Performance of breeding herds of Belarusian black-motley breed of pigs that were created at the basic pedigree enterprises
About the Authors
I. F. GridiushkoRussian Federation
E. S. Gridiushko
Russian Federation
1. Республиканская комплексная программа по племенному делу в животноводстве на 2005-2010 годы. - Минск, 2005. - 83 с.
2. Инструкция по бонитировке свиней. - М. : Колос, 1076. - 18 с.
3. Рокицкий, П. Ф. Биологическая статистика / П. Ф. Рокицкий. - Мн. : Выш. школа, 1973. - 320 с.
For citations:
Gridiushko I.F., Gridiushko E.S. Performance of breeding herds of Belarusian black-motley breed of pigs that were created at the basic pedigree enterprises. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2014;49(1):68-75. (In Russ.)