
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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With the same level of feeding and housing of poultry, estimation of productivity of “Cobb-500” final hybrid cross obtained from eggs of different parent herds was carried out. It was determined that productivity of broilers of “Cobb-500” cross obtained from eggs of the German parent herd was the highest at the end of the growing period. Broilers obtained from eggs of the parent herd of Lipetsk region were characterized by the lowest body weight. Poultry obtained from eggs of Spanish parent herd occupied an intermediate position and had almost the same body weight at the end of rearing period, as well as German broilers.

About the Authors

V. A. Streltsov
Bryansk State Agrarian University
Russian Federation

E. A. Ryabicheva
Bryansk State Agrarian University
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Streltsov V.A., Ryabicheva E.A. QUALITY OF THE FINAL HYBRID OF BROILERS OF “COBB-500” CROSS. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2019;54(2):240-245. (In Russ.)

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