
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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The Fish Industry Science of Belarus Celebrates Its 80th Anniversary. RUE “Institute of Fish Industry” is 50 Years Old


The article gives a brief history of fish industry science of Belarus for the period of the last 80 years of its existence and 50 years of existence of The Institute of Fish Industry. A great contribution of the institute and scientists in development of fish industry science is registered. Basic problems of effective production of market fish in modern conditions and the significant questions of scientific supply of Fish Branch of Belarus are considered. The work of the institute in the sphere of creation of new technological processes of fish growing and fish forages production are analyzed as well as environment quality, diseases prophylactics and new kinds of fishes acclimatization. The basic aims of fish industry and ways of reaching them are determined and stressed.

About the Author

M. M. Rad’Ko
RUE “Institute of fish husbandry”
Russian Federation


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3. Биологическая характеристика молоди европейского сома, полученной заводским способом в условиях прудовых хозяйств Республики Беларусь, и технологические элементы ее подращивания / С. И. Докучаева [и др.] // Вопросы рыбного хозяйства Беларуси : сб. науч. тр. - Мн., 2003. - Вып. 19.- С. 66-72.


For citations:

Rad’Ko M.M. The Fish Industry Science of Belarus Celebrates Its 80th Anniversary. RUE “Institute of Fish Industry” is 50 Years Old. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2008;43(1):267-273. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 0134-9732 (Print)