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Complex system for mycotoxin binding «Newtox» in compound feeds for piglets


Studies have shown that enrichment of animal feed for pigs at growing and fattening with a complex system «Newtox» to bind mycotoxins contributes to the average daily live weight gain increase of animals at the 9,2 %, decrease in feed cost per 1 kg of live weight gain - 8,4 % that made it possible to increase the profitability of pigs fattening by 4,9 %.

About the Authors

V. F. Kovalevsky
Grodno State Agrarian University
Russian Federation

V. N. Surmach
Grodno State Agrarian University
Russian Federation

A. A. Sehin
Grodno State Agrarian University
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Kovalevsky V.F., Surmach V.N., Sehin A.A. Complex system for mycotoxin binding «Newtox» in compound feeds for piglets. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2012;47(2):96-105. (In Russ.)

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