
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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One of the reasons for dairy performance decline in heifers is the stress due to regrouping Creation of comfortable conditions for heifers by forming and keeping them in a separate section during lactation allows minimizing the impact of technological stresses, which helps to realize the genetic potential of animals more completely. In addition, the period of adaptation of animals to new housing conditions decreases, the number of injured animals decreases as a result of rank interactions in the group. The paper presents the results of experimental studies with heifers when keeping animals in a separate section during lactation. Based on the studies carried out, it has been determined that when heifers were kept in a separate section, their diary productivity was 0.23-5.05 kg higher. During the ten-day observation, the maximum decrease in milk yield in heifers of the I control group when transferred to new section reached 10.03% since the 21st day of lactation, 13.99% - since the 121st day and 25.87% - since the 201st day of lactation.

About the Author

А. I. Shamonina
Research and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Animal Breeding
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Shamonina А.I. IMPACT OF STRESS ON DAIRY PRODUCTIVITY OF HEIFERS. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2021;56(2):261-268. (In Russ.)

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