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Microbiological agents in feeding young cattle


In experiments on calves at growing of 160-260-day-old a positive effect of microbial preparations of enzyme probiotic DBA «ProStor» and preparation I-Sak1026 on productivity of experimental animals was determined. Biochemical blood indices confirm the data of scientific and economic research. Use of microbiological agents in the diets of calves has also led to reduced forage spends for 1 kg of live weight gain which improves the efficiency of young cattle growing.

About the Authors

N. I. Anisova
The All-Russia Research Institute for Animal Husbandry
Russian Federation

R. V. Nekrasov
The All-Russia Research Institute for Animal Husbandry
Russian Federation

M. G. Chabaev
The All-Russia Research Institute for Animal Husbandry
Russian Federation

N. V. Sivkin
The All-Russia Research Institute for Animal Husbandry
Russian Federation

V. I. Chinarov
The All-Russia Research Institute for Animal Husbandry
Russian Federation

N. A. Ushakova
A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Anisova N.I., Nekrasov R.V., Chabaev M.G., Sivkin N.V., Chinarov V.I., Ushakova N.A. Microbiological agents in feeding young cattle. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2012;47(2):3-10. (In Russ.)

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