
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Reliable (P<0.01; 0.001) variations in physicochemical parameters of milk were determined between animals producing human lactoferrin and non-transgenic goats of the third and fourth year of lactation.

About the Authors

A. I. Budevich
Research and Production Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Livestock Breeding
Russian Federation

D. M. Bogdanovich
Research and Production Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Livestock Breeding
Russian Federation

E. V. Petrushko
Research and Production Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Livestock Breeding
Russian Federation

N. L. Zaremba
Research and Production Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Livestock Breeding
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Budevich A.I., Bogdanovich D.M., Petrushko E.V., Zaremba N.L. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PARAMETERS OF MILK OF GOATS PRODUCING RECOMBINANT LACTOFERRIN OF THE THIRD AND FOURTH YEAR OF LACTATION. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2019;54(2):141-147. (In Russ.)

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