
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Usage of Selection Methods for Creation of Plant Kind of Pigs in Duroc Breed


As a result of complex usage of selection methods herds of new plant kind of pigs were created and tested. These herds are of high productive traits. Certificates of authorship and Russian Federation patents are received for Belarusian plant kind of pigs in specialized meat breed Duroc. These animals are reared in the four centers of Belarus. 157 boars of this kind are used in the republican program on crossing and hybridization.

About the Author

T. N. Timoshenko
RUE "Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Animal Husbandry"
Russian Federation


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3. Павлов, В. П. Влияние различных вариантов подбора на продуктивные качества потомства свиней : автореф. дисс. … канд. с.-х. наук / Павлов В.П. ; ВИЖ. - Дубровицы, 1997. - 23 с.

4. Тимошенко, Т. Н. Использование породы дюрок при скрещивании и гибридизации в Республике Беларусь / Т. Н. Тимошенко // Современные проблемы развития свиноводства : сб. науч. тр. Т. 19. - Жодино, 2000. - С. 34-35.


For citations:

Timoshenko T.N. Usage of Selection Methods for Creation of Plant Kind of Pigs in Duroc Breed. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2008;43(1):114-117. (In Russ.)

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