
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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The paper presents the results of evaluating the shearing of unwashed wool, yield and shearing of washed wool, length and thickness of wool in different sections of runes, as well as value and direction of correlations between the main breeding traits. The studies were carried out with adult rams and young animals of 14 months of age of Prekos breed (Kharkov inbreed type - HVPTP), as well as crosses of Romanovskaya (Ro) and Merinolandscape (Ml) breed of sheep. It was determined that, according to shearing parameters of unwashed wool, sheep producing HVPTP at the level of tendency exceeded representatives of lines created by crossing with Po and Ml by 5.2 and 15.4%, respectively. Sheep of compared groups had rather long wool, which in the main topographic sections of the runes exceeded the requirements of class 1 of the existing procurement standard for uniform fine wool. Relative to wool uniformity in terms of length within the runes, no significant difference between the groups was determined. The gimmers belonging to the created Po line are characterized by average level of positive correlation between body weight and shearing of unwashed wool (+0.480 ÷ +0.664), while the offspring of Ml line show inverse correlation indicating increase in meat performance traits.

About the Authors

I. A. Pomitun
Institute for animal science of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Russian Federation

N. А. Kosova
Institute for animal science of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Russian Federation

I. V. Korh
Institute for animal science of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Russian Federation

L. P. Pankiv
Institute for animal science of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Russian Federation

N. V. Boyko
Institute for animal science of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Russian Federation

L. I. Pomitun
Institute for animal science of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Russian Federation

A. I. Chaly
Kharkov State Veterinary Academy of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Pomitun I.A., Kosova N.А., Korh I.V., Pankiv L.P., Boyko N.V., Pomitun L.I., Chaly A.I. QUALITY OF SHEEP WOOL OF PREKOS BREED AND CROSSES. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2020;55(2):262-274. (In Russ.)

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