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The embryoproductivity of donors is of great importance in increasing efficiency of secondary reproductive technologies in vivo and in vitro . Optimizing use of donors can play an important role in raising its level. In the course of the research, the efficiency of donors used for obtaining embryos with in vivo and in vitro technologies has been studied. A total of 31 donors were used. There were 1031 aspirations (33.3 per donor) and 96 extractions (3.1 per donor). 803 in vitro embryos were obtained (27.8 per donor and 0.9 per aspiration) and 601 in vivo embryos (19.4 per donor and 6.2 per extraction). In the course of the research, individual differences in embryoproductivity of donors were noted. So, in 16.1% of animals (5 animals: 2 in vitro and 3 in vivo ) embryos were not obtained, in 22.6% (7 animals) equally high results were obtained both in vitro and in vivo : over 1 embryo per aspiration and over 5 embryos per extraction, 22.6% (7 animals) obtained higher results in vivo , and 22.6% (7 animals) in vitro . Five animals (16.1%) showed approximately the same results both in vivo and in vitro , with average values. It has been also determined that, in terms of monthly embryo productivity of in vitro technology, its efficiency exceeded the traditional technology of transplantation ( in vivo ) over three times - 7.0 embryos versus 2.2, although the yield of embryos per extraction was significantly higher compared to the yield of embryos per aspiration - 6.2 versus 0.9.

About the Author

L. V. Golubets
Grodno State Agrarian University
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Golubets L.V. COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF OBTAINING CATTLE EMBRYOS IN VIVO AND IN VITRO. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2021;56(1):43-50. (In Russ.)

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