
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Flow-workshop milk production technology is efficiently used at many livestock complexes of the country. It allows to create conditions for animals that largely meet their physiological needs. At the same time, one cannot ignore the fact that many transfers of cows from section to section, from one barn to another lead to animal discomfort, injury and, as a result, decrease in productive and reproductive abilities of cows. This paper presents the results of experimental researches with cows of 2nd lactation. As a result of transfer of animals from section to section, the adaptation time of animals took 4-5 days. Diary productivity decreased by 1.07-3.38 kg daily these days. The stress due to transfer of animals to the new section led to lack of milk and dairy products in the second lactation. Thus, milk yield for 305 days of lactation, the amount of milk fat and protein were lower in cows of the I control group by 177.27 kg, 6.15 kg and 6.17 kg, respectively, compared to the II experimental group. Diary productivity is closely related to the reproductive ability of animals. As a result of the experiment, it has been determined that the number of days of service period in animals of the I control group was higher compared to cows in the II experimental group by 14.10 days, and the inter-calving period was 15 days longer.

About the Author

А. I. Shamonina
Research and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Animal Breeding
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Shamonina А.I. IMPACT OF STRESS OF TRANSFERRING COWS ON THEIR PRODUCTIVE AND REPRODUCTIVE ABILITIES. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2021;56(2):268-275. (In Russ.)

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