
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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It was established that reconstruction of buildings, modernization of technological equipment, economy of energy recourses, fattening of young cattle to 460-525 kg of live weight in high-leveled feeding and daily gains of 820-1013 g led to beef producing with profitability of 35.6-37,3%.

About the Authors

N. N. Shmatko
RUE «Institute of Animal Husbandry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus»
Russian Federation

N. V. Kozlov
RUE «Institute of Animal Husbandry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus»
Russian Federation

A. A. Skakun
RUE «Institute of Animal Husbandry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus»
Russian Federation

Z. M. Nagornaya
RUE «Institute of Animal Husbandry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus»
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Shmatko N.N., Kozlov N.V., Skakun A.A., Nagornaya Z.M. DECREASE OF EXPENDITURES IN BEEF PRODUCING. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2006;41:451-456. (In Russ.)

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