
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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In solving international and national agricultural programs, the priority is to preserve the genetic resources of livestock and develop ways to use them effectively, because in the world there is a clear tendency to reduce the breed composition of domesticated species of animals. Therefore, the purpose of our research was to analyze and highlight the current state of pedigree beef cattle breeding in Ukraine, as well as parameters of domestic breeds, which are the basis for breeding work and predicting their importance in breeding process. The State register of subjects of breeding business in animal husbandry for 2015 - 2019 was used for analysis. Methods of system generalization, graphic, analytical and comparative-statistical are used in research. Analysis of the state of development of beef cattle breeding in Ukraine was carried out. It has been determined that the largest amount of beef breeds cattle is concentrated in the north and west of the country, where natural and climatic conditions are favorable for creation of a developed field of beef cattle breeding. It has been established that the leaders in terms of number are Volyn and Chernihiv regions, and currently 52 breeding farms are registered in Ukraine, where 11 breeds of beef cattle are bred. The most numerous among the imported breeds is the Aberdeen-Angus breed. Among domestic breeds - Volynska and Polisska specialized beef breeds. It has been determined that in conditions of prolonged crisis in recent years pedigree beef cattle breeding in Ukraine has suffered a significant reduction in the amount, narrowing of the breed structure and changes in the form of ownership. In particular, in the period from 2019 to 2020, the sector of beef cattle in Ukraine suffered losses - the number of breeding herds generally decreased by 7%. Some breeds as Simmental and Southern meat breed decreased by 32-60% in number.

About the Authors

I. A. Suprun
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Russian Federation

А. А. Dovga
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Suprun I.A., Dovga А.А. STATE AND PROSPECTS FOR PRESERVING OF GENETIC DIVERSITY IN BEEF CATTLE BREEDING IN UKRAINE. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2021;56(1):94-102. (In Russ.)

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