
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Under conditions of industrial management of the industry, man-caused pressure on the agro-ecosystem is increasing. Therefore, the resulting environmental damage should be considered as one of the factors reducing the production efficiency. The article analyzes the main factors of the negative impact on the environment and suggests the ways to reduce it. One of them is to use the best available technology. The efforts of scientists and practitioners should be directed at improving the system of manure storage and disposal, as well as at reducing energy costs through the use of renewable energy sources. The business considers environmentally oriented production as a sphere of prospective development that brings profit.

About the Author

V. I. Komlatsky
Kuban State Agrarian University
Russian Federation


1. Интенсивное разведение свиней : информационно-технический справочник по наилучшим доступным технологиям. - Москва : Бюро НДТ, 2017. - 307 с.

2. РД-АПК Методические рекомендации по технологическому проектированию свиноводчесих ферм и комплексов. - Москва, 2012. - 29 с.

3. Комлацкий, Г. В. Зелёные технологии как парадигма развития животноводства / Г. В. Комлацкий // «Зелёная экономика» в агропромышленном комплексе: вызовы и перспективы развития : материалы Всерос. науч. конф. - Краснодар, 2018. - С. 253-262.


For citations:

Komlatsky V.I. GREEN GROWNS" IN RUSSIAN PIG-BREEDING. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2019;54(2):181-187. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 0134-9732 (Print)