
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Fattening and meat traits of young pigs in using specialized meat breeds of boars


It was determined that young hybrid animals produced by crossing purebred sows of Great white breed with hybrid boars of BM × L and crossbred sows of GW × L with boars of Duroc and Landrace breeds is characterized by low (3,31-3,36 kg of forage units) feed costs compared with the best two-breed variants of GW × L and GW × BM and high-energy of growth during fattening. Tri-breed hybrids of all experimental groups were distinguished by high meatiness of carcasses (63,0-72,0 %), large loin area (36,5-59,0 sq. cm), heavy ham (11,1-12,3 kg) that meets the requirements of modern technology of pork production in an industrial environment. On the physical properties of the meat of young pigs of experimental and control groups they comply with the requirements of good quality, suitable for technological processing, but a combination of gilts of variants GW × (BM × L) and (GW × BM) × P revealed an increased loss of meat juice when heated.

For citations:

Sheyko R.I., Fedorenkova L.A., Zayats , Khramchenko N.M., Yanovich E.A., Pristupa N.V., Anihovskaya I.V. Fattening and meat traits of young pigs in using specialized meat breeds of boars. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2012;47(1):202-209. (In Russ.)

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