
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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The paper presents the results of studying the efficiency of including different doses of lactulose in diets for young cattle in composition of the starter compound feed KR-1. The research has been carried out at the State Enterprise “ZhodinoAgroPlemElita” of Smolevichi district, Minsk region. Inclusion in the diet of young cattle in compound feed KR-1 of lactulose in the amount of 0.8; 1.6 and 2.4% contributed to increase in the average daily weight gain by 6.0; 10.4 and 2.6%, increase in the amount of erythrocytes in blood by 6.2; 18.1; 15.6%, hemoglobin by 2.8; 3.6; 6.5%, hematocrit by 1.4; 13.7; 11.5% and a decrease in urea by 2.5; 5.1 and 7.6%, respectively, compared with the control group of animals.

About the Author

М. S. Grin
Research and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Animal Breeding
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Grin М.S. USE OF LACTULOSE IN COMPOUND FEED KR-1. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2021;56(1):165-172. (In Russ.)

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