraine
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Tkachova O.L., Dobrodeeva L.T., Rossokha L.V., Rossokha V.I., Tkachov А.V. CYTOGENETIC AND BIOTECHNOLOGICAL ESTIMATES OF UKRAINIAN STUD BREEDS STALLIONS. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2014;49(1):167-171. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 0134-9732 (Print)