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Growth Hormone and Kappa-kasein Gene Polymorphism Study of the Charolais Cattle Breed


French and Ukrainian selection of Charolais breed cows DNA typing identified the high frequency of B allele (0.3373) and homozygous BB genotype (0.1446) of the kappa-casein gene. The growth hormone gene V-allele frequency of the Ukrainian selection cattle was up to 3 times higher than the French selection animals, and with high frequency in equal parts by 45% of French selection animals had LL and LV genotype, 10% - homozygous VV genotype; for the Ukrainian selection Charolais cows this marker was at about 49 %.

About the Authors

V. I. Rossoha
Institute of Animal NAAS of Ukraine
Russian Federation

N. N. Shkavro
Institute of Animal NAAS of Ukraine
Russian Federation

O. V. Drobyazko
Institute of Animal NAAS of Ukraine
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Rossoha V.I., Shkavro N.N., Drobyazko O.V. Growth Hormone and Kappa-kasein Gene Polymorphism Study of the Charolais Cattle Breed. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2014;49(1):146-153. (In Russ.)

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