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Analysis of Nutrients Energy Usage of Different Concentrated Feeds by Organism of young Pigs


Results of researches of gas exchange, nutrients digestibility of feeds and energy balance of young pigs when feeding with different grain cereal feeds are presented in the article. It is determined that with little deviation in chemical composition of concentrated feeds they are used unevenly by organism of pigs. As a result of nutrients intake the energy stored in live weight gain was the gratest at the moment of feeding animals with granary and triticale - 7.1 MJ taking into account that wheat Vesta ensured 17.4% lower weight gain energy compared to Gallon kind, and barley Scarlet and Bodriy - at 16.5 and 26.6%, correspondingly, lower com- pared with Kind SN-28. Among the barley kinds the most efficient by intake was SN-28, in the second experiment the best one was triticale of Ukro kind, in the third one - granary of Ro- zovskaya 7 kind.

About the Authors

N. G. Povoznikov
Podolsky State Agricultural and Technical University
Russian Federation

V. E. Harkavliuk
Podolsky State Agricultural and Technical University
Russian Federation


1. Свеженцов, А. І. Нормована годівля свиней / А. І. Свеженцов, Р. Й. Кравців, Я. І. Півторак. - Львів, 2006. - 385 с.

2. Хазиахметов, Ф. С. Новое в кормлении свиней / Ф. С. Хазиахметов, Э. Д. Гайсин // Свиноферма. - 2006. - № 9. - С. 21-24.


For citations:

Povoznikov N.G., Harkavliuk V.E. Analysis of Nutrients Energy Usage of Different Concentrated Feeds by Organism of young Pigs. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2011;46(2):113-117. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 0134-9732 (Print)