
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Irkutin feed preparation under intensity fattening of pigs


The article presents the results of studies on the effectiveness of the use of bio-stimulator irkutin in mixed feed for young pigs on fattening. The above scientific and economic experience has shown that the use of feed preparation irkutin at a dose of 0,006 % by weight increases the rate of growth of young pigs by 11,9 %, increases the metabolic and protective functions of the body, reduces the cost of feed per 1 kg of live weight gain by 10,7 % and only slightly (0,5 %) increases the profitability of pork production. With that there is no residual of irkutin preparation in meat of pigs.

About the Authors

V. N. Surmach
Grodno State Agrarian University
Russian Federation

V. F. Kovalevsky
Grodno State Agrarian University
Russian Federation

A. A. Sekhin
Grodno State Agrarian University
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Surmach V.N., Kovalevsky V.F., Sekhin A.A. Irkutin feed preparation under intensity fattening of pigs. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2012;47(2):280-288. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 0134-9732 (Print)