
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Using of amino acids and metabolizable energy of mixed feeds needed for the synthesis of muscle and fat tissue of young pigs of different genotypes


Researches helped to identify breed differences of certain food nutrients (including crude protein and essential amino acids) in the consumption and use effect on the growth. In the physiological experiment when balancing the diets with synthetic amino acids and the constant exchange of energy a significant increase of 6,5 % (P <0,05) of average daily deposits of protein was determined per unit of metabolic live weight of pigs. Amino acid composition of the most valuable parts of carcasses of different genotypes is relatively constant and can be used as a reference when developing a model of energy and amino acid supply for young pigs. Energy conversion rate of feed products from animals into meat and fat products of animals of large white breed was 0,719, while the Belarusian meat breed - 0,730. Thus, the higher the meatiness of animals the less metabolizable energy and amino acids are used by the body for the synthesis of muscle body weight.

About the Authors

V. M. Golushko
RUE "Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Animal Husbandry"
Russian Federation

V. A. Roshchin
RUE "Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Animal Husbandry"
Russian Federation

S. A. Linkevich
RUE "Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Animal Husbandry"
Russian Federation

A. V. Golushko
RUE "Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Animal Husbandry"
Russian Federation

M. A. Shatsky
RUE "Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Animal Husbandry"
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Golushko V.M., Roshchin V.A., Linkevich S.A., Golushko A.V., Shatsky M.A. Using of amino acids and metabolizable energy of mixed feeds needed for the synthesis of muscle and fat tissue of young pigs of different genotypes. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2012;47(2):40-47. (In Russ.)

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