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Usage of Different Amounts of Rape Cake with Low Content of Antinutrient Substances in Mixed Feeds for Young Cattle


Rape cake containing 1,4-1,9 % of glycosinolates and 27-30 mmol per 1 kg of Dry Matterof erucic acid may be implemented in mixed feed KR-2 and KR-3 for calves in the amount of 15-20 % on weight. Feeding with KR-2 with rape cake allows to obtain average daily weight gains of calves on the level of 827-906 g at forage spends of 4,66-5,17 forage units per 1 kg of weight gain, mixed feed KR-3 - 840-855 g at forage spends of 6,9-7,1 forage units per 1 kg of weight gain. Usage of mixed feeds has no negative effect on slaughter values and meat quality of calves. Feeding with rape feeds in mixed feeds KR-2 and KR-3 allows not only to decrease the protein raw material import, but obtain an extra profit as well.

About the Author

T. L. Sapsaleva
RUE "Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Animal Husbandry"
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Sapsaleva T.L. Usage of Different Amounts of Rape Cake with Low Content of Antinutrient Substances in Mixed Feeds for Young Cattle. Zootechnical Science of Belarus. 2010;45(2):208-215. (In Russ.)

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