About the Authors
N. M. KhramchenkoRussian Federation
A. V. Romanenko
Russian Federation
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8. Henderson, C. R. Estimation of genetic parameters / C. R. Henderson // Annals of Mathematical Statistic. - 1950. - Vol. 21. - P. 309-310.
9. Sorensen, D. A. The use of the relationship matrix to account for genetic drift variance in the analysis of genetic experiments / D. A. Sorensen, B. W. Kennedy // Theoretical and Applied Genetics. - 1983. - Vol. 66. - P. 217-220.
10. Kemp, R. A. The effects of positive assortative mating and preferential treatment of progeny on the estimation of breeding values : Unpublished PhD Thesis / R. A. Kemp //, University of Guelph. - Guelph (Canada), 1985.
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For citations:
Khramchenko N.M., Romanenko A.V. LINEAR SIMULATION OF BREEDING GENETIC VALUE OF ANIMALS. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2019;54(1):135-146. (In Russ.)