
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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The paper presents the results of studying the efficiency of granulated feed with and with no addition of Streptomyces levoris CNMN-Ac-01 biomass when feeding rabbits. For this purpose, two similar groups (experimental and control, 5 animals each) of rabbits of 60 days of age were formed. It has been determined that consumption of granulated feed by rabbits with addition of 0.1% biomass of S. levoris CNMN-Ac-01 promotes increase (in comparison with the control group) of body weight of animals by 6.16%; increase of meat ratio by 38.32%; reduction of granulated feed consumption for each kilogram of weight gain by 23.92%; obtaining additional gross profit of 1.24 $/animal or net profit of 0.72 $/animals.

About the Authors

M. A. Caraman
Scientific and Practical Institute of Biotechnologies in Zootechny and Veterinary Medicine
Russian Federation

R. S. Moscalic
Scientific and Practical Institute of Biotechnologies in Zootechny and Veterinary Medicine
Russian Federation

L. P. Cremeneac
Scientific and Practical Institute of Biotechnologies in Zootechny and Veterinary Medicine
Russian Federation

Y. А. Efteniuc
Scientific and Practical Institute of Biotechnologies in Zootechny and Veterinary Medicine
Russian Federation

S. А. Burtseva
Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Caraman M.A., Moscalic R.S., Cremeneac L.P., Efteniuc Y.А., Burtseva S.А. EFFICIENCY OF GRANULATED FEED CONTAINING Streptomyces levoris CNMN-Ac-01 WHEN REARING RABBITS. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2021;56(1):194-202. (In Russ.)

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