
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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The development of new domestic enzyme feed additives allows for the rotation of biologically active preparations in poultry feeding, and the study of their effectiveness allows to intensify work on import substitution and helps to reduce the cost of feeding the birds. The article contains materials of the comparative study of the effectiveness of using dry enzyme feed additives “Fekord-MP” (group 1), “Fekord-MP” (group 2) and “Fekord-MP-Sorb” in poultry diets, carried out at the premises of the Vitebsk State Academy for Veterinary Medicine. It was found that the dry enzyme feed additive “Fekord-MP” based on mannanase and pectinase, introduced into broilers’ diets by the method of multistage mixing at various concentrations and standards for introduction, contributed to an increase in the average live weight of broilers by 10.5-14.3% with a reduction in feed consumption per 1 kg of live weight gain by 3.4-3.9%.

About the Authors

E. A. Kapitonova
The Vitebsk State Academy for Veterinary Medicine

A. Y. Czervinski
The Vitebsk State Academy for Veterinary Medicine


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For citations:

Kapitonova E.A., Czervinski A.Y. THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE USE OF NEW ENZYME ADDITIVES IN POULTRY FARMING. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2022;57(1):199-204. (In Russ.)

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