
Zootechnical Science of Belarus

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Dairy performance of cows when fed with wet crushed sunflower grain in diet


It was determined that energy nutritional value of wet crushed sunflower grain made 11.51 MJ of metabolizable energy, which is 2.6 % higher than nutritional value of sunflower meal (11.22 MJ). Inclusion of wet crushed sunflower grain in diets for dairy cows allows to obtain dairy performance of cows at the level of 19.5 kg and to improve milk quality due to increased content of fat and protein.

About the Authors

A. L. Zinovenko
Research and Production Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Livestock Breeding
Russian Federation

E. P. Khodarenok
Research and Production Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Livestock Breeding
Russian Federation

A. S. Vansovich
Research and Production Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Livestock Breeding
Russian Federation

A. A. Kurepin
Research and Production Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Livestock Breeding
Russian Federation

S. N. Pilyuk
Research and Production Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Livestock Breeding
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Zinovenko A.L., Khodarenok E.P., Vansovich A.S., Kurepin A.A., Pilyuk S.N. Dairy performance of cows when fed with wet crushed sunflower grain in diet. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2019;54(1):241-247. (In Russ.)

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